shall not touch on the details of what i did during the 1st week. its all in the logbook. anyway, saw just my type of girl on friday morning while taking the mrt to work. heartpain sia. hahahaha. nv ask for number. regretting like fuck currently. lol. girls that appeal to my taste are hard to come by leh! damn it!
ok. back to main topic. went back to sch ytd for sip on campus session. was supposed to be in sch by 9 but i was late. in the end, my liaison officer nv turned up and i waited for like almost an hour outside the class room like an idiot. went to look for my alternate liaison officer and then shared some experience before going to lt for some briefing session.
lunch at t1 with anton, samuel and nigel. walked around t1 to slack, talk cock and update each other before going home.
reached home, bathed and went to use the computer before ky called me to meet jm and him at tampines interchange.
ate dinner and went to look for them at tampines burnt mac. jm took $1 from me. lol. our brotherhood rule, as long as the amount borrowed isn't over $1. there's no need to return it. hahahahaha. he went on to buy a double cheese burger.
followed ky to tampines mall to buy nasi lemak before heading over to t1. met up with boss there and sat on the staircase at t1's entrace to talk cock and eat. while i was surveying the area, i heard a series of sudden movements and when i turned around to check it out. i saw $1 worth of double cheeseburger landing on the floor in front of me. hahahahaha.
ky kept on laughing. jm's face was classic and boss was emo-ing for no reason. lol. the next thing jm did, placed the burger in the plastic bag that came with it and stepped on the burger. more laughter from ky and me.
jm: walao eh, i only half full leh!
me: why not like this lah. saw that dustbin over there? if u manage to throw the burger in from above, i blanjar u one back.
ky: steady! i split the cost with jem.
jm: steady arh. but what if i miss?
ky: then i'll pick the burger up for u and we zhao.
me: ok. set. zhao into the shopping mall best.
jm: steady.
ky: steady.
boss: hahahahahahaha.
wanna know what happened?
after that, we went to walk around t1 before going to burnt mac to slack and get jm's burger. jm needed to go home for dinner as well as to watch a tv show, so he needed to go off early. however, he managed to persuade us to go to his house void deck to wait for him and slack together after he's done with he's stuff.
so jm took boss's bike and cycled home whereas the rest of us took our own sweet time walking from tampines interchange to jm's house.
ky went s11 to get some chips and we went search for 7-11 for my peach tea. went to 2 7-11 and only managed to get lemon tea. boss was still emo-ing and thus i blanjar him a bottle to cheer him up.
boss: hahahaha. mission accomplised. thats my purpose for acting emo the whole night. free stuff.
ky: scheming bastard.
lol. much crap along the way to jm's house.
boss went up to jm's house after we reached as he needed to use the toilet. so ky and i proceeded to the playground under jm's block to wait for them.
jm brought down a wave board and 2 men's health magazine for us. so ky and boss challenged each other to see who picked up wave boarding faster while i sat there and read the men's health magazine and laughed at them. didn't played along as i'm afraid of injuring my left ankle.
switched place after an hour or so to the front portion of jm's block. they continued their wave boarding while i carried on with my reading.
then slowly after awhile, we went on to do some other stuff like doing hand stands and training our abs. home sweet home at around 12.
somewhat decided to do this every saturday night for the rest of my sip period depending on the situation.
some visuals.

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