well, from saturday all the way to tuesday, i've stayed at home to keep my mum company. kinda helped her on some stuff like going out with her to buy items that the house lack and being her bodyguard.
accompany ky on tuesday to go and take timing for him while he do his fartleks. i didn't train with him cause i had just eaten and it was a super sudden thing.
trained him using different methods like chasing a target, running after a fast runner or my favourite, time attack. pretty fun trip i should say. comments from ky? i'm a demonic coach. lol. actually shouted across the track to him when i find him running too slowly.
came up with a new way to train for fartleks and told ky about it. he kinda like my idea, maybe we should try it out during our next training.
after that, we went tm to walk around before going home.
ytd was hell lots of fun albeit some minor misunderstandings among us brothers. but heck it, nth can't be solved among us.
potluck trip was super. for those who didn't make it, all i can say is u dunno what u missed. jj, ky and me were the first to reach, so we dai di-ed all the way until vanda, kelly, boss, sir, joy and josh arrived.
ate, talked cock, played games with funny punishments like jm's idea of hugging lamppost and my idea of asking boss to pinch jm's nipples while jm tried to whistle so that boss can stop pinching him, sang some ncc cheers, tried to teach ky a nursery rhyme which he totally forgot, did some ncc drills with some twist like doing it in chinese, played poker using peanuts as chips, jj and ky arranging the peanuts into a super long line with a coincidental count of lucky number 88, me trying to imitate some gambling god, us getting high on the way to the bus stop due to fatigue, ky and me racing up the travellator in ehub and ky scaring the shit out of jj after jj's post "coming soon" trauma. lol. super fun.
photos and videos of ytd's potluck trip will be uploaded once i have them.
as for today, went bballing with justin, josh, jm and boss at tp. fun trip. alot of stupid things like justin making a fool out of me in front of them and boss accidentally blocking his own teammate's shot in a game.
ky came for fartleks in tp's track. the rest went home for dinner so its me who timed ky again. showed improvements in his timing. for his last round, ky asked me to run in the opposite direction in lane 7 while he run in lane 1 and see which of us will reach the starting point first. my timing was 1 minute 17 seconds whereas ky's was 1 minute 28 seconds. can't blame him arh, ran so many rounds liao of course slightly slower lah.
ok, photos from jm's and ky's bday celebration. i know its abit slow arh. but huan loh!

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