the best we can come up with? have supper at pasir ris and go pasir ris beach to drink vodka. lol. didn't last long too. don't even have the mood to drink. its only ky, vanda and me. it would be way more fun to have ppl like jm, justin, jj and winnie they all with us. lol.
went home at around 4. remembered that justin is camping for someone somewhere near my estate, so decided to go down and accompany him. hahahahaha. didn't feel like going home and find that its abit sian to camp alone, so as a brother, i should go down to accompany him.
ita abit eerie to walk from my estate to the estate that justin is camping in. lol. or am i too humji? lol! anyway, camped with justin all the way until 6 plus. slept, talked, walked around, thats all we did. void deck quite nice to slp arh. lol. actually, nv sleep at all, just close my eyes.
finally abort camping mission at 6 plus and went home. slp until 12 and need to wake up again. hahahahaha. this time to meet samuel and jasmine arh.
jasmine said she wants to cook dinner for us but ended up we boys did most of the cooking. lol. the chef and the assistants somehow switched roles arh. chef tan became assistant tan and assistants lims became chefs lim. lol.
the dinner was quite nice arh. lol. spammed too much sausages, every mouth confirm got sausage one. eat until damn sianned. hahahahaha. but still, not bad lah. what matters most is the sincerity, who cooked the dinner isn't important at all.
hmmmmmm. its been one week and i'm still unable to play bball. i sincerely hope that i can play soon. anyway, i've thought of training myself to the extend of being able to play any position. quite a chore man, but worth trying. let's see if i can do it or not. being able to play shooting guard, small forward and power forward shouldn't be a problem. most difficult pos for me will be playing center with my small size. lol. its been 1 month since i last touched my bass, since i can't play bball, might as well train arh. if not ppl will say i waste money buying a bass just to throw it aside.
ok lah, visuals now.
anyway, a merry belated xmas to all. hope u all enjoyed ur day. bye peeps. gonna slp now.
don't cry,
open up your eyes and know there's someone else out there that feels this way.
i'm singing to you 'cause i know what you've been through and know,
it's not so long ago i felt the same.
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