since the com is back to normal and running properly, i used the chance to upload some photos. here is the photos taken on national day. well, its a nice day to remember. my first and last time pasing the national day as a supernumerary.

lol. this is the yin and yang examples i used in my jeremy poon jiao wei show. the one on the left is the ultimate slacker, the right one is the down to earth hardworking boy.
my dear usm. high as usual. lol.
everyone was in the hall at this time. watching the national day concert. but we sneaked out and slacked here. bunch of slackers. lol.
group photos. lol. first row left to right, chu ping, josh, jun ming, ee hong, liang hao. second row, jun liang, zheng hong. third row, shamir, khai yew, me. last row, elvis.
after the group photo, shamir dropped his beret and everyone freaked out. because we don't want to see our rsm doing pumping.
so we decided to pump with him.
and take photos too. one hand. lol.
look at jun liang. he placed his yellow lanyard on the floor man.
anyway, its been a long time since we last did pumping. we were the ones asking others to pump after we became sergeants.
if i am not wrong, we finished around 40 to 50 pumpings at one go.
while we were pumping halfway, the concert ended and the juniors came out. so we decided to fall them in and give them one last final marching session.
i guess that this shot was around 4 to 5 seconds after the previous shot. lol. cause we normally take 4 to 5 seconds to put on our beret.
our final group photos. ky was the one in front. followed by the staff sergeants with their respective platoon. and the rest of the sergeants were behind.
anyway, today is my 6th day at work. lol. alot of shit happened in these 6 days. lol. before i start. i will mentioned some of the ppl at my work place. most of them are my teammates lah.
first up, june. she is the overall in charge of the warehouse and she is the one who sent me home. lol. ok lah. she's overall no bad lah. she gave me a box of chocolates on my third day because of my accomplishments. lol.
next, mr tay. he is the second overall in charge. this guy ok lah. he is quite friendly most of the time. but he is freaking strict. cannot talk while he is around. lol. but when he go bonkers, he will give us hell man. and i mean hell.
li bao. she is the overall in charge of the production area i think. she damn power. heard from my colleague that she can earn around $35 in one hour if she works as a packer. one completed hampers earn us $0.70. so slowly count lor. lol.
up next. jing long. this guy is my team leader. damn funny lah. lol. he is superman leh. he wrap the wall damn fast. even beaten li bao at it. song. always cheerful lah. kena scolding still can laugh i think.
ok. felix. pro slacker. no one in my team can beat him in slacking. he even dare to slack when mr tay is around. lol. don't know he kena sent home how many times liao. he also damn crap lah. alot of jiao weis. lol.
yi qing. this guy. crapper, slacker and punk rocker. lol. we always talk about punk rock and blast punk rock music while we work. lol. nice guy to talk to. we will always find a nice place to sit down and slack.
wei xiang. lol yi qing's friend. damn crap also. always team up with him and yi qing to bully jason. lol. then will laugh like xiao one.
jason. the chiongster in our group. everything also chiong. lunch break one hour also must pia back. like he will get pay like that lol. abit sissy, nice to bully. lol. i think he aiming for the prize lor. lol.
anyway, my team is team a. and we normally pack the walls for the hampers and distributes the stocks into baskets for the packers. due to the nature of our job, we are required to do ot almost everyday to prepare the stocks for the next day. we also need to crush cardboxes in order to keep our area clean. lol. we will also be transfered over to other sector like team d or f and even the packing sector to help out if they are short on manpower.
team d on the other hand do the final wrapping for a minor of part of the hampers and prepare the base of the hampers for the packers too.
ok. shall start from day 2. wakao. this day damn tiring. the stocks kept coming out from the store non stop. and we need to keep making the walls for the hampers and distributing the stocks in baskets for the packers before hand. alot of wine leh. lol. justin suay until kena transfer over to team d to help them with the hampers. team d can't keep up with the pace of the packers and thus need justin's help. anyway, on this day, we were informed that 6 prizes will be given to the operation assistants. a hong bao containing $108 will be given to the overall best and 5 other hong bao's containing $88 each will be given to the next 5. this is meant to be a sort of motivation to keep the oa team working at a very high quality, because our job is freaking tiring. justin did not do ot for that day because team d are not required to. so i was left with 3 other teammates to finish up 600 plus hampers. they are jing long, felix and jason. yi qing ang wei xiang are not required to do ot because they did ot the previous day. so we pia like xiao, distribute like xiao. and halfway doing my wall. my partner who was transfer over from team d to help me discover that we both did the wall wrongly. super sian ok? we need to cut out everything again. and redo the wall. i think we redo around 300 plus of the walls. damn it. did the same thing over and over again until 11 plus then we knocked off. they gave us a taxi voucher, so free taxi ride home. reached home at around 12. then went to slp. damn it. the next day must wake up at 6.50 am again.
day 3. the morning was super slack. cause we need to do very few hampers and instead, we are doing baskets. baskets are nicer ok? because we don't need to prepare the walls for baskets, we just need to distribute the stocks can liao. also, the packers pack the baskets slower because baskets are harder to wrap. lol. operation assistants loves baskets but packers hate them to the core. lol. so we practically slacked in the morning and crap. but! good things don't last, i was transferred, not to any other team ok? but to do some shit job. the packers who wrapped the baskets some weeks back did not wrap the baskets nicely and thus they are very loose. so jason and i was transferred to tighten those loose baskets. damn it. i need to move the baskets from the shelves to the tables, tighten them, and place them nicely on the shelves again. wakao. the baskets are not so heavy. but try carrying them alot of times. worse, i can't reach the top of the shelves and need to climb onto a trolley before i can continue. and even worst, after i tighten the baskets, i need to place them back on the shelves again. we did like 300 to 400 baskets ok? and i moved almost all of them. anyway, got to know derrick from team d. nice guy, alot of crap and damn funny also. while doing our work. we saw some banglahs signing up for the job. they will be the main topic the next day lol. jason left us at 6 plus. so derrick and i was left to do the rest. around 100 plus. good thing justin came to help out after his work. it took us from 11am to 7 plus in the night to finish the damn job. after that, my leg muscles grew back, arm muscles and six pacs hardened back liao. swee lah. physical training. lol. so for my great accomplishment, june gave me a box of chocolates as a compensation. lol. they forgot to buy my dinner! also, i got a orange juice from them. damn it. was so hungry when i drank it, had a very serious stomache immediately, cause the juice was damn sour and it hurt my stomach. lol. after that, walked with justin to his estate. he headed home whereas i had dinner myself. went to settle some class bbq stuff before i went home. lol.
day 4. everything is the same lah. just that jason is becoming more and more of a chiongster. also, the whole team was planning to quit before lunar new year but jason isn't. so i made this comment that maybe jason will be the new team leader of team a after everyone is gone. and he most probably will be having those three banglahs we saw the previous day as his teammates. so after that, we went banglah crazy. calling each other banglahs. i am banglah number 1, yi qing number 2 and wei xiang number 3. jing long aka dick long was called banglah dick whereas justin was called white banglah because he is the fairest down there. and of cause, the butt of our joke, jason was called banglah leader. felix didn't have a banglah nick because he wasn't there that day. so from then on, we kept calling jason leader. lol. also, we laughed like xiao over one thing, when jing long and i was away, the store lady who we always call missy walked past jason who was sitting on a stool. he looked at her until he stool flew out. lol. after that, he still squatting down there. lol. damn lah, he really butt of all joke. we had ot for 2 hours until 7.30 and went to eat mac together. crap alot at mac. talk about sch life. lol. fun lah. not bad. anyway. regretted not slp-ing early on this day.
day 5. yi qing and wei xiang took leave to go tp open house and felix is on mc. so that leave 4 of the team members left. the morning was quite slack, baskets all the way. so we practically was paid $4.50 per hour to slack there. justin was called to be cardbox boy again. kena spammed by cardboxes. crush them. so after justin finished cutting all the boxes, jing long and i placed them on the pallet and used the jack to pull the cardboxes to the store. while at the store. we slacked. hahahahaha. had jack racing. jing long and i each had a jack and we raced in the store. lol. also. justin got infected by the dirt there. he is allergic lah. so bo bian. he was transferred away from our team after he told li bao. left 3 in the team. and the leftover were asked to do ot. damn it lor. this day is super suay. mr tay was being pressured by the headquarters and already wasn't in a good mood. moreover, he had a fight with the store in charge, alvin. made his mood even worse. so, he fired a new qc who only worked two days. this spark a chain of ppl quitting at one go. everyone was planning to quit already. but just don't know when. so when the qc was sacked, her friends all got pissed and quit. this blew mr tay up. and then he wanted us to do the impossible. hit the day's target of 1300 hampers with so little manpower. so we kena lor. pia like xiao again lor. but not bad, 5th day and my speed is 2/3 of jing long's speed. he finish 120 walls in 15 minutes and i did it in 25 minutes. lol. anyway, this is the day jing long defeated li bao in making the wall. haix, only went home at 12 plus. went to slp at 1.30 am the next day. need to wake up at 6.50 am again hor! saturday still got work.
saturday, day 6. wah. super tired, super slack ad super sian. lol. good thing, mostly baskets. hahahahahaha. so can slack abit. hang around, cut cardboxes, distribute stocks, make walls, crap and rest in big cardboxes. lol. had early lunch at 11.30. nice sia. then after lunch, felix was sent home. lol. reason? he was slacking too much. playing, kicking cardboxes and walking in and out of the warehouse. lol. he super funny. hahahahaha. then after that. the whole team went on strike, leaving leader to do everything. we used disposing of cardboxes as an excuse to go to the warehouse to slack and had jack race again. so while we were playing at the warehouse, leader was pia-ing alone like xiao. lol. while in the warehouse, alvin tried to enter and almost caught us playing. lol. good thing i locked the warehouse's door before we started playing. lol. after that, did practically nth and earned $6.75 per hour for free. lol. left for home at 3 plus. after that, went to slp lor. damn tired.
anyway, should be quitting on 27th this month bah. because after that will be damn hiong. lunar new year closing in. still deciding, maybe staying until 10th feb to 16th feb when the production stops. lol. think thats all liao. sianned. need to work on monday again. haix. nvm, got leader. lol.
late night, come home
work sucks, i know
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