9th march. friday. after my 9th march post. i practically slacked at home. its my bday. so i have every right to do that. slacked all the way until 5 plus. my dad drove us to my grandma house and picked her up. then we went to marina square. the carpark at marina square was woohoohoo big and confusing. after quite a long time then managed to find the carpark directly under marina square. cause there were also places like oriental hotel, millenium walk and some other buildings which shared the same carpark as marina square. went to pariss restaurant, my sis' treat. its ok lah. the food there not really very nice. but had a great variety. sort of enjoyed eating there as there were delicacies like crocodile bah kut teh, shark fin, abalone, pizzas, chicken chop. all free flow after u paid $30 plus.
had a break in between. went to play pool at the arcade in marina square. taught my bro how to play pool. omg. first time he play, he tok-ed me by 4 balls. pro or beginner's luck? i no comments. then my sis joined in. played triple treat. was the first to get kicked out of the game and overall winner was my sis. lol. played for one hour plus and i paid $10 plus for it. damn it. so ex. lol. after that, went back to pariss and continue eating. wah. overall i ate quite alot. 2 chicken chops, 3 bowls of bah kut teh, 1 bowl of shark fin and alot of other stuff. after that. sent my grandma home and my dad drove us home. while on the way home, i begged my dad to drive me down to dunman after he sent my sis and bro home. i want to go down and look for kelly.
reached there liao and they were training for their sports day interclass basketball tournament. well, saw alvan play. not bad. he improved quite alot. chuan jie on the other hand is a three point pro. will make quite a good shooting guard. elvis that night not bad, quite tycho. yi ting got potential. lay up quite good. kelly shooting accurate. meng hong as according to them, is a pro defender but apparently, that day she off form. so blur. as for me? no comments. nv did much. after that sent kelly home. then that roughly ended my day liao.
10th march. saturday. well. had a nice nice rest until 1 plus. then woke up, had lunch, get ready to go for dragonboat training. lol. meet up with ky and wai kit by 2 plus. reached kallang by 3 pm to met up with the whole dragonboat team and the new intakers. walked to somewhere at the kallang river and started our training. well, no comments. its tough i think. and i was caught slacking. lol. its not that i wanted to slack, but bo bian. y? my side was rowing out of synchronisation and my oar was being clamped in between by the teammate infront of and behind me. thats why i got sianned and decided to slack. trained for 2 hours. walked to national stadium to wash up. and damn it. i brought everything except my underwear. i forgot sia. idiotic. so used the dunman pe shorts i normally wear underneath my pants as a boxer. feeling? it sucks. after that. had a hard time looking for the bus stop. then took bus no. 16 down to suntec city.
risked my life crossing don't know how many streets filled with cars dashing at me just to get to marina square's cafe cartel to meet up wih kelly, vanda, maisie and winnie. lol. jm and justin came later. had dinner there. bought a very big set and shared it with justin, ky and wai kit. lol. total cost including drink, $65 plus. not bad lah. then slacked around marina square. after that sent kelly home. went back to tampines mac to meet up with ky and gang again. they mixed the coke with some bbq sauce and tricked me to drink it. holy crap. yucks ok? slacked and crapped there for awhile then went home.
11st march. sunday. met up with kelly and studied with her. i studied econs while she studied lit at bedok's mac. well. nth much on that day, just studied, talked, slacked and then sent her home. but its fun cause spent my time with her.
12nd march. monday. woke up early just to go down to nyjc by 10 am for dragonboat land training. lol. crap. was late. did not warmed up and ran around the track in the sch liao. ran for 5 rounds i think. so 2 km nia. its ok for me. slack. stamina still ok eventhough after so many months of slacking. but i still wonder if i can still run 2.4 in 9minutes 45 seconds or not. but after the morning run. i got giddy. almost blacked out. reason being, i didn't took my breakfast. so asked for permission to slack awhile. after i felt better. i got back into the team for training. they lift weights, did chin ups, pumpings and some other exercise. but! ncc style chin ups and pumpings won't work in dragonboat. ncc style trains our biseps, dragonboat trains our back and chest more than biseps. so, i cannot do as many pumpings in dragonboat style. but chip ups still can lah.
after training, ky and gang went to marina sqaure's seoul garden to eat. but i went down to bedok with justin to meet up with kelly and her friends to play bball. after dragonboat was damn tired and hungry. so while walking to the basketball court near bedok interchange with justin from his house. i was too tired and hungry until i got high. result of getting high? after i reached the bball court. i peng liao. no strength. and i found out that my bball skills deprove hell lot. lost to kelly, vanda and yiting. score was 7-1. walao. then had three point shoot out competition. i had 1/10 for first try, 3/10 for second try. chuan jie had 4/10 for first try and 3/10 for second try. elvis, benjamin and justin each had 1/10 for their only try. conclusion? i'm way over my prime liao. i suck sia. sianned.
after that, walked kelly home cause she needs to go for kbox session with her friends. after that i went to ntuc with justin to buy shaver. lol. home sweet home after that.
13th march. tuesday. had to go to changi general hospital for my knee class. its a sort of physiotherapy for my knee injury. damn it. after dragonboat the previous day, my body was already aching like crap and still need to exercise my knees. after that, went home to get some slp.
woke up and rushed down to bedok upon kelly's sms. she smed me at 1 plus. i reached at 2.30. lol. she waited quite long for me. then we studied for awhile before going down to simei and join ky, jm, josh and vanda for pool.
not bad lah. quite fun. tagged with kelly against ky and vanda. result, we won! lol. but i lost quite alot of games also. reason? i am noob. lol. jm was darn pro. 2 more years and he will become professional. lol. had dinner at tampines block 201 there. lol. jm spilled two cups of regular coke there. and splashed abit on some ite students. walao. no need scold vulgar one lor. jm said sorry liao mah. idiots leh. accident right? like he did it on purpose. no comments. after dinner, sent kelly home then home sweet home.
14th march. wednesday. stayed at home if i am not wrong and nv went out. was aching over like crap and need to rest for the damn camp which is on the next day.
15th march. thursday. first day of camp. well. no comments. reported at 8. the darn admin work took 2 hours. efficient sia. lol. lucas same house as me. i mean sch house. phoenix, red colour. lol. no comments. other house includes dragon, griffin and pegasus. their colour i don't know and don't care.
saw my class. 0719. no comments. immediately sianned. my class. more than 80% girls cause only 5 boys i think. but the girls u see liao. will go "omg, dunman is way better." lol. but nvm, got kelly liao. so no need worry. but if we ended. then i jia lat lor. lol. anyway, if the girls cannot make it liao, next reaction is to see if the boys have the same frequency as me or not. unfortunately, no. so next 2 years in nyjc. no life. anyway, i don't plan on making any brothers in nyjc. cause i don't wanna trust anyone liao. just like ky. all we need are those secondary sch brothers. so die die must meet up. don't forget us.
anyway, played dumb games during the camp. and here is the worse part. the game lasted only for 20 to 40 minutes. but the briefing took 1 hour plus. wth lor. $12 for this kind of camp? waste of money sia. anyway, i'm not the saddest. ky is. last class cause his class for ppl with weird combi and some other reasons. lol. so these 2 years. dragonboat teammates will be our cliques.
16th march. today. pon tang-ed the freaking camp and slp until 12 plus before going out to meet ky, josh, kelly, vanda and annabelle. went to tm first cause ky cutting his hair. not bad sia. quite nice. lol.
after that, went down to cityhall. went citylink's adidas to look for ky's shoes. then went to marina square to walk around. well, must pia liao and save some money. kelly like this puma jacket alot. lol. then went to suntec's adidas shop to look for shoes. saw these la lakers shoe which was purple in colour. was attracted to it lor. so cool sia. somemore my favorite team leh. but cost $109. sweet. so forget it. then saw kobe bryant's new jersey. no. 24. wah. $79.90. together with the lakers shoe. $200. no comments.
ky never saw any shoes that he like in suntec so we went back to citylink's adidas to buy one. then went to eastpoint and play pool again. annabelle, kelly and vanda left. kelly and vanda had night study in dunman. annabelle went for class bbq. lol.
so we called justin down to play pool. wah. started off the day fine. won 2 straight game. won josh and justin. but lost to ky. then from there, josh won 4 or 5 rounds striaght i think. then i dropped another 2 games to ky. no comments. after that went home to have dinner.
anyway, while during 1 plus in the morning, jun jie told me to spammed justin in my cbox. i agreed. so instantly, our msn which was functioning then was not in use. instead, my cbox became the msn for us liao. for details on our conver, pls refer to my cbox and take a look at those older posts too.
thats all for updating. lol. tml is a day to look forward to. 1st month with kelly. happy happy. so going out with her. but she forcing me to watch horror. lol. everyone knows that i'm afraid of horror. lol.
anyway. some ranting here.
first up. my mother. she abit ki xiao liao lah. pms i think. every month sure got 7 days or more like this one. but this time. i really pissed. asked her for money to buy graphic calculator. almost $200. i know its expensive lah. but do i look like i wanted things this way? damn it. scold me for what? scold singapore's government for pushing their citizens to their wit's end. everthing also increase except for the citizen's salary. scold moe or nyjc for this crap idea of buying such an expensive calculator. then, asked her for money again to top up bus fare. walao. again kena. asked me why use so fast. not my fault. want scold, go ahead and scold sbs for being so slack. ppl go jc liao still using adult fare. no use scolding me right? i'm just a kid. do i look like i am some god who can cut down on the bus expenses? no! so no use nagging at me. i'm as helpless as u if not more helpless than u ok?
i actually wanted to go poly. any course also can, as long as it is regarding accounting and business. but while i was working, i got to know that adult fare is omg suck. and if i am not wrong. poly students counted as adults liao. i know dad's burden is freaking high liao. so go jc. cut down on expenses. cause no need pay $1000 to $2000 every term for poly, no need buy laptop, no adult fare. i'm making life easier for u all lor ok? u think i like jc when i have no a maths base and needs to study maths in jc? u think fun arh? i will have such an easy time in business course lor. pls note that i got an a2 for poa with only 45 minutes of studying ok? i'm sorry to say this, if u keep on saying that raising us is a torture to u. then don't give birth to me yah? no point give birth to me liao then keep on saying this kind of shit. its not that i don't appreciate everything u all gave me. i always look up to dad and u. but what's with all these comments? crap lor. and i'm no kid anymore. i'm 17 liao. 1 more year and i can drink alcoholic drinks openly liao. 4 more years and i can drive a car liao. so please treat me like i'm someone with his own set of thinking liao. being older than me doesn't mean u all are always right. if things are like this. why is there still ppl in their 30's to 50's doing wrong stuff like stealing, raping and murdering? just ranting. so pls, give me some peace at home can?
next. basketball. omg. no comments. from peak form until shit form. wanna cry sia. don't know what to type and say. too sad for comments. haix. those glorious days are just so ytd liao. sianned. now can't even shoot 3 point nicely. my last three point shoot out game before 12th march games was before o's. the study break. my score was 7/10 ok? look at now sia. idiotic. haix.
thirdly! i'm no ah beng. i'm no ah beng and still, i'm no ah beng! i used to be one, but i changed liao lor. walao. u ppl may say i look like one. but bo bian right? do i have the ability to decide how i look like? no mah. wakao. i may swear abit now, but its already a drastic drop from how i was during sec 2 ok? i've been controlling all along. u ppl know i hate ah bengs now, and i really hate being called one. i know i look like one. but, wakao. u ppl always say don't judge a book by its cover but. haix, forget it. no comments. too tired to rant liao.
was looking at dong kai's blog and came across all these old photos. so decided to upload them here. haix. really miss those days man. can't bear to part with it. nv thought that the cca i joined because i had nth better to do will become one so filled with beautiful and nice memories for me to remember.

ok. took this photo on the last day of training. i wasn't torturing my cadets i swear. we were just posting for some spastic photos. but for this one.i forgot to take down my yellow lanyard.
sir hanteng's bday. so decided to throw him into the air. lol.
think thats all liao. haix. those memories.
as my memory rests
but never forgets what i lost
wake me up when september ends
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