holidays is going to end soon and i haven't started on my work. there's ba worksheet and microecons articles. well, i'm roughly done for my 1st mirco article liao. had a draft in my mind but still lazy to write it down. may do it later depending on my mood arh. hope no one will screw my day up like today. its totally off to a bad start. i hate ppl nagging or scolding me within 1 hour after i woke up. give me some peace lah. want scold or what, do it later, not when i'm still half awake.
also, peeps, stop inviting me to join facebook and things like that. i'm not interested. wanna make friends or what, friendster is enough. i know its outdated and in order to keep in touch with chio bus or make chio bu friends, we boys need to remain competitive and join facebook asap. but huan loh! i'm just plain lazy to change. too many accounts is a pain in the ass arh.
next. photos taken and edited by vanda. pardon me for the low quality pictures. vanda's phone is so budget. lol! vanda lac arh.

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