Wednesday, January 30, 2008
starting time:
jeremy lim jia hui.
1 older sis.
1 younger bro.
shoe size:
9 to 10 bah.
178cm, 5 foot 8.
what are you wearing right now?
and1 bball pants.
where do you live?
favorite number:
favorite drinks:
ice peach tea, ice lemon tea, ice milo.
favorite months:
months with holiday breaks.
favorite breakfast:
anything that makes me full but i seldom eat breakfast.
*have you ever*
been on a plane:
been in a hot tub:
swam in the ocean:
fallen asleep in school:
of course! i'm a slacker.
broken someone's heart:
don't ask me.
fell off your chair:
yeah. bed too.
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
i don't like to talk on the phone at home. so nope.
saved e-mails:
been cheated on:
yeah. money.
*what is*
your room like:
half messy. half neat.
whats right beside you?
my personal working space.
what is the last thing you ate?
*ever had*
chicken pox:
sore throat:
who won't?
hahahahahaha. yah.
broken nose:
*do you*
believe in love at first sight?
think so.
like picnics?
prefers bbq.
who was the last person you danced with?
forgot. should be one of my classmates.
who last made you smile?
who did you last yell at?
*final questions*
what are you listening to right now?
yellowcard - lights and sound
what did you do today?
went school. eat food. urine. shitted. blink my eyes. breathe. talk. do work. enough?
hate someone in your family?
what for? we are family.
good singer?
hell no.
diamond or pearl?
lol! pokemon game arh? anyway, prefers diamond.
are you the oldest?
middle. and it sucks.
indoors or outdoors?
depends on my mood.
*today did you*
talk to someone you like?
nah. prefer being single.
kiss anyone?
lol! nope.
get sick?
yeah. sick of school.
talked to an ex:
miss someone:
your mother.
eat dinner:
*last person who*
you talked to on the phone?
have a crush on someone?
prefers being single now.
what books are you reading right now?
database information system.
best feeling in the world:
hmmmmm. the feeling u have after u wake up from a long slp. get it? thats a very nice feeling.
future kids names?
jesus and christ for males. mary for female. lol! nah. just joking. nv thought of it.
do u sleep with stuffed animals?
lol! no!!!
what's under your bed?
hmmmmmmmm. the floor and after that, must ask my neighbours living below me.
favorite locations:
home. tm. anywhere as long as there's brothers with me or chio bus.
slow danced with someone
hahahahahaha. don't think so. even if yes also with brothers.
who do you really hate?
your mother.
ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?
think so.
you lonely right now?
yes. but still prefers being single.
what time is it now?
0000 or 2400.
ok. it took me quite long to finish it. lol. was taking my own sweet time.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
can't blame anyone. ruixin was too stress and overloaded with the drawing of all the diagrams on visio and we didn't offer to help out in collating the project. so screw up lor, but nvm, still a great job done. ran from business sch to it sch to engine sch and then desgin sch just to find a printing shop thats open to help us bind our project. not bad arh. stamina so lan still can run around. but! when i finally found one shop, the binding machine broke down on me! so wahid and chin wee took over to run out of sch to get the project binded while i went to do my psycho project.
oh yah. watched 27 dresses with ky, jm, justin, annabelle, winnie, kelly and maisie on the day that o's results were released. not bad lah the movie. typical american romantic film. but the outing was fun. remember its the first time i see annabelle the big boss woman since oct last year bah i think. and the first think she said to me was i looked like an ah beng! nice one lah big sis, i consoled u the day before we met when u got scolded by ur conductor and this is how u repay my kindness? lol.

well, i'm now sitting with my left knee straighten out. i can't bend it. there will be a acute pain if i try. same old prob. on and off. quite tired of this knee injury liao. been battling it for years and there's no sign of improvements. i'm still recovering from a toe injury and now this. nice one.
just when i thought projects are over and i can play bball for a few weeks before settling down to study. looks like i got some serious resting to do. but still, i will say i've rested enough. its time to start training.
haix, i guess life's like this. everyone has their own prob. i have my own knee problem, others worry for money, u are sad about this and she's frustrated about that. get what i mean? everyone simply has their own problems! its a matter of how u face it. as my my case, i'm still glad that i can still walk, still run and still play bball. actually, i'm counted lucky, there are tonnes of ppl out there who can't play bball anymore due to their injuries. then how do they survive when they can't do something thats their passion? don't ask me, ask them. as for me, i think i will be freaking depressed.
before i forget, ppl who are interested in bball, go youtube and search on tnt nba fundamentals. it will help alot. from rebounding to passing, there are examples of fundamental trainings that u need to do in order to play well in bball. favourite phrase from the videos, "offense wins games, defenses wins championships". sounds pretty true to me.
lastly, debbie sis, take things easily bah. its one year only. think of it this way. its one year only. only! not one year arh! no "arh". ok? i think u get what i mean. trust me, after this one year, ur bonds will be very much stronger than it is now. like i said, its how u see things. treat it as a test or investment for a stronger relationship. 1 year for a lasting relationship is very worth it. as for now, when u are feeling down, there's always our clique and 1e05. so smile.
wtf! its 11.52pm liao. kun arh!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
weekend was quite well spent though. went back to sch for projects on sat and then its all the way down to my grandma's house to visit her. trim abit of my hair, mostly at the back and top to make those part easier to spike. after dinner, met up with ky to walk around tm for awhile. bought a new pants from freshbox. not bad.
went out with ky again on sunday. went heeren to get a pair of skate shoes from flash and splash. wah, seriously broke now. that shoes cost $100. all my pay gone. nice! must seriously save money and go work during the holidays.
anyway, some photos now.
and for those below, i got them in an email from a friend. engineers' definition of women or something like that. jj should be quite familiar with it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
step 1. get as many close friends as you can to ton overnight at mac as its the only fast food restaurant available for tonning. the closer the friends the better. in my case, its brothers who i tonned with.
step 2. do alot of things while tonning to distract urself. as for us, we talked cock, played psp, and slp.
step 3. prepare urself for the day by having breakfast at mac. damn, i'm like promoting for mac huh?
step 4. take out vodka or any other alcoholic drinks and find a nice place to enjoy. preferably a playground. lol!
step 5. call some friends to inform them that you may get drunk and tell them ur current location which is most probably the playground.
step 6. get urself drunk and make sure one of the friends there is sober to look after u all. for us, it was justin who was sober.
step 7. lose something expensive as a sacrificial item for good luck when getting o's result. in our case, its ky's camera.
step 8. get ready to go to sch. and get results. at this point in time, there's a high percentage that u are still drunk. so u won't feel much of the tension or nervousness. all the tonning is to tired u out so that u have no strength to be nervous.
step 9. hug some friends, tell them good luck. curse some enemies, hope that they fail. =)
step 10. listen to mrs neo's torturous talk cock session. that will be a very long speech. fall aslp like u always do during lessons or assembly if u can't take it.
step 11. get ur results and start celebrating or crying out of joy or sadness.
step 12. start asking around and gl-ing each other.
step 13. close friends pls sms me ur results. thanks alot.
there you go. the final ritual u can perform in hope of getting good grades for o's. i did that and i got good grades. lol! don't tell me i'm superstitious, for things like o's results, its better to be safe. so better perform this ritual. lol. this post is so full of crap.
anyway, there was captain ball tournament ytd. its organised by my course's interest group. my class played in it and got 3rd. there was three year 1 class, one year 2 class and two year 3 class. we came in 3rd, not bad liao. the champion team had super tall players and playing against them was damn difficult. i can even reach the ball when i tried to block it.
slacked at the prata stall outside tp with wahid, chin wee, arvind and ruixin for awhile before going home. aftermath of ytd's tournament? feeling damn tired today. i was doing all the jumping, blocking and some running around.
oh yah, my class mixed with 3 peeps from other class. think they are called kate, js and kelvin. they played pretty well also. hahahahaha. had fun.
hope they hold a bball tournament soon. lol. as for my jumping ability, not being able to reach the ball because i had short arms was an excuse, lol, its because i still can't jump very high. being able to touch the bball rim in tp isn't enough for me, i want to pull the rim. so, need to do more training liao.
after talking to ky online a few days ago. we found out we had the same thinking, really are brothers. dream or reality? let me tell u. she being my ticket outta loserville? it can be a dream, it can be a reality. but for me, that idea can only be a dream and reality is the way it is now. alone, single, whichever way u put it. who's stopping me? jeremy lim jia hui. yeah. myself. i have no confidence at all. how come? beats me.
as for life. its so unpredictable. jm told me one of his primary sch friend just died of brain infection. according to jm, that guy was a kind guy, a very kind one. like i always said, being kind doesn't mean u always have nice ending. look at this poor kind soul, he was kind but was life kind to him? surely no. so much for karma. why can't some motherfuckers in this world just die instead of the kind souls? beats me too.
well, i guess that's life. this is growing up. i'm sure i'll encounter more of this similar kind of situations down the road. should start appreciating things more now.
this world's an ugly place
but you're so beautiful to me.
Monday, January 21, 2008
now left only psychology, sas, micro, pom and dbis projects. almost done for all. hope the deadlines come faster, then can kiss goodbye to projects chiong-ing. but after that, must say hello to exams chiong-ing liao. sianned once again, but bo bian, this is life.
photos taken in the toilet with the guys in my team.
we were trying to look garang, but we all think we looked more funny than garang. bo bian, we don't have the garang look.
from left: me, chin wee, arvind and wahid. they said that wahid look like a commercial pilot, but i think he look more like a lawyer. lol.
enough for now, need to do pom project liao.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
had supper with ky, jm, jw and vanda under jw's block ytd. she big shot, call us go there eat supper, machiam fugitives like that. but nvm lah, was fun.
Friday, January 18, 2008
big surprise of the week. i forgot to say it in tuesday's post. i actually got 43/50 for ebm. can u believe it? i myself can't believe it. ebm was the subject that i thought that i will score at most a c. turned out to be an a when i was so clueless on how to answer one question that i used pom answers for the ebm test. so now i got 3 a. not bad. maybe i'm a genius afterall. lol!
its jessie's bday on wed, so celebrated her bday with her. went out of sch to eat prata and bought jessie a cake on the way. half was eaten, half was used on her face, pretty merciful already i think. if its my brothers, i think we will use the whole cake to fool around, but then again, i think we will finish eating the cake and not waste it. afterall, we used money to buy it and we're so broke nowadays, so won't wanna see our money being spent on playing.
jm went to take our pay today. sweet! $80 plus the new year day pay. a total of around $130. not bad. will buy the skate shoe i always wanted and maybe use the rest to buy a three quarter pants from freshbox. after that, i'm broke once again. bad news for myself, found a hole in my fav black three quarter pants. how! its my fav and i have no money to buy a new one. sianned. i'm planning on taking $100 from my bro. didn't take money from him when i bought the psp eventhough he offered me. shall see how lah. not nice to take money from my bro also.
so my next plan is to bargain for a rise in allowance which i don't think is possible. obstacle number 1, my dad is already having a %$^^%&%&$@ hard time trying to provide for all of us, so i don't have the will, guts, conscience and whatever u call that to ask for a rise in allowance. obstacle number 2, i receive the same amount of allowance as my bro, he's in jc, i'm in poly, logical thinking will know i use much more, but my mum don't understand, she just thinks that i'm a spendthrift. killer blow was dealed by transportation fees. it still sucks eventhough i walk home most of the time. to make things worse, i eat way more than my bro. even bigger difference in our expenses. and to make things worse than even worse! my bro is those "save whatever u can" kind of person, something i call stingy person. so he's 99.9 percent of the time within the allowance given and i'm 99.9 percent of the time over the limit. what am i gonna do man? start working? i'll die. actually won't lah. i don't mind working on saturdays. but until then, i only got 4 words. "jia lat" and "huan loh!".
as for today, went to meet up with jm and ky. its been a week since we last met i think. not bad, still full of jiao weis. dinner at ramen ten and wakao, $31.45. can die man. next time, i will only go there if i have the money. lol. went to tm's information counter to find vanda and went to freeload at times once again. favourite pastime in tm arh, can't blame us. all no money to buy magazines one. after that, routine hang around in tm before going home.
photos taken in tp.
damn. it rained when we were doing ebm project on sunday and there's only one way out of tp. so need an umbrella and good thing wahid brought one.
that's jessie with her bday cake.
having fun?
torture in progress.
so this is how a princess look like huh? lol.
after filming for pom project. the fantastic 4.
here's the spastic 5 who tried to act like spidermen.
my bed's calling me. bye!
this is the first thing i remember,
now it's the last thing left on my mind.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
anyway, i didn't went to sch ytd. awol sia. lol. had problem slp-ing the whole night and only went to slp at 4 plus. woke up at 5 or 6 and chionged to the toilet. diarrhoea. woke up at 7.50 to prepare to go sch but was too damn tired, so decided to skip sch. before i went to slp, i decided to walk into my mum's room and tell her that i'm not going sch in case she woke up and rush into my room screaming at me thinking that i overslept. good thing sure don't last, my mum still woke me up. she asked me to go and get a mc but i was plain lazy to, so just tell that awol one day won't die one.
went to play bball at night. walked all the way to block 450's court just to play. not a very good performance on my part. loss 5, won none. pro right? hahahahahaha. was quite focus at first until i slipped in a puddle of water. was trying to save the ball from getting out of bounds and i ended up jumping into this puddle of water. at that moment, all i could think of is,"holy crap". managed to touch the ball and its water after that. managed to sort of regain my balance but slipped the second time. lol. but not very wet lah. i admire those ppl watching me slip man. nv laugh at all, if its me, i confirm will laugh until i roll on the floor. in fact, i'm laughing at myself now. hahahahahahaha. anyway, after i slipped, i'm super sianned and blur. who won't?
the most memorable match will be the last match bah. justin, chuan jie and me vs some acquaintances. loss 8-11. they were telling us to play for fun, so i was like in the playing for fun mood since i'm sianned for the whole night already. so much for playing for fun, they play as if they were giving in their best. i loss track of the score until i discovered that we were losing 2-10. scored 5 straight and assisted justin once before screwing up. yeah, i know it suck but still, thats the highlight of the day for me i think.
next time, i'm not going 450 liao. justin and i agreed that the court sucks. should stick to playing at 800 plus there.
sch today was pretty much ok. everything's the same except for some minor highlights. hahahahaha. the chio and cute bsg girl who clashed our accounting lecture. thats all. actually, this minor highlight did brighten up my day. did a stress test during psycho lecture. average male has a stress rating of 12.7 or something like that and i score 4 for the test. 3 times lower than the average. shows how happy i was today. lol. that's what arvind and chin wee said.
been listening to blink 182's song lately, i know, they've disbanded and their songs are old, but who cares? i'll listen as long as its a good band which write good songs and blink 182 is one of my fav band. i particular like these 5 songs now. always, carousel, stay together for the kids, adam's song and wasting time. think i can understand why wen jie likes carousel and always so much, but i may be wrong. hahahahahaha.
lastly, lyrics just for the fun of it.
blink 182 - stay together for the kids
it's hard to wake up,
when the shades have been pulled shut.
this house is haunted,
it's so pathetic,
it makes no sense at all.
i'm ripe with things to say,
the words rot and fall away.
if a stupid poem could fix this home,
i'd read it every day.
so here's your holiday.
hope you enjoy it this time,
you gave it all away.
it was mine,
so when you're dead and gone.
will you remember this night, twenty years now lost.
it's not right.
their anger hurts my ears,
been running strong for seven years.
rather than fix the problems, they never solve them,
it makes no sense at all.
i see them every day,
we get along so why can't they?
if this is what he wants and this is what she wants,
then why is there so much pain?
so here's your holiday.
hope you enjoy it this time,
you gave it all away.
it was mine,
so when you're dead and gone.
will you remember this night, twenty years now lost.
it's not right.
so here's your holiday.
hope you enjoy it this time,
you gave it all away.
it was mine,
so when you're dead and gone.
will you remember this night, twenty years now lost.
it's not right.
it's not right.
it's not right.
it's not right.
nth much left. bb.
like i always said,
forget about it,
its hopeless.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
anyway, met up with ky, justin and jm to go walk around. both jm and i bought new bags. lol. we bought the same bag for ur info. hahahahaha. $32 each. not bad arh. justin bought new slippers, the new urban male's braziliano praia.
had dinner at heeren then went back down to tampines to meet up with kelly, vanda and winnie to hang around for abit. went to cs just to meet up with my classmates and to wish arvind for his bday with ky they all. went to mac to talk cock and plan for mass outing. planned for like 1 hour and the reply was out in like less than 5 minutes. almost everyone cmi. power lah. all very "on" arh. lol.
met up with something very funny ytd. we were like walking around and happened to walk past this shop. the moment we walked pass, jm noticed that all 3 of the sales girls in the shop were laughing like mad dogs. the moment we looked in, they are scramble out of our sight and into their resting room.
so we decided to go into the shop, look around until ky decided to approach one of the girls and ask, "how much is this bag arh?". for no reason, the sale girl he asked burst out laughing. weird arh, as we were walking out of the shop, jm heard the girls saying,"look at his pant!". lol. from our point of view, they were laughing at kjm. hahahahahaha. so we went around suanning jm for his pants.
oh yah. term test results are out except for ebm. results are like what i expected. lol. got 2 a's. 2 b's and 1 pass so far. got 39.5/45 for accounting, 89/100 for microecons, 31/40 for dbis, 29/40 for pom and 25.5/50 for sas. hahahahaha. not bad for the amount of effort put in.
photos now.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
and that's what u get, 4 games in a row. in the 4 games, i scored quite alot, like some 20 points in 4 games? dished out something like 10 plus assists and gave 2 blocks. and this time, its not backstab. wahahahahahahaha. was so amazed that i actually can pass so accurately. hahahahaha. miracle huh? of course, turnovers were still committed. there's sign of ball lag in my shooting eventhough i hit a few of them. still can't defend like i always did, can't jump fully yet.
score for the 4 matches. 11-9, 11-0, 10-11 and 11-8. not bad arh. actually held them scoreless for one round. lol. take each of the match to be one quarter of a real game and you'll get a total score of 43-28, then times 2, 86-56. wahahahahaha. let's look at my stats. 20 points time 2? 40 points, 10 plus assists, very few rebounds, 2 block, 1 steal. not bad arh.
but sianned. aftermath of playing bball when i haven't recovered fully? my toes are swollen again. lol. serve me right.
meeting ky, jm and justin tml. no sch due to open house. how nice! lol. going to buy some stuff. i wanna buy a new bag, but kena nagged at by my mother. lol, expected arh. hahahahahaha. meeting jm at 10 at tp's mushroom to walk around tp and tm before meeting ky at around 12 for lunch.
then its back to tp to do some stuff at evening. i think we are having dinner together bah. maybe going down to tp on sat for the jam and hop 08. wondering if it will be nice or not. i'm not those type that can go very high arh. maybe ky can. lol.
a little bit on nba here. la lakers are on a 4 game winning streak. not bad arh. lol. they currently have a win lose record of 23-11. who says kobe bryant can't do it without shaquille o'neal? lol. it just takes time for the team to mature and bond together since they are a young team. and look at miami heat which shaquille o'neal is in now. a 8-28 record? how nice. so much from a team that won the nba championship 2 years ago. lebron james' team is also not doing very well with a 18-18 record. last year's nba championship runner up arh? hahahahaha.
also, kobe bryant is currently ranked second after kevin garnett in the race to mvp column. nice! highest position in his career i think. if lakers keeps this up, kobe may have a chance to win his first ever mvp award arh. its true that kobe's points had dipped a little but who cares as long as they are winning. as for garnett, its unfair for kobe in the race to mvp column, garnett's team has 3 all stars and kobe's team only has him. can't blame him for the difference in performance of their team man. aiyah. lazy to type anymore.
anyway, i photocopied my palm again. middle finger like not very nice arh. lol.

that's all. gonna slp now. anyway, today's a happy day! =)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
did some spastic things today. went to photocopy pom notes. wahid they all use mine to photocopy. my pages 1 to 6 and 9 to 10 was ok. pages 7 to 8 was crumbled by the photocopier. lol. nice one lah. after that, we tried doing something spastic. wanted to photocopy my face, but they said too gl so photocopied our palms and hands instead. lol.
met up with jm before my psycho lecture. hahahahaha. walked around tp, went to buy some stuff but ended up not buying any, sat outside tp's bookstore to talk cock and then walked around again.
psycho lecture's attendance was shocking. we all predicted that there should be alot of ppl attending the lecture as it could be the only lecture for the week. in the end, only half the lecture hall was filled. bottomline? i suck at predicting stuff. lol.
met up with jm again and we walked half of my journey home together. lol. jm's walking home also liao. reason? go his blog and see for yourself. but its always good to have a companion to walk home together with.
talked about our unofficial bball team. we both agreed that we don't have a qualified center anymore since justin is way smaller in size now as compared to last year. among the 4 of us, justin is certainly the best candidate to be the center of our team, but against other centers, justin is just too small in size.
we agree that it would be too much a burden for justin so we decided to help him out on rebounding more often. jm and kwok is always rebounding so that is directed at me. bo bian, i'm playing guard at the time. guards aren't suppose to be grabbing rebounds, on top of that, i need to set the team up, attract defense and do some scoring. its tiring enough, but in order to win more, i need to do more. so when my toes recover, its back to conditioning again. stamina stamina and still, train stamina.
more video links. i'm sure that you'll love bball after u see it. lol. as for jm and justin, take it as a form of motivation bah.
kobe's top 10 playoffs performances
kobe's highlight in 2006-07 season
kobe's top 10 plays in 2006
top 10 amazing plays of 2006
top 10 assists of 2006
top 10 blocks of 2006
top 10 bloopers of 2006
top 10 crossovers of 2006
top 10 dunks of 2006
top 10 moments of 2006
top 10 plays of 2006
top 10 showstoppers of 2006
top 10 steals of 2006
credits: videos are all taken from's broadband tv.
you'll see how great a bballer kobe bryant is. hahahahahaha. my favourite player. too pro. anyway, my dream of becoming a diver may come true soon. wahid and chin wee are both interested in diving. so i may go for a diving course with them soon. probably during the holidays. wahahahahahahaha.
up next. photos.
wahid asked me to take this pic in the toilet. lol.
slacking in class.
arvind and my hands.
me pointing middle finger.
wahid's palm.
chin wee's palm.
that's all. gonna slp now. lol. hope tml i won't be sick. =)
colour of the day: green!
Monday, January 07, 2008
the pom lecturer showed us some soccer videos during lecture today. lol. there was "goal" and "boo" everywhere. lol. but still, i nv thought that soccer was interesting. lol. pardon me for not appreciating the most famous sports in the world.
to me, bball is the most interesting and entertainment sports on land. lol. seriously, its too unpredictable. the 81 points game by kobe to help fuel lakers to a win when they were trailing during the 3rd quarter in a match against toronto raptors. tracy mcgrady's 13 points in 35 seconds to help houston rockets make a comeback against san antonio spurs. lebron james 25 points in a row to help his team make a comeback win also, but against what team? i forgot. michael jordan's memorable flu game and so on. its all too amazing. also, the dunks, the drives, the impossible ways of shooting. all these contributes to why the game was so interesting.
lazy to type anymore. click on the links below to view come nice videos on bball.
top 10 dunks of december 2007
i personally like the dunk by trevor ariza which was ranked 3rd.
top 10 moves of december 2007
top 10 amazing plays of 2007
top 10 blocks of december 2007
kobe bryant's top 10 plays of 2007
top 10 bloopers of 2007
anyway, i got an a for accounting. 39.5/45. not bad arh. for someone who almsot didn't study and was sick on the day. lol. actually, i've got accounting background, so things were easier. the real pro is wahid. he top the class when he don't have the background knowledge like me. power. hahahahaha. i could have gotten 41.5/45, but i was too lazy to write in some stuff which caused me 2 marks. lol. too slack arh. lol.
thats all. short post.
credits: the videos here were taken from's video vault.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
sch's the same. slping and crapping during lectures, slacking during tutorials and even more slacking during breaks. lol. had no sch in the morning on thursday, so went to do some filming for our pom projects. lol. as usual, played pool after that and ended up late for econs tutorial.
as for ytd. met up with samuel. went to buy flowers with him to help him coax his girl. hahahahaha. what did he do? go ask him yourself. lol. but seriously, its damn embarrassing for 2 guys to walk around tm and cs with a bunch of flowers. lol. worse, he bought the flowers and i was the one carrying it around.
brought it down to his girl's house, place it at her door step and ended up taking it back. was afraid that she will be even more pissed if we placed the flower at her door step. so, its back to tm and cs. wanted to catch a movie but its either one of us had watch it or i'm underage. lol. so plan b. starbucks, but its full. so plan c. so tm staircase. hahahahaha. my idea. like that place alot arh.
today, was meeting up with ky, justin and jm to go bugis. in the end, nv meet up. ky went out with his bro, i was sick, justin went queensway and jm stayed home i think. lol.
oh yah. was supposed to train bball with justin ytd. he asked me to supervise his footwork training. waited for him the whole morning, in the end, nv train. lol. too tiring for him bah. he had bball training on friday. as for myself, i wanted to use the chance to do some shootaround to remove some ball lag. my toes still haven't heal yet, so i guess i'll just have to wait to get into action again. and when i've fully recovered, it will be hardcore training. so justin and jm, better do ur own trainings now arh. lol. i stop doesn't mean u all stop.
will get my term test results next week. hope i'll do well bah. i don't expect much. a pass for ebm, sas and dbis, b for pom and econs and a for business accountings will do. lol.
need to go off now. meeting ky, jm and justin to do some stuff.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
don't tell me i had such a boring count down. well, we can't think of anything to do so might as well work bah. don't know the reason, but we've practically run out of ideas to have fun.
so, what's my new year resolution? lol. relax, my resolution won't be a lame one like jm. his resolution for 07 was not to have any resolution. lol. think about it. its an irony. he said that he don't want a resolution, but that was his resolution for 07. lol. no comments, thats something you'll expect from kjm.
well, here i go. firstly, in 08, i hope that i will be more matured and be more responsible. and of course, i hope to improve in the things i do, be it playing bball or bass, simply anything bah. be a greater leader for our unofficail bball team, if i can't score well, then i'll just assists them and get the job done on defense. get good gpa for the year, that's important man. lol. then have a better body shape and better physical fitness, hopefully, 24 chin ups by the end of the year and at least break the 10 minutes barrier for 2.4. be less of a slacker and more of a chiongster, but i know it will be something like mission impossible 5 bah. i have the slacker blood running in me. lol.
well, for 08, i'm turning 18. first its sweet 16, then sianned 17 and hopefully it will be exciting 18? like ppl said, 18 is the golden age, i can drink officially and get my driving license liao. not bad arh. but still, i doubt that it will be exciting bah. 08 is an important year for all the brothers bah. a's for brothers whose in j2, do or die promo exam for ky and a tougher year for brothers in poly.
like i said before, zodiac says that 08 will be a tough one for us. lets believe it for now. so if we thought 07 was tough, then 08 will be tougher. in 07, things was so chaotic that we were all sianned by it. so if 08 is going to be tougher, there's only 2 outcomes, us being more sianned or getting excited because of the challenges. so for brothers, lets jia you for 08 and stick together no matter what arh.
oh yah. and one more thing. let's hope and pray that there's lesser inflation in 08 man. 07 is like the inflation year, everything also rise other than our parents' pay. and because of that, we suffer. things get more expensive but we have the same amount of allowance, ended up causing me to save lesser money. lol.
photos now.