ok peeps. i'm back. lol. its been 5 days since i've last blogged. and during these 5 days. alot of shit happened. lol. my com is back and running. woohoohoo. and i've got dota and cs zero condition installed. so tried them out for awhile. i'm officially a dota noob. cs still got hope. lol. also, my house is like a mini lan shop liao. my two coms can play lan. so whoever want play lan. come my house. $2 per hours for friends. $1 per hours for brothers. lol. but games are limited. only dota and cs. trying to install generals.
next up. la lakers is in the nba playoffs liao. not bad. but seriously, eventhough i support them, i don't think that they will go far in the playoffs. i think that they will be out after the first round. cause y? their opponents will either be san antonio spurs or pheonix suns. 2 of the top 3 teams in the western conference. la lakers is 6th to 8th in ranking. so yah, no hope, unless kobe bryant make miracles happen again. like another 81 points game? lol.
and for other stuff? some minor craps that pissed me off. ok. my ps2. was playing nba live 2005, and its the last 2 plus minutes in the final quarter. i noticed that my ps2 had 2 controllers plugged in. so thinking that i won't be using the other controller. i went to pull it out. damn it. whole ps2 hang. need to restart the game again. damn it. as for my com. was playing dota. turned my head around as my dad called me. turned back, the game automatic exit itself and it show "critical error". wth.
anyway, purpose of today's post. photos lor. what else. first up. pool session after speech day. lol.

that's ky, taking a shot from a very difficult angle.
lol. ky the new world order guy is another punkrocker wanna be.
jm. the most skilled among us.

lol. guess what number is this? lol. its number 6.
me. my hands are too fast for the camera. lol. =x
ky and me being spastic. we're not kissing the ball. we are blowing the ball.
ok. me again. this time, i'm not too fast for the cam liao.
lol. its justin's turn and he is too fast for the cam also. lol.
hey hey, number 14. one of my favourite number.
some random shot by belle.
woo. final ball.
bah! its kjm. self indulging i think. lol
woohoo. the cute and blur kowky.

this is our reward. all thanks to justin. lol.
close up. lky aka lee khai yew blanjar all of us. lol.
someone's broke man.
annabelle's coffee.
lol. up next. kjm's day. the 53rd clt course passing out ceremony. jm invited ky and me for it. and we smuggled annabelle in. lol. that day was fun. the poc was motivating. am still considering to go for the 54th clt course. but must cut hair. lol. sianned.
went to watch the poc. ate dinner there. then went home. kjm did not leave with us. he need to stay in camp until the next day before booking out. anyway, on the way home from yio chu kang, our mrt passed by newton. so i suggested that we go newton for supper. ky, steady as ever, agreed to it. annabelle too. so went there for supper. after that, took some spastic photos while on the way home.
kjm in number 1 uniform. lol. damn it. ky and jm both wore it liao. when will be my turn?

close up view of kjm. lol.
look at the 2 nice role of clts to be.
kjm taking the clt pledge.
ky taking off kjm's trainee rank on his shoulder.
me putting on the clt rank on kjm's left shoulder.

annabelle after putting on the clt rank on kjm's right shoulder

our usm and kong jiao wei master.

me and jm. lol. my hair's longer now! =P
3 of us. brothers for life. 9 divided by 3 equals 3.
sir! look this way. what u looking at? chio bu? cannot be. ncc no chio bus one. =x

belle and jm again. jm is bending down so that belle won't look that short. lol.

saluting. national anthem's playing.
after poc. eevryone went havoc.
kjm with his short hair. lol. aftermath of going to clt course. and my greatest hinder.
clts performing on stage during poc.

formal shot of kjm? lol. salute.

belle in number one uniform cap.
ky with his back facing us. he wanted us to take the supernumerary logo printed on the back of his shirt.
me in number one cap.
another shot of me in number one cap. the previous one looks weird.

the 3 brothers with lauzh. 3+1=4! 4 brothers in total.
woo. what nice ambience. seriously, this is the nicest place in the whole ncc campus liao.
brothers back to back again. supernumerary style!
don't worry, we will be back ncc campus. back for 54th i hope.
our supper. nice nice.
up next. spastic photos that we took. warning, explicit body language. lol.

where's the exit u idiot.
ky's smoking and my bag is suppose to be the flammable items. lol.
where in the world is doraemon? here he is!
omg. brother siam arh. door may open without warning leh!
seriously, if one day i'm rich enough. i will take $5000 out. press this and pay the fine. lol.