went out to ton with brothers on friday night. not really alot of brothers went, just ky and jm only. it'll be great if justin, jun jie, josh and all could make it, but it'll be mission impossible 5 i think. getting me down is already mission impossible 4 liao. lol.
before we met at 11 plus, i slpt only for one hour. and before i went to slp, i uploaded 80 songs into my imeem account. used my napping time to wait for the songs to upload finish. after everything was done, i was astonished by the amount of emails i received. got a screen shot of it instead of taking the picture of the screen with a camera, unlike arvind. hahahaha. click on the image to enlarge it.
upon clicking on it, realised that all of them were from imeem. are they too free or what? just send everything at one go with one email lah!
anyway, our reason to ton is because ky wanted to study. jm and i were there because we have tonnes of time to waste. reached at 11 plus or 12 am i think, decided to eat first and start studying at 12.30. ended up slacking until 2 plus before we took out our books. played psp and watched movie until 4 plus before we really get our asses down to study. i studied macro for 30 minutes or so nia before i wrote an introduction for our econs group project, after which? i played psp. ky studied physics for around 1 hour plus and sir was slp-ing throughout when we were studying. hahaha, ate breakfast at 7 before going home to slp.
went to my grandma house ytd. thank god i brought my ps2 along, if not i will die from extreme boredom. due to my trip to grandma house, was unable to go play pool with ky and jm, but met up with them to watch invisible target. movie was nice. storyline was superb, action packed, filled with humor and alot more lah, lazy to elaborate.
anyway, my mum is starting to think that i'm gay cause i went out with ky, jm and justin like almost everyday. does this mean i'm gay? i don't think so, this means that we are damn bonded, that's all.
woke up at 3 today. damn. and now i am here typing out this boring post. nth much to say liao. until i am in crapping mode again, i don't think i'll blog liao.
anyway, jun jie or jinghan, if either one of u is reading this hor, send me the photo we took when we stack our 6111s in dnt tech room last year can? and i don't know why, the songs i embed here is only playing for 30 seconds. sometimes they'll play the full songs. weird. too lazy to investigate now, huan loh about it other time.
thats all, gonna find something to do now.
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