but in the course of reading, if u feel ur eyes getting dry, feel nauseous or whatsoever, the red cross in the top right hand corner of the window will be the ultimate cure. this is not an act of gl-ing, its something i call safety precaution. lol.
if u find that the red cross is not appealing enough, then move ur fingers and try pressing alt+f4. it may help too.
now, lets get started.
what does frowning represents? sadness. i'm currently sad, pissed and everything in between. why? my ear piece spoiled. and i will be around $40 poorer. $40 shouldn't be a problem normally, but when u have only $50 to last u until 10th august with an outing that will drain away $30 from u, its a big problem. to add on to the situation, i'm having flu now.
so i decided that i will write a proposal to god to drop a $50 note beside me. i'm not greedy, a $50 note will do. being a free thinker, i do have a wide selection of gods to choose from. it will be something like the marvel vs capcom hero choosing screen now. lol. and here it goes.
[proposal in request to drop a $50 note beside me tonight]
this is a proposal to which ever god out there. i, jeremy lim, a humble and powerless human being is in need of ur help. i need some divine intervention to help me pull through this economic crisis which i'm facing now. in this proposal, i will give you some good reasons as to why you may want to help me. i'm in need of ur greatness oh mighty one, please let me see a glimspe of light in the darkness.
1) i'm just a kid. i do not have alot of cash with me. i still have a long way to go. 1 month, i earned around 1k, am now left with $400 plus. 1 kid, a bright future, $400 bucks left. with $40 gone, poof! that will be $300 plus left. slowly, with more poof-ing, it will be $0. think! what will jesus do!?! ops. i forgot jesus is a god too. tolong lah. $50.
2) have u studied macroeconomic? i bet you all did. now, if you create one $50 and drop it beside me, we will have one extra $50 in the economy. when i use this money and the receiver puts it into his business, this means more capital. an increase in capital will shift the lras and sras to the right and thus increasing the gdp. you may say that a $50 increase in gdp is nth, but! everything starts from small yah? lol.
3) aren't god suppose to help human beings?
i have stated my reasons that you motivate you to help me. pardon me for the rudeness, but i'm at my wits' end. in case you choose to help me, here's my address. tampines street 71, block 711, #13-126, singapore(520711).
[end of proposal]
hahahahahaha. i'm coming up with quite some craps. it is what happens why i finished almost all my projects. tonnes of free time to let my thoughts run wild.
went to see sir's kwa blog. woah! that's my first reaction when i read his 30th july post. i find it true. sometimes, when we lose, we find all sorts of reasons to relieve ourselves from the guilt. justin wasn't here, sir kwa isn't scoring, we are shorter and whatsoever. but when u look more in depth into the situation. its me who screwed everything up at times. i have nice shooting posture and graceful movement at times, thats what others said. but first up, do i get money for having nice shooting post and graceful moves? answer is no! did i score? no! did we win? no! bottomline? all of that were useless.
its time to shoot the ball more acccurately. with this, i will pull defenders out of the paint and release some space inside for justin and sir kwa to work down below. its time to pass more accurately too. my passing still sucks. correct direction but not on target. its time to have higher scoring percentage when i drive in. reason? to score more lor. a shooting guard's main objective is to score and i'm having problems in it. nice huh? a shooting guard who is not really good at shooting. then what's the word "shooting" for? lol. i have an arsenal of tricks, but they don't work. lol. lousy shit.
had presentation for comm skills ytd. pretty nice job done by the whole team. extreme+10 rocks. lesson ended 20 minutes earlier, so the time was spent camwhoring. lol.

extreme+10 plus xueping the dwarft and jessie the baby seal.
guys acting cool, girls acting cute.
another one.
what are we looking at? $50? gimme!

mama: the dustbin. and i got proof.

as for today? had nth to do during breaks so played badminton with some of the classmates. ever seen jeremy playing badminton and running around like a fool? well, my classmates got the first hand experience.

i tell u arh arvind, don't be so smurk. next week, bball, prepare to cry. lol. talking about next week. next wednesday is our self proclaimed sports day. our class is going all out on sports on that day as we had nth to do for the 3 hours break. there will be soccer, basketball, captain ball and badminton again. lol. fuse basketball with badminton and u will having a very familiar saying that goes by," pattern more than badminton". lol.
lastly, to ppl whom my brothers invited, we are having an outing to vivo on 8th august. pls do come as it will be one hell of fun. filled with laughter and suanings. it will be a great day if u know what i mean. lol. boys are wearing long sleeves, girls synchronise among yourselves. see you all at mac by 5pm that day, although i'll be late.
think thats all. wonder what am i gonna do now. just slp from 6 to 8. lol.
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