Saturday, December 30, 2006
anyway, stayed home on christmas eve. that's sad. ppl were out there having fun. but can't help it. all my brothers are either working or unable to make it cause their parents don't allow them to stay out all night. went out to eat burger king with my mum at around 10pm. she said she feel like eating. so i blanjar her lor. got pay liao so got money. other than that, stayed home to play ps2 until 3 plus.
christmas day was abit more lively i guess. went to east coast with dong kai to look for ky. went to parkway to spend some quality time with these two brothers. seriously life is getting boring liao. lol. but can't do anything can we? in order to earn money, we must lose our quality time together. slacked from 2 plus to almost 6 then we accompany him back to his restaurant after that i went home. not bad. my younger bro bought pizza for everyone. hahahahaha. ate 6 slices. well. those are the leftovers cause i reached home slightly late.
worse of all, the game that i was playing - final fantasy xii spoilt. well there is something wrong with the disc. need to get it changed and fast. if not my life at home will be hell. i feel like working again. but the boss haven't called. hope he won't tuar me like tong le did.
at last, went out with brothers ytd. went to watch deathnote 2. its cool man. battle of the wits. but both the main character, l and light die in the end. lol. sad case. anyway. i missed watching night in the musuem with jun jie they all. can't make it. back to main topic again. before we went to waych deathnote at gv vivo city. we went to bugis to do some shopping. yeah. ky bought 2 jeans and 2 shirts i guess. i bought a skate shoe. a high cut converse will be my next target after i work again. lol. we had quite a fun time lah. i mean. try to imagine jun ming, dk, ky and me together. hell lor. we tried to suan the hell out of each other. but it turned out that dk, ky and me form an alliance against jm. lol. after that jm went home. cause he wasn't watching deathnote. met up with jun jie. wai kit and jun liang to watch deathnote. dk wasn't watching in the first place so we didn't boooked his ticket. but in the end he changed his mind and wanted to join in.
so he rushed to get the tickets first. but the queue was damn long. can't get the ticket on time. in the end, we decided to smuggle him in. but were caught. so damn suay lor. anyway, he waited for us until the movie ends. then we went to newton to have dinner. lol. talked alot of jiao wei there. anyway, i still can't accept the fact the jun liang gets $500 a month. haix. after that, we went home lor.
well. don't really know when we will meet up again liao. the future is that uncertain. but we planned to have a mass lan outing again next time. just to relive the jiao wei-ing moments. the moment where we guai lan and xia lan each other with lan gaming. it will be fun. i am looking forward to it.
lastly, bought quite alot of stuff lately, two famous stars and stripes t shirt, a green colour three quarter pants, a black jeans and a skate shoe. hahahaha. not bad. more stuffs on my next payday. wonder when it will be.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
anyway, through some very major incidents, i found out that character is the most important factor that bond brothers and couples together bah. what i am trying to mean is that, when ppl of almost the same characteristic and thinking communicate, it is easier for them to understand each other thoughts. whereas the ppl of very different characteristic will mistook one another and conflicts arrive. yah? i think ppl like khai yew, jun jie, jun ming kang soon and dong kai will understand what i mean with ease. being born in the same month and having the same horoscope, jj, jm, ky and me had this sort of special bonds that we understands each other almost instantly. thus this explains for the few conflicts among us. not say that there was nv conflicts among us, but it is very little. on the otherhand, ks was my brother since sec 1 and dk was my brother since sec 2. more or less, as we spend time together, we understand each other better and know what we mean.
but still, there are some ppl that we can be brothers with, but it is harder for them to understand our thoughts. yah? ppl like zheng hong. well. no matter how hard i tried to explain to him at times, he won't understand what i mean. and vice versa. i don't understand his words too. but why is this so? what causes these special bonds among ppl? why can't this person understand that person as well as another party does? why some ppl are able to understand a particular person's thoughts with ease whereas others struggle with it?
is all these incapability to communicate among some party that causes conflicts? is this why some ppl mistook another party's words and actions and thinks negatively when they sees things from only their point of view? is it the failure to communicate or failure to see things from each other point of views that ppl get into conflicts? or is it because of human being's selfishness that sometimes conflicts arouse? or is it due to our protective intuitions at work sometimes, that ppl shoot baseless facts from their mouth in our so called backstabbing in order to protect ourselves that conflicts happened? or is it because one thinks that he or she isn't at fault that they go against those that they was once closed with and find faults in them that ppl have conflicts?
and when conflicts arises, many ppl will take many different ways out. some with get to the bottom of it and talk things out nicely with one another. whereas others will shut themselves off from their usual hangouts and escape. not facing the matter. also, why is it that ppl having different way of solving things? is it because of the term characteristic? is it really this term that some take the blunt and straight forward confrontation to explain things out whereas others take the cowardly method of avoiding the matter or our so called escapism to solve things?
for all these, i can only say that i'm just a kid too. and ppl reading this post. i am not crapping. i meant something here. those ppl that has the so called special bond to me will understand which matter i am directing at. anyway. its pretty obvious.
i know who you are.
Monday, December 18, 2006
as i took the bus to the interchange, the disturbance gets only stronger, nv subsiding. it suffocates me. i felt an intense pressure inside my chest. i need to release this unknown feelings. as i alighted the bus and walked towards my usual meeting place with shamir, i saw it. the disturbance in the force. the source of it. the root to my sufferings.
the source was a big black piece of moving shit. yeah. air cadets adore him, they worship the very ground he walked. whereas to land cadets, the very sight of him irritates them and his presence instantly spoils their day. to air cadets, his voice is equilibrium to smoothing music but to land cadets, his voice can only wake the dead. this source tried to tear dunman ncc land down, but in vain. he pushed dunman ncc air to new heights. a good leader to teachers. a dog to land cadets. who he is, i do not need to mention. land cadets know it for themselves. =)
well, today was my payday. so i met up with jun jie and shamir. on my way to take the bus. i saw josh. he dyed his hair. seriously, he looked very shuai leh. not bad. if he continues like this, alot of girls will be crazy over him. hahahahaha. went to our office to get our pay cheques. they took the whole morning to calculate our pay and sign the cheques. to my surprise, my initial gauge of $440 was wrong. i earned around $500 instead. not bad. worked 8 days and i earned around $500. so after that, we went to ocbc bank to cash out our cheques. woohoo. the feeling was great. its my first payday. its great to have so much money in ur wallet. wahahahahaha. all my hardwork paid off.
ate lunch and returned home. upon returning, i returned my bro the $150 i owed him. so i am left with $350. its still enough for me to buy my bass. wahahahahaha. finally, after so long. i finally earned enough money to own a bass. its hard, but its worth the while. now, all i had to do is to find the time and learn. one step further. but before that, i need to earn more money. to buy clothes and prepared for a new year with new challenges ahead.
anyway, my mum brought me to the posb bank to open a new personal account. yah, i nv had a personal account. all i had was a joint account with my mum. its good to have an atm card, but i must not abuse this privillege. i must have some money management. anyway, its good to be like an adult.
after that, went home to slack awhile before meeting ky and dk. they went to orchard to slack in the morning but i can't tag along. so ended up meeting them in tampines. it's been long. yah, it's been a long time since i met up with them. had a chance to meet up with dk. his clt course pop. but i can't make it. i had to work the next day and on that day, i was too tired. so sorry my bro for missing out on your passing out parade.
talked with them, to keep ourselves updated on each other's life. then walked around to look for clothings. saw some damn cool ones. reasonable price too. well, but i don't think i have alot of money. what can $350 do? lol.
think that's all bah. bye peeps
i do things my own way,
so keep your comments to yourself.
i do everything for a reason,
if you don't know the reason,
i will appreciate it if you shut up
and stop talking like you know the right way.
because you are just a teenager like i am.
Friday, December 15, 2006
second reason is due to the fact that more and more ppl are working for my company to distribute the catalogues. at first there was only 5 of us plus a malay lady who was already a seasoned worker there. but these few days came another 5 applicants, 2 indians and 3 chinese. so this contributes more competition to the already low number of offices left available. somemore the probability of being able to walk pass the security guards without being stopped is 1/10 whereas the probability of clearing an offices building with a 100% success rate is 9/23. the overall probability to distribute catalogues to all the tenants in an office building is 1/10 x 9/23 which is 9/230. lol. these statistics were provided by jun jie and justin. lol.
third reason was, its time to move on. move on as in find another job to gain the experience and look at the world from another perspective. by distributing catalogues, i saw how ppl working in offices are like. now, i wanna distribute fliers, to see how the citizens of singapore is like. hahahahahaha. anyway, after distributing catalogues, i start to hate ppl working as receptionists and security guards. anyway, for security guards. i understand. they wanted to ensure the safety of the building. as for receptionists. some of them just pissed me off.
i will explain why here with an extract of my conversation with one of those receptionists. here's the scenario, i was distributing catalogues in this particular building and was down to my last catalogue. i was already damn tired as i had been walking non stop for the whole day already. finally, i found this office and press the door bell.
receptionist: "hello may i help you?"
me: "erm , sorry. i am distributing a free catalogue."
receptionist: "oh, what kind of catalogue?"
me: "it's about hampers and gifts."
receptionist: "what company are u from?"
me: "i am from hazel florist and gifts."
receptionist: "oh ok. where is your company?"
me: "it's at lhk3 building in new industrial road near paya lebar."
receptionist: "you can slip the catalogue through the hole beneath the door."
me: "but i need your company stamp for verification."
receptionist: "then i don't want it anymore."
at that time, i was so pissed. ask so much but ended up not wanting the catalogue. so this is what i did. i started the mp3 in my phone. set to max volume. and press the doorbell again.
receptionist: "may i help you?"
i placed the loudspeaker of my handphone at the aiphone and let the receptionist enjoyed 'dammit' sang by blink 182. then i ran way. lol.
so yah. ended my job. wanna thanks uncle bing hwa and uncle jeffrey for sending us to our location everyday.
next up, ppl its time again. its time for jeremy's poon jiao wei show! today's topic will be about the most hated ppl by teenagers working during holidays. lol. for this show, i took my source from me myself. ky, who is currently working as a waiter at tong le. and jun jie, my bro who worked with me to distribute catalogues.
according to these sources, ppl distributing catalogues hates receptionists the most and ppl working as waiters like ky hates his fellow waiters.
firstly, i will talked about receptionists. those receptionists that smile and gave me a nice day while i worked. i thank you all for being so kind. but, when there are good ppl, there will confirm be bad ppl. they are some receptionists that gave u a black face when u enter their company. there are also those that make stupid noises when u asked them for their company stamp. worse, there are those that don't open the door when it is so darn obvious that there are ppl in the office. even worse, there are those that asked alot shit and reject u in the end. worst, there are those idiots that asked alot, opened the door for u then asked u to get lost. wth, waste time only.
anyway, the fellow waiters i mentioned just now are those aunties who are already half way inside the coffin. but this does not matters. according to ky, looks can be deceiving, even though they are old, their mouths aren't. the older they are, the more pro they are at complaining. lol. the age of waitresses is directly proportional to their ability at complaining.
those waitress only know how to complain about how lousy and disorganised the restaurant was. and will compare the current restaurant they are working for to those they had worked in before. saying shits like how lousy this current restaurant is. wth. these aunties really are senile. their brains can't work. if u think the previous restaurant is better, then go work there. don't stay, complain and torture ppl's ear. their ear are used for more useful purpose than listening to u all these old chickens squabbling down there.
one last final thing. don't u guys think that there is something common about old waitresses and receptionists? lol. here's the answer. they are all female. yah, women and ladies. i am not guai lan-ing girls here. but ain't it an irony? when these so called old females are young, boys like us will be crazy over them. but when they are old and naggy and noisy, boys like us find them a pain in our asses. i am thinking what will happen when i got married and my wife starts to make the so called "music" for me to "enjoy'? will i silence them by divorcing? or go with the saying that goes if you can't beat them, then join them and join in their so called "music" making pastime?
hahahahahahaha. i don't know. will think about it in the weekends. and so, here i end my jeremy poon jiao wei show episode 2! bye ppl.
Monday, December 11, 2006
so today went back to work. will show u guys some photos of my so called transportation to work. and my work place. work place as in the place where i pack my catalogues. lol.

here is the a shot from the back view of my transportation which is a van. this van wil spoil soon if jun jie and me won't stop shaking it every morning. lol.

this. is the aftermath caused by justin, jun jie and me every morning after we had finished packing our catalogues. lol. and who will do the cleaning up? uncle bing hwa aka ah bing. he is our driver and supervisor.
due to the fact that i am super bored now. i will bring u all through my so called daily work routine. =)
every morning, my "dammit" hp alarm ring tone will go off at 7. i will perform my daily ammenities and slack awhile. at 8, i will leave home for the bus interchange. will roughly reach there by 8.20. will take bus or walk to the interchange depending on my mood and situation.
once i reached the interchange. i will meet up with ppl like shamir and maybe gwee. then we will take bus no.22 to work. while borading the bus. i will take note of the bus number plate and sms its plate number to jun jie and justin. so that they will know which bus to board. lol.
after we all met up. we will all talk crap. mostly about games or suaning ppl. hahahahahaha. gwee will be listening to her mp3 and shamir will just take a nap or laugh with us. he is very quiet. as always. hahahahaha.
after we reached the work place, we will wait and meet up with ah bing in our so called mission briefing room. hahahahaha. after that. we will go and update our accounts and return to briefing room for a swift briefing on that day's location. hahahahaha.
after mission briefing. we will go and collect the catalogues and move it to the company's van on our own while ah bing settles his stuff. hahahahaha. here comes the fun part. either jun jie on me will climb onto the trolley and one of us will push the other one around. jem and jun pro trolley. lol. tony hawk pro skater can scram. hahahahahaha. once we reached the basement and loaded the van with that day's catalogue. we will try our best to move the van. damn. the van is heavy man. spammerzord(justin), ultraman almost+10(me) and breadman(jun jie) combine forces still can't move the darn van. lol. so we will find other means to spoil it. and that is to shake it! lol.
hahahahahaha. after ah bing reached the basement. we will start to pack the catalogues while ah bing drives us to our destination.
once we reached. its time to get serious and distribute the catalogues door to door to earn our salary. lunch time is damn random. whenever u feel like eating or having a break. go ahead. lol.
we will work all the way until 4 plus. after that, we either go home ourselves or meet up again to go slack together or talk about that day's funny event. lol.
ytd, went to watch flags of our fathers with jun jie, justin and gwee. omg. here is my advice. to those who haven't watch that show. save ur money. to those who watched, wasted. hahahahahah. seriously, that movie is not really as good as all my brothers thought. the nicest part was the warring part. but it does not really shows alot. headshot scenes are nice though. hahahahahaha. as commented by jun jie, that movie is for emo buggers or punkrockers like lau zheng hong. only ppl with this talent will enjoy it. lol. nice one lah jun.
its 12.17am now. have to wake up at 7am. got to catch some slp. lol. hope tml we won't be distributing catalogues again. will do something easier first. like packing hampers as they said. hahahahahahaha. but still. i don't mind distributing catalogues.
just a man, i'm not a hero
Saturday, December 09, 2006
hahahahaha. 3 days and i earned around 160 bucks. not bad? i think so too. but the money come in exchange for my sweat, energy and back pain. hahahahahaha. its real hard earn money. now i know. how hard it is to earn money. hahahahaha.
shall elaborate more on second day yah? since i talked about the first day liao. second day, i went solo. distribute catalogues on my own. gwee went to help her mum out at her mum's childcare centre in bishan. i earned 6o bucks on that day. well. i did 3 rounds. first round, i took 30 catalogues, second round 50 and last round 40. second round was the toughest. try to imagine carrying 50 catalogues on ur back. and u need to descend the stairs and visit the offices one by one, door to door.
lol. its also the funniest day lah. i went to keypoint located at beachroad to distribute. that building was protected by security guards. i went in and out of the building several times. carrying the catalogues in my hands, and the guards did not notice. lol. maybe i am too good at sneaking around. hahahahaha. so i distributed all the catalogues to almost all the offices in that 26 storey high office building. hahahahaha. here comes the funny part. after i gave the catalogue to the last and final company of that day. the security guard approached me and told me that distributing catalogues is not allowed in the building and they escorted me out. hahahahahaha. lame ain't it. escorting me out after my final company and despite me walking past them for so many times. and even if i got escorted out. its nth to me because i earned more than enough for that day already. hahahahahaha. working is fun. and i am addicted to it. lol.
then 3rd day, which was ytd, i went to the jtc industrial park in kallang. haix. business was slightly poorer today. why? the offices in jtc was located far apart and only a few companies are in one block of office buildings. so gwee and me had to walk to another building to start distributing catalogues again. these caused us alot of precious time. earned 45 bucks ytd. not bad still huh? despite the obstructions. finally, the dreadful kallang area was cleared. hahahahahaha. thanks to jun jie and justin, cause they had been working there and suffering there for two days straight. lol.
starting from next week, i do not need to distribute catalogues anymore. lol. i was transferred to the hamper packaging department togther with jun jie and justin. the best part is that maybe we will be the supervisors for that department. because they will need students for the packaging of hampers and by then, the 3 of us will be considered the seasoned workers. so we will supervise them and maybe pack the hampers at the same time. hope that we will be paid more than the newcomers lol.
and also, next week, jun ming and his pri sch friend will be coming to join us. it depends lah. see what are they decisions. heard from jun ming that his pri sch friend is a rich guy. lol. not i am what, but i hope that he won't be like jinghan. the job a little bit tough then don't wanna work anymore. like i said before. if it ain't tiring, it ain't working. yah yah yah. i know i said it alot of times hahahahahaha. so lets hope he will have the passion to work.
hahahahaha. eunice lai will be joining us too. hahahahahaha. rc asked me so i tell him lor. hope that she will be employed too.
ok lah. that's all for today. yah i know. it's a boring post. but pardon me. i am damn tired now. plus my shoulders hurts from all the carrying of catalogues. =x
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
working is fun. its the first time in so many years that i do something with so much enthusiasm. lol. why? i find that through working. i can see how ugly this world is. to better improve my understanding of this term call reality. to meet all sorts of ppl. ppl from all walks of life. to broaden my knowledge about the ways of life, the street smart style. yah. to me, i always think that being streets smart is way better than being book smart. seriously think about it. what good does it have when u know everything under the sun but you are not flexible and can't utilise whatever shit that u had learnt? its equal to nothing yah? years of hardwork trying to absorb as much knowledge as you can going down the drain.
hmmm. ok. what did i work as? everyone of u must be dying to know yah? lol. i went to distribute catalogues. yah. putting books of catalogues in my backpack and carrying them around to distribute them to offices. door to door. lol. after distributing to the offices. i will need their company stamp to verify that i had distributed the catalogues. one company stamp will earn me 50 cents. lol. this job depends on ur speed and luck. hahahahaha. actually. luck is the deciding factor for how much you earn a day. hahahahaha.
while working. i get to walk around. run around. its the kind of work that i like. no need to be working in a room. so boring. and while running around to distribute the catalogues. i can get to see the different kind of ppl with my own eyes. ppl as in employees or employers working in the offices. lol.
hmmmm. not bad. i am enjoying my work. i earned slightly over $50 today. $53.50 to be exact. lol. we need a partner to work with. gwee was my partner. we distributed a total of 215 catalogues today. i distributed 107 while gwee had 108. hahahahaha.not bad. but tml, i will be working solo. hahahahaha. working on my own. not bad. have a chance to enjoy spending time on my own.
seriously. the work ain't very tiring at all. i wonder why jing han will complain that it is very tiring. hahahahaha. 30 catalogues in ur bag is not very tiring at all. maybe its due to all the ncc trainings i had at these years. seriously. i am not targeting anyone here. if you wanna work, don't complain. if work is not tiring, it ain't work anyone. furthermore, you are just an employee. its already very good that u are employed. many others will want the chance to work also. life is like this. to gain something, u must lose something in exchange. for the money, u lose your energy. this is the reality. that is how money is being earned. it is a trade. no pain, no gain. if all the time, u wanna get on with life smoothly without any challenges. what the hell are u living ur life for? u have only one life. live it to the fullest, learn all u can, do whatever u can. don't live with regrets. don't regret for not doing this or that when u are old and gray. if u wanna get on with life so easily. u might as well give it up. to those ppl lying in the hospital and being tormented by terminal diseases. they will seriously appreciate the chance u bestow upon them, and lead a more fulfilling life than u. =)
yah. i agree. i'm not in the position to talk all these crap. because i used to be one such person. happy go lucky. just wanna slack. don't wanna work. but now, i changed. i wanna do stuff and enjoy my life working and learning. learning not as in studying. to me, studying still sucks to the core. i wanna be moulded into a leader. who is able to lead ppl. lead ppl in the correct way and not negatively. i may make mistakes. but i will learn from them.
lol. ok lah. thats all. bb ppl. work tml.
say it ain't so, i will not go
turn the lights off, carry me home.
keep your head still, i'll be your thrill,
the night will go on, my little windmill.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
so now, i am going to talk about some nonsense. feel free to exit this blog if it bores you ppl out. the way out is the red cross you see at the top right hand corner of the window. yah? try searching for it. for some others who are lazy to move the mouse. here's another way. just find the alternate button and f4 button. and press them together. it will work i think.
today, i shall talk about talent and hardwork. yah. lame? i don't think so. for those who finds it lame. again. feel free to exit. the way out is stated in the previous paragraph. for those ppl who are intersted to enjoy my lil show. i have some advices to give first. go to ur kitchen, grab a packet of chips and a can drink. make sure u are are comfortable. sit back, relax and enjoy my show. so now, according to, talent means a special natural ability or aptitude, whereas hardwork means being zealous in the tasks you do? shows no result for hardwork. aiyah. just heck it. you ppl are not so dumb to that extend i assume.
ok. everyone are born with a special talents in which they are the master of that specific art. whereas others try very hard to attain that some specific art in which they had no talent in. an example for those who don't understand. i will take khai yew, my dear usm and lau zheng hong, my dear friend to make an example. ky was naturally born a slacker, so his special talent should be slacking. and ky had already mastered the art of being a slacker. whereas zh on the other hand. is born a hardworking down to earth naive little boy. yah? don't u guys agree? so zh will have a hard time trying to be a slacker. or in other words. he will never be one unless he tries very hard. as for being hardworking. it will be vice versa. ky will have a hard time trying to be a hardworking boy whereas zh will score full marks for being hardworking if there is such an exam testing one on their hardworkingness without breaking a sweat. so understand ppl?
i will state why i use ky and zh as an example here. hahahahahaha. ky and zh gives me a feeling that they both oppose each other in every means. be it the way they do things, their aspects of life, their thinking, the way the treat ppl blah blah blah. basically, they are just like yin and yang. totally opposite of each other which makes them the best choice for making an example. who to be yin and who's yang. its up to you ppl.
anyway. ky surely makes a perfect example for ppl being talented in slacking. days before o's. this slacker who had attained nirvana in slacking is still slacking around and playing games. coh, gba are just some examples. this kinda ppl are skilled man. hahahahaha. they have very short attention span. so they do not study much, but they absorb knowledge freaking fast. hahahahahaha. that's the way mother nature creative her being on this planet. in order to make up for ky's lack in attention span, he has super fast knowledge absorbing ability. and ky, my bro, if u are reading this, i am praising u and not suaning u ok? cause i am just like u.
ok. now lau zheng hong also totally fits my expectations for a hardworking down to earth naive little boy. hahahahaha. why? weeks and maybe months before o's, this hardworking boy was already going home practically everyday to study. yeah. hardworking yah? so i can say, he too attain nirvana. but! its nirvana for being hardworking and not slacking this time. and up next, i will state some facts in which u ppl will surely agree with me why ky and zh gives me the yin and yang effects. zh has long attention span but he absorbs knowledge slower. this talent is totally opposite to that of ky. hahahahaha. zh is the type that all the boss like. hardworking, down to earth and honest. lol. zheng hong, my fellow supernumerary and bro, i am not suaning u too ok? i'm praising u too. pardon me for all these nonsense. i am god damn sian.
oh yah. before i forget. i wanna rant here! hahahahaha. my own bro is a wasted talent man. y? he has this knack for basketball. yah, this talent for it. only 30 minutes of exposure and he shoots more accurately than me in the paint. xiao? pro? really? wtf? yah! he is this talented in basketball. but he just don't like it! me on the other hand. was nv talented in basketball. i started playing basketball since like primary 2? yah. i took me 3 years yah. until primary 5. to show nicely in the paint. see the difference? 3 years and 30 minutes? til now. sec 4 since primary 2. i had been playing basketball for around 9 years. and what am i now? in my attempt to acheive more. i injured myself. wrist, waist and knee. you ppl know it. why did i had to work so hard? its because i do not have talent in basketball. to bros, u all may think my basketball skills is quite good. but as compared to others, and the time they took to master it. u will see that i actually am nth. this game call basketball is still a mystery to me. why is it a mystery? it is because i have already reached my limit in my basketball skills whereas i still see some kiddo who have not reached their limits yet. why is this so? is it really because there is something call talent? why is michael jordon a god in basketball whereas some other nba players are still struggling to find their place?
hahahahaha. ok lah. will think about it with my ample amount of time. thanks ppl for your kind attention. lol. for those who are still eating your chips or still drinking your can drinks. save them for next time or finish them off now or throw them away. lol. its up to u! hahahahahaha. jeremy signing off.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
after the posting the previous post. jun ming and i used the com to watch some clips on youtube. come across this clip about adding mentos into diet coke. its damn cool. next. we decided to see the first date music video. saw it three times? damn funny still. blink rocks.
halfway through our search for the rock show music video. xin yi called and said that she will be departing from terminal 1. damn. we were at terminal 2. the sky train service only starts at 6. its dumb to take the taxi there. so we decided to run over to terminal 1. not bad. long time no run. stamina still quite good.
after reaching terminal 1. we met up with xin yi, her mum and her relatives. slacked and talked to her abit before sending her off. time check. its only 5 am then. like i said. skytrain service starts at 6 am. the first mrt to reach changi airport is also around that time. so we had nth to do but hang around.
while hanging around. jun ming found a trolley which was not in use. so we two boarded it and shing chun pushed us around the terminal. lol. everyone was looking in our directions with the wth look. lol. after searching for sometime. we finally found a spot to sit, rest or maybe even slp. lol. *jm suddenly dropped his phone and we started kicking it around like a football. hahahahaha. poor phone. maybe soon enough. phone kicking will be an olympic sports liao.*
while liang hao, shing chun and ee hong were resting. jun ming and me got high. lol. we became damn spastic. liang hao bought a drink and we use his bottle to refill it with plain water. while at the water cooler. jun ming and i each have a straw. so we decided to challenge and see which one of us can store the most water in our mouth with both of us fighting over the only water source, the water cooler. and anyway, we were using the straws we had to collect all the water we could. lol. so at the end. to judge the winner. we decided to let the water we stored in our mouth out through the straw. whoever took the longer time to let all the water run out wins. result, i was the winner. lol. lame right? lol.
after that, we joined back with the rest and talked crap with them until 6. took the skytrain to terminal 2 and boarded the first train. lol. jm and me decided to run to the other end of the train and then walked back. lol. and while waiting for the train to start. i took of my jeans leaving only my pe pants which i always wear underneath on. jm on the other hand, unbuttoned his shirt. lol.
reached the tanah merah station. ee hong took the train to orchard to work while the rest returned to tampines. back in tampines, liang and shing chun went home. they need to rest. liang has work to do. and so. only jm and me were left.
we decided to go to tm and use the toilet first. while walking towards tm via the mrt station. we discovered that the small road the splits the mrt station and tm was damn empty. empty as in there were no cars travelling on it. so we walked to the middle of the road. sat down and talked awhile until a van appeared then we decided to move on.
its only 6 plus at that time and tm was still damn lifeless. jm and me actually wanna play tm catching but ended up leaving for mac. not the mac in tm. the mac opposite the kfc where we brothers always meet up. down there. we spotted the crazy fellow who will treat his hand as an antenna and talk to himself. and so, we decided to stalk him. that guy had a bicycle and we lost him almost instantly.
so from there. we went back to the mac in tm for breakfast. lol. we bought a meal and shared. bo bian. i was seriously broke. lol. *while eating breakfast, jun ming took alot of straws. one sip from all the straws is enough to fill our mouths with orange juice.* after breakfast, we decided to walked to the bus interchange and return home. but we spotted the crazy fellow again! so we continue stalking him. damn. jm and i can nv be private investigators. we lost that guy in 5 minutes. lol. so after that. we went home.
reached home at 8 plus. slp til 1pm. met gwee and went down to east coast to look for ky. he is working there and had a break from 3 to 5. went down to pei him. after he left for work. gwee and i hang around east coast until 7 plus.
sent her home then home sweet home. lol. boring post. lol. nth to do at home. so burn time lor.
ok. today is prom night. only 4 brothers went. jun ming, zheng hong, khai yew and liang hao. hmmm. seriously i am not interested in going prom. i went there for one purpose. to keep my brothers company and to spend time with them before everyone starts to work and have no time for gathering. lol.
meet ky, jm and zh at tampines mrt station and we took a cab down to le meridian hotel at dhoby ghaut. we were damn early i should say. so we decided to walk and slack around the hotel. lol. the hotel is not bad. quite classy.
7 plus and the ceremony started. wait. is ceremony the correct word to use here? lol. heck lah. anyway. yah. we actually debated over which table to sit. i wanted table no. 14, cause it is my favourite number yah? ky wanted table no. 13, his register number. jun ming suggested table no. 1. but we ended up sitting at table no.2. lol. wasted our time debating. lol.
ok. while waiting for the ceremony to start. we decided to take photos for memories. lol. will upload it if i have them. anyway. we sat at the same table with xinyi, hui jing and shing chun.
$55 were not paid for nth. the food were not bad. especially the cakes. choc cakes. lol. anyway. i decided to prank jun ming. ok. they were asking for nominations for the prom king and i scared the hell out of jun ming because i told him i nominated him without him knowing it. lol. so, he started scolding me lor.
anyway. after the nominees were announced. jun ming realised i did not prank him. so u should guess how relieved he was. but! one of the nominess did not turned up. i don't know why lah. ask that bugger. so mrs neo decided to hand pick one scapegoat to replace that bugger. jun ming was that scapegoat. lol. so my wish did come true. lol. 4d also not so zhun sia. also. shing chun was also sabotaged by xinyi they all to become a nominee for prom king. lol. he was damn funny. world peace!
anyway. watching jun ming walking cat walk on the stage was fun leh. lol. so after that. the prom king and prom queen was born. prom king was shiva from my class. actually. expected lah. prom queen was melissa from 4a. erm. what can i say? miracle? a surprise? heaven's will? i don't know. your call. lol.
ok. after that. we decided to cam whore again. this time. took alot of photos. well. as i said. photos next time.
ok. took photos with shamir. so i should say. let's get emo! shamir trully is the senior i respected the most. he is a man with good conduct. he knows what is right and what is wrong. he nevers gives up hope on any thing. no matter how many times we disappointed him. he is a person, who was born for a purpose. he was born to lead slackers and turn them into leaders. since sec 2, after i knew him. he will always be there to clear my doubts. he never scolded us, he will just pulled my whole batch into a room and talk sense into us. i respected him even more when he became the first supernumerary in dunman ncc land. but he nv forgets about us. he led me and show me the way. i became a supernumerary like him. eventhough we are both supernumerary. i nv dared said that i am as good as him. he is just incomparable. he is someone i will nv become. no matter how hard i tried. i still remember the times when i pass out as a third sergeant after spec course. i know i disappointed him greatly. but he pushed me even harder. to make me a staff sergeant i am today. without him. i will nv become a staff sergeant. i won't have my both red and yellow lanyard. so yah. i should thanks shamir for everything. the leader i am today was specially moulded by him. he is my mentor, my friend, my senior and my guardian.
back to main topic. after cam whoring, they decided to go into the ball room to dance. zheng hong went home. he had to work. ok. i suck at dancing. i was just not in the mood. maybe because i was not interested in prom at all. like i said before. i went there to pei bro. lol. so they were dancing away and i was like standing like a log down there? no lah. i did dance abit. lol. ok. anyway, ky was pro at dancing. he was so high. so god damn high.
after the ceremony. we decided to stroll to paragon in search of a lighted christmas tree. lol. so as expected. we took a photo there. lol. here's the fun part. ky's cam only can store one last shot. and it turned out damn nice. ok. like i said alot of times before, photos later when i got them all. good things are worth waiting for yah? but i think we need to wait 13 days for those photos. ok. many of u will go "wth, why so long" right? because the camera man or should i say, ky had to work. simple and sweet reason. so after the photoshot. we decided to walk back to le meridian hotel to cut down on taxi fare. lame i know.
on the way back. we saw poovan and her friends. they were being harrassed by some ah mohs. damn those white buggers. horny shits. ask them to go for breakfast at around 1 am in the morning? wth lah. but nvm. jun ming the hero of the day saved their asses by telling those ah mohs that they were with some other days bah, horny white skin buggers.
after that, we did something gayish. we decided to wait for a merz taxi to take to the airport. we waited for like 15 minutes. lol. ok. while on the taxi. i found out something. there is soneone out there who is even more pro than jun ming at talking cock. so immediately at that instance, he dethroned kjm aka kjw if u invert the 'm' over to become a 'w'. kjw is the short form for kong jiao wei. lol. so, the taxi driver became the new kjw king. hahahahahahaha.
so u should know what happens next. here i am writing this post. lol. ok. ending today's post soon. anyway. this very post was typed by jeremy lim, the owner of this blog account and edited by kwa jun ming, the ex kong jiao wei king. lol. bb
Monday, November 27, 2006
ok. started the day by meeting at ky's house at 10am. the day was 22nd november 2006. on the way to ky house. saw zheng hong and liang hao. they were going to buy slippers. lol. why? we were going ubin but lau zheng hong actually wanted to wear shoes there. wakao. peng.
reached ky house. jun jie and justin had already arrived and was playing valkyrie profile on ky's ps2 liao. lol. hard core gamers are like that. so after zh and liang returned to ky house. we started distributing the food we bought at fair price after graduation day. after the distribution. kwoky arrived!
lol. the feeling was damn weird. its like soldiers being issued rations when they were going to war. lol. crap!
so we left ky house to embark on our journey to ubin. went to took bus no. 29. jun ming and dong kai will board the bus when it reached their house. jun ming actually should go to ky house to help us carry our barang barang but he was late as usual. lol. its no miracle lah. damn used to it liao. anyway. wen jie can't make it that day.
on the bus. war started. war as in suaning war. jun jie the strongest party tok everyone fair and square. he is a pro man. damn pro. ky kena backstabbed by own alliance party, jun jie. lol. practically all the way to changi village. they two were having a suaning showdown. damn fun to enjoy. good thing about having a whole group of brothers that are pro at jiao wei-ing.
reached changi village. the gays' heaven. lol. from there. we took the bum boat to ubin. rent the bicycle and started to explore the island again. actually. its exploration for the rest. to ky and me. we were used to the routes liao. we went there once. so we stil remember the way around.
lol. cycling was the funniest part. really. no joke. its hands up funny and enjoyable. cycling and jiao wei-ing with bros at the same time was damn shiok.
ok. we pang sehed dk. lol. how did we do it? let me explain. while cycling. i observed that dk like to cycle in front of everyone. so i told ky and asked him whether we should pang seh dk or not. ky was as steady as usual, so we came up with a plan. we asked jun jie to cycle with dk first. and when the time arrives, we will take a u turn without him knowing it. and cycle back to the jetty. lol. result? the mission was a success. lol. sorry lah dk. just having fun. swear next time it won't happen again.
now, after we pang sehed dk and reached the jetty. we decided to have lunch. lunch to us on that day was the snacks and biscuits we bought at fair price. while having lunch. my ae86 (bicycle) was being zham over by the police patrol car. damn you stupid police. cannot wait arh? u already saw me dragging my bike away liao right? still go zham. heartpain lor. althought that bike wasn't mine, there is love among us liao. my poor ae86. so i went to change my ae86 into another ae86 with a better braking system.
it rained that day anyway. cycling in the rain is damn cold ok? lol. but its still better than cycling in the night with the rain pouring down. that happened when ky and i went to ubin for the 1st time. lol. thanks to the rain. i drifted with my bike together with jun ming. cool. drifted side by side somemore.
lol. we fished at the jetty too. mid way through fishing. lau zheng hong left for home. lol. so left 8 of us liao. while fishing. alot of funny shit happened. jun jie and ky got spastic and started bullying each other. but jun ming formed alliance with jun jie and they two totally gang banged ky. lol. really had fun. we even video cammed the whole gang banging process down. lol. after we settled down abit. i started to guai lan ky. and we ended up "fighting". i took the biscuit box and whack ky head. that box was dented. =x so sorry. nv meant to hit u so hard on the head bro. lol.
next up. 9 ppl went to ubin. 4 fell down while cycling. so the probability of ppl falling down at ubin is 4 over 9. lol. anyway, which 4? lol. they were. lau zheng hong, kwoky, me and dong kai. lol. we all had a common nemesis. the steep slopes. lol.
anyway. these were the awards given to the 4 who fell down that day. lau zheng hong was awarded the most clever fall. kowky the most amusing fall. me the most style. dk the most jia lat. lol.
lau zheng hong was the first to fall. we were chiong-ing down a steep slope full of pebbles. everyone used their brakes except for him. so he lost his balance. but he was clever. before everything went out of control. he jumped out of his bike. so only the bike crashed. he was fine. clever clever.
kwok was next. we were also chionging down a damn steep slope. he used his brake. but it was of no use. he chiong striaght into the bushes and crashed into them. lol. most funny part. his whole bike jumped over a hump. then the bike practically flew into the bushes.
up next, me! lol. i was looking for the whole gang with jun ming. we were being pang sehed when the two of us were retrieving the fishing line. while chiong-ing full speed down the slope. i forgot that my ae86's brake was damn powderful. i zhammed both of the brakes. and jumped over the hump. lost control. fell from the bike. rolled on the ground. slided on my bag, yah my bag. not my back because i was carrying my bag. and stop. should have video cammed it. what's the most amazing shit is that i was not injured at all. yup, i nv bleed at all. lol. but the soda biscuits in my bag became soda crumbs.
lastly. was dk. i don't really know how he fell. because no one saw it with their own eyes. i only know that his bike toppled over on the slope. and he injured his face and arms. maybe will have scars. after he fell. some police on patrol took him to the npcc campsite and applied some meds on his wounds. it was 7pm at that time. the whole place was so dark. could barely see what's in front of us.
so from there. we had to cycle back to the jetty. good thing. we had one torch light. so jun jie and me opened the way for the rest. lol. cycled in pairs. night cycling was damn fun. really. its thrilling and adventurous. lol. but its scary also. the guys at the back were almost attacked by some wild animals. lol. scary. hahahahaha. i would go back there if i have the chance. but confirm will be going back with brothers.
reached the jetty after cycling in the dark for like 30 minutes? then took the bum boat back to gays' heaven. had dinner there. order alot of food and enjoyed. fun. eat and crap at the same time. heaven on earth. its nice man. spending time together with brothers.
so with that. jun jie, dong kai, justin went home. and the rest went to play bball. lol. powderful right? after one whole day of intense cycling. we still have energy to play bball. so they went to my house my played bball til 12. steady. if we have another chance to be crazy like this again, i will love it. with that. we ended our day. a day filled with memories.
we swore to return to ubin together one day. well. i kept the oath. only that this time. only 2 out of 4 returned. and the two returned with even more ppl. who in turn said that they will return to ubin someday. hope that we will keep this oath also.
well. two days after the ubin trip. tung lok called me and asked me to go to their branch at orchard parade hotel for an interview. the restaurant name is club chinois restaurant. i asked gwee to accompany me to go for the interview. lol. guess what? we saw jian wei there. he was there for the interview also. singapore is sure small huh? lol. amazingly. the three of us were employed at one go. steady right? lol. the pay is $1ooo per month. meals are provided. tranportation fees can be claimed. not bad? but jian wei said that the pay wasn't that good. after calculating. its like $4.6 per hour? not bad bah. but nvm. they want to bargain for a pay rise so i think i can join in to gain some benefit. lol
think that's all bah. going to play ff12 soon. and anyway, jeremy lim the hardcore gamer is no more. i play games now to kill time. gaming is no longer my life. plus, i am super outdated on games liao. what and who caused this? everyone should know bah. peace out.
Friday, November 24, 2006

and this? it is what our gang do best. slacking and hanging around. no one comes close to beating us in slacking. lol. jun ming is the one on the left. liang is the one with his back facing the cam. remember that we were waiting for ky's bio prac to be over. had nth to do at home. so decided to come out to slack. although o's was near. lol.
vivo city. third floor. on top of the vent. yah. we climbed on top of it. ncc style. did it like how we climbed the wall. left to right, jun ming, khai yew and me. missed the times man. no worries. no need study. no money but have plenty of time. lol.
took this while we were waiting for the train. the whole group went to vivo city together to slack. left to right, liang hao, me, khai yew, kwoky and jun ming. lol. i nv asked them to pose for the shot. i just took it anyhow and was surprised at the result. lol. telepathy.
i once thought that after o's. we will have freedom. ample of it. and we can spend our last few months together. without any worries. it will be just brothers, fun, spasticity, jiao weis, boys talk, and tonnes of xia lan-ing. but. we ended up looking for jobs and earning money. so there will be very few chances for us to meet up and waste time together again. will surely miss it. haix. time surely don't stop for man. we have to move on as soon as o's was over. and continue preparing for our next phase of life.
hope those memories won't fade away. not just for me. but for every brothers. remember what we did together before. those things that we did in the name of fun. hope our memories and care for each other will burn til the end of our lifetime. i won't say forvever. cause nth last forever.
and if any of my brothers need help even after we depart. just give me a call. i will surely lend u all my helping hand. just don't hesitate to ask me. once my bro. always my bro. always.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
today. i am going to blog about graduation day which was ytd. well. what can i say? 4 years passed so quickly. what i did in dunman and what happened to me will always be part of me. my past in dunman. those memories. with brothers. with ncc. those girls that i had a relationship with. those fun we had. i can't bear to part with it, as in those fun with brothers. relationship wise. its all just history. but still. we had to move on to another phase of our lifes. another phase which is closer to adulthood.
the graduation day is not bad overall. our sch made a video for us. its quite touching. really. i think i will miss my days in dunman. its the place i grew up and mature the most. to learn and try to be an adult. to try and look from their point of view.
i can't go to jc for the first month. hahahahaha. its what i want anyway. i wanna work. but i still can't find an ideal job yet. haix. nvm. back to the main topic. many band performed during the graduation day. admad's band, the armchair critics came. paging fat bastard, imran's band and some sec 5 band played too. i think that imran's band played the best. imran is damn skilled man. lol. seeing them playing motivated me to pia. lol. the nicest part. the bands joined and sang 99 red balloons. omg. damn nice. they played the rock show too. my target song. lol.
hmmmm. mr lee huan leng returned for the graduation day also. i talked to him like for almost 30 plus minutes? talking to him was nice. he told me alot of stuff. learnt alot from him. and also. wanna thank him. for putting up with 4e dnt student's nonsense. we were so slack. so full of crap and he still nv gave up hope on us. and still encouraged us to work hard and worry for us. my dnt used to suck to the core. but all due to mr tan and his patient teaching. i improved to be one the top guns in my class? lol. ok lah. not so good actually my dnt. lol.
i took a photo with mr bernerd also. well. wait can i say? i use to hate him. for picking on me during sec 2. its for my own good lah. hahahahaha. if it ain't for him. dunman will be in a mess. he is good lah. lol. also. should credit shamir again. for leading us and being my mentor. 4 years in dunman. and he is the only senior i respect. good in personal conduct and discipline. respect everyone and show them the respect they need. he is a role model for me to emulate. but i know. i will nv be like him. he is just born to be a leader. i learnt to be one. that's our difference. talent for shamir and hard work for me. wrong? lol.
most importantly, for the past 4 years. its brothers, yah brothers that went through thick and thin with me. we endured so many problems together. when i am lost and in need of help. they were always there to lend me their helping hand. yah, always them, not my girl at any time or any teachers. they were there to fill me up with their concern and love among brothers when i am all empty inside and drained of any will to move on. if it weren't for them. i won't make it til today. yah? and yah. i owe my brothers an apology for those things that i did that pissed them off. i know i sometimes were not a good brother yah? but there is still time for us to improve everything. i hope.
sec 1 til now. its been 4 years. everywhere in dunman. there are traces of me and my past. they will live with me. maybe in the future i will forget them all. or maybe i won't. what's most important. thanks alot dunman for those great memories.
and lastly. i miss the days back in ncc.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

ok. as for today. went to accompany gwee to chinatown. on the way there. the espirit guy called steven called me through my hp. he asked me to go for an interview. need to reach vivo city by 2pm. so gwee accompanied me there after she settled her business.
we reached and i went for the interview. surprisingly, out of ky, gwee and me. only i got employed. i don't know why leh. hmmmm. 1 week i will be working 35 hours. average 5 hours a day? pay is $800 a month not including commission. around $5.50 per hour. not a bad deal yah? but still. i am waiting for tong le's reply. so i told them that i will give them a reply by tml night.
but one thing. tong le provide meals and transport. espirit don't. and i won't be getting any pay during my one hour break. so yah. not that i am picky. but we must be smart. to cut down on expenses in order to earn more yah? so i sincerely hope that tong le will give me a chance and work.
tml o's will be over. yes arh! but one thing. i misplaced my dnt folio! omg. lol. damn suay lah these few days. i usually don't really study for dnt but this time round. i must be prepared. y? this year's n's dnt paper was damn different and difficult. so mr lee and tan expect that it will be the same for o's. so i must at least study. plus i already long time nv touch dnt yah? on top of that. i don't wanna disappoint mr tan and lee. so must pia. science paper 1? i also don't usually study for it. but maybe will try to study awhile to prevent myself from regretting and feeling guilty. lol.
ok lah. that's all for today. =)
ppl always say. once's a fluke, twice's a coincidence and three times is a trend. yah? lol. i lost my phone again man. third time. i made losing my phone a trend! omg lor. n80 leh. heartpain lor. haven't even use for one month i think. unlucky? careless? dumb? your say.
i still can't believe it. ppl leave their phones in their bags. i leave my phone in my bag too. and only i lose my phone. wth. lol. yah i admit lah. i'm dumb. kept my phone in my bag. but everyone is doing that leh. wakao. and the damn o's rules. no bags in the hall. like it will affect us. y can't they just use their brains? and even if they want us to leave our bags outside, send someone to look after them? what are the security guards for?
seriously, the school is dumb i think. they implant cctv everywhere except the hall? wakao. no comments. but what done is done i guess. i made a police report. hope that they can find my phone back for me. hope. but i think hope of getting my phone back is damn slim.
and so because of it. i got one hell of a scolding from my parents. haix. suay? i don't know man. down. depressed. i miss my phone. and i still can't get over it. screw that idiot who stole my phone. hopeless bugger. hahahahahaha.
up next, found two pending job opportunities. one being a waiter at imperial bah kut teh restaurant and the other being a waiter at tung lok restaurant. the former will pay $4 for inexperience employee. working hours is quite flexible. the latter pay a monthly salary of $1050. provide us for the meals and transport back home. both pays around the same actually. and i am ok working at either. i am willing to learn. lol. but still. i think tung lok will be a better choice. y? it is a famous restaurant. having a working history with it will surely boast my chance of being employed in the future in the service sector. but it will be very pressurizing. working at imperial will be more casual but it is not so famous i think. so either sides have its own advantage and disadvantage. lol. i talk so much for what? i am ok with either one what. bottomline. i am willing to pia and learn. =)
so today, went for interview at tung lok restauran's branch at east coast park. lol. the interview was swift and sweet. will know whether we have the job or not by monday. but i will be out whole day. have exams til 5 in the afternoon. and i am still puzzling on whether to bring my phone or not. once bitten twice shy. so i am quite afraid. n80! argh!
after that went to parkway parade to slack with ky, wen jie and gwee. after that. wen jie went home. this part is xiao? lol. it goes like this. we were waiting for bus. and i saw 197 coming. i told wen jie," this bus can go bedok. ur house there". he boarded it straight after i said it. i was stunned. we were planning to slack. lol. funny sia.
so after wen jie left. we went back to tampines. and accompany gwee to kovan. after we reached kovan. gwee left to join her parents to play badminton. so left only ky and me. as usual. lol. we ate at the market there. so spastic. we were talking about alot of crap. ky said that he wanted to be a civilised guy and won't scold vulgarities anymore. but i succeeded in making him swear 4 times. lol. it was so fun lah. within 5 minutes after he swore that he won't scold vulgarities, he broke it liao. lol. and so i spent around 30 minutes to 1 hours trying to make him break his promise. lol.
next, we met up with gwee again and accompany her to shop around heartland mall until she needs to go home. during that period. ky and me were trying our best to be crazy. lol. we tried to hand stand. not bad. was able to do it for awhile.
gwee left and it was ky and me again. when we were waiting for the bus. wah. even more crazy. no one to stop us. lol. today was damn fun sia. lol. after we reached tampines. went to mac to buy a drink. i kope alot of straws from mac and decided to pop them like what we usually did. damn lah. out of so many. we were only able to pop 5 to 7 of them. lol.
ok lah. i am beat. gonna slp and miss my n80 soon. =(
Thursday, November 16, 2006
a scene of khai yew cutting wen jie's hair for him. hahaha. its a rare opportunity. really. which barber will allow ppl to have fun in their shop?
lol. after the hair cut. hahahahaha. so funny.
ok. as for today. after i got home from my search for jobs. i began to miss the days back in ncc. i miss everything. the days that we have fun together. the time that we slacked and learnt together. i matured so much while i am in ncc. i am no longer a boy. glad to say that i nv regret joining ncc. but still, i will nv go for clt course. i always feel that life as a clt and life as a secondary sch ncc cadet will be very different. the feeling will nv be the same again. so here are some photos i took. =) the uniform. this is what separate the man from the boys. lol
my name tag. army style.
yes. i belonged to the glorious dunman unit. to be exact. the united dunman land unit. not the dunman air unit. i don't wanna be a air cadet of my sch. so what if the air unit is a gold unit? to me, they just suck.
the army - ncc badge. the reason why all ncc cadets go for the specialist course.
my barangs barangs. clockwise, my badges, my beret, my yellow lanyard, my red lanyard and my jockey cap.
a typical staff sergeant who went through the senior specialist course.
now this is different. a supernumerary staff sergeant specially trained by the ncc rsm. it is indeed an honour. to be selected out of so many applicants and be trained to become a master of drills.
hahahahaha. acting emo. lol. where is my specs?
the reason why i don't like to wear the beret. i look so weird and funny.
i still think i look nicer with the jockey cap on. plus. the jockey cap won't mess up my hair. lol.
four years just pass so quickly. haix. hope i won't lose contact with the brothers i had known from ncc. they rocks big time. bunch of slackers. and not to forget wen jie, jun jie and rc too. hahahaha. =)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
well. what can i say? poa paper 2 is over. and i sure can relax now! lol. i need to unleash all the stress bottled up inside me. after O's. it will be chaotic. hahahahaha.
lets talk about the poa paper shall we? hahahaha. ever since the end of last friday's paper. i have been slacking full time. playing ps2, go out, using computer, going online but not talking, etc. lol. i did everything under the sun except studying. so came today. woke up early to meet gwee and study poa. ended up going to have lunch. in the end. i finally got down to study poa 15 minutes before the exam. steady? lol. can't help it. i always have the impression that poa is easy.
question 1. its about errors that cannot be detected by trail balance. that question was easy.
question 2 pissed me off. if i am not wrong, its about provision for doubtful debts. lol. gwee asked me to study it. but i just continue slacking. then it came out. hahahahaha. reason for not studying? on the front page of the notes. there is a <3 sign drawn by her when we were together in sec 3. the moment i saw it. i don't feel like studying it. its not that i can't get over her. but it just irritates me abit. i don't want to get distracted before the exams. lol. excuse! hahahaha.
question 3. damn it. its a reconciliation statement for the sales ledger control account and the cash book. its the same format as bank reconciliation. but the problem is. i know how to do bank reconciliation but i don't know how to do that question! lol. i started off fine but at the halfway point. i got stuck. lol.
question 4. its about partnership. a question on the trading, profit and loss account, the trading and loss appropriation account, the current account and the balance sheet. omg.i balanced everything. so if i am not wrong. i got the whole question correct? lol. its been a long time since i scored full marks for this type of question. the previous time was way back during the common test.
last section, question 5 or 6. i chose question 5. organisation and clubs. its tough and confusing man. i nv scored for this kinda question. i missed the whole week of lessons on this chapter because i had fever. damn. studied on my own ok? did not do one part of the question. caused me 4 marks. hope the rest i got them correct.
and now is the worse part. question 6 is about amalgamation of business. damn! i nv even glanced at that question and i am good at amalgamation! lol
nvm lah. what's done is done. all i can do now is pray.
after the paper. walked to tampines interchange with gwee. i also don't know why we walked there instead of taking the bus. lol. after we met sivanesan. gwee and him left to take bus home and i went to meet my brothers.
we went to apply for job at the kelly job agency. and we can only start working on jan. wth? i don't want it this way. for my guitar and other stuff, i must work latest by dec. i love hanging out with my brothers man. always got alot of crap to talk about.
they found a job. what kinda job? see the description and see for urself ok? the job is packing of vcds ok. going for an interview tml. the interview is at an office. the office is a van. the van is somewhere in a carpark behind the princess cinema located in bedok interchange. lol. we can't stop thinking about all the bad stuff man. lol. office in a van? packing vcds in a van in a carpark? and bedok interchange is full of shops selling pirated vcds man. hahahaha.
so from there, wen jie inferred that they all selling porn vcds. lol. we all think that it is headed by a secret society. and from there. we will embark on our journey into the world of secret society. lol. nice man. and also. my brothers came up with the qualifications for the job. applicant must have a gold for their napfa test. purpose? the outrun the police or cids if the van we are in get discovered. lol.
so after that. we decided to have dinner. and after dinner. ky and i accompany wen jie to cut his hair. he originally had a mohawk hairstyle. but he was afraid that it was too havoc and won't be allowed into the exam ground. so he decided to cut botak. and in order to have a hair cut for free. wen jie borrowed the shaver and appointed ky to cut his hair for him. lol. it was so fun man. wen jie's hair turned out not bad. too bad, he has to wear cap for don't know how long. lol. sworn doing the same thing. ky cut his hair botak last year. and his sworn did it this year. strong swornic bond. lol. photos on wen jie's hair tml. and oh yah. we took a video on it too. find one day when one of us is free. we will upload it onto youtube and i will link it. lol. love my brothers. i love my life now. this is how i want it to be.
ok bah. that's all i guess. going to slack or search for jobs on the internet or newspaper.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
we took these 3 at queensway shopping centre. wen jie was hungry. so we bought some stuff and decided to sit somewhere in the shopping centre to eat. apparently, we sat at some staircase. lol.
while eating, i took some photos. so we decided to pose. khai yew was showing the digit 1, wen jie showing 2 and me showing number 3. lol.
hahahahaha. i took another photos while the two of them were still eating away. lol.
hahahahaha. wen jie and his mwa chee! lol. i asked him to pose then he said take the mwa chee he was eating oso.
wen jie and i took this in a shop. ky was trying on his long sleeve shirt and the both of us were bored. so we decided to cam whore. lol.
see this shoe? omg. its the nike huarache 2k5. it cost $240 plus. lol. its so cool and nice man. and i am so sad. cause i only got the 2k4 version. lol.
while going to newton and have dinner. we decided to act emo for awhile. instead, look at wen jie. we are more spastic than emo. lol. hahahahahahaha.
ok. woke up at 10.30 in the morning. gave wen jie a morning call. then got ready to go out. met ky and wen jie at 12. had lunch at mac.
first stop of the day. accompanied wen jie to tm to buy his converse high cut shoes. steady man. damn nice. i want one too. but that's after i work. lol. i want a high cut and a skate shoe. after that, went to cs to try and search for ps3. no sign of it anywhere. maybe those shops haven't purchase any stock yet bah. heard that ps3 is low on stock. so from there, we took the mrt to queenstown and took bus no 51 to queensway shopping centre. accompanied ky there to buy clothes. hahahahaha. that place is like a maze man. we kept walking around in circles. hahahahahaha. ky bought two long sleeve shirts. quite nice. hahahahaha. oh yah, saw some nice three quarter pants too. will go back some other day.
next stop. went to peninsula plaza in city hall. lol. went there to search for my bass. the package was $250. consist of a bass, a 15 volt amp, a guitar strap and a casing. not bad. but no money. then went to black haven to look for the shirt brand call famous stars and stripes by travis barker from blink 182. lol. the shirts are nice man. 1 for $12. hmmmm. these are my motivation to work after O's. for my bass and for my clothings, i must pia! hahahahahaha.
from cityhall, we went to newton to eat dinner. wah. went we reached there. it was about 6 plus and the place was so damn empty. so we decided to sit down to crap and eat at the same time. hahahahaha. it was so fun. so long never had a good talk with brothers liao. today wil be better if more brothers were available. lol. we talked about everything under the sun man. hahahahahaha. had dinner until 8 plus lol. at 8 plus. that place was so crowded. and i think the stall venders there were quite pissed. because we sat there for 2 hours plus. lol.
so from there, we took the mrt back to tampines and decided to watch the covenant. heard that it was a nice movie. but overall, it was only average. the actors are handsome and the lead actress is chio. lol. the final part was abit like street fighter? lol. after watching the show. something cock up. annabelle called ky and told him that her room got one cockroach. and she was all alone at home. so she wanted him to go to her house to help and catch that cockroach. lol. so the three of us were all prepared to be pest terminator. lol. but on our way there. she said that her mum was returning home soon. so did not need our help anymore. hahahahaha. so went home straight. steady. reached home at around 11.30. hahahahahaha.
ok. seriously, i am really very happy that things turned out fine among our brothers and that we could be back united as one. and also. after all the things that happened these past few months, i do become more matured and learnt to look at many things from a different point of view. i also learnt to treasure my brothers more. about relationship, well, all i can say now is that. i am better off on my own now. until poly.
Friday, November 10, 2006
so should start from this morning bah. took bus no 27 from tampines to sengkang to meet gwee today. then from sengkang, we did something spastic. hahahahaha. we took bus no 88 to toa payoh. and from toa payoh, we took bus no 8 back to tampines. lol. back to the start. hahahahaha. i took us almost 3 hours to complete our journey. hahahahaha. taking bus with someone for so long have its benefits. first, you have someone to crap with you. second, if you got tired. then just take a nap on the bus. hahahahahaha.
met ky, jm, annabelle and wj for lunch. should be meeting at 1pm. gwee and i were late by 30 minutes. thanks to the bus ride. hahahahahaha. so went to sch for war after that.
after maths paper 2, went to slack. as in play bball. something cock up here bah. so sry bros for what happened. hope you all understand. its my fault bah. should have told u all earlier. everything went like this. wednesday i told gwee i will send her home after the paper. but i pang sehed her for bros. cause i told her bros are my top priority now. so wed night. i promised gwee i will make it up to her today. but i forgot today, O's will be over for us and we will start to slack and have fun. hahahahahaha. so i pang sehed bros to play bball on their own and send gwee home.
for what happened. its really my fault.i should have tell brothers what happened. should have remembered that today, O's will be over for us. and yah gwee, its not your fault. i promised you that i will send u home. i said it myself. so don't blame urself. and bros. don't blame her ok? hope u all understand and after this. everything will be forgotten like what we said. but then again, sry bros.
and while we were playing bball, justin told me something i never knew.

see that japanese word on top of the digit 7? justin told me that it means ultraman. yah. that kuku rubber suit hero who will put his hand like a 't' to kill space monsters that can't even move properly. hahahaha. the reason why i bought that shirt is because of the digit 7 which was my index number since sec 3. plus its half of my fav number. lol. so ppl. remember that the word on top of that digit 7 means ultraman. lol.
talking about numbers, kobe bryant decided to change his jersey number from no 8 to no 24. wakao lor. no 8 still looks nicer. so now. kobe8bryant is history. lol.
while playing bball. we had fun tau pok-ing each other. lol. so fun. the feeling of having someone on top of you and making the cracking feeling in your spine is just so shiok man. lol. but the floor is too rough. so the one being tau pok suffered some minor scratch.
today my performance is just average. haix. long time nv play so skills dropped. long range shooting was only about 20% or less. last time was 40 plus percent. need to train liao. but my driving and lay up skills still the same i guess. hahahahaha.
tml is going to be fun. going out with wen jie and ky to buy clothes. as in them buying clothes. i just tagging along. then will go and look at ps3 which will be released tml in singapore as according to justin. then go look at my bass. i wanna buy one, seriously. but my mum don't allow. she says that i will not play for long. wth. i wanna fish, she say cannot. wanna play guitar, form band for fun, say i won't play for long. haix. going to slp soon, tml must wake up at 10.30 to give wen jie a morning call.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
wah sian. day 3 of the war only. and i am down with flu. ain't feeling that good. hope won't be down with fever. hahahahaha. can't blame anything else. was eating chocolates almost everyday. hahahahaha. they are too tempting.
searched youtube for blink 182 all the small things and dammit music video. enjoy!
all the small things
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
the time spent learning maths from him was damn fun. i would always drive him crazy with my crappy maths skills and logics. hahahahahaha. but according to him. he said that what i did helped him relieved stress! lol. thanks alot man master.
up next. i am glad and relieved. y? because the brotherhood bonds are back now. wen jie, zh and dong kai are all back and now we are more bonded. hahahahaha. few weeks back. ky and wen jie's swornic bond underwent a endothermic reaction. causing their bonds to break. but now, hahahahaha, the bond underwent a exothermic reaction and their swornic bond is now back! lol, that's crap. cause today was the chem paper. hahahahahaha. but yah. i do feel the change in us. matured we had become. zh is now more enthu and on. maybe he thinks that we are more important now. dong kai is now more decent and play less pranks. wen jie more thoughtful about the way he talk. jm, ky, jun jie liang hao and me, more caring about each other's feelings? maybe. maybe not. elvis and the others? we lost contact for awhile. but not for long. after O's. we will gather again. and have tonnes of fun.
hahahahahahahaha! omg. talking about the band yah? we underwent alot of changes. initially, the drummer would be me. jun ming be the bassist and wen jie be lead guitarist and vocals. but now. jun ming will be the drummer. me being the bassist and vocals for some songs. wen jie the lead guitarist still and vocals too. what song will i sing. we are still considering. maybe i will sing the higher pitch songs and wen jie singing the lower pitch songs, or vice versa. but it is confirm that we will sing cover first. blink 182 songs! hahahahaha. they rocks, they rocks and still! they rocks. hahahahahaha. i am hyped!
oh yah! the promise we once made to return to pulau ubin one day is not just an empty promise. we will return there on the 22nd or 23rd if i am not wrong. this time. it will be more fun. cause more brothers are going. and more ppl will endure the harsh rain there if it happens to rain again on that day. but i think, we will not be that suay lah. hahahahahaha.
lol. i am happy nowadays. damn happy actually. and i am sure everyone in my gang is too! hahahaha.
going to slp soon. need the energy for tml's english paper. hope that i will do well.
Friday, November 03, 2006
ok. my targets for O's.
english - b3
chinese - already an a2
e. maths - b3
combined humans - b4
combined science - a1
poa - a2
dnt - a1
l1r5 - 14
l1r4 - i don't know how to calculate. =x
hmmmm. quite impossible leh. but 14 is my target. why? my fav no. lame? i think so too. lol. i am in damn good mood nowadays. good to feel this way. should keep it going. be happy everyday. hahahahahaha. good luck ppl in advance. especially to my brothers.
i wanna go poly after O's! jc live is too dull for me i guess. or maybe going to poly. i can slp longer. lol. no need to wake up so early in the morning. if i am not wrong. hahahahaha.
after O's. ky wanna try to pull wen jie back into the group again. i am personally not against it in anyway. but. the second time will not be the same anymore. be it brotherhood or relationship. it won't be so fun anymore. everyone will be very careful of what they say then. and how sure are we that the trust will be there this time?
aiyah. that i don't know as well. lets discuss it after O's bah. hope everything will be fine then. let nature take its course? hahahahaha. i am beat. going to slp soon.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
you've always been this way since high school
flirtatious and quite loud
i find your sense of humour spiteful
it shouldn't make you proud
and i know your pretty face gets far with guys
but your make up ain't good enough to hide the lies
are you sure that you're mine
aren't you dating other guys
cause you're so cheap
and i'm not blind
you're not worthy of my time
somebody saw you sleep around the town
and i've got proof because the word's going around
(don't know you)
you left your phone so i invaded
i hated what i saw
you stupid lying bitch who's david?
some guy who lives next door
so go live in the house of david if you like
but be sure he don't know
peter, john or mike
are you sure that you're mine
aren't you dating other guys
cause you're so cheap
and i'm not blind
you're not worthy of my time
somebody saw you sleep around the town
and i've got proof because the word's going around
don't know you
do do do do woah
and i know that you try to break me into pieces
and i know what you lie but you can't hurt me now
i'm over you
do do do do woah
don't like you
do do do do woah
are you sure that you're mine
aren't you dating other guys
cause you're so cheap
and i'm not blind
you're not worthy of my time
somebody saw you sleep around the town
and i've got proof because the word's going around (words going around)
don't know you
do do do woah
don't like you
do do do woah
don't know you
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
saw wen jie when we were leaving the sch. just a nod of acknowledgement between the two of us. why must things become like this? few weeks ago, we were still so close. calling each other "xiao eh" and "tao eh". did the lack of trust really destroyed our brotherhood? have things took a big cycle and went back to where we were when we were in sec 2? when wen jie and me were enemies?
back in sec 2, we had some bad blood between each other. because of a girl. yah. so back then, my head would be his prize and his ass being my victory. we want each other dead. gone from this world. soon things dead down. because i won the war? or maybe because he gave on hunting me down?
back to our own life. but it seems like it is destinied that our paths would cross again. this time. my brother rc wanted his ass and vice versa. early july. annual cross country. the showdown. almost got into a gang fight. wen jie's cliques versus dunman basketball team. i was there. rc apologised for what he did. it end. but from that day onwards. the tension was even more strained. i wanted his ass more. the victory would be mine. all mine.
came sec 3. damn. wonder if its heaven's will. we are in the same class. i still remember what rc told me. to control my temper. to call him for help if things went out of hand. i still remember. first day of sch. i was prepared for a brawl. one on wen jie's close friend. i was wondering if i would survive. being in the same class as him for 2 years.
a twist of fate? we got close. he wanted me to be his "tao eh". the strained ties. the bad blood. gone. a start of of a new page. a brotherhood. he was brought in by ky.
we had fun together. that night at samuel's house. 6th june 2006. elvis bdae was also around the corner. enjoyed that stayover. june holidays too. the night we spent on pulau ubin. the night cycling. the night that we endured the harsh rain on pulau ubin. that sleepless night. the promise to return there once again together. has it all become memories? or has it become some empty promises?
what caused him to commit those mistakes? to backstab us. to strike us down after what we did. it is all because of the lack of trust and the fear of being left out on his part. can i blame him for that? is it because we never reassured him enough? that he is one of us.
can everything go back to how it was? i don't know. i need an answer. a way out. someone show me the way. lost again i am.
fate? destiny? whatever you call it. are they the cause behind this? or are we the cause for it? should i just say too bad and let go? or should i rekindle this brotherhood again? like what happened to dk and sam?
things will never be the same the second time round.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
hahahahahahaha. well. i think so too. jeremy lim. one of the biggest slacker had decided to get his ass down to study? hahahaha. its different this time. its the O's man.
until now. i had completed revision for combined science and humans only. maths i still need some revision and touching up to do. currently revising english. revision for poa and dnt will come after nov 10.
haix. confronted wen jie. yeah. its a thursday. october 26. we settled all the conflicts and i am not angry anymore. i thought that it will turn out to be a brawl. 3 on 1. ky, jm and me on him. but it was settled peacefully. we talked things out. i am just filled with sadness now. again this happened. why? i don't know how to explain it. dong kai and samuel were out, but after one big round. we became friends again. why are things always like this? is it a joke? or a test of trust and loyalty? if it is a test for trust and loyalty. did we failed terribly?
seriously, i sincerely hope that after all these shit. the rest will remain united. and i swear again. no one is going out. absolutely no one. and from today onwards. i will treasure my brothers more, i guess.
4 years in dunman, the friends that i had and constantly talk to. are so little. but they are the ones that are true to me, always been there for me. like jun jie, ky, jun ming, rc and all those ncc dudes. its always us yah? a small network of friends doesn't matter to me. most important is that we trust each other and are sincere towards each other.
talking about sincerity. hmmmmmmm. there is one dumbass i want to mention down here. lauzh. ok. first i start off by apologising to wen jie. sorry for maligning you about the all talk no action shit. its this dumbass that said it. now. lauzh. are you so great that you are in the position to comment on my actions? did you outperform me in anything? are you sure that i am a person who say one thing and don't carry it out? use that almost useless brain of yours and recall. who helped you during sec 3? to at least join in and stop the discriminations you got? if i am an all talk no action person. you are dead by now. if i am an all talk no action person. the promise that i made to you that everything will be just fine, will only be an empty promise. since i helped you, i never felt any sincerity from you towards our brotherhood. have you ever cared about our troubles?
and if your memory is not failing you. who tried their best to help you when you got into trouble with that sec 3 ncc air cadet? who ran around pleading teachers to let you off? who tried to save your ass? who type the letter for your defence? who went and confronted mrs neo and mr sim for you and put in good words for you? and how do you treat us? if you think by just being our slave will repay everyshit. then you are wrong. cause we helped each other do stuff. not only you. remember who saved your life back on mount ophir? and how you repay them? you said a grand meal for them. and you call a wow meal that cost only $2.55 a grand meal? now who is that shit bag that is all talk no actions? get this straight into your puny brain. you bite the hands that once helped you. you ingrate.
enough of ranting. hahahahaha. one good news for myself. i had gotten over her. fast? i agree too. its my fault for being so devoted in sec sch relationship. sec sch relationship never work out fine. everything can wait now. studying for O's and working for money after O's comes first.
now. got 3 music video from blink 182. hahahahaha. feeling this, first date and the rock show.
some trivial facts.
feeling this was written by having mark hoppus and tom delonge going into separate rooms without talking to each other. when they came out they realized they had both written about sex. when they put it together, the song represents the lustful side of sex on the verses, the passionate side in the bridge and the romantic side in the chorus.
the rock show was written by mark hoppus and first date by tom delonge on the same night after the producer for toypaj told them they needed some "feel good" songs on their record.
feeling this
first date
the rock show
some may take time to load. have patience and have fun enjoying their performance.