first game without justin, 2 on 2. won 11-6. 8 points, 3 steals and 2 blocks. for the second game, jm and i were at a disadvantage. 3 on 2. won 11-3. 7 points, 3 steals and 3 blocks. last match for sat, same match up but lost 7-6. they called in another guy who is also called jeremy. so its the showdown of jeremys. lol. too bad my team lost as jm and i were too sianned after so many games.
as for the showdown? i gave my opponent a block for his first shot of the game. and also a block for his next shot. for the third game, the lost was on my part. the opponent was watching our match since the start, he should have a nice understanding on how i play. and after receiving 2 blocks from me, i expected him to change his style of play which he really did. what happened to me was that i hesitate more on jumping and challenging his shot as i was afraid he will pass the ball or drive pass me in that instance. so did not post enough pressure thus we lost. to my understanding, shooting guards shouldn't be the last line of defence like what happened that day, center should be. haix.
as for today, 3 straight lost. played against three youngsters with jm and his friend. we lost on team chemistry as jm's friend is playing with us for the first time. two of the opponents were sec 3 but were taller and bigger in size than us. for the three games, score are 7-11, 10-11 and 9-11. lost mainly on rebounding, so very few second attempt.
assisted more on the first game and went abit more solo on the second and third game. was running all over the court to defend the opponents. for the 3 matches, had 4 steals and 7 blocks. am sorry for being solo arh sir. cause we had some problems scoring, so i decided to take on the scoring load. damn. taking on the scoring load without a center is tiring sia.
ok lah. enough of bball liao arh. now for the activities for sat and sun. don't wanna talk about stuff that will piss me off, so will only talk about the time hanging outside with brothers.
sat. had dinner with ky, justin and jm at long john in tm. damn funny here. ky and jm went down to withdraw cash. justin was buying food for me, him and jm and i was playing psp. on our table was one cup of lemon tea which was leftover by some ppl. justin came back with food and so did ky and jm. this was what happened. but first, here's our order. me, combo 2 with coke. sir, combo 1 with sprite. justin, grill 2 with no dirnks.
*ky sat down and demanded for his psp while i happily ate my food*
* while playing, ky drank a sip of drink from one of the cups.*
*note: there were 3 cups*
ky: eh, you all got drink lemon tea one meh?
justin: no.
me: yah but not today, y?
*ky points to one of the cup*
ky: this is jm one. sprite right?
jm: yah.
*points to another cup*
ky: jem's coke?
me: yah.
*points to last cup*
ky: justin's lemon tea?
all: nope.
ky: then whose is it?
justin: the person before us. its a leftover.
jm and me: ???
ky: !!!
ky: fuck u justin, u ccb sia. saw me drinking the lemon tea from the cup nv tell me. somemore is slow motion one, confirm got the fucking time to react one lor.
justin: ...........
jm and me: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
ky: $^#$&*^#@
after dinner, went to watch the condemned. wah knn sia, the show is for sadists, not for normal ppl like ky and me. 10 criminals with death sentence fighting it out to be the sole survivor who has another shot in life. don't watch. not good for kids.
went out again on sunday. went to window shop and hang around cityhall. look for white shirts, pants, aiyah, white clothes for ky lah ok? he going full white. i'm already full black. then sir will be in between. black and white. lol. took 2 photos when we were trying out shirts for the fun of it. no lah. i call it, preview.

ok lah. going to do projects now.