woah. coke can't taste any better man! hahahahaha. its been light years since i last tasted coke. had this thirst that i can't quench with plain water for days. so i was thinking, "wtf is wrong with me?" the answer is simple. a craving for coke. hahahahaha. si beh song!
celebrated 2 bdays last week. boss and my sis. boss's was quite epic. as for my sis? nth much, just food at home. i did bought her a $40 swensen's cake though.
for boss, i gave him he's bday present 2 week prior. a basketball in his face. best present i ever gave to anyone. hahahaha.
i also told him that world peace has became a dream on the day he was born. world peace aside, our boss has been quite a great boss i guess. brought team18 holdings to its peak and bankruptcy within one day. new record.
dota has been fun with him. jm, jj and i don't need to fear being first blood with him around. there's also occasional joke with him refusing help from us. ti ki! and an inside joke of him crashing his bike. as screwed up as he can be, he's still our favourite boss. no questions about that.
on may 27th, i met up with ky at 8 plus. he picked me up at burnt mac and we drove to tampines mall's carpark. went to t1 to look for jm and joy.
jm bought his new asics running shoes and then we drove to tp to pick boss up. its a free roller coaster ride trying to leave tampines mall thanks to ky. hahahahaha. anyway, boss that sucker can't bear to leave his bike at tp for one day and decided to ride home. so we had to drive to pasir ris and pick him up from there. nvm, he's bday, he big.
from there, went to east coast via our favourite route. this time 140km/h? wahahahahaha. power.
went to the food centre there and ordered quite alot of food. from there, we had a guai lan-ing battle going on. ky vs boss. epic ok? of course i'll be on ky's side. so were jm and joy.
i seriously has no idea how it started, but ky told boss that he's intuition told him that boss will be going home by bus if he continues he's gl-ing and bday emo-ing. boss retorted by telling ky that he's intuition told him that ky's intuition of him going home by bus that night was wrong as it's boss's bday. the day he's intuition is the strongest.
it continued throughout the outing with none of them wanting to admit their intuition was wrong. so when we were going home, boss was denied access into the car in order to fulfil ky's intuition of boss taking a bus home. boss however had another plan. he planned on taking a cab home to prove to ky that he's intuition in turn was wrong.
when we were about to drive home, we kinda got softhearted. so we called boss and ask if he wants to go home with us. that sucker in turn asked us if we wanted him to go home with us. hahahahaha. like this also can drag for minutes and the sucker wants to hear it from ky as its ky's car.
ky, of course don't wanna lose. then an idea struck me. i told ky, we lose this round first. the victory for the next round will be so song that it will totally erase this defeat from the record book. take this defeat for an epic shuangness.
so ky listened to me and told boss he wanted him back. boss of course came back to look for us. as he was approaching the car, i winded down the car mirror and we told him this.
"bye bye!" and we drove off. hahahahahaha. shuang shuang shuang!!! the reaction on boss's face? fucking priceless!!!
of course we stopped and allowed him to board the car. lets not go overboard arh. got the shuangness can liao. its he's bday afterall.
ky sent everyone home and then its zombie mode for work the next day.
no other outings other than this for the week as ky and jm had their sundown marathon.
objective accomplished. jem signing off.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
back for the sake of updating weekly. life has been the same for weeks so i don't really know what to blog about. feeling a lil bit random today, so i think i'll just keep on typing on how i feel about random stuff and some random facts about me.
first up, eventhough i always wanted to have a car, its been my dream to own a scooter since young. a vespa should be ok. and coupled with the helmet i saw at zinc tampines mall with ky. perfect!
i always thinks that ppl who attempt suicide are pathetic. this life u have can be given to others who are fighting for their dear lives right now. u have a choice. think about those who lost their lifes in the tsunami years ago and the earthquake last year, do they have a choice?
i think guys who abuse their girlfriend or wife should have their balls clamped and electrocuted. thats pathetic. u call urself a man by whacking the hell out of a weaker sex who can't match ur strength?
i think ppl who cheat on their partner are seriously fucked up. do u know what kind of damage u are doing to the victim?
i think time heals all wounds but there will always be a scar.
love with no status is a definite no way for me now. got so fucked by it. once bitten twice shy and i don't think i have any more of me left to go through with another one like this.
i think i have quite a strong mind power when it comes down to doing things i like. wanna try outlasting me in a bball match?
ask me what's my biggest achievement in bball and i will say winning a practice match against the dunman all star team way back in sec 1. razif, rc and hong yu against kang soon, josh and me. can u believe it? and oh yah, i hit the game winning 3 pointer. dig that!
i've always have this fantasy of hitting a game winning shot right at the buzzer in a real life bball competition. how orgasmic will that be man!?! the adrenaline rush, the freezing of time during the few seconds span, all eyes on you and the shot and you seeing nth but the rim.
biggest sporting achievements when i'm young? completing the 3km endurance swim without stopping at the age of 7 or 8. thats 60 laps ppl. 60.
biggest sporting achievements during secondary school days? coming in 9th in annual cross country during sec 2. sure, anyone can complete a 4km run. it maybe short for alot of ppl. but try winning a medal when u were pitted against the others. there's guys from soccer team and basketball team that i outran and i am only from ncc. if u wanna achieve big, you have to start small and win small. =)
nicest physical feelings in the world? shitting, peeing, being full, sleeping and orgasm. value: pricelesss.
my gang of brothers and i have stated that we will be a gang for life. "team18 holdings" until old age and maybe in the netherworld. however, i don't wanna be the first to die and neither will i want to be the last to die. its good to come in first for things, but being the first to die sounds pathetic. and being the last to die? how boring will life be when the other brothers are dead? sitting in coffee shop all by urself and reminiscing about the past is worse than dying i guess.
i'm afraid of growing fat cause my mum makes growing fat sounds like its worse than having cancer. hahahahahaha.
i'm only 5 weeks into my internship and i'm bored to death by the routine. i can't imagine how i am gonna stay with a company for couple of decades man. damn.
i think i'm old right now. i can't take the fact that i'm 20 for the coming 9th march. holy shit!
i don't scold "fuck" because i'm a vulgar person. its just that i think "fuck" sounds superbly nice. however, too much "fuck" turns me off.
i may appear hardworking to alot of ppl because i complete my work fast and on time. but thats for a higher purpose called slacking without huan loh-ing. whats the point of having fun when u can feel guilty of not completing ur work? man. this is what i call the full mastery in the art of slacking. free in mind and soul. lol.
i am not close to my younger brother at all. we have bipolar characteristics. he's a fulltime geek and i'm a 100% slacker. the hardworking traits that my parents have run in his blood and my blood contains their gl-ness. he listens to r&b sang mostly by female artists and i worship blink 182 and other punk rock/pop punk bands. ever thought of how a conversation between a geek and a guai lan slacker will be? hahahahaha. want a recording of that?
westlife during lower primary. jay chou and some punk rock during upper primary and lower sec. punk rock and pop rock since then until now and it'll stay that way until i die. at least thats what i think now.
i love beautiful things. so don't blame me when i stare at a pretty girl. hahahahaha. can't help it. the same goes for an artpiece or a photo.
i have short attention span. roughly ranging from 15 to 45 minutes. but during this time, i am super efficient.
i think the "s" on superman's chest stands for "stupid". fancy wearing he's redhot underwear in the wrong sequence as compared to a human being.
i don't speak much to acquaintances for i fear that i'll offend them. i'm super guai lan and i'll nv know when i'll say the wrong things.
i think my gang of brothers are not normal. and we have a long records that dates back to our secondary school days as evidences.
i think i have quite a good temper but if u know the keys and codes to seriously piss me off, its like a dormant volcano exploding. epic! the top prize for this achievement goes to my mum. and my sis earns the honourable mention award.
i'm super glad that blink 182 is back but tom delonge still sings like he's in ava. this makes him sounds like as if he had a dick in his mouth while singing "all the small things" live onstage in jay leno's show. and thats not a good thing.
i'm a self proclaimed genius because i think i show signs of me being a genius at times. hahahahaha.
i like the freedom of being single but at times i think its good to be tied down by a girlfriend. how cool will it be if i have a gf who knows when to tied me down and when to give me freedom? hahahahaha. i'm asking for too much here.
i don't think education is everything but i think it sets the base for everything.
i think eq is more important than iq. smart as hell but fucked up as shit in the personality department and all u get from me is
i think drummers are cool as hell. and having a female drummer in the band will be fucking cool.
same goes to me finding a gf. i may be attracted to beautiful things but when i find that the personality sucks. it turns me off. but it'll be cool as hell if my gf is pretty and have good personality. any guy who has this kind of gf better cherish them man. you're one lucky piece of shit.
i wanna have 2 kids. one boy and one girl. jayden and jayne. continue the tradition in my family of having "j" as the initial for our name.
i think i'll teach my son to play bball when he's young and hope that he'll develop a love for it.
a choice my son will have to make when the time comes. drums, guitar or bass? lol!
basketball wasn't my first love. i've tried soccer and rugby before settling for basketball. i wanted to join my primary sch soccer team but found out that i have not much interest in it not long after that. i've tried for the rugby team too but didn't get pick because my friend who was my partner for the trials threw the ball below my knee. how the fuck do u catch that kind of pass? and how the fuck do u make the team when ur coach thinks that u can't catch?
sometimes i hold back during pick up games just for the thrill of coming back from a deficit and winning the games eventually. but i try not to do that now as i think its very disrespectful to the opponents. however, i may still do that during one on one to see how much my friends have improved and to find out their flaws so that i can give them advise.
my swimming coach wanted to sign me up for water polo. but being too mind fucked by all the swimming at age 7 and 8. i declined the offer.
biggest regrets in life thus far? being too immatured and quitting the basketball team. however, if i didn't quit the bball team, i wouldn't be this close with my brothers now. so i guess its a blessing in disguise.
its 10.40pm and i think i should slp. lol!
but before i go, blink 182 playing "the rock show" and "all the small things" live on tonight with jay leno.
the rock show.
all the small things.
i think travis rocked the show man. so did mark.
gotta go. night.
first up, eventhough i always wanted to have a car, its been my dream to own a scooter since young. a vespa should be ok. and coupled with the helmet i saw at zinc tampines mall with ky. perfect!
i always thinks that ppl who attempt suicide are pathetic. this life u have can be given to others who are fighting for their dear lives right now. u have a choice. think about those who lost their lifes in the tsunami years ago and the earthquake last year, do they have a choice?
i think guys who abuse their girlfriend or wife should have their balls clamped and electrocuted. thats pathetic. u call urself a man by whacking the hell out of a weaker sex who can't match ur strength?
i think ppl who cheat on their partner are seriously fucked up. do u know what kind of damage u are doing to the victim?
i think time heals all wounds but there will always be a scar.
love with no status is a definite no way for me now. got so fucked by it. once bitten twice shy and i don't think i have any more of me left to go through with another one like this.
i think i have quite a strong mind power when it comes down to doing things i like. wanna try outlasting me in a bball match?
ask me what's my biggest achievement in bball and i will say winning a practice match against the dunman all star team way back in sec 1. razif, rc and hong yu against kang soon, josh and me. can u believe it? and oh yah, i hit the game winning 3 pointer. dig that!
i've always have this fantasy of hitting a game winning shot right at the buzzer in a real life bball competition. how orgasmic will that be man!?! the adrenaline rush, the freezing of time during the few seconds span, all eyes on you and the shot and you seeing nth but the rim.
biggest sporting achievements when i'm young? completing the 3km endurance swim without stopping at the age of 7 or 8. thats 60 laps ppl. 60.
biggest sporting achievements during secondary school days? coming in 9th in annual cross country during sec 2. sure, anyone can complete a 4km run. it maybe short for alot of ppl. but try winning a medal when u were pitted against the others. there's guys from soccer team and basketball team that i outran and i am only from ncc. if u wanna achieve big, you have to start small and win small. =)
nicest physical feelings in the world? shitting, peeing, being full, sleeping and orgasm. value: pricelesss.
my gang of brothers and i have stated that we will be a gang for life. "team18 holdings" until old age and maybe in the netherworld. however, i don't wanna be the first to die and neither will i want to be the last to die. its good to come in first for things, but being the first to die sounds pathetic. and being the last to die? how boring will life be when the other brothers are dead? sitting in coffee shop all by urself and reminiscing about the past is worse than dying i guess.
i'm afraid of growing fat cause my mum makes growing fat sounds like its worse than having cancer. hahahahahaha.
i'm only 5 weeks into my internship and i'm bored to death by the routine. i can't imagine how i am gonna stay with a company for couple of decades man. damn.
i think i'm old right now. i can't take the fact that i'm 20 for the coming 9th march. holy shit!
i don't scold "fuck" because i'm a vulgar person. its just that i think "fuck" sounds superbly nice. however, too much "fuck" turns me off.
i may appear hardworking to alot of ppl because i complete my work fast and on time. but thats for a higher purpose called slacking without huan loh-ing. whats the point of having fun when u can feel guilty of not completing ur work? man. this is what i call the full mastery in the art of slacking. free in mind and soul. lol.
i am not close to my younger brother at all. we have bipolar characteristics. he's a fulltime geek and i'm a 100% slacker. the hardworking traits that my parents have run in his blood and my blood contains their gl-ness. he listens to r&b sang mostly by female artists and i worship blink 182 and other punk rock/pop punk bands. ever thought of how a conversation between a geek and a guai lan slacker will be? hahahahaha. want a recording of that?
westlife during lower primary. jay chou and some punk rock during upper primary and lower sec. punk rock and pop rock since then until now and it'll stay that way until i die. at least thats what i think now.
i love beautiful things. so don't blame me when i stare at a pretty girl. hahahahaha. can't help it. the same goes for an artpiece or a photo.
i have short attention span. roughly ranging from 15 to 45 minutes. but during this time, i am super efficient.
i think the "s" on superman's chest stands for "stupid". fancy wearing he's redhot underwear in the wrong sequence as compared to a human being.
i don't speak much to acquaintances for i fear that i'll offend them. i'm super guai lan and i'll nv know when i'll say the wrong things.
i think my gang of brothers are not normal. and we have a long records that dates back to our secondary school days as evidences.
i think i have quite a good temper but if u know the keys and codes to seriously piss me off, its like a dormant volcano exploding. epic! the top prize for this achievement goes to my mum. and my sis earns the honourable mention award.
i'm super glad that blink 182 is back but tom delonge still sings like he's in ava. this makes him sounds like as if he had a dick in his mouth while singing "all the small things" live onstage in jay leno's show. and thats not a good thing.
i'm a self proclaimed genius because i think i show signs of me being a genius at times. hahahahaha.
i like the freedom of being single but at times i think its good to be tied down by a girlfriend. how cool will it be if i have a gf who knows when to tied me down and when to give me freedom? hahahahaha. i'm asking for too much here.
i don't think education is everything but i think it sets the base for everything.
i think eq is more important than iq. smart as hell but fucked up as shit in the personality department and all u get from me is
i think drummers are cool as hell. and having a female drummer in the band will be fucking cool.
same goes to me finding a gf. i may be attracted to beautiful things but when i find that the personality sucks. it turns me off. but it'll be cool as hell if my gf is pretty and have good personality. any guy who has this kind of gf better cherish them man. you're one lucky piece of shit.
i wanna have 2 kids. one boy and one girl. jayden and jayne. continue the tradition in my family of having "j" as the initial for our name.
i think i'll teach my son to play bball when he's young and hope that he'll develop a love for it.
a choice my son will have to make when the time comes. drums, guitar or bass? lol!
basketball wasn't my first love. i've tried soccer and rugby before settling for basketball. i wanted to join my primary sch soccer team but found out that i have not much interest in it not long after that. i've tried for the rugby team too but didn't get pick because my friend who was my partner for the trials threw the ball below my knee. how the fuck do u catch that kind of pass? and how the fuck do u make the team when ur coach thinks that u can't catch?
sometimes i hold back during pick up games just for the thrill of coming back from a deficit and winning the games eventually. but i try not to do that now as i think its very disrespectful to the opponents. however, i may still do that during one on one to see how much my friends have improved and to find out their flaws so that i can give them advise.
my swimming coach wanted to sign me up for water polo. but being too mind fucked by all the swimming at age 7 and 8. i declined the offer.
biggest regrets in life thus far? being too immatured and quitting the basketball team. however, if i didn't quit the bball team, i wouldn't be this close with my brothers now. so i guess its a blessing in disguise.
its 10.40pm and i think i should slp. lol!
but before i go, blink 182 playing "the rock show" and "all the small things" live on tonight with jay leno.
the rock show.
all the small things.
i think travis rocked the show man. so did mark.
gotta go. night.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
first up, congrats to kobe for making the nba 2008-09 all nba first team. hope there's more to come for u.
kobe bryant all nba selection photo.
however, i'm really disappointed with how the lakers are playing nowadays. 1-2 against a houston rockets that playing without yao ming? seriously, wtf is this?
blanjar boss a bottle of ice peach tea as apology and went on home. got ready and went for my uncle's wedding dinner.
thursday and friday night was spent with ky and jm. great great outings. met up with ky and jm after their adination run on thursday. was planning to join them but can't because the earliest i could get home was like 7pm? they already started then. so met them for dinner at subway and to talk cock. more craps after that at tampines mac. home sweet home after that.
friday night was spent with ky. was supposed to have pool but no one else can make it. so decided to just meet up with ky for dinner and inspection of t1, tm and cs.
argh. down with flu. not in the mood for an interesting update. ciao.
kobe bryant all nba selection photo.

from my observations, i think the lakers know that they are the most talented team in the league right now and that will be the reason for their downfall. arrogance and complacency. they may get through the conference semi finals against houston, but i doubt that they will go fair against nuggets until they play with both their talent and effort.
nba aside. went bballing with jm and boss ytd. nice trip man. played from 1 plus to 4 plus. its real nice to sweat it out and get a lil sun burnt. they play one on one, split 1 game each, played one on one against jm, 11-5 and then did some shooting training. most epic moment of the day was this.
i wasn't feeling like my usual self. normally, i don't take half court shots. but ytd, i had a feeling that something out of the ordinary will happen if i make an attempt. so i went to the half court line and heaved a half court shot. the release looked perfect at first. direct projection. it looked like the shot was going in. however, the release was abit low. the ball hit the front of the rim and went straight for boss's face.
nba aside. went bballing with jm and boss ytd. nice trip man. played from 1 plus to 4 plus. its real nice to sweat it out and get a lil sun burnt. they play one on one, split 1 game each, played one on one against jm, 11-5 and then did some shooting training. most epic moment of the day was this.
i wasn't feeling like my usual self. normally, i don't take half court shots. but ytd, i had a feeling that something out of the ordinary will happen if i make an attempt. so i went to the half court line and heaved a half court shot. the release looked perfect at first. direct projection. it looked like the shot was going in. however, the release was abit low. the ball hit the front of the rim and went straight for boss's face.
after that, both jm and i lied on the ground and laughed for minutes before attending to boss. lol. epic. this kind of shot is more difficult than sinking a half court bomb ok?
blanjar boss a bottle of ice peach tea as apology and went on home. got ready and went for my uncle's wedding dinner.
thursday and friday night was spent with ky and jm. great great outings. met up with ky and jm after their adination run on thursday. was planning to join them but can't because the earliest i could get home was like 7pm? they already started then. so met them for dinner at subway and to talk cock. more craps after that at tampines mac. home sweet home after that.
friday night was spent with ky. was supposed to have pool but no one else can make it. so decided to just meet up with ky for dinner and inspection of t1, tm and cs.
argh. down with flu. not in the mood for an interesting update. ciao.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
"now is the law of the jungle---as old and true as the sky;
and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
as the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the law runneth forward and back---
for the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.''
--rudyard kipling
i don't know when it was that i bought and accepted the concept of "we not me". its true that a team will have a slight advantage in terms of skills if its loaded with talented players. but what good will it serves if the talented players don't work in unison? just another team that is overrated. a very good example will be the 2004 usa olympic team that won bronze. loaded with stars, crashed and burned like one.
recently, i once again ran into a brick wall in my personal pursuit known as the mastery of basketball. already anticipated this to happen when i started my internship. lack of time to train is bad enough and sitting in the office for 10 hours don't seem to help either.
after 2 weeks of internship, i sort of lost the shooting touch, lost the intensity, lost the hunger to win, lost the passion, lost my self confidence and most importantly, lost many matches. i know i can keep up with my opponents and even overwhelm them, but i can't get my engine to start.
its analogy is simple. its like driving a car and the engine keeps stalling. you'll go like, "wtf, is jj's father driving or its poon kip mun the one thats driving?"
i kept on thinking to myself, "yo jem, you'll need to step up, we're losing here. do something. you know you can pull off a win if you just snap." well, the truth is, you can't just snap anytime you like.
i started blaming myself for not being able to step up during crucial moments and save the team. this took a toll on my self confidence. then i realised, basketball is a team game. even if i stepped up, all i can do is delay the defeat and maybe fortunately enough, steal a win or two.
problem is, i'm not playing like a team member, all i'm thinking about is getting the shot off and scoring. the cold hard truth is, i'm not a very good shooter, yet. so what about assisting, rebounding, communicating, weak side defending and doing those small little things that contributes to winning? i think i'm not doing all that in all my losing effort. when your offense fails you, its not over. you have your teammates to rely on offense and all you need to do is keep doing those other things needed to win.
just when i thought i'm done, i saw the light again. straightened out my thoughts and decided that i'm not running away like how i used to. like what ky and i believe in, physical conditions and skills are important, but what's more inportant is the will power, the mental strength. i am not naturally gifted in basketball, i've worked real hard for all my skills and some slight recognition, i will not take all these things for granted, i am not gonna regret once more, i am not letting my efforts go down the drain, i am not going down without a fight. this is the end of the beginning. the highlights, the interesting parts are coming.
went down this week for basketball again. this time, with intensity, with the hunger to win, with passion, with self confidence and most importantly, the concept of "we not me". trained on my shooting to remove the ball rust. when i'm ready, i played 5 matches. 3 half court games and 2 full court games.
lost the first half court game and realised that i'm not doing it right yet. switch mode to assist my teammate and playing defense on the second game, score 7-2. for the third game, i switch mode once again. this time, scoring, assist and defense, score 7-1. slowly, understood the flow a little bit more. don't force the game, let it come to you.
2 full court matches. won both. played against some secondary school team players. my team was outnumbered but had the height advantage. being the tallest, i filled in as center. last line of defense and in charge of limiting opponent's second chance.
1. not giving up when things aren't right - passion for the game: checked
2. couple of blocks and steals and disrupting of easy shots - intensity on defense: checked.
3. limited opponent's second chance - efforts in rebounding: checked.
4. attracted defense and kicked the ball out to open teammates - assisting and getting teammates involved: checked.
5. giving us the lead when we were down a point or two - hunger to win and scoring efficiency: checked.
6. winning the game as a team - increased in self confidence and the concept of "we not me": checked.
like i've said. the best has yet to come. hope i can keep this up once more.
and the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
as the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the law runneth forward and back---
for the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.''
--rudyard kipling
i don't know when it was that i bought and accepted the concept of "we not me". its true that a team will have a slight advantage in terms of skills if its loaded with talented players. but what good will it serves if the talented players don't work in unison? just another team that is overrated. a very good example will be the 2004 usa olympic team that won bronze. loaded with stars, crashed and burned like one.
recently, i once again ran into a brick wall in my personal pursuit known as the mastery of basketball. already anticipated this to happen when i started my internship. lack of time to train is bad enough and sitting in the office for 10 hours don't seem to help either.
after 2 weeks of internship, i sort of lost the shooting touch, lost the intensity, lost the hunger to win, lost the passion, lost my self confidence and most importantly, lost many matches. i know i can keep up with my opponents and even overwhelm them, but i can't get my engine to start.
its analogy is simple. its like driving a car and the engine keeps stalling. you'll go like, "wtf, is jj's father driving or its poon kip mun the one thats driving?"
i kept on thinking to myself, "yo jem, you'll need to step up, we're losing here. do something. you know you can pull off a win if you just snap." well, the truth is, you can't just snap anytime you like.
i started blaming myself for not being able to step up during crucial moments and save the team. this took a toll on my self confidence. then i realised, basketball is a team game. even if i stepped up, all i can do is delay the defeat and maybe fortunately enough, steal a win or two.
problem is, i'm not playing like a team member, all i'm thinking about is getting the shot off and scoring. the cold hard truth is, i'm not a very good shooter, yet. so what about assisting, rebounding, communicating, weak side defending and doing those small little things that contributes to winning? i think i'm not doing all that in all my losing effort. when your offense fails you, its not over. you have your teammates to rely on offense and all you need to do is keep doing those other things needed to win.
just when i thought i'm done, i saw the light again. straightened out my thoughts and decided that i'm not running away like how i used to. like what ky and i believe in, physical conditions and skills are important, but what's more inportant is the will power, the mental strength. i am not naturally gifted in basketball, i've worked real hard for all my skills and some slight recognition, i will not take all these things for granted, i am not gonna regret once more, i am not letting my efforts go down the drain, i am not going down without a fight. this is the end of the beginning. the highlights, the interesting parts are coming.
went down this week for basketball again. this time, with intensity, with the hunger to win, with passion, with self confidence and most importantly, the concept of "we not me". trained on my shooting to remove the ball rust. when i'm ready, i played 5 matches. 3 half court games and 2 full court games.
lost the first half court game and realised that i'm not doing it right yet. switch mode to assist my teammate and playing defense on the second game, score 7-2. for the third game, i switch mode once again. this time, scoring, assist and defense, score 7-1. slowly, understood the flow a little bit more. don't force the game, let it come to you.
2 full court matches. won both. played against some secondary school team players. my team was outnumbered but had the height advantage. being the tallest, i filled in as center. last line of defense and in charge of limiting opponent's second chance.
1. not giving up when things aren't right - passion for the game: checked
2. couple of blocks and steals and disrupting of easy shots - intensity on defense: checked.
3. limited opponent's second chance - efforts in rebounding: checked.
4. attracted defense and kicked the ball out to open teammates - assisting and getting teammates involved: checked.
5. giving us the lead when we were down a point or two - hunger to win and scoring efficiency: checked.
6. winning the game as a team - increased in self confidence and the concept of "we not me": checked.
like i've said. the best has yet to come. hope i can keep this up once more.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
time check: 2235
condition: down with flu
ok. was supposed to be playing dota now. supposed. however, jj couldn't make it. so its left with pei and me. so decided to play ourselves. but of all time, garena needs to run client version check. on top of that. it doesn't seems to be running at all. one word. fuck!
a little jumpy here. down with flu u see. work has been real good. more accustomed to the work flow now and can handle all the admin work all by myself already. all by myself! wahahahaha. what to do? i'm a genius. lol.
anyway. lebron won this year mvp award. what can i say? although i'm a lebron hater, i think he deserves the award. ok. lets get this straight, i hate him because of the hype surrounding him and he's imba playing style. thats all. above all else, i respect him for his leadership and work ethic.
kobe and the lakers on the other hand, got through the first round of playoffs but crashed and burned against houston at home court ytd. nice one liao lor. lost the game and home court advantage. so what if lakers sweep the houston 4-0 in their season series? achievements during the regular season means nothing in the playoffs. if kobe and lebron ever meet in the nba finals, i won't be surprised if the cavaliers win eventhough kobe's lakers swept the cavs during the regular season. they lakers are just not playing at a contender's level right now. blew 3 20 points lead against utah and barely managed to survive. how's that for a top seed in the western conference? disappointing.
anyway, gotta dota now. finally can get in. read up on the problem on the internet. nahbeh. change server nia! think they updating server or something.
condition: down with flu
ok. was supposed to be playing dota now. supposed. however, jj couldn't make it. so its left with pei and me. so decided to play ourselves. but of all time, garena needs to run client version check. on top of that. it doesn't seems to be running at all. one word. fuck!
a little jumpy here. down with flu u see. work has been real good. more accustomed to the work flow now and can handle all the admin work all by myself already. all by myself! wahahahaha. what to do? i'm a genius. lol.
anyway. lebron won this year mvp award. what can i say? although i'm a lebron hater, i think he deserves the award. ok. lets get this straight, i hate him because of the hype surrounding him and he's imba playing style. thats all. above all else, i respect him for his leadership and work ethic.
kobe and the lakers on the other hand, got through the first round of playoffs but crashed and burned against houston at home court ytd. nice one liao lor. lost the game and home court advantage. so what if lakers sweep the houston 4-0 in their season series? achievements during the regular season means nothing in the playoffs. if kobe and lebron ever meet in the nba finals, i won't be surprised if the cavaliers win eventhough kobe's lakers swept the cavs during the regular season. they lakers are just not playing at a contender's level right now. blew 3 20 points lead against utah and barely managed to survive. how's that for a top seed in the western conference? disappointing.
anyway, gotta dota now. finally can get in. read up on the problem on the internet. nahbeh. change server nia! think they updating server or something.
Friday, May 01, 2009
finally, a slightly longer weekend. a hectic week at work. covered up for our sales coordinator who was on leave for the whole week.
went down to fareast after work ytd to get myself a new famous stars and straps t shirt. lol. live fast, die fun. thats what written on it. lol.
then went home to wash up before meeting up with brothers and close friends to ton at pasir ris park. lol. craps, stupid actions, bridge, cheat, black jack, dai di, drinks, peanuts, sushi, crazy ass stunts and an imitation of f1 repair crew.
during a 4 men trip to the toilet. ky, boss, jj and i tried to carry 4 men on boss's bike. practically tried all the way until the toilet before boss's bike gave way.
jm joined in after we returned to our pit. mission failed also. after multiple tries with different riders, we concluded that the stunt was achievable but boss's bike wasn't able to take the load. pretty fun actually, helped boss to stress test his bike and pushed it to its limits before making attempts to repair it.
after that, we were all sitting at the pit crapping and eating peanuts. got a little bit bored and tried different ways of cracking the peanuts. we used of forehead, biceps, armpits and the gap between our fingers. other suggested ways were in between the balls and using the asshole.
breakfast at mac and then its home sweet home at around 7 am. not much photos taken. haven really asked around.
spammed. 8 packs of peanuts, 3 bottles of iced peach tea, 2 bottles of iced lemon tea and 2 bottles of green tea.
went down to fareast after work ytd to get myself a new famous stars and straps t shirt. lol. live fast, die fun. thats what written on it. lol.
then went home to wash up before meeting up with brothers and close friends to ton at pasir ris park. lol. craps, stupid actions, bridge, cheat, black jack, dai di, drinks, peanuts, sushi, crazy ass stunts and an imitation of f1 repair crew.
during a 4 men trip to the toilet. ky, boss, jj and i tried to carry 4 men on boss's bike. practically tried all the way until the toilet before boss's bike gave way.
jm joined in after we returned to our pit. mission failed also. after multiple tries with different riders, we concluded that the stunt was achievable but boss's bike wasn't able to take the load. pretty fun actually, helped boss to stress test his bike and pushed it to its limits before making attempts to repair it.
after that, we were all sitting at the pit crapping and eating peanuts. got a little bit bored and tried different ways of cracking the peanuts. we used of forehead, biceps, armpits and the gap between our fingers. other suggested ways were in between the balls and using the asshole.
breakfast at mac and then its home sweet home at around 7 am. not much photos taken. haven really asked around.

alright. dinner time.
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