so after that was so worried lor. was so scared that they will deduct it from my pay. but still have to work, so everything went back to normal. just that i was too afraid to touch the wine again. lol. so after i finshed distributing the stocks, i went to the store to see the book with all the price listing of the stocks. i searched for the price of the brandy, and i almost died from a heart attack ok? that darn bottle of wine i broke cost $248. damn it. and if they deduct it from my pay, i will lose one week of my pay leh. damn it.
good thing li bao covered it up for me. lol. so i was saved, i think. hahahahahaha. seriously, now i have phobia for wine bottles. don't wanna distribute anymore. lol.
since i started to work at noel, there were quite alot of cock ups. lol. going to state them here. hahahahaha.
first cock up, i was sent home by june. lol. took 2 hours of my time making that wasted trip home from work and back to noel again. hahahahahaha.
up next, its on the second day, my first ot. made the walls in the wrong seqeunces and had to retie them again. 300 plus of walls leh. lol.
third, was a few days back. was my first time checking the quantity of the stocks. everything was alright except that for a certain type of item, there was a substitute for the item as there was no more stocks. i forgot to tell my teammates because i was damn blur at that time. alot of walls to tie. in the end li bao found out the mistakes and they had to redo all the 60 baskets. lol. sorry arh. hahahahaha.
and last one, the eiffel tower lor. freaking suay lor. why i always so suay arh? can someone tell me or not. wei xiang dropped his wine before, but nv break. he caught it with his leg. lol. lucky right? actually, wei xiang almost broke his wine 3 times lor. but none broke. damn lor, i am freaking suay. haix. hope tml no cock ups.
anyway, i told li bao that i was quitting soon. at first i thought that she will be damn shocked because 3 of us will be leaving at the same time and felix was sacked. lol. damn funny. then there will be a serious shortage of manpower in team a. but she looked so relaxed and calm and told me to tell the admin staffs. lol.
so no problem with quitting my job lah. but she approached jason and asked if he was quitting. lol. jason went to look for a new job ytd. working as his sch's admin staff. but he will be staying all the way until the end of production period. lol.
anyway, as i was saying, li bao asked jason to stay back because she was afraid that team a won't be able to keep up with the packers as all the fast workers are gone. and with the fast workers gone, team a would be over run by the packers and cannot cope with the work load. hahahahaha. haix, so sorry lah li bao. give u so much troubles. but i had to quit no matter what.
first, ky is finally able to quit, so i want to quit too, so that we brothers can spend some quality time together before going our own separate ways. haix. anyway, we plan to go his house almost everyday, to play com, train ourselves and i will be practising my bass at his house. also, we are all planning another ubin trip or bbq outing for all the brothers. so if u all can make it, please come. we will be going back to dunman for the teachers' concert too. do make some time for it brothers, cause after sch reopens, we won't be able to meet up liao.
secondly, its for my bass. i think i had earned enough money to buy a bass. so i want to progress from where i stopped and start making my dream come true. so i will be finding imran for help.
lastly, its only one month left until sch reopens like i said earlier. i wanna rest and recharge. to prepare myself for the challenges ahead. so yah. think thats al my reasons for quitting bah.
hahahaha. wanna know the reason i told li bao in order to quit? i told her that i am a supernumerary under ncc hq. well, its true what. hahahahaha. and i told her that i need to go down to hq to help them out for the upcoming new year event. nice and sweet. job done. lol. as always, i am full of crap excuses. hahahahaha.
think thats all for today, bye ppl. hope tml will be a good day. i am not really looking forward to the class bbq, but am looking forward to the half day off and spending time with brothers.
photos on my work again.

the eiffel tower that i broke. super sianned because li bao poured away the leftover instead of letting me finish them off!
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