Saturday, October 06, 2007

well well well. i'm back. good news and bad news to myself. i've got a ceramic white psp slim already. that's the good news. bad news is i'm $400 poorer. my bank account is left with a nice number of $7.77. wondering why i got a white one instead of a black one when black is my fav colour? well, black ones are so common out there already, so must buy one with a more uncommon colour. somemore white one looks classy. lol. anyway, i like white colour too.

went out with ky and jm ytd. by the time we board the mrt to cityhall, tsui san called. told us that her bro was taking part in deal or no deal 2. need us to go down and be supporters. ky agreed, but we were all wondering if it was a prank. told ky and jm that if its a prank, the normally "keep quiet in front of girls" jeremy will summon all his gl-ness and join in ky-jm's pranking and gl-ing assault on tsui san and maybe gang. yeah i know, they both are the current most gl and dangerous ppl around, don't make it 3. its a matter of utilising my skills or not eventhough i may have become rusty in terms of gl-ing.

the recording is -_-'''. quite fake lah. but the 26 models sure are chio. i had a hard time pulling through the recording. my back was injured and i can't sit still for that long. i was so damn tired, slpt after 5.45 am ytd. don't ask me why. the weather was so damn hot and i was so thirsty the whole night. drank around 2l of water throughout the night and did not went to the toilet once. had muscle ache all over.

ok lah. after all the waiting, tsui san's brother did not record his game. postponed to some other day. hahahahahaha. it was getting late. understandable. went down to amk hub with they all to get my psp slim.

should be meeting jm for gym today one. but i had 2 reason for not being able to turn up. first, i need to slp. i need alot of slp as u all know. plus i must rest my knee. doctor said that it may have healed but i must still take good care of it. afterall, i'm a person who gets injured easily. second reason, i need to find out some problems that i have with my psp. how come my ff9 cannot run on 3.71m33 but run perfectly fine on 3.40 oea? found out the reason. different version have different file conversion method. so now, i need to get master to help me find the most appropriate file conversion method.

thats all, gonna wait for jm to call and go get my pay now.

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