updates now. after justin's ncc air camp on thursday i think, we met up for basketball. went to somewhere near liang hao's house to play. we ended up being in a handicap match. justin, jm and i vs 4 other ppl there. this match made us realised that we've improved. not only in skills, but in chemistry too. but, there were some flaws still.
the game started. i was being marked by a little boy who at most is 13 years old. well. nice chance to widen the lead i should say. fake to the left and drived in from his right and made the lay up. missed a shot and the opponent got the rebound.
they passed it to a guy in black shirt who appeared to be their star player. the one marking him was me. he tried to use my own moves against me. i appeared to buy the fake but make my way beside him and blocked his lay up attempt.
with ease, we've widen the gap. for the first set. we won 11-8. justin had 6 points while i had 5. something around there. all i did was assisting my team members. although jm nv scored but he did a very good job on defense. 3 blocks and 2 steals. don't know what had gotten into us, but the 3 of us were all on fire in the first set. i had 3 blocks and 2 steals also, justin had 3 blocks too. funnier thing is, one of them actually tried to grab a rebound against justin and result? he fell down on all four limbs. nice try, but not good enough.
for the second set, justin was simply on fire. i should say, seed break. lol. i had 4 points, jm had 1 and justin had 6. we won by a big gap. 11-6. i think this set took away all our energy because after this, it was a tough fight.
3 on 4 was nv easy. they had one extra player who can support them and we need to do whatever we can to neutralise away the player. at this point, i was already pissed of by the opponent them as they were saying things like, "i'm afraid of shooting because i'm afriad i will scare them." they had a lead. 2-3. nice one ok? at this time, being pissed. i took the scoring load myself as we had many failed attempts despite direct pass from me. they were tired already.
while i'm on fire, they fell into my trap. my plan to neutralise that extra person was to make him guard against me with one more guy, meaning 2 ppl marking me. this will made some space in the paint, making scoring and grabbing of rebound easier for justin and jm.
they made it damn obvious that they were playing 2 on 1 defense on me. so i had a little conversation with their star player.
me: going for 2 on 1 defense?
star player: that'll depends.
me(thinking to myself): its so obvious and u are still trying to save some face for yourself? nvm, i'll make u pay for what u said to my team members earlier on.
*dribble the ball towards the starplayer and whispered to him.*
me: don't need to depend on situation when ur first shot was blocked by me.
erm. i think i pissed him off too because he kept on scoring. so it was 2-7 after that. this got me excited and i battled it out with him until it was 7-7. but at this point, i made 3 consecutive mistakes. that little boy stoled my ball 3 times.
first steal. i was looking at jm and justin in the paint and seeing whose open for an assist. i forgot that i was being double team. that boy reached in with his long hand and stunned me. second steal. i was paying attention to that boy this time but i saw something. i saw his bball shoe's brand. the brand was qiaodan. chinese of michael jordan, a china brand. i cannot tahan and laughed abit. seeing the loophole again, the boy went in for the steal again. third steal. i was having pure fun. seeing the boy trying his life out trying to steal my ball. i kept pulling the ball out of his reach, but i timed it wrongly once and he got it. lol.
after those mistakes, i realised that the score was 7-10 already. by this time, justin and jm rested enough, so its time to go to them. drive in and they thought i was trying to score but i got rid of the ball just in time. final score was 11-10. nice one. i had 7 points and justin had 4. jm got most of the rebounds.
last and final set. was a 7 point game. they fired up and we started to slack again. afterall, we won the game already. they won 6-7. when justin and jm slack, its for real. i need to carry our team again. scored 5 points in this match.
overall. the score was 39-31. lol. nice win cause if u multiply it by 2, it will be 78-62. pure ownage. lol. i had 21 points, 42 if multipled by 2. woohoohoo.
went to meet up with lianghao and ky for dinner. then slacked around in tm and cs before going to the cc nearby for some basketball again.
no team match, just one on one. jm against ky. jm against justin. ky against justin. jm against me. justin against me. jm played with ky twice. jm lost 5-4 once and won 5-0 next. ky lost to justin 2-3. jm lost to me 5-1. i won justin 7-6. wah.
while playing, i got the idea of taking photos. first, for memories. second, i've nv seen myself playing bball. i mean my posture. ppl told me i had nice finishing posture but i still haven't seen it for myself. so i used this chance to take it down.
my two usual teammates' showdown.
taken when justin and i were playing against each other.
nice shooting posture. perfected by justin and me.
justin - pointing middle finger, ky - drinking water, lianghao - ???
jm vs ky.
ky trying to distract jm with his spasticism.
finally, this is my posture when i'm doing a normal and easy layup.
while resting. ky and jm started singing. at that time, i was doing some shootaround and all i did was laughing along with them. but after that when jm was doing shootaround. it ended up being ky and me singing. and we did some recording too. lol.
brotherhood theme song
brotherhood theme song (remix)
we weren't gl-ing ppl in the song. we just think of some ppl and brothers and say things that were closely related to them. as least for the 2 of us. sry if we offended anyone. lol.
went to velocity and vivo city on friday. before i went out. i was sneezing and noticed a lump in my nose. told my mum. then told my brothers. due to our wild imagination, we were trying to scare ourselves that i had cancer and my nick fo that day was "cancer boy". had tonnes of fun. did some recording again while we were eating dinner.
its about ky and me talking to our mother. for my recording, my mother wanted to know where i was as she was asking my dad to fetch me to see the doc. ky was checking with his mum on whether there was food at home or not and showing me the nice way of talking to our mother. lol. normally, i was the one showing him. but he used the chance to gl me back.
me talking to my mother
ky talking to his mother
weight lifting now.
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