can't blame anyone. ruixin was too stress and overloaded with the drawing of all the diagrams on visio and we didn't offer to help out in collating the project. so screw up lor, but nvm, still a great job done. ran from business sch to it sch to engine sch and then desgin sch just to find a printing shop thats open to help us bind our project. not bad arh. stamina so lan still can run around. but! when i finally found one shop, the binding machine broke down on me! so wahid and chin wee took over to run out of sch to get the project binded while i went to do my psycho project.
oh yah. watched 27 dresses with ky, jm, justin, annabelle, winnie, kelly and maisie on the day that o's results were released. not bad lah the movie. typical american romantic film. but the outing was fun. remember its the first time i see annabelle the big boss woman since oct last year bah i think. and the first think she said to me was i looked like an ah beng! nice one lah big sis, i consoled u the day before we met when u got scolded by ur conductor and this is how u repay my kindness? lol.

well, i'm now sitting with my left knee straighten out. i can't bend it. there will be a acute pain if i try. same old prob. on and off. quite tired of this knee injury liao. been battling it for years and there's no sign of improvements. i'm still recovering from a toe injury and now this. nice one.
just when i thought projects are over and i can play bball for a few weeks before settling down to study. looks like i got some serious resting to do. but still, i will say i've rested enough. its time to start training.
haix, i guess life's like this. everyone has their own prob. i have my own knee problem, others worry for money, u are sad about this and she's frustrated about that. get what i mean? everyone simply has their own problems! its a matter of how u face it. as my my case, i'm still glad that i can still walk, still run and still play bball. actually, i'm counted lucky, there are tonnes of ppl out there who can't play bball anymore due to their injuries. then how do they survive when they can't do something thats their passion? don't ask me, ask them. as for me, i think i will be freaking depressed.
before i forget, ppl who are interested in bball, go youtube and search on tnt nba fundamentals. it will help alot. from rebounding to passing, there are examples of fundamental trainings that u need to do in order to play well in bball. favourite phrase from the videos, "offense wins games, defenses wins championships". sounds pretty true to me.
lastly, debbie sis, take things easily bah. its one year only. think of it this way. its one year only. only! not one year arh! no "arh". ok? i think u get what i mean. trust me, after this one year, ur bonds will be very much stronger than it is now. like i said, its how u see things. treat it as a test or investment for a stronger relationship. 1 year for a lasting relationship is very worth it. as for now, when u are feeling down, there's always our clique and 1e05. so smile.
wtf! its 11.52pm liao. kun arh!!!
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