but something good happened. all those weight lifting are showing effect. justin said that my upper body is growing liao. annabelle punched me in my stomach and felt my 6 pacs which slacked over the years hardening again. biseps bigger liao. triseps growing at a faster rate which pisses me off. lol. chest muscle still growing. leg muscles, woohoohoo. lungs? holy shit. lol. motivated liao. later after sch, hardcore gym!
anyway, ytd went out with ky. walao. gst rise liao. really can feel it lor. went with ky, jm, justin, lianghao to buy ky's crumpler bag from 77th street. wakao. the sales girl there is god damn chio lor. lol. but i think she confirm got bf liao. and she's confirm above 18 years old. haix.
but don't huan loh, stay hua hee! anyway, i wanna stay a carefree person now. true lah. sometimes when u look at loving couples, u wish u wanna have one too. when u look at chio bu, u hope u can have one as ur gf too. u wish u can have magical times with some girl. but as i said earlier, don't huan loh!
我本实现人, 自然无牵挂. this is a chinese proverb. with direct translation, it will mean, i'm originally a carefree person, so it will be certain that i have no worries. lol. that's all i want now. fun times. freedom. good times with brothers. to achieve whatever i want to be now. poly is the time. u may say poly is good place to find a gf. yeah it is. but to me, its also a good place to lose ur gf also. seriously, with so many ppl around, if u ever have a chio gf, u will had a hard time keeping her by ur side. not that i am saying girls are unfaithful. but its the truth. its proven and tested.
somemore, after poly, there is still ns. the real test is this. while u are in tekong for the first 3 months, ur girl is outside. vulnerable and exposed to external threats while u cannot do anything. true?
however, there will be some special case. those who are extremely powderful to maintain a relationship through ns and poly. i tell u arh, guys, if u ever find this kind of gf, don't ever let her go. cause i will rate u the number one idiot in the world. seriously, if i ever have this kind of faithful gf, woohoohoo, no need to worry about life liao. lol.
but too bad. i am not that lucky and powderful to get this kind of gf. plus, i come from a group of cursed brothers who are failure in love. but nvm, we enjoy each other company. whenever i'm with them, i'm free from worries. i'm enjoying myself cause each and everyone of them are damn uniquely pro in jiao wei-ing and slacking in their own way. add all of us together and u'll get a team of invincible crappers who tries to test every law and find their flaw.
anyway. heard a very bad news. a hero (lianghao, level 16) has fallen. aiyah. expected lah. he come from a cursed bunch of ppl i mentioned earlier on.
my comments? it sounded like it was solely lianghao's fault sia. i mean i'm obviously more on lianghao's side. he's at fault too, i don't object. but it takes to hands to clap for such things to happen lor.
girls arh girls, u all wanted equality among sexes. we accepted it but u are the ones who still wants special treatment at times. equality, as according to dictionary.com means the state or quality of being equal. don't always wait for boys to ask u out. got mouth, got hp, got com. take the initiative also lah! don't always wait for ppl to sms, call or im u. u got com or hp for fuck? use lah! u or ur parents waste money buy u one com or hp to decorate the house arh? or for display? no comments sia. u nv say what u are thinking, how we boys know what how u feel? u think we professor x arh? no right? god give u mouth for fuck? talk lah!
like guys, u all can jio also. see handsome guys, can ask for number also. that's the price to pay for wanting equality. erm, looking back. i feel that i'm abit guai lan. xia lan maybe. aiyah. just a thought. lac arh everyone.
girls and relationships aside, found this interesting shit while i'm surfing the net. what's my blog rated? lol. here's my current rating.
i'm hoping to made it unsuitable for children under 17. since 17 is my age. lol. so from now on, a little bit of vulgarities here. its been 117 post and i had curbed the temptation to scold vulgarities for too long. lol.
tml got sch. wakao sian. poly no holiday. one word. fuck!
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