so today went back to work. will show u guys some photos of my so called transportation to work. and my work place. work place as in the place where i pack my catalogues. lol.

here is the a shot from the back view of my transportation which is a van. this van wil spoil soon if jun jie and me won't stop shaking it every morning. lol.

this. is the aftermath caused by justin, jun jie and me every morning after we had finished packing our catalogues. lol. and who will do the cleaning up? uncle bing hwa aka ah bing. he is our driver and supervisor.
due to the fact that i am super bored now. i will bring u all through my so called daily work routine. =)
every morning, my "dammit" hp alarm ring tone will go off at 7. i will perform my daily ammenities and slack awhile. at 8, i will leave home for the bus interchange. will roughly reach there by 8.20. will take bus or walk to the interchange depending on my mood and situation.
once i reached the interchange. i will meet up with ppl like shamir and maybe gwee. then we will take bus no.22 to work. while borading the bus. i will take note of the bus number plate and sms its plate number to jun jie and justin. so that they will know which bus to board. lol.
after we all met up. we will all talk crap. mostly about games or suaning ppl. hahahahahaha. gwee will be listening to her mp3 and shamir will just take a nap or laugh with us. he is very quiet. as always. hahahahaha.
after we reached the work place, we will wait and meet up with ah bing in our so called mission briefing room. hahahahaha. after that. we will go and update our accounts and return to briefing room for a swift briefing on that day's location. hahahahaha.
after mission briefing. we will go and collect the catalogues and move it to the company's van on our own while ah bing settles his stuff. hahahahaha. here comes the fun part. either jun jie on me will climb onto the trolley and one of us will push the other one around. jem and jun pro trolley. lol. tony hawk pro skater can scram. hahahahahaha. once we reached the basement and loaded the van with that day's catalogue. we will try our best to move the van. damn. the van is heavy man. spammerzord(justin), ultraman almost+10(me) and breadman(jun jie) combine forces still can't move the darn van. lol. so we will find other means to spoil it. and that is to shake it! lol.
hahahahahaha. after ah bing reached the basement. we will start to pack the catalogues while ah bing drives us to our destination.
once we reached. its time to get serious and distribute the catalogues door to door to earn our salary. lunch time is damn random. whenever u feel like eating or having a break. go ahead. lol.
we will work all the way until 4 plus. after that, we either go home ourselves or meet up again to go slack together or talk about that day's funny event. lol.
ytd, went to watch flags of our fathers with jun jie, justin and gwee. omg. here is my advice. to those who haven't watch that show. save ur money. to those who watched, wasted. hahahahahah. seriously, that movie is not really as good as all my brothers thought. the nicest part was the warring part. but it does not really shows alot. headshot scenes are nice though. hahahahahaha. as commented by jun jie, that movie is for emo buggers or punkrockers like lau zheng hong. only ppl with this talent will enjoy it. lol. nice one lah jun.
its 12.17am now. have to wake up at 7am. got to catch some slp. lol. hope tml we won't be distributing catalogues again. will do something easier first. like packing hampers as they said. hahahahahahaha. but still. i don't mind distributing catalogues.
just a man, i'm not a hero
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