went down to fareast after work ytd to get myself a new famous stars and straps t shirt. lol. live fast, die fun. thats what written on it. lol.
then went home to wash up before meeting up with brothers and close friends to ton at pasir ris park. lol. craps, stupid actions, bridge, cheat, black jack, dai di, drinks, peanuts, sushi, crazy ass stunts and an imitation of f1 repair crew.
during a 4 men trip to the toilet. ky, boss, jj and i tried to carry 4 men on boss's bike. practically tried all the way until the toilet before boss's bike gave way.
jm joined in after we returned to our pit. mission failed also. after multiple tries with different riders, we concluded that the stunt was achievable but boss's bike wasn't able to take the load. pretty fun actually, helped boss to stress test his bike and pushed it to its limits before making attempts to repair it.
after that, we were all sitting at the pit crapping and eating peanuts. got a little bit bored and tried different ways of cracking the peanuts. we used of forehead, biceps, armpits and the gap between our fingers. other suggested ways were in between the balls and using the asshole.
breakfast at mac and then its home sweet home at around 7 am. not much photos taken. haven really asked around.

alright. dinner time.
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