they took this photo while jun jie and me was away to change my bike and look for dk. we pang sehed him. remember?
a shot of josh when he fell down.
this is the place where josh fell down. hmmmm, it should be steeper what.
the group that went there. we were all wet because we cycled in the rain. lol.
ok. since when do rivals take photos? lol.
this is what happens when your plan backfires and your allies don't help u out.
ky's jersey. try breaking the code. lol.
kwoky aka josh the blur cock. hahahahaha. hmmmm. speaking of josh, long time nv meet up with him liao. find one day go meridian jc to look for him.
was waiting for dk to treat his wounds outside the npcc camp so we asked jun jie to take this photo.
ky asked dk to make a very sian look for this photo. lol. look really damn sianned. lol.
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