anyway, met up with ky, justin and jm to go walk around. both jm and i bought new bags. lol. we bought the same bag for ur info. hahahahaha. $32 each. not bad arh. justin bought new slippers, the new urban male's braziliano praia.
had dinner at heeren then went back down to tampines to meet up with kelly, vanda and winnie to hang around for abit. went to cs just to meet up with my classmates and to wish arvind for his bday with ky they all. went to mac to talk cock and plan for mass outing. planned for like 1 hour and the reply was out in like less than 5 minutes. almost everyone cmi. power lah. all very "on" arh. lol.
met up with something very funny ytd. we were like walking around and happened to walk past this shop. the moment we walked pass, jm noticed that all 3 of the sales girls in the shop were laughing like mad dogs. the moment we looked in, they are scramble out of our sight and into their resting room.
so we decided to go into the shop, look around until ky decided to approach one of the girls and ask, "how much is this bag arh?". for no reason, the sale girl he asked burst out laughing. weird arh, as we were walking out of the shop, jm heard the girls saying,"look at his pant!". lol. from our point of view, they were laughing at kjm. hahahahahaha. so we went around suanning jm for his pants.
oh yah. term test results are out except for ebm. results are like what i expected. lol. got 2 a's. 2 b's and 1 pass so far. got 39.5/45 for accounting, 89/100 for microecons, 31/40 for dbis, 29/40 for pom and 25.5/50 for sas. hahahahaha. not bad for the amount of effort put in.
photos now.

that's all. au revoir.
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