tml is monday. schooling once again. seriously, my timetable made me lose all the mood to study. but nvm lah. just like what master said, if i get used to it, everything will be fine eventually. lets hope what my master said is true, if not, i'm gonna do what i do best and that's slacking.
met up with ky and jm on friday to talk cock for awhile after sch. while waiting for ky, jm practice his skills on ape academy. not bad lah. improving fast. think he more pro than me liao. lol. met up with winnie, kelly and vanda to celebrate winnie's bday.
went pizza hut to celebrate. wah. damage done is damn big. i mean to me. $10 for one meal. normally i won't make a fuss about it, but don't forget, i'm super broke this month. lol. but nvm lah, celebrate ppl's birthday don't huan loh money.
heard from vanda that her class is playing bball that night. i thought that it would be a great chance for jm to pick up some knowledge and gain some experience against some strong players, so i asked to play with them.
went down and play 3 games. won 2 and lost 1. in the span of the 3 games, i got 6 blocks and 6 steals. not bad defensively. but i suck on offense that day. seriously can tell. passing wise, still on off.
won game 1 easily i think. as for game 2. its 3 on 4. jun ming, jerome and me vs 4 ppl. forgot who they are. was losing at first. 7-4. then finally got a grip of myself, told them to turn the table around together. walked up to jm and ask what the crap he was doing all along and reminded him to box out.
after that, everything changed, jm played like what i expected him to. he grabbed almost all the rebounds. as for me, i don't need to do much, jerome's a shooter, just need to attract some defense to give him some space to hit shots. so overall, i didn't score much but gave out quite alot of assists. anyway, won 11-10. last game, lost 8-11. lazy to talk on it lah. no mood.
ytd. went out with jm, ky and justin. they were planning to extend their passports for their diving trips but too bad, we were late. so went to the concourse to pay for their diving trips. i can't go. no money, even if i got, my mum expect me to use it to help finance the family, haix, burden of the eldest son. sometimes, i wish that i have an elder brother, so i can be relieved of all these burdens. i think that i'm not the right person for this job.
slacked somewhere in the concourse to play cheat. hahahahaha. now wherever we go, there will always be a deck of poker, 3 psp and a rubik cube. lol. that's what u call mobile entertainment. play 4 to 5 rounds and i was the cheat king of the day. clear 3 games first. lol.
since we were somewhere in between cityhall, lavender, dhoby ghaut and bugis, we decided to walk to dhoby ghaut to eat the parklane wanton mee. ended up walking for 1 plus hour before reaching our destination. we were walking in circles lor. lol. but it was fun though cause we were like talking alot of nonsense throughout.
ate wanton mee liao, went to search for one pub, if i'm not wrong, its called liquid gold. after that, zhao home. anyway, my cousin finally came back after 2 years overseas and he's a pilot now. nice!
enough of updates.
anyway, been feeling moody these few days. don't worry, its not sch matters, they seldom bother me since i'm an all star part time/full time slacker. i think its partially because of friday's bball games. was tired until today, so felt kind of moody.
confidence can't be gained when u just say it verbally. no matter how much praises u received, u will still feel inferior. get what i mean? there are many regrets in my life, one of the greatest regrets is stopping bball for close to 2 years. i'm playing with my past experiences now. stamina and physically, i've dropped alot. as for the skills, imagine how much i could have improve in the 2 years? 15 to 17 is the golden years to improve and i miss it out.
don't tell me that i'll make a good bf. cause to me, being a good bf need results to back it up. and until now, my results are all failure. don't tell me that i'm an understanding person, cause to me, being understanding is useless, ppl don't appreciate it. don't tell me that i'm a good person when deep down inside, i feel that i'm not the same old me anymore. if the change is a positive one, i'll be glad. but somehow, the change felt negative, something like losing myself. just what the fuck is happening?
don't ever prioritise someone who only makes u an option.
its a grave mistake.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
back to blog again. went jogging around my estate just now. jogged for about 5 to 6 km.not bad. its good.
i finally understand what optimus kwadon meant. jogging all by urself gives u a really great feeling. u feel peaceful deep down inside despite the scorching sun, perspiring body and palpitating heart. it really seems like u are in the world of ur own where everything had faded into oblivion and there is no worries, troubles, conflicts and so on. its just u, the jogging route and the music blasting in ur ears. u seems to enjoy every moment eventhough ur strength is leaking away every instances.
u may be wondering. what in the world happened to jeremy lim to make him go jogging? well, i wanna train up my stamina once again. i think my current stamina is around my sec 2 standard which i assume to be somewhere in between fast and slow. reason for training up my stamina? well, its not that i wanna be a commado. i don't think i will have as high a chance to get in as compared to the many dragonbaoters out there.
i train basically for the sake of bball. i've been thinking, how can i call myself a good player when i only last for just half of a match? be it the starting half or the later half. how can we call ourselves a good team when we are only productive for 10 minutes and after that, the chances of winning just get slimmer and slimmer as time passes by? seriously. think about it. what good can i do when i manage to help the team get a huge lead at the start but don't have the stamina to help protect the lead? what good can i do when i can only play to my full potential near the ending just to try and decide the game? wouldn't it be better if i can play my full potential throughout of the game so i don't need to bet the game at the end by trying to turn the game around?
usually for me, i'll try to turn the table around by focusing fully during the crucial timing and very often, the scores are damn close. sure, it certainly feels better to turn the table around and win. its thrilling too. but still, this can't be always be how we play games. if we have better stamina, then we can play to our fulllest potential right from the start, ain't that way better? i certainly think its so.
all of the above is just how i think. better stamina means a even better player, now just in terms of skills but in athleticism. now, let me introduce my 4 different styles of playing bball.
1st style. tired mode. as the name stated, i'm playing when i'm deprived of slp. in this mode, i don't drive, just shoot and pass. very little effort being put in on defence and rebounding. and amazingly, my shooting is exceptionally accurate in this mode.
2nd style. relaxed mode. just playing casually with no desire of winning. in this mode, i only use simple lay ups as my main offense and pass more than i attack as i think that i should let my teammates train up and gain experience. enough effort is put in on defense and i normally let my teammates do the rebounding. shooting accuracy is worse in this mode.
3rd style. normal mode. the most commonly used. in this mode, i'm very team oriented. the points scored and assists are around the same. whether i attack or pass depends on the situation. will always find the best solution to score and that is through the open man. if there's no open man, i will try to create the opportunity by attracting the defense. in my term, attracting the defense means attacking and making the opponents focus their defense on me. with this, i can create opportunities for my teammates to score. also, i will play effective defense and join in the rebounding job. shooting wise, its still weak.
4th and final style. the so called trance mode or seed break mode. in this mode, i attack the rim with all my fancy, high percentage lay ups and only pass when i am really at my wit's end. this mode is only activated when my team is losing by a large gap and the game is about to be decided. defensively wise, i'm capable of shutting opponents down and give out more blocks than usual. i will also try my best to get all the rebounds. shooting wise, its so so although there will be times where i will knock down several 3 points in a role. also, this mode depletes my stamina and energy very fast so this is y i only activate it when we are in crisis.
enough of jiao wei liao. lol. gonna slp now. still got sch tml. anyway, its good news that sir can do 9 chin ups liao. wondering if i'm still stuck at 13 to 14 only or have i improved?
i finally understand what optimus kwadon meant. jogging all by urself gives u a really great feeling. u feel peaceful deep down inside despite the scorching sun, perspiring body and palpitating heart. it really seems like u are in the world of ur own where everything had faded into oblivion and there is no worries, troubles, conflicts and so on. its just u, the jogging route and the music blasting in ur ears. u seems to enjoy every moment eventhough ur strength is leaking away every instances.
u may be wondering. what in the world happened to jeremy lim to make him go jogging? well, i wanna train up my stamina once again. i think my current stamina is around my sec 2 standard which i assume to be somewhere in between fast and slow. reason for training up my stamina? well, its not that i wanna be a commado. i don't think i will have as high a chance to get in as compared to the many dragonbaoters out there.
i train basically for the sake of bball. i've been thinking, how can i call myself a good player when i only last for just half of a match? be it the starting half or the later half. how can we call ourselves a good team when we are only productive for 10 minutes and after that, the chances of winning just get slimmer and slimmer as time passes by? seriously. think about it. what good can i do when i manage to help the team get a huge lead at the start but don't have the stamina to help protect the lead? what good can i do when i can only play to my full potential near the ending just to try and decide the game? wouldn't it be better if i can play my full potential throughout of the game so i don't need to bet the game at the end by trying to turn the game around?
usually for me, i'll try to turn the table around by focusing fully during the crucial timing and very often, the scores are damn close. sure, it certainly feels better to turn the table around and win. its thrilling too. but still, this can't be always be how we play games. if we have better stamina, then we can play to our fulllest potential right from the start, ain't that way better? i certainly think its so.
all of the above is just how i think. better stamina means a even better player, now just in terms of skills but in athleticism. now, let me introduce my 4 different styles of playing bball.
1st style. tired mode. as the name stated, i'm playing when i'm deprived of slp. in this mode, i don't drive, just shoot and pass. very little effort being put in on defence and rebounding. and amazingly, my shooting is exceptionally accurate in this mode.
2nd style. relaxed mode. just playing casually with no desire of winning. in this mode, i only use simple lay ups as my main offense and pass more than i attack as i think that i should let my teammates train up and gain experience. enough effort is put in on defense and i normally let my teammates do the rebounding. shooting accuracy is worse in this mode.
3rd style. normal mode. the most commonly used. in this mode, i'm very team oriented. the points scored and assists are around the same. whether i attack or pass depends on the situation. will always find the best solution to score and that is through the open man. if there's no open man, i will try to create the opportunity by attracting the defense. in my term, attracting the defense means attacking and making the opponents focus their defense on me. with this, i can create opportunities for my teammates to score. also, i will play effective defense and join in the rebounding job. shooting wise, its still weak.
4th and final style. the so called trance mode or seed break mode. in this mode, i attack the rim with all my fancy, high percentage lay ups and only pass when i am really at my wit's end. this mode is only activated when my team is losing by a large gap and the game is about to be decided. defensively wise, i'm capable of shutting opponents down and give out more blocks than usual. i will also try my best to get all the rebounds. shooting wise, its so so although there will be times where i will knock down several 3 points in a role. also, this mode depletes my stamina and energy very fast so this is y i only activate it when we are in crisis.
enough of jiao wei liao. lol. gonna slp now. still got sch tml. anyway, its good news that sir can do 9 chin ups liao. wondering if i'm still stuck at 13 to 14 only or have i improved?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
2 straight sucky days to kick of my new term. but thats alright, tml will be better, i hope. had problems with my cds on monday, sch ended at 3 and stayed back to huan loh until close to 6. in that 3 hours, all i did was to select one cds that will not clash with my timetable.
seriously, giving us a chance to choose cds is a total waste of time. cause all my 6 choice didn't came out. had to line up and find one. ended up taking psychology. and the whole class was split despite the fact that almost all of us are taking psychology this sem. see how sucky it was? anyway, bought the band concert tickets liao. so josh better don't tuar us. lol. but i still can't imagine myself sitting for 2 hours listening to band music. i'm a total noob in that aspect. but nvm, i'll try my very best to appreciate.
as for today? had a flu and had sch all the way from 9 to 7. its really a wonder that i can tahan the flu for so long, even until now. forgot how many packets of tissues i've used, think i should back up like one whole box of tissue in my bag in case i happen to have flu on tuesdays again.
end of updates and time for my own thoughts again. don't worry, i am not huan loh-ing about the ongoing blog war. i am totally sick and tired of it. if he had that sense of satisfaction in winning it, so be it. let him be. if he is so hell bent in shooting the crap out of us just to justify his thwarted ideologies, so be it. if he feels so high and mighty justifying his ideologies, so be it.
anyway, my thoughts here.
its ok if we fall down at times. all we have to do is to pick ourselves up and continue with it. nth in life is successful, failure is inevitable. to me, failing isn't failure, giving up is. don't think too much, everything is gonna be fine as long as ur brothers are around u. don't hesitate to call us when u need help, we'll be there although we are always late. this is what brothers do, we are not those kind of ppl that are with u just to enjoy life and have fun, we go through thick and thin together. others may not look up to us and dislike what we do, but thats ok, they don't know us anyway. blood may not always be thicker than water, we've seen it for ourselves. =)
as for love? well, i may feel helpless and empty inside at times. the magical feeling of being attached may be alluring. but that's ok with me. as i always think that i'm not in a position to do anything as i'm afraid i am not the guy i used to be.
good bye and so long.
2 straight sucky days to kick of my new term. but thats alright, tml will be better, i hope. had problems with my cds on monday, sch ended at 3 and stayed back to huan loh until close to 6. in that 3 hours, all i did was to select one cds that will not clash with my timetable.
seriously, giving us a chance to choose cds is a total waste of time. cause all my 6 choice didn't came out. had to line up and find one. ended up taking psychology. and the whole class was split despite the fact that almost all of us are taking psychology this sem. see how sucky it was? anyway, bought the band concert tickets liao. so josh better don't tuar us. lol. but i still can't imagine myself sitting for 2 hours listening to band music. i'm a total noob in that aspect. but nvm, i'll try my very best to appreciate.
as for today? had a flu and had sch all the way from 9 to 7. its really a wonder that i can tahan the flu for so long, even until now. forgot how many packets of tissues i've used, think i should back up like one whole box of tissue in my bag in case i happen to have flu on tuesdays again.
end of updates and time for my own thoughts again. don't worry, i am not huan loh-ing about the ongoing blog war. i am totally sick and tired of it. if he had that sense of satisfaction in winning it, so be it. let him be. if he is so hell bent in shooting the crap out of us just to justify his thwarted ideologies, so be it. if he feels so high and mighty justifying his ideologies, so be it.
anyway, my thoughts here.
its ok if we fall down at times. all we have to do is to pick ourselves up and continue with it. nth in life is successful, failure is inevitable. to me, failing isn't failure, giving up is. don't think too much, everything is gonna be fine as long as ur brothers are around u. don't hesitate to call us when u need help, we'll be there although we are always late. this is what brothers do, we are not those kind of ppl that are with u just to enjoy life and have fun, we go through thick and thin together. others may not look up to us and dislike what we do, but thats ok, they don't know us anyway. blood may not always be thicker than water, we've seen it for ourselves. =)
as for love? well, i may feel helpless and empty inside at times. the magical feeling of being attached may be alluring. but that's ok with me. as i always think that i'm not in a position to do anything as i'm afraid i am not the guy i used to be.
good bye and so long.
Monday, October 22, 2007
special request by my brother, lky. he type it and asked me to post it here. anyway, here we go.
wong xinyi,
i think you and i are really a great match. you possess the quality of a man (highly egoistic) while i possess the quality of a woman (bitchy). dun say that "i don't really care" when you are actually so bothered by what everyone is quarreling about now. cox i do really care about what everyone is quarreling about now.
get ur facts rite. jm and jem didn't really call you a bitch and say that you are hard to get. they are merely typing out what i told. ya, i admit i am wrong and very UN-gentlemanly to call you a bitch, but sadly, i am not going to apologise. you always say we are still harping over stuff that happen last year, may i ask, what stuff? wat thing about you is so worth talking about now even though it happened 1 year ago. is it the issue of rejection despite the money and effort spent? oh come on, if that is the case, 50bucks is just too little to worth the mention. i should have ask more.
jm is indeed in the WRONG to keep mentioning in his blog about this issue. he piss me off too. maybe somehow you have forgotten you are the cause of all these shit here, while your friend who didn't get his facts rite add oil to fire. you must be wondering now that i am bull-shitting, pushing all the blame to you and your friend, but no. i think both parties are in the wrong. but i am just like any other human beings, depsite being wrong too, i prefer to argue that the other party is more to blame. isn't that what everyone is doing? you people think we are petty guys. we organise bbq, if you dun come we will be angry.
but hey, get ur facts rite again, how did you reply? did you say hey i am not interested or i cannot make it or i dun wanna come? was an unfriendly reply. not once but twice. we organise a bbq few months back, jm sms you, you told us you cannot make it. we were fine. but if i am not wrong, you will come if one of us is to ask you again. because you actually can make it and you reply us cannot, and so if you are to tell us you can again, wong xinyi is so NO FACE. recent bbq, jw sent the "INVITATION" to you, you told her you will consider if ask personally, may i know, what VIP position do you hold? do we need to send out special bbq invitation to everyone we are asking to join us. is getting jw to ask so so so UNGLAM for you if you turn up. i mean we know you have plans with that gay and ur friends. but hey, we were polite and look forward to your group joining us for a bbq, that is not exactly the reply we want, no jiu no, dun say you will consider if only ask personally.
did i mislead any facts? if so do corret me. if you dun understand what i am talking about all along, in summary, you just need to know you are just too egoistic and "high-class". and anyone who has temper will feel fed up. jm sucks. jm blog it out. he is wrong. but is he entirely wrong if you has not given him the chance to blog about. jem is wrong. he blog what i told him. hard to get. they are both wrong, they blog what i told them. hard to get bitch. dun ever think about me apologising for those harsh and un-gentlemanly words. if somehow you forget how all these shit happen, i hope this will remind you. talking about what trying to maintain friendship last year, it takes 2 hands to clap. always waiting for things to happen will take us no where. totally bullshit and nonsense. again, i am not going to apologise for those empty promises. i am lucky we are not friends though. lastly, do give polite replies if we ask politely.
as for lianghao, if you think ur suanings are so capable, i look forward to more. keeping silence doesn't mean we dun care. your posts have been interesting. maybe you should really apologise to dk. he was being fair. you took that for granted. but if you dun wan to also nvm. up to you. but do get ur facts rite before you start blogging everything. ur friend, wong xinyi is to blame. well, that is what i think. i dun need others to think the same as me. liang hao, if you have the guts to blog, have the guts to look at us, dun be such a coward and avoid here and there. if you dun have the guts to look at us, think about how you blog so well, maybe you even dare to stare at us.
that's all, jeremy lim peace out.
wong xinyi,
i think you and i are really a great match. you possess the quality of a man (highly egoistic) while i possess the quality of a woman (bitchy). dun say that "i don't really care" when you are actually so bothered by what everyone is quarreling about now. cox i do really care about what everyone is quarreling about now.
get ur facts rite. jm and jem didn't really call you a bitch and say that you are hard to get. they are merely typing out what i told. ya, i admit i am wrong and very UN-gentlemanly to call you a bitch, but sadly, i am not going to apologise. you always say we are still harping over stuff that happen last year, may i ask, what stuff? wat thing about you is so worth talking about now even though it happened 1 year ago. is it the issue of rejection despite the money and effort spent? oh come on, if that is the case, 50bucks is just too little to worth the mention. i should have ask more.
jm is indeed in the WRONG to keep mentioning in his blog about this issue. he piss me off too. maybe somehow you have forgotten you are the cause of all these shit here, while your friend who didn't get his facts rite add oil to fire. you must be wondering now that i am bull-shitting, pushing all the blame to you and your friend, but no. i think both parties are in the wrong. but i am just like any other human beings, depsite being wrong too, i prefer to argue that the other party is more to blame. isn't that what everyone is doing? you people think we are petty guys. we organise bbq, if you dun come we will be angry.
but hey, get ur facts rite again, how did you reply? did you say hey i am not interested or i cannot make it or i dun wanna come? was an unfriendly reply. not once but twice. we organise a bbq few months back, jm sms you, you told us you cannot make it. we were fine. but if i am not wrong, you will come if one of us is to ask you again. because you actually can make it and you reply us cannot, and so if you are to tell us you can again, wong xinyi is so NO FACE. recent bbq, jw sent the "INVITATION" to you, you told her you will consider if ask personally, may i know, what VIP position do you hold? do we need to send out special bbq invitation to everyone we are asking to join us. is getting jw to ask so so so UNGLAM for you if you turn up. i mean we know you have plans with that gay and ur friends. but hey, we were polite and look forward to your group joining us for a bbq, that is not exactly the reply we want, no jiu no, dun say you will consider if only ask personally.
did i mislead any facts? if so do corret me. if you dun understand what i am talking about all along, in summary, you just need to know you are just too egoistic and "high-class". and anyone who has temper will feel fed up. jm sucks. jm blog it out. he is wrong. but is he entirely wrong if you has not given him the chance to blog about. jem is wrong. he blog what i told him. hard to get. they are both wrong, they blog what i told them. hard to get bitch. dun ever think about me apologising for those harsh and un-gentlemanly words. if somehow you forget how all these shit happen, i hope this will remind you. talking about what trying to maintain friendship last year, it takes 2 hands to clap. always waiting for things to happen will take us no where. totally bullshit and nonsense. again, i am not going to apologise for those empty promises. i am lucky we are not friends though. lastly, do give polite replies if we ask politely.
as for lianghao, if you think ur suanings are so capable, i look forward to more. keeping silence doesn't mean we dun care. your posts have been interesting. maybe you should really apologise to dk. he was being fair. you took that for granted. but if you dun wan to also nvm. up to you. but do get ur facts rite before you start blogging everything. ur friend, wong xinyi is to blame. well, that is what i think. i dun need others to think the same as me. liang hao, if you have the guts to blog, have the guts to look at us, dun be such a coward and avoid here and there. if you dun have the guts to look at us, think about how you blog so well, maybe you even dare to stare at us.
that's all, jeremy lim peace out.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
sch's starting tml. i'm like totally sianned just by the thought of it. its not that i don't like schooling, its just that, my brain is still telling me to have fun. thoughts of a typical slacker here.
anyway, dreadful thoughts of sch, dead rats and dustbins aside. went out with dk, jm, ky and justin to watch brothers. that movie is nice. hmmmmmm. thinking of how i gl justin since the formidable biochem weapon incident, well, sry arh master. was just playing.
how do i put it? hmmmmmm. its ok u abandoned the 3 of us during the war with the 2 lady terrors although we feel like skinning u alive in that instant. but, afterall, ur previous contributions cover up for this incident. things like helping me out for o's, bringing me back on track after i went bonkers for getting into nyjc and much more. i nv forget those help u provided me. i'm not those ungrateful kind of ppl. hope u don't take this kind of suanings and gl-ing to heart like some other ppl did.
back on track. dinner at the famous parklane wanton mee again. talked cock as usual. updated each other's life with dk. well, since dk's promos is over, i think we should hang out more often. i don't mind a trip to town just to meet up.
i have a prob here. i need to survive until 10th november 2007 with around $50 to $80. its a survival test for me since my dad refuses to replenish my already drained goldmine. but thats ok, i like challenges. survivial test jiu survival test, like i will die like that.
thats all for the updating part.
as for now, i'm seriously glad that there are ppl outside our group who thinks that we are not at fault. seriously ppl, thanks alot. it meant alot cause normally ppl will think that we are in the wrong eventhough they don't know the truth. for those who still thinks that we're bastards, its ok, ppl have their own point of view and i respect that.
anyway, to someone out there, insult me for all u want, i don't care much, but don't u ever insult our brotherhood again, its what we stand for. if u nv wanted to be in it, so be it, i don't mind and won't care. if ur "brother" isn't like us, its because not everyone is the same. i won't insult u and ur brother cause u felt the brotherhood with him, its good for u anyway. but, i don't see anything that we did that's tarnishing the name of brotherhood as we were there for one another throughout our time together and ppl even felt and envy our brotherhood.
ciao. got sch tml.
anyway, dreadful thoughts of sch, dead rats and dustbins aside. went out with dk, jm, ky and justin to watch brothers. that movie is nice. hmmmmmm. thinking of how i gl justin since the formidable biochem weapon incident, well, sry arh master. was just playing.
how do i put it? hmmmmmm. its ok u abandoned the 3 of us during the war with the 2 lady terrors although we feel like skinning u alive in that instant. but, afterall, ur previous contributions cover up for this incident. things like helping me out for o's, bringing me back on track after i went bonkers for getting into nyjc and much more. i nv forget those help u provided me. i'm not those ungrateful kind of ppl. hope u don't take this kind of suanings and gl-ing to heart like some other ppl did.
back on track. dinner at the famous parklane wanton mee again. talked cock as usual. updated each other's life with dk. well, since dk's promos is over, i think we should hang out more often. i don't mind a trip to town just to meet up.
i have a prob here. i need to survive until 10th november 2007 with around $50 to $80. its a survival test for me since my dad refuses to replenish my already drained goldmine. but thats ok, i like challenges. survivial test jiu survival test, like i will die like that.
thats all for the updating part.
as for now, i'm seriously glad that there are ppl outside our group who thinks that we are not at fault. seriously ppl, thanks alot. it meant alot cause normally ppl will think that we are in the wrong eventhough they don't know the truth. for those who still thinks that we're bastards, its ok, ppl have their own point of view and i respect that.
anyway, to someone out there, insult me for all u want, i don't care much, but don't u ever insult our brotherhood again, its what we stand for. if u nv wanted to be in it, so be it, i don't mind and won't care. if ur "brother" isn't like us, its because not everyone is the same. i won't insult u and ur brother cause u felt the brotherhood with him, its good for u anyway. but, i don't see anything that we did that's tarnishing the name of brotherhood as we were there for one another throughout our time together and ppl even felt and envy our brotherhood.
ciao. got sch tml.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
no! rats! no! dustbin! ah!!! rats and dustbins!?! what! dead rats and dustbins are running after me!
wondering what i'm talking about? u'll know it soon. dustbin and dead rat makes a formidable duo. a fine piece of biochem weapon is produced when u fuse them together.
as u all know, i had another bbq outing with my brothers and some close female friends. after so many bbq outings we had, i learnt the most from this one.
firstly, i understand the difference between brothers, close friends and bastard friends now. see. close friends are those that goes,"i hope they are ok" and worry for u when u are being attacked by a piece of formidable biochem weapon. brothers are those that are trapped in the toilet and screaming,"wtf! help! we're so gonna die" along with u when u are being attacked by a piece of formidable biochem weapon. bastard friends are those that simply walked past and smiled at u when u are being attacked by a piece of formidable biochem weapon and screaming your lungs out for help.
secondly. i learnt that a guy should never ever offend a girl. especially one who is a crazy, psychotic, sick in the mind, sadistic pervert. worst still, don't ever play with her when she has a backup who is as crazy, psychotic, sick in the mind and sadistic as her. the result? face the formidable biochem weapon.
lastly, cheat is damn fun when u are playing it with ur own brothers. its so thrilling! the mind games, the trust thats on the line, their every single action and so on. its so much more fun than the cheat u play on neopets when u are still a kid. played it before with my poly friends, but still, they are not as gl and as good at mind games as conpared to my brothers.
well, here i go talking about the bbq outing.
met josh and went to ky's house at around 2.30pm ytd. jm arrived late as usual. talked cock while we were waiting for sir kwa. after sir kwa arrived, we were set to go, all set and ready for bbq and an ambush mission which will get out of hand with us, the boys losing terribly. lol!
ky brought along a pail for the ambush mission. purpose of the pail? to pour a whole lot of water on the target, lady terror xyy. that aside for now.
took a cab all the way down to pasir ris beach and got the rest of our stuff from ezb bbq. found a pit, waited for the other brothers to arrive and talk cock there. erm, played ape academy with ky on our psp. playing with a human being is seriously more thrilling than playing with ai. noob shit arh ai. won one round and lost one round to ky. hahahahaha.
while waiting for everyone else to come, jm, peiren, kwok and i went to play bball. 2 on 2. kwok and peiren against jm and me. first team to get 50 points wins. jm and i did not click at first and was trailing all the way until we even-ed the score at 46-46. won the game 50-46. nice win although the starting part sucked.
walked back to the pit after that and still, it was only brothers there. its still early at that time. 6 plus only. then slowly, everyone arrived. ky's and sir kwa's main target, lady terror xyy arrived at around 8 plus i think. at first, it was an ambush mission that involved only the 2 of them.
so ky went to fetch lady terror xyy while jm prepared for a backstab. all went smooth and they were running around with the rest of us eating and laughing away. but the war didn't end there, lady terror xyy wanted revenge, so they played some lame games. i don't really know what was going until one particular part as i was doing all the bbq-ing at the time.
during the particular part i stated above, ky was trying to run away from lady terror xyy and went to seek shelter in the boy's toilet. but it was of no use, lady terror xyy just went straight into the toilet to kick ky's ass. seeing it, sir kwa moved in to help ky. but following sir kwa into the toilet was lady terror mark ii, winnie.
all we heard was "bang" and screaming, mostly from the boys. lol. then ky came running out of the toilet and screaming for reinforcement. only one went in to help, me. both ky and jm split in 2 different ways to get away from both lady terror. i ended up facing lady terror xyy. ky lost the pail to her. so i tried snatching the pail from her. got myself wet the moment i got within the 1m range. she splashed water at me. was giving in at first and not using my full strength but lady terror xyy pinched me. so using all my strength, snatch it over from her and regrouped with ky and jm.
now we got the pail. we got the upper hand. nice. 3 on 2, win for sure? i don't think so. force them into the girl's toilet and kept spamming them with water. was spamming so happily until lady terror xyy forced us out with a dustbin.
at first we thought that it was empty and that she had it filled with water only. seeing the difference in size of our weapon, we slowly backoff and went back into our base. the handicap toilet in between both the boy's and girl's toilet. well, we planned nicely in there to force our way out and make a run for our lifes. but everything went wrong.
the moment we open the door, we only expect ourselves to kena water, but no! lady terror xyy pour the rubbish at us! good thing she missed. but bad thing is that, there was a dead rat in the dustbin.
worse of all? we were trapped inside our own base with the fucked up smell infiltrated our nostrils and filling up our lungs, brains and practically entire being. we tried to fight our way out with both lady terror forcing the doors close. its not that we lost on strength, but we were almost choked to death to even have the strength to push the door. so we called out for help. it didn't came. justin walked pass the door when we were screaming away for help, but he just smiled at us and walk away. fuck! what kind of brother is that!?!
was let out of the hellish gas chamber after 1 to 2 minutes and man! breathing in fresh air nv felt so nice. after that, it was only bbq-ing and talking cock liao.
lady terror xyy left soon after that. went to buy drinks at pasir ris interchange with vanda. talked cock with her on the way back. not bad. quite nice. lol. after that, we were purely eating, drinking, playing dai di and cheat and talking cock.
sir kwa almost got himself drunk again. lol. we all drank vodka with orange juice but he drank alot and one go i think. kept on playing cheat from like 1am onwards all the way until 5 or 6 in the morning.
had breakfast at mac and then its home sweet home. went to my grandma house as usual. nth much there, just dinner.
so here i end this post which record the tragic lost of lky, kjm and jem to lady terror xyy and lady terror mark ii.
wondering what i'm talking about? u'll know it soon. dustbin and dead rat makes a formidable duo. a fine piece of biochem weapon is produced when u fuse them together.
as u all know, i had another bbq outing with my brothers and some close female friends. after so many bbq outings we had, i learnt the most from this one.
firstly, i understand the difference between brothers, close friends and bastard friends now. see. close friends are those that goes,"i hope they are ok" and worry for u when u are being attacked by a piece of formidable biochem weapon. brothers are those that are trapped in the toilet and screaming,"wtf! help! we're so gonna die" along with u when u are being attacked by a piece of formidable biochem weapon. bastard friends are those that simply walked past and smiled at u when u are being attacked by a piece of formidable biochem weapon and screaming your lungs out for help.
secondly. i learnt that a guy should never ever offend a girl. especially one who is a crazy, psychotic, sick in the mind, sadistic pervert. worst still, don't ever play with her when she has a backup who is as crazy, psychotic, sick in the mind and sadistic as her. the result? face the formidable biochem weapon.
lastly, cheat is damn fun when u are playing it with ur own brothers. its so thrilling! the mind games, the trust thats on the line, their every single action and so on. its so much more fun than the cheat u play on neopets when u are still a kid. played it before with my poly friends, but still, they are not as gl and as good at mind games as conpared to my brothers.
well, here i go talking about the bbq outing.
met josh and went to ky's house at around 2.30pm ytd. jm arrived late as usual. talked cock while we were waiting for sir kwa. after sir kwa arrived, we were set to go, all set and ready for bbq and an ambush mission which will get out of hand with us, the boys losing terribly. lol!
ky brought along a pail for the ambush mission. purpose of the pail? to pour a whole lot of water on the target, lady terror xyy. that aside for now.
took a cab all the way down to pasir ris beach and got the rest of our stuff from ezb bbq. found a pit, waited for the other brothers to arrive and talk cock there. erm, played ape academy with ky on our psp. playing with a human being is seriously more thrilling than playing with ai. noob shit arh ai. won one round and lost one round to ky. hahahahaha.
while waiting for everyone else to come, jm, peiren, kwok and i went to play bball. 2 on 2. kwok and peiren against jm and me. first team to get 50 points wins. jm and i did not click at first and was trailing all the way until we even-ed the score at 46-46. won the game 50-46. nice win although the starting part sucked.
walked back to the pit after that and still, it was only brothers there. its still early at that time. 6 plus only. then slowly, everyone arrived. ky's and sir kwa's main target, lady terror xyy arrived at around 8 plus i think. at first, it was an ambush mission that involved only the 2 of them.
so ky went to fetch lady terror xyy while jm prepared for a backstab. all went smooth and they were running around with the rest of us eating and laughing away. but the war didn't end there, lady terror xyy wanted revenge, so they played some lame games. i don't really know what was going until one particular part as i was doing all the bbq-ing at the time.
during the particular part i stated above, ky was trying to run away from lady terror xyy and went to seek shelter in the boy's toilet. but it was of no use, lady terror xyy just went straight into the toilet to kick ky's ass. seeing it, sir kwa moved in to help ky. but following sir kwa into the toilet was lady terror mark ii, winnie.
all we heard was "bang" and screaming, mostly from the boys. lol. then ky came running out of the toilet and screaming for reinforcement. only one went in to help, me. both ky and jm split in 2 different ways to get away from both lady terror. i ended up facing lady terror xyy. ky lost the pail to her. so i tried snatching the pail from her. got myself wet the moment i got within the 1m range. she splashed water at me. was giving in at first and not using my full strength but lady terror xyy pinched me. so using all my strength, snatch it over from her and regrouped with ky and jm.
now we got the pail. we got the upper hand. nice. 3 on 2, win for sure? i don't think so. force them into the girl's toilet and kept spamming them with water. was spamming so happily until lady terror xyy forced us out with a dustbin.
at first we thought that it was empty and that she had it filled with water only. seeing the difference in size of our weapon, we slowly backoff and went back into our base. the handicap toilet in between both the boy's and girl's toilet. well, we planned nicely in there to force our way out and make a run for our lifes. but everything went wrong.
the moment we open the door, we only expect ourselves to kena water, but no! lady terror xyy pour the rubbish at us! good thing she missed. but bad thing is that, there was a dead rat in the dustbin.
worse of all? we were trapped inside our own base with the fucked up smell infiltrated our nostrils and filling up our lungs, brains and practically entire being. we tried to fight our way out with both lady terror forcing the doors close. its not that we lost on strength, but we were almost choked to death to even have the strength to push the door. so we called out for help. it didn't came. justin walked pass the door when we were screaming away for help, but he just smiled at us and walk away. fuck! what kind of brother is that!?!
was let out of the hellish gas chamber after 1 to 2 minutes and man! breathing in fresh air nv felt so nice. after that, it was only bbq-ing and talking cock liao.
lady terror xyy left soon after that. went to buy drinks at pasir ris interchange with vanda. talked cock with her on the way back. not bad. quite nice. lol. after that, we were purely eating, drinking, playing dai di and cheat and talking cock.
sir kwa almost got himself drunk again. lol. we all drank vodka with orange juice but he drank alot and one go i think. kept on playing cheat from like 1am onwards all the way until 5 or 6 in the morning.
had breakfast at mac and then its home sweet home. went to my grandma house as usual. nth much there, just dinner.
so here i end this post which record the tragic lost of lky, kjm and jem to lady terror xyy and lady terror mark ii.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
ok. finally, more activities in my life. played bball with kwok and jm ytd. went to giant to buy bbq stuff with jm, justin and ky today.
meet up at kowk's area ytd. jm and kwok play one on one. 3 sets. kwok won all. jm put up a great fight, but kwok has more experience. so its ok, jm just need to do more basic trainings and gain more experience. its like that at first but as time goes by, jm should slowly find himself winning matches liao. as for now, its still early to play with kwok.
as me, i did some work out and practising. kept on practising my one on one drive in moves and play one on one with kwok for one match. i won, 7-6. kwok's smart, nv mark me head on and waited for me in the paint. he knew i suck at shooting and by doing that, he'll get the rebounds off my miss and won't get tricked by my fake moves.
it rained while we were playing so walked to some void deck to rest and i taught jm how to train up his basics. bought some drinks and went home to slack.
met ky, justin and jm to go giant to get bbq stuff. we were late as usual and made ky wait for us. lol. our buses arrived with a 2 minutes difference. i reached first, crossed the road, look back, saw sir kwa, sir kwa crossed the road, justin arrived. lol. like some vip like that. hahahahahaha.
shopped, played, fooled around and checked the prices like what we always did. after that, decided to enjoy life and bought 2 ben's and jerry's ice cream. 2 to one tub. not say tub lah, i don't really know how to call it. lol.
went to ky's house to put everything and zhao home.
well, for ppl who has nth to do at home. try this link. see if that is lady spinning clockwise or anti clockwise. do tell me if u try. lol. i saw that lady spinning clockwise. i'm emotional, hahahahaha, no comments.
and if u really have nth to do and is aching or itching all over for some games. try this 2. erm, don't worry, i won't prank u all by giving u all the fuck off link again. hahahahaha. link 1 and link 2. link 1 is a game testing u on ur lameness, computer skills and thinking. link 2 is just crap. lol.
hmmmmm. just some thoughts here. human life can be full of troubles. just some time ago, u may be having fun with a friend, but now, u are having a blog war that may end up as a full scale confrontation cum war. the same goes to relatives. funny ain't it?
well, i personally don't really like being in blog wars. its quite lame. "hey fucker, i'm flaming u, happy?", "hey slut, that's nth, i can do better!". something like that.
i always believe that everything happen for a reason. so i strongly believe that flamings of ppl start with a reason too. correct? anyone in their right state of mind won't just create a blog for nth and start flaming some tom, dick or harry. get what i mean?
so now, to my understanding, flaming may start for the various reasons i'm going to state. reason 1, out of anger. that's normally what i do. erm, lets put it this way. blog is similar to an online diary, you write ur thoughts in it even when u are pissed off with someone. the problem is, everyone can read ur thoughts. now thats bad. so u got to be careful with whatever u write. sometimes, u just lose control and i must say i'm sry for calling ppl names at times. really damn sorry. words of pique if u get what i mean.
reason 2, self defense. this is normally for ppl who are being flamed. what do u do when u are being "attacked"? of course u retaliate, basic human instinct. no blame. clear cut. sweet and easy.
last reason, standing up for a friend. well, its always good to stand up for a friend. afterall, thats what friends are for. i stand up for my friends too, but there's a disadvantage here, u can only stand up for ur friend when u have all the facts u need to stand up for them. if not, u will end up like some clowns trying to be a hero. get it?
so after all the intro, u ppl may know what i'm trying to say or direct at. first up, we are not pissed that u are not going after 2 failed attempts for u to join our outings. we understand. human being's are busy creatures, not everyone is free on the same day at the same time. its not like we will kill u or whatsoever if u don't come when we ask, if its like this, dk will be dead by now. ky, jm, justin or me will also be dead too. what we expect is a good, decent and maybe sincere reply? not something like, "i'll consider if he ask me personally." a creative way to reject an invitation i should say. hands down creative. i'm standing in awe. but still, its gl. if its first time, well, we'll let it pass. but its the second time! are u trying to make this reply a trend for us? if its so, there won't be a third time, it won't become a trend.
what is a bbq for? its not just eating, its for friends to gather, update on each other, have fun and laugh together. u think we call everyone we regard as friends to come? no! if thats the case, the whole of dunman will be bbq-ing with us tml. its for close friends. worthy friends. friends that we treasure more than some ordinary friends. if u were being asked, u are in that list. get it? if u don't want to be in that list, its always fine with me to remove u from it, permanently, just let us know.
so now. for the great one who is standing up for a friend, u know which facts u are lacking now? we already know u all have plans for tml, we are ok with it, have fun, but what we aren't ok with is the reply. try receiving that kind of reply when u are doing everything u could for a decent, smooth going gathering. u should know the process, boys ask boys, girls ask girls, we split the load, then we add the information together and the usual 4 of us will do all the buying, shopping, carrying, ordering and huan loh-ing. get it?
ok, i think i get why u were so offensive too. its wrong to scold a friend bitch, i'm sorry about that. but those are words of pique, its the same as u scold ur mum fuck when u are pissed. same logic. and if u don't wanna hang out with us like what u said, its also ok, we won't go through all the hussles again and ask u out anymore. simple as that. i hope the lame blog war will end here. peace out.
and its a happy day today. wondering y? my blog is one year old. hahahahahahaha. one year of blogging. thats quite fast actually. in this one year, this blog has recorded some of my saddest and happiest memories.
from ending of one relationship, to starting of another one to ending of that another one, this blog is always there. lol. also, it recorded all the quarrels i had, all the worrying, all the fighting, all the flaming, all the ranting, all my thoughts, the spasticism, all the fun times, the crazy ones, the photos and the 4 episodes of jeremy poon jiao wei show. quite an eventful year.
well, hoping for a nicer year ahead btw, one with less fights, quarrels, flamings, rantings and more of fun, spastic and crazy times.
ok. gonna rest now. bball basic training and bbq tml. brand new "blogging" year, here i come!
meet up at kowk's area ytd. jm and kwok play one on one. 3 sets. kwok won all. jm put up a great fight, but kwok has more experience. so its ok, jm just need to do more basic trainings and gain more experience. its like that at first but as time goes by, jm should slowly find himself winning matches liao. as for now, its still early to play with kwok.
as me, i did some work out and practising. kept on practising my one on one drive in moves and play one on one with kwok for one match. i won, 7-6. kwok's smart, nv mark me head on and waited for me in the paint. he knew i suck at shooting and by doing that, he'll get the rebounds off my miss and won't get tricked by my fake moves.
it rained while we were playing so walked to some void deck to rest and i taught jm how to train up his basics. bought some drinks and went home to slack.
met ky, justin and jm to go giant to get bbq stuff. we were late as usual and made ky wait for us. lol. our buses arrived with a 2 minutes difference. i reached first, crossed the road, look back, saw sir kwa, sir kwa crossed the road, justin arrived. lol. like some vip like that. hahahahahaha.
shopped, played, fooled around and checked the prices like what we always did. after that, decided to enjoy life and bought 2 ben's and jerry's ice cream. 2 to one tub. not say tub lah, i don't really know how to call it. lol.
went to ky's house to put everything and zhao home.
well, for ppl who has nth to do at home. try this link. see if that is lady spinning clockwise or anti clockwise. do tell me if u try. lol. i saw that lady spinning clockwise. i'm emotional, hahahahaha, no comments.
and if u really have nth to do and is aching or itching all over for some games. try this 2. erm, don't worry, i won't prank u all by giving u all the fuck off link again. hahahahaha. link 1 and link 2. link 1 is a game testing u on ur lameness, computer skills and thinking. link 2 is just crap. lol.
hmmmmm. just some thoughts here. human life can be full of troubles. just some time ago, u may be having fun with a friend, but now, u are having a blog war that may end up as a full scale confrontation cum war. the same goes to relatives. funny ain't it?
well, i personally don't really like being in blog wars. its quite lame. "hey fucker, i'm flaming u, happy?", "hey slut, that's nth, i can do better!". something like that.
i always believe that everything happen for a reason. so i strongly believe that flamings of ppl start with a reason too. correct? anyone in their right state of mind won't just create a blog for nth and start flaming some tom, dick or harry. get what i mean?
so now, to my understanding, flaming may start for the various reasons i'm going to state. reason 1, out of anger. that's normally what i do. erm, lets put it this way. blog is similar to an online diary, you write ur thoughts in it even when u are pissed off with someone. the problem is, everyone can read ur thoughts. now thats bad. so u got to be careful with whatever u write. sometimes, u just lose control and i must say i'm sry for calling ppl names at times. really damn sorry. words of pique if u get what i mean.
reason 2, self defense. this is normally for ppl who are being flamed. what do u do when u are being "attacked"? of course u retaliate, basic human instinct. no blame. clear cut. sweet and easy.
last reason, standing up for a friend. well, its always good to stand up for a friend. afterall, thats what friends are for. i stand up for my friends too, but there's a disadvantage here, u can only stand up for ur friend when u have all the facts u need to stand up for them. if not, u will end up like some clowns trying to be a hero. get it?
so after all the intro, u ppl may know what i'm trying to say or direct at. first up, we are not pissed that u are not going after 2 failed attempts for u to join our outings. we understand. human being's are busy creatures, not everyone is free on the same day at the same time. its not like we will kill u or whatsoever if u don't come when we ask, if its like this, dk will be dead by now. ky, jm, justin or me will also be dead too. what we expect is a good, decent and maybe sincere reply? not something like, "i'll consider if he ask me personally." a creative way to reject an invitation i should say. hands down creative. i'm standing in awe. but still, its gl. if its first time, well, we'll let it pass. but its the second time! are u trying to make this reply a trend for us? if its so, there won't be a third time, it won't become a trend.
what is a bbq for? its not just eating, its for friends to gather, update on each other, have fun and laugh together. u think we call everyone we regard as friends to come? no! if thats the case, the whole of dunman will be bbq-ing with us tml. its for close friends. worthy friends. friends that we treasure more than some ordinary friends. if u were being asked, u are in that list. get it? if u don't want to be in that list, its always fine with me to remove u from it, permanently, just let us know.
so now. for the great one who is standing up for a friend, u know which facts u are lacking now? we already know u all have plans for tml, we are ok with it, have fun, but what we aren't ok with is the reply. try receiving that kind of reply when u are doing everything u could for a decent, smooth going gathering. u should know the process, boys ask boys, girls ask girls, we split the load, then we add the information together and the usual 4 of us will do all the buying, shopping, carrying, ordering and huan loh-ing. get it?
ok, i think i get why u were so offensive too. its wrong to scold a friend bitch, i'm sorry about that. but those are words of pique, its the same as u scold ur mum fuck when u are pissed. same logic. and if u don't wanna hang out with us like what u said, its also ok, we won't go through all the hussles again and ask u out anymore. simple as that. i hope the lame blog war will end here. peace out.
and its a happy day today. wondering y? my blog is one year old. hahahahahahaha. one year of blogging. thats quite fast actually. in this one year, this blog has recorded some of my saddest and happiest memories.
from ending of one relationship, to starting of another one to ending of that another one, this blog is always there. lol. also, it recorded all the quarrels i had, all the worrying, all the fighting, all the flaming, all the ranting, all my thoughts, the spasticism, all the fun times, the crazy ones, the photos and the 4 episodes of jeremy poon jiao wei show. quite an eventful year.
well, hoping for a nicer year ahead btw, one with less fights, quarrels, flamings, rantings and more of fun, spastic and crazy times.
ok. gonna rest now. bball basic training and bbq tml. brand new "blogging" year, here i come!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
been waking up quite early lately i presume. 12pm. early? lol. not for some but hell yeah for me. hahahahahaha.
onslaught part 2 was continued by sir kwa, but his version is much more aggressive than mine. lol. difference between a clt and a staff sergeant. lol. anyway regarding sir's post, its too bad for the target but i like it.
anyway, was blog hopping and saw this video. i tell u all, my jaws practically dropped wide open when i saw it. that guy, montyoum, is so pro lah. if i got his skills then song liao. lol. dead fantasy 1. enjoy peeps. 2 to 5 coming soon.
in my own view, the best part of the video is rikku and tifa! omg. both are super hot, cute and everything nice. lol.
ok lah. nth much today. just kept on playing initial d. walao. harder and harder to win liao. just when i got the hang of the route, i got sianned of the game. watch alien vs predator, steady, but not as steady as dead fantasy 1. lol.
anyway, alien vs predator got another sequel coming out this year or so. die also must watch lol. maybe will have predator fighting against predalien, new species.
thats all lah. ciao.
onslaught part 2 was continued by sir kwa, but his version is much more aggressive than mine. lol. difference between a clt and a staff sergeant. lol. anyway regarding sir's post, its too bad for the target but i like it.
anyway, was blog hopping and saw this video. i tell u all, my jaws practically dropped wide open when i saw it. that guy, montyoum, is so pro lah. if i got his skills then song liao. lol. dead fantasy 1. enjoy peeps. 2 to 5 coming soon.
in my own view, the best part of the video is rikku and tifa! omg. both are super hot, cute and everything nice. lol.
ok lah. nth much today. just kept on playing initial d. walao. harder and harder to win liao. just when i got the hang of the route, i got sianned of the game. watch alien vs predator, steady, but not as steady as dead fantasy 1. lol.
anyway, alien vs predator got another sequel coming out this year or so. die also must watch lol. maybe will have predator fighting against predalien, new species.
thats all lah. ciao.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
i cut my hair today and look like a small kid now. at least that's how i feel. don't get it wrong. i'm not cutting my hair because sch's starting. i'm cutting my hair because playing bball with long hair is damn mafan and hot. so short hair will make playing bball more qing song. don't get it wrong too, i'm not shedding my punk/emo look. =)
well, gaming at ky's house was a blast. brothers gathered for a sole purpose, gaming to kill time. had dinner at mac then tried to watch a movie but postponed it. i'm not sure when we will be watching it also. after that, wait for ky to cut his hair and go eat again. lol. not again actually. 1st round of dinner was for jun jie, justin and me. second round for ky and jm.
nth much to do at home other than staring at msn, watching anime, playing games, walking around my house, eating, drinking and sleeping. boring life. anyway, sch's starting and i need settle down and tune back to studying mode once again. but i think it will be a tough job after 2 months of pure slacking. 6 modules leh! plus maybe one more cds. will be quite tough i guess.
anyway, i was thinking about ranting here, about one particular person who crossed the tolerance limit i've set for everyone. but in the end, i think its not worth my time and energy so decided not to talk about her. eventhough i have nth to do at home, i rather i do something more meaningful than to talk about her. afterall, i think she won't change and will still be that stupid play hard to get bitch.
to this person, if u ever come across my blog, don't blame me for not treating u as a friend because i think i've done enough trying to be a friend. that's all.
jeremy lim signing off.
well, gaming at ky's house was a blast. brothers gathered for a sole purpose, gaming to kill time. had dinner at mac then tried to watch a movie but postponed it. i'm not sure when we will be watching it also. after that, wait for ky to cut his hair and go eat again. lol. not again actually. 1st round of dinner was for jun jie, justin and me. second round for ky and jm.
nth much to do at home other than staring at msn, watching anime, playing games, walking around my house, eating, drinking and sleeping. boring life. anyway, sch's starting and i need settle down and tune back to studying mode once again. but i think it will be a tough job after 2 months of pure slacking. 6 modules leh! plus maybe one more cds. will be quite tough i guess.
anyway, i was thinking about ranting here, about one particular person who crossed the tolerance limit i've set for everyone. but in the end, i think its not worth my time and energy so decided not to talk about her. eventhough i have nth to do at home, i rather i do something more meaningful than to talk about her. afterall, i think she won't change and will still be that stupid play hard to get bitch.
to this person, if u ever come across my blog, don't blame me for not treating u as a friend because i think i've done enough trying to be a friend. that's all.
jeremy lim signing off.
Friday, October 12, 2007
yo! i'm back. just finished talking to chin mei yi online. she's stressed out by o's. can't blame. its common. so i tried my best to calm her down until she went offline. hahahahaha. for more o's consultation, pls talk to jeremy lim online. lol. tio lah! anyway, nth to do so help out lor. i'm not talking online most of the time. just appear online for the sake of appearing online. lol.
deal or no deal ytd was ok. actually went down to nyjc to meet ky. it feels weird to be inside again though. afterall, i ran away from jc because i can't cope with it. good thing sir was there with me.
plank-ed ky's friend and ate lunch before going down to mediacorp. wah. those 26 models, no comments. lol. after that, went to cityhall to get a new strap for my belt, a t shirt and pants. total damage? 50 sing dollars. wow. i'm super broke now. lol. die also must work a few days to replenish my own gold mine. that's the only way. i've realised that i had to earn my own money. they won't just fall from the sky, even if i pray for it.
lol. bought toto with brothers a few days ago. quick pick. wakao. nv tio. if not 5.5m split among us. wah, we'll be rich fuckers. our gl-ness topped up with tonnes of money, i have no guarantee what we will do. lol. quick pick numbers all so cock. the result's number even more cock. wah. don't want think about it liao. lol.
well, ky is getting his results later on. let's all hope he will promote. for me, as a brother, i sincerely hope so. i know why he went to jc for, so all i can do now is pray for him. as for before? i went out to accompany him to study.
gathering later on at ky's house for some hardcore jiao wei-ing, gaming and slacking session. it'll be fun. to all the brothers out there, if u managed to see this in time, give us a call and come join us, ladies are invited too if u all don't mind. lol. but i doubt any girls will turn up.
well, almost done talking. still considering to go slp or watch slam dunk after this. but before i go off, look at the pic below.
the man in the pic is akira sendoh from slam dunk. a basketball tensai eventhough he's not up to eiji sawakita's level. he proved that he's a tensai with his skills and not his mouth like hanamichi. he helped his team win by utilising his teammates and not by eiji sawakita's method, solo play.
after watching slam dunk all over again, i have a goal in bball. to become an all around player like sendoh and utilise my teammates strengths to the optimum like he did. if i can't shoot well, then i shall help jm, justin or kwok find nice places for them to shoot. but this won't come easy, i'll have to work hard and that will be just what i'm gonna do.
deal or no deal ytd was ok. actually went down to nyjc to meet ky. it feels weird to be inside again though. afterall, i ran away from jc because i can't cope with it. good thing sir was there with me.
plank-ed ky's friend and ate lunch before going down to mediacorp. wah. those 26 models, no comments. lol. after that, went to cityhall to get a new strap for my belt, a t shirt and pants. total damage? 50 sing dollars. wow. i'm super broke now. lol. die also must work a few days to replenish my own gold mine. that's the only way. i've realised that i had to earn my own money. they won't just fall from the sky, even if i pray for it.
lol. bought toto with brothers a few days ago. quick pick. wakao. nv tio. if not 5.5m split among us. wah, we'll be rich fuckers. our gl-ness topped up with tonnes of money, i have no guarantee what we will do. lol. quick pick numbers all so cock. the result's number even more cock. wah. don't want think about it liao. lol.
well, ky is getting his results later on. let's all hope he will promote. for me, as a brother, i sincerely hope so. i know why he went to jc for, so all i can do now is pray for him. as for before? i went out to accompany him to study.
gathering later on at ky's house for some hardcore jiao wei-ing, gaming and slacking session. it'll be fun. to all the brothers out there, if u managed to see this in time, give us a call and come join us, ladies are invited too if u all don't mind. lol. but i doubt any girls will turn up.
well, almost done talking. still considering to go slp or watch slam dunk after this. but before i go off, look at the pic below.

after watching slam dunk all over again, i have a goal in bball. to become an all around player like sendoh and utilise my teammates strengths to the optimum like he did. if i can't shoot well, then i shall help jm, justin or kwok find nice places for them to shoot. but this won't come easy, i'll have to work hard and that will be just what i'm gonna do.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
ok. back to blog about ytd.
went out to meet justin, jm and kwok for bball. well, its a nice trip. after a damn long wait, kwok is finally back and all i can say is that the wait is worth while. kwok's return will increase our offensive and defensive strength. also, he can lighten my load on offense since i can share the ball with him.
from the way everyone reacts when he returned, i can tell its a good thing. everyone had their morale boosted. the usually quiet justin actually initiated a practice match among us. jm on the other hand challenged kwok to a one on one match. as for me? i just stand at one side and smile at their boosted morale.
for the practice match, its jm and me vs justin and kwok. nice match up i can say. let jm train up against justin and also, we can see how much kwok is able to do. jm and i won 11-9. i had 7 points and jm had 4. 3 from long range. hahahahahaha. not bad. no wonder the most accurate among us. as for kwok? not bad, not used to it at first but was able to put up a good match after that.
after that, played full court with some small kiddos. 4 on 5. was losing at first then won back. was so messed up at first then slowly got our momentum back.
ky came to meet us for dinner. but ended up playing one on one with jm. lol. jm won 11-9. after that dinner at subway. i only forked out $3.50. thats all i've got and justin paid the rest for me. lol. we shared foot long mah.
went tm zhuo bo then go home watch slam dunk.
thats all liao lah. tml going to watch deal or no deal 2 with ky they all.
went out to meet justin, jm and kwok for bball. well, its a nice trip. after a damn long wait, kwok is finally back and all i can say is that the wait is worth while. kwok's return will increase our offensive and defensive strength. also, he can lighten my load on offense since i can share the ball with him.
from the way everyone reacts when he returned, i can tell its a good thing. everyone had their morale boosted. the usually quiet justin actually initiated a practice match among us. jm on the other hand challenged kwok to a one on one match. as for me? i just stand at one side and smile at their boosted morale.
for the practice match, its jm and me vs justin and kwok. nice match up i can say. let jm train up against justin and also, we can see how much kwok is able to do. jm and i won 11-9. i had 7 points and jm had 4. 3 from long range. hahahahahaha. not bad. no wonder the most accurate among us. as for kwok? not bad, not used to it at first but was able to put up a good match after that.
after that, played full court with some small kiddos. 4 on 5. was losing at first then won back. was so messed up at first then slowly got our momentum back.
ky came to meet us for dinner. but ended up playing one on one with jm. lol. jm won 11-9. after that dinner at subway. i only forked out $3.50. thats all i've got and justin paid the rest for me. lol. we shared foot long mah.
went tm zhuo bo then go home watch slam dunk.
thats all liao lah. tml going to watch deal or no deal 2 with ky they all.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
in this post, the huan lohs and nikon d80 presents, the night in sun plaza park. lol.
random pic taken by them while i'm buying vodka.
ky while waiting.
there were 3 bottles of vodka inside.
outside meridien hotel.
lol. water sprout?
the civil service club.
already in sunplaza park and having fun.
swing swing swing...
...from the tangles heart is crush by a former love...
...can you help me find a way to carry on again? lol!
ky swinging.
fooling around.
hahahahaha. deprived childhood.
whose that?
leeky d monkey
hahahahaha. tyres also can play.
jem d monkey.
repeating ky's action.
kwadon d monkey.
repeating our actions.
but continued with it.
kwadon, rollout.
fun shot 1.
fun shot 2.
fun shot 3.
lol. what am i doing?
why u don't want me!?! lol.
wah. our valuables.
swee boh?
doubles again.
the 2 3rd march babies' turn.
hahahahahaha. fun sia.
ky and kwadon.
ky pushing jm.
all the way back.
then start again.
bang bang bang. i am commando. lol.
arh. i kena gun shot liao.
ky was below this time.
ky and me preparing for our "flight"
commandos chiong chiong chiong!
then commandos peng.
then try again.
here we go again.
swinging along fine.
hahahahaha. still swinging.
abit obscene leh. =x
then solo "flight".
then ky kick. "air crash".
getting back on my feets.
done sitting. now standing liao.
getting ready.
trying to mount the rope.
still mounting.
then try again.
and again.
finally mounted.
chin ups.
slam dunk! tio lah.
checking for sms-es. like ppl will sms me like that. lol!
jm's turn.
sir mounting the rope.
cool right?
sir was afraid i will kick his 小弟弟.
simple and easy.
pulling me back.
double again!
here we go again.
sir's or ky's slippers. i forgot liao.
random shot by sir.
looking at mrt.
new style.
hardcore method.
awwww. pain leh.
there he goes.
no expression.
hahahahahaha. finally gave up.
don't know what it is called.
trying to go against gravity.
ready. go!
he's flying.
i'm still talking on the phone after sir's "flight".
fu dive? lol. no link.
wah! optimus kwadon!
ultraman almost+10!
i'm just wanna jump.
sir. out of screen liao.
we tried to synchronise.
but this is what happened.
i'm infront and sir's behind.
who does the nazis fear? air borne!
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