his playing style was close to justin. just that he is the imperfect clone of justin and his skill was just around 40 to 50% of justin's. not just offensively, but defensively too. justin is stronger and more experienced than him in the low post area. on top of that, justin is capable of knocking down 3 points. well, like i said, justin is one of the main pillar in the team.
first match. we were so disorganised, sucked on both offense and defense. i almost gave myself one tight slap to wake myself up. i won't blame it on the so call "ball lag" since i did not play bball for weeks due to justin's promo. i blame it on myself. by the time i agreed to play bball with jm, i should have been focused and wide awake liao.
i did not drive in like usual, did not pass the ball like usual, did not defend like usual, overall, no intensity. loss 9-0 before we woke up. jm got a rebound and hooked it in, that sparked me off, wanting turn the table around as usual, drived and scored the last 3 points before losing, still can't do it.
play second match, didn't know if we win or lose, lost track i should say, but i remembered a 7-0 run for us. even if we lose, also won't loss alot, same goes for winning.
i woke up and was back to normal in this round. started the ball rolling with a drive in. scored. but they caught up and was on a scoring spree. jm and i did our part on defense, we both managed to shut our opponents down on defense, the one that i guarded only score 2 points out of many attempts. same goes for jm. so the points were given by our teammate who were playing center against a gentle giant.
its hard to describe the feelings in me when we were losing. i'm not at all pissed, i was damn calm. after jm got a rebound and gave me the ball, i smiled. a smurk one. i've found a challenge. to go on a scoring spree and turn the table around. drive in alot and hit alot of shots. got abit giddy halfway, had only breakfast cereals for lunch. gave up on scoring and tried to assist them but nth worked. so opponent caught up again. then jm passed me a ball that i wasn't expecting. hit it from three point line and something in me told me not to give up.
went on another scoring spree with my vision blurring as time goes by. at one point, i drived in and banged into the gentle giant. i was going at him full force and he did not even moved, but i fell on all four. with me feeling giddy and falling, i still hit the shot, a miracle indeed. lol.
became more giddy, groggy and my knee hurt after that but still keep on scoring until my vision went all black before i stopped. so until the end, i did not know whether we won or loss after all my effort. win or lose, i don't mind, i'm happy that i pushed myself to the limit.
good news for us, kwok's promos is over now. so our long wait paid off, here comes our versatile small forward. time to challenge anyone with our team at full force. but must wait until justin's promos is over too. so watch out world. with a three point shooting and strong center, a long range shooting power forward, a versatile small forward and a driving/assisting shooting guard, i think we can be quite formidable.
lastly, was telling jm that the present i will give my son when he's 2 years old will be a basketball. lol! then i will play one on one with him everyday. and i urge jm to do the same thing, so that our sons can become bball genius like eiji sawakita from sannoh high sch in slam dunk the anime. the picture of him is below. but my son won't be wearing number 9. it will be 8, 10 or 14. lol.

think that's all for today. bb.
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