anyway, sidetrack abit. went to the hospital sometime last week. purpose is for my knee. well, need to see the doc another time during the september holidays to see how my knee is doing. he said that there are two possibilities to my knee current condition, the first one is that my left knee isn't strong enough to take the impact my body receives. second one is that i had a tore ligament in my knee. if its the second problem, i need to go for some operation. sian sia, totally lost for comments. ppl play basketball, i aso play. they nv kena this kind of shit and i kena. damn it.
back to main topic, pulau ubin. woke up at around 1 plus on thursday morning and went down to meet justin, jun ming, jun jie and kwok at dunman. went in to take some stuff and went to jm house to take somemore stuff and went down to changi village to wait for our bbq food to arrive and buy some other stuff too. while going to take the bus to changi village, jm was fooling around with his soccer ball and accidentally threw in onto a shelter and it got stuck. so jm and i found a way to climb the shelters which was almost 3 storeys high to retrieve to ball. then we jumped from another shelter which was almost 2 storeys in height. then some teenagers come over and asked if we were parkour professionals or not. lol. it stunned jm and i. are they going to challenge us? lol.
took the bumboat to ubin. while on the boat, a very big cargo ship crossed our path and the bum boat shake like hell. rented 2 bikes first. went to find a suitable spot and set up our temporary home for the night and waited for ky and lianghao to meet up. in the mean time, we just sat and talk cock on the beach.
at 6 to 7 plus, jm and i decided to go to the jetty and wait for ky and lianghao before it gets dark. jm bike had some problems while he tried to shift the gears and he injured his toes. chionged to the jetty and attended to his wounds first. and waited until 9 before ky and lianghao arrived. why are they so late? well, ky has ltc camp and lianghao went overseas with his classmates. lol.
rented 2 more bikes and made our way down to our camp site where the others are starving to death liao. lol. miraculously, none of us fell from the bike this time round. maybe its because we nv do exploring this time round bah.
anyway, other than the lack of light and ample amout of sand, bbq-ing on ubin was fun. as usual, ky went crazy on ubin. started bbq-ing at 10 plus. and we bbq all the way until 1 plus before we start to play our games. lol. if u all ever watched jacky wu's show, he had this game whereby the ppl cannot say the word thats on their head. well, this is what we played for the night.
finished the game and it was only 3 plus, some were still wide awake while some others were already knocked out. jun jie, jun ming, josh and i went down to the beach to catch small crabs during the low tide. lol. fun sia. crabs run damn fast lor. hahahahahaha.
then we cleared the waste in a very special manner. we burnt them and contributed to global warming. lol. practically burnt away all the waste. and for the big finale, we burnt away the 6kg of charcoal that we brought and all the used batteries. lol. was planning to watch sunrise but we were on the wrong side of the island, so sian lor, cannot watch.
anyway, here's a very funny part whereby jm tuar-ed ky about the sunrise.
*we were burning away the waste and the fire was damn big and its 5 plus in the morning*
jm: eh ky, wake up and see the sunrise liao
*ky practically jumped up from his slp to watch the sunrise but all he saw was the fire from the burning wastes*
ky: -_-'''
*and went back to slp*
lol. once its 7 plus in the morning, we were on our way back to singapore. while on the way back, we played some war games. its the commados vs the holy defenders of ubin. the commandos consists of jm, lianghao, ky and me. the ppl who rented the bikes. and the holy defenders were justin, jun jie and kwok. well, the commandos were more high tech, they had assault vehicles which was their bikes and some interesting weapons which was water bottles. the holy defenders has no high tech weapons but had a secret weapon, megazord and his ultimate weapon, a soccer ball in a plastic bag. lol.
for the first strike, the commandos chionged in and attacked the defenders with their water bottles and sprayed water at them and scrammed. afterwhich, they lay in wait for the defenders and ambushed them. at the second wave, the commandos already ran out of ammo. so they had to use whatever weapon they can find. too bad, all the weapon they can find were mostly melee weapons which needed bravery to chiong in and attack the megazord. lol. so normally after we suceeded in attacking them, we were being attacked ourselves. lol. played all the way from our campsite until the jetty and made justin ran all the way. lol.
once back in singapore, went to mac for breakfast and went home. while at mac, josh fell aslp and we pang seh-ed him. went out of mac quietly, find a nice place to watch him and then we called him on his hp. lol. should have video-ed down the way he jumped up and his stunned face.
after that went home to rest and meet up for dinner at 7 plus. justin, ky, jm, lianghao and i met up. had our dinner at bk for the ones that reached first and went to hans after that. freeloaded at times while waiting for lianghao and jm to arrive. after dinner, went walking around looking for a nice bag for me. then decided to go to 77th street to look at the pretty shopkeeper with demonic bodyshape and my bag. while we were there, we discovered that the pretty shopkeeper wasn't there. so stood outside 77th street and watched the trialer for movie, mr woodcock.
while i was so indulged in watching the trailer, ky spotted the shopkeeper. apparently, she went out of the shop to do something. ky got so excited and pushed me, who at that time was so indulged in the trailer. i walked 3 steps forward and we all were so stunned at ky's sudden outburst of strength. lol. scary, we all think that the spotting of that angelic shopkeeper unleashed the hidden potential in ky. lol.
after that, went home. slacked, played ps2, trasnferred the photos and went to slp at 3 plus. lol.
thats all liao, photos up next.
that's the scene of the cargo ship crossing in front of our bumboat.
engineers working hard to build our temporary home.
ky sitting in our tent and waiting to be served. lol.
thats me taking a break and eating a chicken wing.
ky's born rival, chua jun jie.
finally, the fire started again.
justin having fun with his camera.
jeremy lim bbq-ing. i think i can tok lau zh in bbq-ing. =x
while waiting for the food to be cooked, jun jie and ky was gl-ing each other in the tent and entertaining us. they ended up gaying in the tent.
turning of tide.
lee khai yew countering chua jun jie.
chua jun jie at his wits' end.
but soon after, chua jun jie strikes back
ky overpowered by jj again.
a hero has fallen.
that's for messing around with me.
jm, kwoky and i still trying to start the fire.
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