wahahahahahaha! the exams are over and its holidays all the way until 23rd oct. nice life? hell yeah!. macroeconomics exams is today. conclusion? holy crap. lost close to 20 marks because i don't really know how to do question 2. but that's ok.
reason for not knowing question 2? it goes like this, i only studied for like one hour? last sat's operation tak ceh was a pure failure. brought the book, open the book but nv looked at it. was eating, playing psp, slacking, crapping, laughing and doing everything except studying! lastly, we watched evan almighty to wrap up operation tak ceh. what a nice failure. it wasn't planned but was expected. hahahahahaha.
evan almighty was ok only lah. not very boring but also not very funny. bruce almighty was better.
ok. i have 2 very interesting links here. try them out. u will like them. first one is u being a bartender and the second one? i don't know how to explain it. so here we go.
link 1 and
link 2.
up next, photos from our friday's buffet trip to chong pang.

woah. imagine how many prawns we ate.

look at all those meat? lol. its only one of the many rounds.

damage done. not very significant yet.

2 sp and 1 nyjc.

jun liang, jun jie and wai kit.

jun jie's creation.

damage done. rated heavy.


another one of jun jie's creation.

tom yam soup.


me with justin. my brother, master, teammate, advisor on bball and informer.

rival shop?

justin and ky.

lol. kwadon nv see camera before.

sms pos no.1

sms pos no.2


justin feeding ky.

ky got the meat but justin won't let go.

adjusting camera for group photo.

took jun jie's face while testing the angle.

final check.

closing the stoves.

final of final check.

the group.

walking to the bus stop.

nice view.


what are they up to?

waiting for bus.


jun jie, justin and ky.

once again. random.

home sweet home.
so. you are the 115695??th one to go fuck yourself since 3/22/97? lol. signing off now. bb.
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