hmmmm. back again. well. ytd was quite a nice day. fun filled. at least for the second part of ytd.
go sch as usual. despite after one week of sch. waking up at 5.15 am is still a pain in the ass. bo bian. nyjc. not tpjc. lol. go for lectures. 3 hours straight. hmmmm. chem's ok. econs is boring. computing is slack. the sch thinks that they are pro. linking all the com together with lan cables. and so we will see whatever shit the teacher is showing on the projector the moment we use the com. lol. clever move. cannot go internet. cannot play games like miniclips or dota. nvm. as the saying goes, when there's a will, there's a way. u simply have to pull out the lan cables from ur cpu and everything's fine. play games, surf the net, go msn. do whatever u like. but just pretend that u are listening and enjoying the boring lesson by replying the teacher an "orh" as and when u like.
had project work tutorial before i left early and went down to dunman. my civic tutor mr toh, was asking us to present. well, i managed to escape. but he was going through our research and he saw mine. reaction? this - O.O
i'm doing pw and need to research on some ppl who made special inventions that either change or have an great impact on our lifes. i choose dr. james naismith. the inventor of basketball. lol. no wonder he went O.O
so after that, went to do some early leave procedures. got mr toh to sign and took bus down to dunman with pris, benjamin and waikit. saw alot of close friends and brothers in sch. was happy. first person i saw was liang. brighten up liao. first brother spotted.
sign in outside surfin' in room and went to look at ncc. wah. no comments. more slack than us. lol. then went to hall. nth much there. sang sch song. wah, their video clip nicer liao leh. not bad. dunman seemed to progress alot. then there was the speech day parade. guards of honor was ncc air. expected. but parade commander is from npcc. weird sia. maybe air don't have good parade commanders? u nv know.
sad case for air. wear no. 1 uniform march. nice nice. but have to rain. song sia. and their file was so luan lor. out of place. still goh. no standard. then the march past. ncc land is seriously no hope. but this does not mean other uniform groups are better. they are just as bad or even more cock up. ncc air was commented the worse. i'm not the one who said it. joseph did. he was sitting beside me while we were in the hall. lol. so much for a gold unit arh.
after that, got my prize. a trophy again. and a $20 popular vouncher. lol. not bad. but the trophy for the distinctive dunmanite award is abit too overboard. its so big lor. u fill the trophy with rice and i think it will take u at least 3 days to finish the rice up. after that got concert performance by dunman choir and band. lol. no comments. anyway, my parents went down. lol. its a good thing bah. shows that they care.
after that, meet up with parents. pei them awhile then walked around dunman with annabelle to look for darling. bernerd know about us, so cannot so close. so must act strangers abit. after that, went to slack with brothers.
played some basketball. lol. graduates vs sec 4 plus kelvin. graduates include josh, jm, justin, joseph and me. so basically, can call us the j team also. lol. i took the first 3 point. it sank nicely. thought i was on form. didn't expect myself to perform like shit. only scored afew. ralf marked me like xiao. don't know why. the other guy too. if they think i'm still a pro. no way. i'm noob now.
after that, took taxi down to east point. u ppl should know by now. we went there to play pool. lol. ytd's pool was fun. win and lose ratio almost equal. lol. then last match, ky said that if he lose to justin. he blanjar us coffee bean. ppl present was justin, jm, josh, annabelle, ky and me. and really, ky lost. so we dragged him to coffee bean.
but in the process of dragging him to the outlet in century square. he ran away. board an mrt and left. jm tagged along. leaving the rest of us to take the next train. lol. they missed tampines and went all the way to pasir ris. lol. then jm tricked ky that 2 of the remaing were going to pasir ris and help out. cause ky wanna cut cost, so wanna pang seh the 2 idiots who went down. but no one went. and jm managed to trick ky into boarding the returning train. so we caught him in tampines. he was trapped. i was waiting at the doors of the first cabin. jm was at the second cabin. there's no way he can run away. lol.
ky said that he wanna run in and out of the mrt gates with jm. cause both of them only have $4 in their ez-link card. but ky is student fare, jm adult. so jm's will run out faster. then ky and run off. lol. but he didn't execute the plan. even if he executes, he will need to take bus no. 3 or 21 home. but we know where his house is. so the ones that remain at tampines will just need to go down to his house to camp for him.
after that, he dragged him to cs. but he took the lift and tried to escape again. we know what he was planning. but just don't know when. but he ran off at the 4th floor. the smokers' corner there. its an open space and its night time. the area was not lighted. so we had a hard time finding ky. but jm spotted him. so conclusion? ky's cover and concealment fail. lol. ncc crazy liao. lol.
then ky finally gave in. we camwhore abit at coffee bean. will upload the photos the moment i got them. anyway, 6 ppl. cost $32.20. sweet. wanna gave ky back the money but he don't want. lol. steady as ever. respect.
so conclusion draw. don't talk crap when u are playing a pool game against justin. he's super tycho. don't try to pang seh own brothers by running away. we can catch u one. cause we know each other too well.
thats it for ytd's activities. now for good news. i got into tp. but not my 1st choice course. not accounting and finance but business and information technology. lol. i'm ok with it bah i think. as long as i can get away from jc can liao. lol. slacking still rules. lol. thanks again ppl for being there for me.
finally, some ranting. i don't know whats wrong. i'm not tired. that's the bottomline. i still don't know why i feel weird over what happened. i explained but i find that it affected us alot. maybe maybe not.
no more nyjc. sweet. later wake up read through tp enrolment procedures. lol. no pw, gp and chinese. no more one hour ride. no more silly long break time. no more pe assesment. no need go for later's sports' carnival. no need paint mural. more time for darling. no need be either a chiongster or a geek liao. can keep long hair. lol. this is life. freedom. love it.
but really sorry to ky and wai kit. dragged u 2 down to jc and pang sehed u all. hope u all understand it. with my sub combi in secondary sch. poly is better for me. lol. plus slackers like me love to slack. so poly confirm better. lol. think thats all liao. i'm slpy. go slp liao. bb ppl. night.
in a perfect world, all the geeks get the girls
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
its been long since i last blogged liao. well. no comments. jc life totally tired me out which in turn made me lose the interest in blogging. lack of time contributes to the factor too. seriously, 24 hours a day ain't enough. hahahahahahaha. i think this post will more or less shock ppl who had no idea regarding what had happenned to me lately bah.
well, i went down to temasek poly to appeal into its accounting and finance course after the appealling period was way over. reason for doing it? haix. accounting and finance course was the course that i was aiming since way before o's. but my mindset sort of change after i went to work and got the result. the reason for going jc was stated clearly in my previous post.
many may ask that why didn't i appeal during the appealling period since i hate jc that much? well, my reply would be, during the appealling period, jc never started its lectures yet. it was still having orientation and other admin activites. so i didn't know how jc life really was. until lessons really started. i found out that there were 2 killer subjects for me, topped up with boring subjects like chinese, general paper and project work. just the thought of these 3 h1 subs would send chills down my spine now.
ok, first up. killer sub no. 1, maths. damn it. for someone without add maths base like me. studying maths in jc is an uphill task. furthermore, pls note that i was a maths noob back in secondary sch. i failed my maths all the way until o's where i managed the pass it with an a2. its a miracle back then. when i look at the notes, every single letters and symbols on that paper know who i am, but i don't know them. they are so alien. ok, best part is. after i spent like 2 to 3 hours looking through the notes and finally understood it abit, i still don't know how to do the tutorials. damn it. ppl are studying something further than add maths now but i'm just starting from the scratch. maths' a killer. who the hell complicate maths until this extend? damn it.
killer sub no.2, chemistry. surprised? yah yah yah, i got an a1 for combined science. i know. but so what!?! do u know that i'm freaking suay? the 3 topics that i skipped for o's are more or less the main topic in jc? mole concept, redox and hydrocarbon. damn it. in sec sch, these topics were so minor for o's that i just simply skipped them. but damn it, i still can't escape them for jc. and they are the main topic. and try imagining having mole concept and redox combining into one question. wth! damn it. many of u may think, y don't i choose physics instead right? i seriously would like to. but god damn nyjc don't allow me to take physics! reason being that i have no add maths base. damn it lah. a 10 pointer meeting this kind of shit in jc. good luck have fun man.
anyway, details about the appealing part. after i knew that i'm in deep shit. i told my mum, i seriously need to change sch. if not i will die after year 1 in jc. i predicted that i will be retained. so my mum talked to my dad. well, he didn't approved it. cause he wanted me to go jc. so it took my mum one whole morning to persuade and talk some sense into my dad before they brought me down to tp's one stop center to appeal. comments received? the receptionist there said that given my result, if i appealled during the period, i will confirm get a place. but as for now? the course is full, i may not get in, but i will be on top of the list. haix. so what if i'm on top of the list? the course is full. no space. being on top of the list is useless man. from me choosing my sch during jae to sch choosing me now. haix.
the next day, i went back to sch and ended up telling my form teacher my situation. he himself suggested that i go poly. if not i will suffer big time in jc. maths alone will take up alot of my time and i still have crap subjects like gp, chinese and pw to handle. somemore chinese a levels is this year. damn it. and the worst part? i miss out the first 3 months in jc. first reason was i couldn't get into one with my prelim results. mi not counted. 2nd reason, back then i was planning to go poly, so was working to earn money and pay for my own expenses. good lor. now everything screw up. because of one reason. trying to be a good boy and lessen my dad's burden. think for others and see the shit that i'm in now. like i said before, it doesn't pays to be kind to others. and like what justin said in his blog, ren bu wei ji tian zhu di mie. i totally agree now. think for others and u suffer. haix. so if i remain in jc, i got a whole lot of first 3 months topic to catch up on and maths to handle for the rest of the year.
so what am i planning to do if my appeal fails? well. i'm left with 2 choices. choice number 1, drop out of jc and work for the rest of 2007. earn some money for my poly expenses. and join the jae for 2008. choice number 2. transform myself into an ultra geek and pia full time for jc. bad points? most prob kelly and i will drift away. and if i can't make it for the promo exams, i wasted all my time and effort. lastly, after year 1 in jc, there is still year 2. the year for a levels somemore. damn it sia.
since the matter, i've been talking to some teachers. mr lee huan leng, mrs low and mrs vijay. after hearing my choices, mr lee suggests i stay in jc. he said that if i got the determination, i will make it out of jc. but both mrs low and mrs vijay supports my idea of dropping out and going to work first. mrs low added that i will turn out to be an even more stronger person this way. because i know what i want and i strived for it. mrs vijay supported my idea but she stated that she's afraid that i may lose the touch for studying while i work for the rest of this year. so she suggested that i take up part time poly courses to keep myself in shape. well. on my side, i prefer dropping out and working for my own expenses. but i don't really know how am i going to put the idea across to my dad. maybe he'll understand, maybe he won't. haix.
anyway, lets state the benefits and lessons that i'll learn given these possible outcome.
outcome no. 1. appeal successful and get into the course. i will seriously treasure the chance given and really study hard. study hard not as in studying like a geek. but i will chiong more than i was back in dunman. haix. mrs vijay was right. she knows that i am the kind that wants to play and study at the same time. lol. but she thinks that i will excel in poly. this i don't know.
outcome no. 2. appeal fail and remain in jc. if i ever survive these 2 years and pass a levels with decent grades. i will more or less become a very determined person who nv gives up. which in turn is good. i don't give up easily.
outcome no. 3. appeal fail and remain in jc. but i nv made it to year 2 this year. well. what can i say? i just wasted one year of my life in jc. dropping out would be better. at least i will be working for my expenses.
outcome no. 4. appeal fail and i dropped out of jc. well. i think working to pay for my own expenses will make me a stronger person like what mrs low said. true, i'll be wasting one year of my life. but i will be more matured. i will study even harder in poly. i will be more focused.
so bascially that's it bah. and now for cca. i don't even know what cca should i join. cause those sports cca are so hiong. i mean they train like xiao. which i don't mind. for nice bodyshape mah. sex appeal. lol. but let's take dragonboat as an example. alot of its members were retained and it scares me a little. haix. don't know lah. if staying in nyjc then huan loh lor.
anyway. these are the things that i've done to help boost my chances of getting into accounting and finance course. first, my mum brought me to some temple in bedok to pray. well. i prayed sincerely and seriously hope god bless. next, my mum again, brought me down to see mr sin boon ann, some mp for tampines grc and sort his help. he said that he will write a letter to tp and asked them to give me a chance. last resort. the next day after i appeal, i went down to tp again and wrote a letter myself to some sort of beg for a place in tp. its for my future. so i see no wrong in doing this bah.
and if i get into poly, there are also something that i regret doing. that's not talking things out nicely and asking my parents' for their opinions. because of this, i bought the graphic calculator which cost a bomb and my uniform liao. also, i cut my hair due to the rules set by nyjc and now, i look like a kuku.
finally, there are some ppl who i wanna thank here when i'm in this crisis.
first up, brothers and close friends. ppl like justin, jun jie, jian wei and jing han. thanks alot for talking to me when i am really confused. thanks for consulting me online. jun jie, thanks for ur efforts in calming me down and helping me find tp's number. justin, thanks for ur effort in teaching me add maths and asking me to relax. lol. well, as for ky they all. i didn't trouble them because they were already too fed up with jc also.
then, my teachers. mrs low, mrs vijay and mr lee. thanks alot for ur precious suggestions and encouragement. especially mrs vijay, who talked to me online and tried her best to guide me out of my confusements.
up next, my darling kelly gui. lol. she tried her best to cheer me up and was understanding enough to know why i didn't called her and can't talk to her that often. eventhough when i told her that i will call her and forgot about it. she was still very forgiving. lol. so thanks alot darling for being so understanding. its been hard on u.
lastly, my family members especially my mum. after i told her about my troubles, she went all out to help me and tried her best to calm my frayed nerves. she too tried to talk me round and tried her best to see things from my point of view. she also did her very best in persuading my dad. and find all ways to help me boost my chances of going into tp. and also my sis and bro, thanks for standing up for me in front of dad. thanks alot to my sis for teaching me add maths and chem.
well, seriously, this shit may be a pain in the ass but i realised something from it. this crisis allowed me to realised and identified the people that really care about me. those that are so worried about me when i'm in deep shit. thanks ppl. i appreciate ur care and concern alot.
up next, its quite random lah. good charlotte new album, new morning revival is out. rating? not really as i expected. haix. seriously, this album ain't as nice as the previous few. but still worth it bah. maybe after listening and exposing myself more to their new songs, i will like them? maybe bah. also, relient k's new album, five score and seven years ago is out. after getting my hands on their new album, i will rate their album and update it bah.
woohoohoo. something tells me that the punkrock bands are all preparing for a punk rock revival. cause most of them are releasing their album this year. relient k, bowling for soup and good charlotte are out already. upcoming released will be from sum 41, yellowcard, simple plan, new found glory for this year. and greenday estimated for release next year.
need to study liao. bb. take care ppl.
please let me enrol in that course,
i promise to work hard,
and put my very best into it,
i promise.
all i need is a chance,
a miracle now.
well, i went down to temasek poly to appeal into its accounting and finance course after the appealling period was way over. reason for doing it? haix. accounting and finance course was the course that i was aiming since way before o's. but my mindset sort of change after i went to work and got the result. the reason for going jc was stated clearly in my previous post.
many may ask that why didn't i appeal during the appealling period since i hate jc that much? well, my reply would be, during the appealling period, jc never started its lectures yet. it was still having orientation and other admin activites. so i didn't know how jc life really was. until lessons really started. i found out that there were 2 killer subjects for me, topped up with boring subjects like chinese, general paper and project work. just the thought of these 3 h1 subs would send chills down my spine now.
ok, first up. killer sub no. 1, maths. damn it. for someone without add maths base like me. studying maths in jc is an uphill task. furthermore, pls note that i was a maths noob back in secondary sch. i failed my maths all the way until o's where i managed the pass it with an a2. its a miracle back then. when i look at the notes, every single letters and symbols on that paper know who i am, but i don't know them. they are so alien. ok, best part is. after i spent like 2 to 3 hours looking through the notes and finally understood it abit, i still don't know how to do the tutorials. damn it. ppl are studying something further than add maths now but i'm just starting from the scratch. maths' a killer. who the hell complicate maths until this extend? damn it.
killer sub no.2, chemistry. surprised? yah yah yah, i got an a1 for combined science. i know. but so what!?! do u know that i'm freaking suay? the 3 topics that i skipped for o's are more or less the main topic in jc? mole concept, redox and hydrocarbon. damn it. in sec sch, these topics were so minor for o's that i just simply skipped them. but damn it, i still can't escape them for jc. and they are the main topic. and try imagining having mole concept and redox combining into one question. wth! damn it. many of u may think, y don't i choose physics instead right? i seriously would like to. but god damn nyjc don't allow me to take physics! reason being that i have no add maths base. damn it lah. a 10 pointer meeting this kind of shit in jc. good luck have fun man.
anyway, details about the appealing part. after i knew that i'm in deep shit. i told my mum, i seriously need to change sch. if not i will die after year 1 in jc. i predicted that i will be retained. so my mum talked to my dad. well, he didn't approved it. cause he wanted me to go jc. so it took my mum one whole morning to persuade and talk some sense into my dad before they brought me down to tp's one stop center to appeal. comments received? the receptionist there said that given my result, if i appealled during the period, i will confirm get a place. but as for now? the course is full, i may not get in, but i will be on top of the list. haix. so what if i'm on top of the list? the course is full. no space. being on top of the list is useless man. from me choosing my sch during jae to sch choosing me now. haix.
the next day, i went back to sch and ended up telling my form teacher my situation. he himself suggested that i go poly. if not i will suffer big time in jc. maths alone will take up alot of my time and i still have crap subjects like gp, chinese and pw to handle. somemore chinese a levels is this year. damn it. and the worst part? i miss out the first 3 months in jc. first reason was i couldn't get into one with my prelim results. mi not counted. 2nd reason, back then i was planning to go poly, so was working to earn money and pay for my own expenses. good lor. now everything screw up. because of one reason. trying to be a good boy and lessen my dad's burden. think for others and see the shit that i'm in now. like i said before, it doesn't pays to be kind to others. and like what justin said in his blog, ren bu wei ji tian zhu di mie. i totally agree now. think for others and u suffer. haix. so if i remain in jc, i got a whole lot of first 3 months topic to catch up on and maths to handle for the rest of the year.
so what am i planning to do if my appeal fails? well. i'm left with 2 choices. choice number 1, drop out of jc and work for the rest of 2007. earn some money for my poly expenses. and join the jae for 2008. choice number 2. transform myself into an ultra geek and pia full time for jc. bad points? most prob kelly and i will drift away. and if i can't make it for the promo exams, i wasted all my time and effort. lastly, after year 1 in jc, there is still year 2. the year for a levels somemore. damn it sia.
since the matter, i've been talking to some teachers. mr lee huan leng, mrs low and mrs vijay. after hearing my choices, mr lee suggests i stay in jc. he said that if i got the determination, i will make it out of jc. but both mrs low and mrs vijay supports my idea of dropping out and going to work first. mrs low added that i will turn out to be an even more stronger person this way. because i know what i want and i strived for it. mrs vijay supported my idea but she stated that she's afraid that i may lose the touch for studying while i work for the rest of this year. so she suggested that i take up part time poly courses to keep myself in shape. well. on my side, i prefer dropping out and working for my own expenses. but i don't really know how am i going to put the idea across to my dad. maybe he'll understand, maybe he won't. haix.
anyway, lets state the benefits and lessons that i'll learn given these possible outcome.
outcome no. 1. appeal successful and get into the course. i will seriously treasure the chance given and really study hard. study hard not as in studying like a geek. but i will chiong more than i was back in dunman. haix. mrs vijay was right. she knows that i am the kind that wants to play and study at the same time. lol. but she thinks that i will excel in poly. this i don't know.
outcome no. 2. appeal fail and remain in jc. if i ever survive these 2 years and pass a levels with decent grades. i will more or less become a very determined person who nv gives up. which in turn is good. i don't give up easily.
outcome no. 3. appeal fail and remain in jc. but i nv made it to year 2 this year. well. what can i say? i just wasted one year of my life in jc. dropping out would be better. at least i will be working for my expenses.
outcome no. 4. appeal fail and i dropped out of jc. well. i think working to pay for my own expenses will make me a stronger person like what mrs low said. true, i'll be wasting one year of my life. but i will be more matured. i will study even harder in poly. i will be more focused.
so bascially that's it bah. and now for cca. i don't even know what cca should i join. cause those sports cca are so hiong. i mean they train like xiao. which i don't mind. for nice bodyshape mah. sex appeal. lol. but let's take dragonboat as an example. alot of its members were retained and it scares me a little. haix. don't know lah. if staying in nyjc then huan loh lor.
anyway. these are the things that i've done to help boost my chances of getting into accounting and finance course. first, my mum brought me to some temple in bedok to pray. well. i prayed sincerely and seriously hope god bless. next, my mum again, brought me down to see mr sin boon ann, some mp for tampines grc and sort his help. he said that he will write a letter to tp and asked them to give me a chance. last resort. the next day after i appeal, i went down to tp again and wrote a letter myself to some sort of beg for a place in tp. its for my future. so i see no wrong in doing this bah.
and if i get into poly, there are also something that i regret doing. that's not talking things out nicely and asking my parents' for their opinions. because of this, i bought the graphic calculator which cost a bomb and my uniform liao. also, i cut my hair due to the rules set by nyjc and now, i look like a kuku.
finally, there are some ppl who i wanna thank here when i'm in this crisis.
first up, brothers and close friends. ppl like justin, jun jie, jian wei and jing han. thanks alot for talking to me when i am really confused. thanks for consulting me online. jun jie, thanks for ur efforts in calming me down and helping me find tp's number. justin, thanks for ur effort in teaching me add maths and asking me to relax. lol. well, as for ky they all. i didn't trouble them because they were already too fed up with jc also.
then, my teachers. mrs low, mrs vijay and mr lee. thanks alot for ur precious suggestions and encouragement. especially mrs vijay, who talked to me online and tried her best to guide me out of my confusements.
up next, my darling kelly gui. lol. she tried her best to cheer me up and was understanding enough to know why i didn't called her and can't talk to her that often. eventhough when i told her that i will call her and forgot about it. she was still very forgiving. lol. so thanks alot darling for being so understanding. its been hard on u.
lastly, my family members especially my mum. after i told her about my troubles, she went all out to help me and tried her best to calm my frayed nerves. she too tried to talk me round and tried her best to see things from my point of view. she also did her very best in persuading my dad. and find all ways to help me boost my chances of going into tp. and also my sis and bro, thanks for standing up for me in front of dad. thanks alot to my sis for teaching me add maths and chem.
well, seriously, this shit may be a pain in the ass but i realised something from it. this crisis allowed me to realised and identified the people that really care about me. those that are so worried about me when i'm in deep shit. thanks ppl. i appreciate ur care and concern alot.
up next, its quite random lah. good charlotte new album, new morning revival is out. rating? not really as i expected. haix. seriously, this album ain't as nice as the previous few. but still worth it bah. maybe after listening and exposing myself more to their new songs, i will like them? maybe bah. also, relient k's new album, five score and seven years ago is out. after getting my hands on their new album, i will rate their album and update it bah.
woohoohoo. something tells me that the punkrock bands are all preparing for a punk rock revival. cause most of them are releasing their album this year. relient k, bowling for soup and good charlotte are out already. upcoming released will be from sum 41, yellowcard, simple plan, new found glory for this year. and greenday estimated for release next year.
need to study liao. bb. take care ppl.
please let me enrol in that course,
i promise to work hard,
and put my very best into it,
i promise.
all i need is a chance,
a miracle now.
Friday, March 16, 2007
hmmmm. its been a week since i last updated. reason for not updating. i'm not in the mood. reason for updating? jun jie asked me to as he said that my blog is quite dead. no updates. so yah, here i am. typing out a post. well. this post should be long. with updates of 7 days and some ranting. not say some. quite alot bah. should start from my birthday bah. update from there.
taken after some flour war. it was some cadet's birthday i think. we were all acting xl. thus those kuku face.
ky after the flour war. lol.
9th march. friday. after my 9th march post. i practically slacked at home. its my bday. so i have every right to do that. slacked all the way until 5 plus. my dad drove us to my grandma house and picked her up. then we went to marina square. the carpark at marina square was woohoohoo big and confusing. after quite a long time then managed to find the carpark directly under marina square. cause there were also places like oriental hotel, millenium walk and some other buildings which shared the same carpark as marina square. went to pariss restaurant, my sis' treat. its ok lah. the food there not really very nice. but had a great variety. sort of enjoyed eating there as there were delicacies like crocodile bah kut teh, shark fin, abalone, pizzas, chicken chop. all free flow after u paid $30 plus.
had a break in between. went to play pool at the arcade in marina square. taught my bro how to play pool. omg. first time he play, he tok-ed me by 4 balls. pro or beginner's luck? i no comments. then my sis joined in. played triple treat. was the first to get kicked out of the game and overall winner was my sis. lol. played for one hour plus and i paid $10 plus for it. damn it. so ex. lol. after that, went back to pariss and continue eating. wah. overall i ate quite alot. 2 chicken chops, 3 bowls of bah kut teh, 1 bowl of shark fin and alot of other stuff. after that. sent my grandma home and my dad drove us home. while on the way home, i begged my dad to drive me down to dunman after he sent my sis and bro home. i want to go down and look for kelly.
reached there liao and they were training for their sports day interclass basketball tournament. well, saw alvan play. not bad. he improved quite alot. chuan jie on the other hand is a three point pro. will make quite a good shooting guard. elvis that night not bad, quite tycho. yi ting got potential. lay up quite good. kelly shooting accurate. meng hong as according to them, is a pro defender but apparently, that day she off form. so blur. as for me? no comments. nv did much. after that sent kelly home. then that roughly ended my day liao.
10th march. saturday. well. had a nice nice rest until 1 plus. then woke up, had lunch, get ready to go for dragonboat training. lol. meet up with ky and wai kit by 2 plus. reached kallang by 3 pm to met up with the whole dragonboat team and the new intakers. walked to somewhere at the kallang river and started our training. well, no comments. its tough i think. and i was caught slacking. lol. its not that i wanted to slack, but bo bian. y? my side was rowing out of synchronisation and my oar was being clamped in between by the teammate infront of and behind me. thats why i got sianned and decided to slack. trained for 2 hours. walked to national stadium to wash up. and damn it. i brought everything except my underwear. i forgot sia. idiotic. so used the dunman pe shorts i normally wear underneath my pants as a boxer. feeling? it sucks. after that. had a hard time looking for the bus stop. then took bus no. 16 down to suntec city.
risked my life crossing don't know how many streets filled with cars dashing at me just to get to marina square's cafe cartel to meet up wih kelly, vanda, maisie and winnie. lol. jm and justin came later. had dinner there. bought a very big set and shared it with justin, ky and wai kit. lol. total cost including drink, $65 plus. not bad lah. then slacked around marina square. after that sent kelly home. went back to tampines mac to meet up with ky and gang again. they mixed the coke with some bbq sauce and tricked me to drink it. holy crap. yucks ok? slacked and crapped there for awhile then went home.
11st march. sunday. met up with kelly and studied with her. i studied econs while she studied lit at bedok's mac. well. nth much on that day, just studied, talked, slacked and then sent her home. but its fun cause spent my time with her.
12nd march. monday. woke up early just to go down to nyjc by 10 am for dragonboat land training. lol. crap. was late. did not warmed up and ran around the track in the sch liao. ran for 5 rounds i think. so 2 km nia. its ok for me. slack. stamina still ok eventhough after so many months of slacking. but i still wonder if i can still run 2.4 in 9minutes 45 seconds or not. but after the morning run. i got giddy. almost blacked out. reason being, i didn't took my breakfast. so asked for permission to slack awhile. after i felt better. i got back into the team for training. they lift weights, did chin ups, pumpings and some other exercise. but! ncc style chin ups and pumpings won't work in dragonboat. ncc style trains our biseps, dragonboat trains our back and chest more than biseps. so, i cannot do as many pumpings in dragonboat style. but chip ups still can lah.
after training, ky and gang went to marina sqaure's seoul garden to eat. but i went down to bedok with justin to meet up with kelly and her friends to play bball. after dragonboat was damn tired and hungry. so while walking to the basketball court near bedok interchange with justin from his house. i was too tired and hungry until i got high. result of getting high? after i reached the bball court. i peng liao. no strength. and i found out that my bball skills deprove hell lot. lost to kelly, vanda and yiting. score was 7-1. walao. then had three point shoot out competition. i had 1/10 for first try, 3/10 for second try. chuan jie had 4/10 for first try and 3/10 for second try. elvis, benjamin and justin each had 1/10 for their only try. conclusion? i'm way over my prime liao. i suck sia. sianned.
after that, walked kelly home cause she needs to go for kbox session with her friends. after that i went to ntuc with justin to buy shaver. lol. home sweet home after that.
13th march. tuesday. had to go to changi general hospital for my knee class. its a sort of physiotherapy for my knee injury. damn it. after dragonboat the previous day, my body was already aching like crap and still need to exercise my knees. after that, went home to get some slp.
woke up and rushed down to bedok upon kelly's sms. she smed me at 1 plus. i reached at 2.30. lol. she waited quite long for me. then we studied for awhile before going down to simei and join ky, jm, josh and vanda for pool.
not bad lah. quite fun. tagged with kelly against ky and vanda. result, we won! lol. but i lost quite alot of games also. reason? i am noob. lol. jm was darn pro. 2 more years and he will become professional. lol. had dinner at tampines block 201 there. lol. jm spilled two cups of regular coke there. and splashed abit on some ite students. walao. no need scold vulgar one lor. jm said sorry liao mah. idiots leh. accident right? like he did it on purpose. no comments. after dinner, sent kelly home then home sweet home.
14th march. wednesday. stayed at home if i am not wrong and nv went out. was aching over like crap and need to rest for the damn camp which is on the next day.
15th march. thursday. first day of camp. well. no comments. reported at 8. the darn admin work took 2 hours. efficient sia. lol. lucas same house as me. i mean sch house. phoenix, red colour. lol. no comments. other house includes dragon, griffin and pegasus. their colour i don't know and don't care.
saw my class. 0719. no comments. immediately sianned. my class. more than 80% girls cause only 5 boys i think. but the girls u see liao. will go "omg, dunman is way better." lol. but nvm, got kelly liao. so no need worry. but if we ended. then i jia lat lor. lol. anyway, if the girls cannot make it liao, next reaction is to see if the boys have the same frequency as me or not. unfortunately, no. so next 2 years in nyjc. no life. anyway, i don't plan on making any brothers in nyjc. cause i don't wanna trust anyone liao. just like ky. all we need are those secondary sch brothers. so die die must meet up. don't forget us.
anyway, played dumb games during the camp. and here is the worse part. the game lasted only for 20 to 40 minutes. but the briefing took 1 hour plus. wth lor. $12 for this kind of camp? waste of money sia. anyway, i'm not the saddest. ky is. last class cause his class for ppl with weird combi and some other reasons. lol. so these 2 years. dragonboat teammates will be our cliques.
16th march. today. pon tang-ed the freaking camp and slp until 12 plus before going out to meet ky, josh, kelly, vanda and annabelle. went to tm first cause ky cutting his hair. not bad sia. quite nice. lol.
after that, went down to cityhall. went citylink's adidas to look for ky's shoes. then went to marina square to walk around. well, must pia liao and save some money. kelly like this puma jacket alot. lol. then went to suntec's adidas shop to look for shoes. saw these la lakers shoe which was purple in colour. was attracted to it lor. so cool sia. somemore my favorite team leh. but cost $109. sweet. so forget it. then saw kobe bryant's new jersey. no. 24. wah. $79.90. together with the lakers shoe. $200. no comments.
ky never saw any shoes that he like in suntec so we went back to citylink's adidas to buy one. then went to eastpoint and play pool again. annabelle, kelly and vanda left. kelly and vanda had night study in dunman. annabelle went for class bbq. lol.
so we called justin down to play pool. wah. started off the day fine. won 2 straight game. won josh and justin. but lost to ky. then from there, josh won 4 or 5 rounds striaght i think. then i dropped another 2 games to ky. no comments. after that went home to have dinner.
anyway, while during 1 plus in the morning, jun jie told me to spammed justin in my cbox. i agreed. so instantly, our msn which was functioning then was not in use. instead, my cbox became the msn for us liao. for details on our conver, pls refer to my cbox and take a look at those older posts too.
thats all for updating. lol. tml is a day to look forward to. 1st month with kelly. happy happy. so going out with her. but she forcing me to watch horror. lol. everyone knows that i'm afraid of horror. lol.
anyway. some ranting here.
first up. my mother. she abit ki xiao liao lah. pms i think. every month sure got 7 days or more like this one. but this time. i really pissed. asked her for money to buy graphic calculator. almost $200. i know its expensive lah. but do i look like i wanted things this way? damn it. scold me for what? scold singapore's government for pushing their citizens to their wit's end. everthing also increase except for the citizen's salary. scold moe or nyjc for this crap idea of buying such an expensive calculator. then, asked her for money again to top up bus fare. walao. again kena. asked me why use so fast. not my fault. want scold, go ahead and scold sbs for being so slack. ppl go jc liao still using adult fare. no use scolding me right? i'm just a kid. do i look like i am some god who can cut down on the bus expenses? no! so no use nagging at me. i'm as helpless as u if not more helpless than u ok?
i actually wanted to go poly. any course also can, as long as it is regarding accounting and business. but while i was working, i got to know that adult fare is omg suck. and if i am not wrong. poly students counted as adults liao. i know dad's burden is freaking high liao. so go jc. cut down on expenses. cause no need pay $1000 to $2000 every term for poly, no need buy laptop, no adult fare. i'm making life easier for u all lor ok? u think i like jc when i have no a maths base and needs to study maths in jc? u think fun arh? i will have such an easy time in business course lor. pls note that i got an a2 for poa with only 45 minutes of studying ok? i'm sorry to say this, if u keep on saying that raising us is a torture to u. then don't give birth to me yah? no point give birth to me liao then keep on saying this kind of shit. its not that i don't appreciate everything u all gave me. i always look up to dad and u. but what's with all these comments? crap lor. and i'm no kid anymore. i'm 17 liao. 1 more year and i can drink alcoholic drinks openly liao. 4 more years and i can drive a car liao. so please treat me like i'm someone with his own set of thinking liao. being older than me doesn't mean u all are always right. if things are like this. why is there still ppl in their 30's to 50's doing wrong stuff like stealing, raping and murdering? just ranting. so pls, give me some peace at home can?
next. basketball. omg. no comments. from peak form until shit form. wanna cry sia. don't know what to type and say. too sad for comments. haix. those glorious days are just so ytd liao. sianned. now can't even shoot 3 point nicely. my last three point shoot out game before 12th march games was before o's. the study break. my score was 7/10 ok? look at now sia. idiotic. haix.
thirdly! i'm no ah beng. i'm no ah beng and still, i'm no ah beng! i used to be one, but i changed liao lor. walao. u ppl may say i look like one. but bo bian right? do i have the ability to decide how i look like? no mah. wakao. i may swear abit now, but its already a drastic drop from how i was during sec 2 ok? i've been controlling all along. u ppl know i hate ah bengs now, and i really hate being called one. i know i look like one. but, wakao. u ppl always say don't judge a book by its cover but. haix, forget it. no comments. too tired to rant liao.
was looking at dong kai's blog and came across all these old photos. so decided to upload them here. haix. really miss those days man. can't bear to part with it. nv thought that the cca i joined because i had nth better to do will become one so filled with beautiful and nice memories for me to remember.

ok. took this photo on the last day of training. i wasn't torturing my cadets i swear. we were just posting for some spastic photos. but for this one.i forgot to take down my yellow lanyard.
sir hanteng's bday. so decided to throw him into the air. lol.
think thats all liao. haix. those memories.
as my memory rests
but never forgets what i lost
wake me up when september ends
Friday, March 09, 2007
its my bday! lol. so happy birthday to myself. i'm damn happy now. y? first, my darling kelly gave me a surpirse. secondly, i will be pon tang-ing orientation later on. third, sis treating me to eat at paris later on. and most importantly, can see kelly at the night time as i will be sending her home after her night study.
anyway, shall blogged about ytd. 2nd day of cca orientation. its crap. totally crap. went there at 7.30 am. did nth but sat down there and look at ppl doing cheers. then there was this grand opening for all the group leaders. wah. very grand huh? i'm trying to be sarcastic here. lol.
after that, got my orientation package. was ordered to change into one of the t shirt that came with the pack. then had orientation outside sch. purpose is to get used to the surroundings. well, to me its pretty useless. cause i won't be hanging around serangoon after sch. cause the first thing i will do after i leave sch is to head striaght for the bus no. 22 bus stop and head home.
had tribe lunch after the crap orientation outside sch. well, used the time to buy uniforms and pe attire. damn it sia. the sch need us to by this graphic calculator which cost $179. nice right? got usb cable somemore. lol. well, no comments.
had some tribe bonding after lunch. played games. childish games. but its alright. ppl tends to do childish and stupid things when they get bored. plus, other than playing dumb games, really nth to do liao. had mass dance. learnt and performed it out. took us 2 hours plus to learn 2 dance. lol.
had a female partner, but was hoping against hope that she was kelly. lol. its mission impossible 4 for that. lol. after mass dance. went home.
well, got home and was surprised. kelly bought me a present and actually sent it to my house. lol. meaning that my mum saw her. lol. cause when she went to my house, only my mum was home. lol. kelly bought me a white addidas sling bag. omg. look so nice. love it so much. i think one of that bag cost over $50. and kelly bought 2. one for me and one for herself. wahahahahaha. we 2 using same bag. lol. no comments, just so touched. damn touched. lol. thanks alot darling <3. first time gf send me a present, to my house somemore leh! lol. tell me i'm being blessed and damn fortunate bah. to have kelly as my gf. boys out there envy me or not? =P
had my daily dose of phone talk with kelly. talked until my mum dulan then stopped. hahahahaha. wa, nth to say liao. plus i damn sleepy, eye lids closing anytime, heavy like xiao. anyway, go slp liao. lol. thanks again arh darling. was so touched and love the bag alot.
anyway, shall blogged about ytd. 2nd day of cca orientation. its crap. totally crap. went there at 7.30 am. did nth but sat down there and look at ppl doing cheers. then there was this grand opening for all the group leaders. wah. very grand huh? i'm trying to be sarcastic here. lol.
after that, got my orientation package. was ordered to change into one of the t shirt that came with the pack. then had orientation outside sch. purpose is to get used to the surroundings. well, to me its pretty useless. cause i won't be hanging around serangoon after sch. cause the first thing i will do after i leave sch is to head striaght for the bus no. 22 bus stop and head home.
had tribe lunch after the crap orientation outside sch. well, used the time to buy uniforms and pe attire. damn it sia. the sch need us to by this graphic calculator which cost $179. nice right? got usb cable somemore. lol. well, no comments.
had some tribe bonding after lunch. played games. childish games. but its alright. ppl tends to do childish and stupid things when they get bored. plus, other than playing dumb games, really nth to do liao. had mass dance. learnt and performed it out. took us 2 hours plus to learn 2 dance. lol.
had a female partner, but was hoping against hope that she was kelly. lol. its mission impossible 4 for that. lol. after mass dance. went home.
well, got home and was surprised. kelly bought me a present and actually sent it to my house. lol. meaning that my mum saw her. lol. cause when she went to my house, only my mum was home. lol. kelly bought me a white addidas sling bag. omg. look so nice. love it so much. i think one of that bag cost over $50. and kelly bought 2. one for me and one for herself. wahahahahaha. we 2 using same bag. lol. no comments, just so touched. damn touched. lol. thanks alot darling <3. first time gf send me a present, to my house somemore leh! lol. tell me i'm being blessed and damn fortunate bah. to have kelly as my gf. boys out there envy me or not? =P
had my daily dose of phone talk with kelly. talked until my mum dulan then stopped. hahahahaha. wa, nth to say liao. plus i damn sleepy, eye lids closing anytime, heavy like xiao. anyway, go slp liao. lol. thanks again arh darling. was so touched and love the bag alot.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
today is 7th march. 1st day of sch for me. comments? sch sucks. too bad. after slacking for too long. can't bear to part with my holiday mood. lol.
anyway, details on today later. shall blog about 6th march. which was ytd. jun jie's bday. well. went to slp ytd at 2 plus. then woke up at 11 plus. first thing, switch on com and checked posting. good arh. went into nyjc together with wai kit and ky. justin suay suay went into tpjc. but he appealling.
talked to some ppl online and smsed some brothers then went to prepare to go and meet up with ky and josh.
then sms kelly at one plus, telling her to meet me at dunman main gate by 2 plus. cause i got something for her. the mocha frap with choc chips from starbucks that she has been craving for. everyone was late. met by 1.30. can't eat lunch, so had to go withdraw money and buy the treat for kelly liao. after that, rushed down to sch to deliver it to her.
brothers tagged along and everyone met up at dunman main gate except for justin and jun jie. justin was at east point already whereas jun jie met up with us later. after kelly got her treat, we parted. sad. only see her for a short moment nia. haix. anyway, brothers and i went to the food court around dunman to eat the fried wanton mee. lol. miss it alot. jun jie met up with us by then.
after lunch, jun jie, jm, ky, josh and i went down to east point to meet up with justin. purpose? to play pool together. jun jie is new to it and so we taught him how to play. jun jie got potential sia. quite pro.
so we talked crap and suaned each other while playing. lol. then i did something amazing. won 2 straight games. first time leh. somemore against ky and jm. 2 of the more pro ones. but my winning streak was ended by jun jie. that's y i say he pro.
lol. i got my revenge anyway. lol. justin, jun jie and i were playing triple treat. then justin aimed me. but i got jun jie into my alliance and we kicked justin out first before we two continued playing by ourselves. it was a close game. i won by 1 ball. its more of luck than skill i think. lol.
however, someone was more pro and amazing. ky. he won 7 straight games. wth right? lol. jm dropped 3 games against ky. first 2 were pure suayness. last one ky won by pure tycho-ness and luck. lol. but jm damn skilled. style also.
anyway, during pool. we heard this funny shit from jm. his cousin is serving ns now. then his cousin's platoon mate made this crap mistake and went into detention barrack for 3 months. lol. going into detention barrack is equals to criminal record. lol. everything went like this. as according to jm. when u throw a grenade in army. u must say the word "grenade" to inform ur squad about it. this bugger threw the grenade and went "pikachu, i choose you". lol. and because of this spastic act. he went into detention barrack. so lesson learnt. no spasticism in the army.
after playing pool of like 5 hours, we decided to eat dinner at kobayashi. wah. pool is quite cheap if we all go together and shared a table. 6 ppl went and we paid like $4.70 each. its cheaper than playing lan. and more fun also. at least for now.
after dinner, we decided to walked home from simei. walked walked walked. talked talked talked. were full of crap lah. lol. but fun. weird thing is, ky doesn't remembering us walking to tampines from simei together. lol. must have been affected by my stm. lol. we walked like don't know how many times before liao lor. lol.
anyway, as for today. woke up at 5 am. sianned. so early. met up with them at 6 plus. don't ask me y i took so long to prepare. i am just like this. dilly dally. then we took bus no. 22 down to nyjc. mood? sianned.
reached the sch. even more sianned. so many strange faces. lol. went to report. sat down there until everything was done. talked abit to those strangers. admin stuff. sianned. confirm this and that. paid this and that. listen to the principal and teachers talk.
then got some performance by this band call rhythm masala. they play mostly percussion instruments. ok lah. not bad. the only nice thing about them is the drumset. lol.
after that, toured around the sch and get to know the sch better. boring lah. then went to com lab 1 to choose our sub combi. wah. was so confused. 1st choice chose h1 econs with h2 maths, chem and computing. 2nd choice. h1 maths with h2 econs, chem and computing. lol. but i hope i got second choice. lol. maths is killer sub for me.
and some spastic shit happened. ky's sub combi is so darn nice. he chose 2 arts and 2 science for his first choice. then 4 h2 subs for his second choice. wah. nice sia. somemore, one of the 2 arts sub he chose for his 1st choice is chinese lit. lol. he used it to enter nyjc at 7 points after a cut off of 6 points. lol. damn nice.
he thought that he can used chinese lit to gl us, his brothers. but in the end was being gl back by the sub. lol.
after that, had lunch somewhere around nyjc and then went back for cca orientation. before we went for the orientation, we asked ky not to screw his life up anymore. lol. so walked around for 1 hour and went home. nth to do there. trip home is slightly faster. 45 minutes instead of 1 hour. lol.
had dinner with ky and talked about our life again. these 2 years down the road will be a hard one. cause must pia. anyway, must pia no matter what, be it jc or poly.
think thats all bah. sch tml again. must slp early. sianned.
anyway, details on today later. shall blog about 6th march. which was ytd. jun jie's bday. well. went to slp ytd at 2 plus. then woke up at 11 plus. first thing, switch on com and checked posting. good arh. went into nyjc together with wai kit and ky. justin suay suay went into tpjc. but he appealling.
talked to some ppl online and smsed some brothers then went to prepare to go and meet up with ky and josh.
then sms kelly at one plus, telling her to meet me at dunman main gate by 2 plus. cause i got something for her. the mocha frap with choc chips from starbucks that she has been craving for. everyone was late. met by 1.30. can't eat lunch, so had to go withdraw money and buy the treat for kelly liao. after that, rushed down to sch to deliver it to her.
brothers tagged along and everyone met up at dunman main gate except for justin and jun jie. justin was at east point already whereas jun jie met up with us later. after kelly got her treat, we parted. sad. only see her for a short moment nia. haix. anyway, brothers and i went to the food court around dunman to eat the fried wanton mee. lol. miss it alot. jun jie met up with us by then.
after lunch, jun jie, jm, ky, josh and i went down to east point to meet up with justin. purpose? to play pool together. jun jie is new to it and so we taught him how to play. jun jie got potential sia. quite pro.
so we talked crap and suaned each other while playing. lol. then i did something amazing. won 2 straight games. first time leh. somemore against ky and jm. 2 of the more pro ones. but my winning streak was ended by jun jie. that's y i say he pro.
lol. i got my revenge anyway. lol. justin, jun jie and i were playing triple treat. then justin aimed me. but i got jun jie into my alliance and we kicked justin out first before we two continued playing by ourselves. it was a close game. i won by 1 ball. its more of luck than skill i think. lol.
however, someone was more pro and amazing. ky. he won 7 straight games. wth right? lol. jm dropped 3 games against ky. first 2 were pure suayness. last one ky won by pure tycho-ness and luck. lol. but jm damn skilled. style also.
anyway, during pool. we heard this funny shit from jm. his cousin is serving ns now. then his cousin's platoon mate made this crap mistake and went into detention barrack for 3 months. lol. going into detention barrack is equals to criminal record. lol. everything went like this. as according to jm. when u throw a grenade in army. u must say the word "grenade" to inform ur squad about it. this bugger threw the grenade and went "pikachu, i choose you". lol. and because of this spastic act. he went into detention barrack. so lesson learnt. no spasticism in the army.
after playing pool of like 5 hours, we decided to eat dinner at kobayashi. wah. pool is quite cheap if we all go together and shared a table. 6 ppl went and we paid like $4.70 each. its cheaper than playing lan. and more fun also. at least for now.
after dinner, we decided to walked home from simei. walked walked walked. talked talked talked. were full of crap lah. lol. but fun. weird thing is, ky doesn't remembering us walking to tampines from simei together. lol. must have been affected by my stm. lol. we walked like don't know how many times before liao lor. lol.
anyway, as for today. woke up at 5 am. sianned. so early. met up with them at 6 plus. don't ask me y i took so long to prepare. i am just like this. dilly dally. then we took bus no. 22 down to nyjc. mood? sianned.
reached the sch. even more sianned. so many strange faces. lol. went to report. sat down there until everything was done. talked abit to those strangers. admin stuff. sianned. confirm this and that. paid this and that. listen to the principal and teachers talk.
then got some performance by this band call rhythm masala. they play mostly percussion instruments. ok lah. not bad. the only nice thing about them is the drumset. lol.
after that, toured around the sch and get to know the sch better. boring lah. then went to com lab 1 to choose our sub combi. wah. was so confused. 1st choice chose h1 econs with h2 maths, chem and computing. 2nd choice. h1 maths with h2 econs, chem and computing. lol. but i hope i got second choice. lol. maths is killer sub for me.
and some spastic shit happened. ky's sub combi is so darn nice. he chose 2 arts and 2 science for his first choice. then 4 h2 subs for his second choice. wah. nice sia. somemore, one of the 2 arts sub he chose for his 1st choice is chinese lit. lol. he used it to enter nyjc at 7 points after a cut off of 6 points. lol. damn nice.
he thought that he can used chinese lit to gl us, his brothers. but in the end was being gl back by the sub. lol.
after that, had lunch somewhere around nyjc and then went back for cca orientation. before we went for the orientation, we asked ky not to screw his life up anymore. lol. so walked around for 1 hour and went home. nth to do there. trip home is slightly faster. 45 minutes instead of 1 hour. lol.
had dinner with ky and talked about our life again. these 2 years down the road will be a hard one. cause must pia. anyway, must pia no matter what, be it jc or poly.
think thats all bah. sch tml again. must slp early. sianned.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
its 6th march liao! its jun jie's bday. happy bday arh bro. first time celebrate ur bday until so fun.
anyway, shall start from ytd's morning. was suppose to meet justin and jun jie and mac by 11 am. but i was damn tired, so smsed justin telling him that i will slp for another 1 hour and will meet them by 12. so went back to slp. woke up and was preparing to go out and saw justin's reply. he said that jun jie overslept, and thus they did not meet. and i will need to bring everyone who were going to his house for the so called movie marathon over alone.
so in the end, met up with jing han, jian wei, joycelyn and jasmine by 12. lol. jing han and jian wei was on time, the rest were late. lol.
from there went down to justin's house. he ordered canadian pizza. so ate pizza and watch movie at the same time. started watching at 1 plus. seed of chucky as requested by jasmine. no comments. but i left at 2. ate 2 pizzas only.
then went all the way to bugis by myself. good thing, kelly accompanied me throughout by talking on the phone with me. met up with ky, wai kit and josh. walked around parco. went to newbie shop to help kelly check for her membership card. still not ready. must wait 2 months for one card. nice man. very efficient. went to cold storage and bought vodka. at first we thought that we won't make it cause we are not above 18 of age. but! the cashier was a young malay lady who was a trainee. so we bought the vodka smoothly. 5 8% vodka at the price of $24.75.
after that, walked all the way to sunshine plaza to eat the famous parklane wanton mee. purpose, to fill our stomach up and introduce it to josh. along the way, updated each other on our lifes. and gl-ing each other. walao eh. josh becoming another lau zheng hong.
first up, black long pants made from jeans material is not jeans. second, polo tee is collar tee but collar tee is not polo tee because collar tee is not made from polo. wah. good game. damn crappy. if josh is blur, then i no comments. keep quiet. if josh is gl-ing ky. wah, nice one lah. lol.
so after that, took bus no. 23 back to tampines and switch to bus no. 21 to go down to downtown. they wanted to play world combat. and only the arcade there has the machine thats functioning nicely. so we called jun liang down to join us.
while they were playing world combat. jm and i got damn sian. cause i don't play world combat. i'm a noob at it. lol. so i decided to figure around with those basketball shooting machine lah. pulled the basketballs out and shoot for free. lol. then jm and i played it. this time we pay for it. this kind of machine is so different from shooting the actual bball. we only reached stage 2 before its game over for us. 110 seconds. we scored 132 points. no comments. then josh joined us. we played again. stuck at stage 2 again. and more funny. 3 ppl. 110 seconds. also 132 points. wth.
after that, i tried out the new gundam shooting game. ki xiao. reached chapter 1 phase 3. game over. first timer. confirm noob. lol. then went to play silent scope 2. wahahahahahaha. this game used to be quite pro in it, can go quite far. but this time? died at stage 4. damn it. but! stage 1, accuracy 90%. stage 2, 85.7% and 83.2% for third stage. head shot the boss after 2 tries. lol.
after that, went to pasir ris beach to slack and met up with justin and jun jie. woohoohoo. they brought down the bday cake they ate at the movie maranthon. lol. 2 slices for me, but i shared with brothers. we bought alot of water to drink. 1.5 litre soft drinks. jun jie bday around the corner mah. so we decided to throw him into the sea. lol. threw twice. nice man.
then after that, ky sparked the water fight. not with soft drinks. but with sea and tap water. there is a special combo that jun jie used. will mention it later on.
ok. ky plan to wet jun jie thoroughly with the sea water and started filling his empty bottle with sea water. mission fail. and he went into the toilet to fill it with tap water. jun ming and i slowly filled half of our bottle with sea water. then we flipped a coin. to see who shall be the victim. heads for ky, tails for jun jie. fated ky will die. but this time, jun ming was merciful, he told me, lets save ky ass again bah. i agreed. so we chionged jun jie.
jun jie still thought we are allies. but we backstabbed him. all against jun jie. caught jun jie and ky both by surprise. jun jie tries to escape and was cornered, he ran into the toilet and got himself cornered. good game, kept on spraying at jun jie. lol.
the public toilet at pasir ris beach had a special cubicle for the handicapped. lol. jm, ky and me secured the cubicle and made it our base to refill our bottle. kept on spraying. both wai kit and jun liang betrayed our alliance and help jun jie out. justin and josh were still neutral then. so its a 3 on 3 fight.
at one point, ky was cornered by jun liang. and ky ran out of ammo. so he was desperate and jun liang started gl-ing him. i cannot withstand it, charged in and helped ky to escape. i sprayed my water at jun liang and found out that i was low on ammo. in the end, i kena the water. damn it. was damn dry before that ok? lol. then ky ran back out to cover me while i go back to refill. then we tried to isolate our target and gangbanged them. was successful. lol.
then the tide turned abit. justin and josh joined forces with jun jie and jun liang. and wai kit joined us. justin and josh joined jun jie and jun liang because they fear that we will attack them as they were neutral parties. wai kit joined us because he was with us when we were being locked up in the handicapped cubicle by the other 4. so we tried to force opened the door. after alot of attempts, was successful. gangbanged josh for awhile and then tried to get back at justin. lol.
damn it. i forgot that justin was way stronger than me. i played close range with him. and was caught by him. he snatched my bottle and used me as a shield to protect him from the water. jm assualt justin from behind after seeing it but ky kept on spraying at justin and me with no regards to who he was shooting at.
after that, justin let go of me. i lost my weapon. so i snatched it back from justin. refilled it and gangbanged him with the other 2. went back to our base to refill our bottle and spotted jun jie refilling inside. so my team locked us inside. kept jun jie away from the tap and kept on spraying him. jun jie was desperate. he flushed the toilet bowl to make sure that its clean and scoop the water from the toilet bowl for ammo. upon seeing that, i ran off. ky followed close behind. jm was stunned. kena abit then ran. walao. win liao lor. sea water and tap water nia. now got toilet bowl water! lol. secret weapon. the tide turned. we ran and jun jie caught up. but he emptied his bottle liao.
he refilled it with tap water again and gang banged ky with his teammate. jm and i can't do much. we no ammo liao. lol. after that, we stopped playing. then walked to pasir ris interchange. talked to kelly on the phone until we reach the train station. took train back to tampines. jun liang took bus home from pasir ris.
went to mac and bought some stuff to eat. take away. then went to some playground to eat. was 10 plus at that time. talked crap and planned some outing until 12. then we wished jun jie happy birthday in all sorts of way. lol.
this year i suck man. wasn't the first to wish ky on his bday liao. if not 3 striaght year i rank first. lol. lost to ky and jun ming in greeting jun jie. was 2nd in verbal. 3rd in sms. no rank in calling. let alone email. lol. hahahahahaha. fun sia. lame lor.
so from there, decided to go home. wanted to take justin's m3 home. but when we were walking to the interchange, i saw bus no. 27. ran to take it home. saw my dad at void deck. lol. was so stunned.
then the moment i reached home and opened the door. my mum fooled around with me. she said that i reached home so late. might as well don't come home. its obvious she didn't notice my dad outside the door. so i asked her if she was referring to my dad. she was totally stunned. lol. no comments and once again, i won! lol.
think thats all liao lah. ytd was fun. meeting brothers later again. lol. good luck ppl for posting arh. hope the 4 of us can go nyjc together. lol.
i once said that i don't mind living this life alone. but in this life, i got to know alot of great ppl who i call brothers. and they brighthen up my life. seriously wanna thank them for it man. =)
lastly, i miss you.
anyway, shall start from ytd's morning. was suppose to meet justin and jun jie and mac by 11 am. but i was damn tired, so smsed justin telling him that i will slp for another 1 hour and will meet them by 12. so went back to slp. woke up and was preparing to go out and saw justin's reply. he said that jun jie overslept, and thus they did not meet. and i will need to bring everyone who were going to his house for the so called movie marathon over alone.
so in the end, met up with jing han, jian wei, joycelyn and jasmine by 12. lol. jing han and jian wei was on time, the rest were late. lol.
from there went down to justin's house. he ordered canadian pizza. so ate pizza and watch movie at the same time. started watching at 1 plus. seed of chucky as requested by jasmine. no comments. but i left at 2. ate 2 pizzas only.
then went all the way to bugis by myself. good thing, kelly accompanied me throughout by talking on the phone with me. met up with ky, wai kit and josh. walked around parco. went to newbie shop to help kelly check for her membership card. still not ready. must wait 2 months for one card. nice man. very efficient. went to cold storage and bought vodka. at first we thought that we won't make it cause we are not above 18 of age. but! the cashier was a young malay lady who was a trainee. so we bought the vodka smoothly. 5 8% vodka at the price of $24.75.
after that, walked all the way to sunshine plaza to eat the famous parklane wanton mee. purpose, to fill our stomach up and introduce it to josh. along the way, updated each other on our lifes. and gl-ing each other. walao eh. josh becoming another lau zheng hong.
first up, black long pants made from jeans material is not jeans. second, polo tee is collar tee but collar tee is not polo tee because collar tee is not made from polo. wah. good game. damn crappy. if josh is blur, then i no comments. keep quiet. if josh is gl-ing ky. wah, nice one lah. lol.
so after that, took bus no. 23 back to tampines and switch to bus no. 21 to go down to downtown. they wanted to play world combat. and only the arcade there has the machine thats functioning nicely. so we called jun liang down to join us.
while they were playing world combat. jm and i got damn sian. cause i don't play world combat. i'm a noob at it. lol. so i decided to figure around with those basketball shooting machine lah. pulled the basketballs out and shoot for free. lol. then jm and i played it. this time we pay for it. this kind of machine is so different from shooting the actual bball. we only reached stage 2 before its game over for us. 110 seconds. we scored 132 points. no comments. then josh joined us. we played again. stuck at stage 2 again. and more funny. 3 ppl. 110 seconds. also 132 points. wth.
after that, i tried out the new gundam shooting game. ki xiao. reached chapter 1 phase 3. game over. first timer. confirm noob. lol. then went to play silent scope 2. wahahahahahaha. this game used to be quite pro in it, can go quite far. but this time? died at stage 4. damn it. but! stage 1, accuracy 90%. stage 2, 85.7% and 83.2% for third stage. head shot the boss after 2 tries. lol.
after that, went to pasir ris beach to slack and met up with justin and jun jie. woohoohoo. they brought down the bday cake they ate at the movie maranthon. lol. 2 slices for me, but i shared with brothers. we bought alot of water to drink. 1.5 litre soft drinks. jun jie bday around the corner mah. so we decided to throw him into the sea. lol. threw twice. nice man.
then after that, ky sparked the water fight. not with soft drinks. but with sea and tap water. there is a special combo that jun jie used. will mention it later on.
ok. ky plan to wet jun jie thoroughly with the sea water and started filling his empty bottle with sea water. mission fail. and he went into the toilet to fill it with tap water. jun ming and i slowly filled half of our bottle with sea water. then we flipped a coin. to see who shall be the victim. heads for ky, tails for jun jie. fated ky will die. but this time, jun ming was merciful, he told me, lets save ky ass again bah. i agreed. so we chionged jun jie.
jun jie still thought we are allies. but we backstabbed him. all against jun jie. caught jun jie and ky both by surprise. jun jie tries to escape and was cornered, he ran into the toilet and got himself cornered. good game, kept on spraying at jun jie. lol.
the public toilet at pasir ris beach had a special cubicle for the handicapped. lol. jm, ky and me secured the cubicle and made it our base to refill our bottle. kept on spraying. both wai kit and jun liang betrayed our alliance and help jun jie out. justin and josh were still neutral then. so its a 3 on 3 fight.
at one point, ky was cornered by jun liang. and ky ran out of ammo. so he was desperate and jun liang started gl-ing him. i cannot withstand it, charged in and helped ky to escape. i sprayed my water at jun liang and found out that i was low on ammo. in the end, i kena the water. damn it. was damn dry before that ok? lol. then ky ran back out to cover me while i go back to refill. then we tried to isolate our target and gangbanged them. was successful. lol.
then the tide turned abit. justin and josh joined forces with jun jie and jun liang. and wai kit joined us. justin and josh joined jun jie and jun liang because they fear that we will attack them as they were neutral parties. wai kit joined us because he was with us when we were being locked up in the handicapped cubicle by the other 4. so we tried to force opened the door. after alot of attempts, was successful. gangbanged josh for awhile and then tried to get back at justin. lol.
damn it. i forgot that justin was way stronger than me. i played close range with him. and was caught by him. he snatched my bottle and used me as a shield to protect him from the water. jm assualt justin from behind after seeing it but ky kept on spraying at justin and me with no regards to who he was shooting at.
after that, justin let go of me. i lost my weapon. so i snatched it back from justin. refilled it and gangbanged him with the other 2. went back to our base to refill our bottle and spotted jun jie refilling inside. so my team locked us inside. kept jun jie away from the tap and kept on spraying him. jun jie was desperate. he flushed the toilet bowl to make sure that its clean and scoop the water from the toilet bowl for ammo. upon seeing that, i ran off. ky followed close behind. jm was stunned. kena abit then ran. walao. win liao lor. sea water and tap water nia. now got toilet bowl water! lol. secret weapon. the tide turned. we ran and jun jie caught up. but he emptied his bottle liao.
he refilled it with tap water again and gang banged ky with his teammate. jm and i can't do much. we no ammo liao. lol. after that, we stopped playing. then walked to pasir ris interchange. talked to kelly on the phone until we reach the train station. took train back to tampines. jun liang took bus home from pasir ris.
went to mac and bought some stuff to eat. take away. then went to some playground to eat. was 10 plus at that time. talked crap and planned some outing until 12. then we wished jun jie happy birthday in all sorts of way. lol.
this year i suck man. wasn't the first to wish ky on his bday liao. if not 3 striaght year i rank first. lol. lost to ky and jun ming in greeting jun jie. was 2nd in verbal. 3rd in sms. no rank in calling. let alone email. lol. hahahahahaha. fun sia. lame lor.
so from there, decided to go home. wanted to take justin's m3 home. but when we were walking to the interchange, i saw bus no. 27. ran to take it home. saw my dad at void deck. lol. was so stunned.
then the moment i reached home and opened the door. my mum fooled around with me. she said that i reached home so late. might as well don't come home. its obvious she didn't notice my dad outside the door. so i asked her if she was referring to my dad. she was totally stunned. lol. no comments and once again, i won! lol.
think thats all liao lah. ytd was fun. meeting brothers later again. lol. good luck ppl for posting arh. hope the 4 of us can go nyjc together. lol.
i once said that i don't mind living this life alone. but in this life, i got to know alot of great ppl who i call brothers. and they brighthen up my life. seriously wanna thank them for it man. =)
lastly, i miss you.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
well. today is 4th march. one day after ky's and jm's bday. 2 more days to jun jie's bday and 5 more days to mine. sweet. the 4 of us having bdays with such a nice sequence. 3, 6 and 9. lol. its really fate that allows the 4 of us to know each other and best, become brothers.
seriously haven't been hanging out with brothers for a long time liao. had some sort of gathering last friday. they went to eat sakura buffet, but i had no money so did not went for it. but after their buffet, they called me down to hang out with them. well. i rushed down but josh left. so missed out crapping with him. haix. don't know when we will meet again and have fun. thinking back on those good old days really makes me feel sad. but what can we do? time surely don't stop for human beings. we can only look forward, the past can only be memories. haix.
eventhough i said that but i just can't accept it yet. damn it. we all thought that after o's, we will have fun together. but our busy schedule kept us from meeting up. we were either busy with our work or busy with the new jc sch term. and after we met up, i realised how drifted apart we were. i can feel the gap in between us. we used to talk non stop to each other when we were in a group. but now, we need to think so darn hard to start a conversation.
ever since sec 3, our batch from dunman ncc land became so bonded. thanks to the challenges we constantly faced. eventhough we were in different classes, we always meet up during recess and after sch to slack together. sharing secrets, fooling around, talking about lame jokes, pranking and suaning the hell out of each other and most importantly, laughing and enduring the hard times together. damn it. i really miss the good old days man, but this is growing up. people walk in and out of our lifes and i really regretted for not treasuring the time we had together.
now, posting is coming out soon, new sch term is starting soon. new sch, new routine, new environment, new friends, new set of books, new targets in life, etc. but will i ever find brothers that were as crappy, as fun loving and as great as the brothers i knew in dunman sec? thinking about the new faces i am gonna see and the freaking lost feeling i will feel, i seriously miss my brothers man. damn it. i never liked dunman sec in anyway but its this god damn freaking sch that gave me this great group of brothers. they were the few ppl out of 300 plus students from my batch that had the same interests and talent with me. haix. somethings can nv be replaced no matter how hard u search. and brothers, if u all are reading this. don't ever forget me in ur lifetime cause i'll never forget u all. haix. need help, just find me. for my brothers, i will try my very best.
side track abit, josh finally got a new blog up again. it will be fun reading his post. like his post all the time. but too bad. this time round, no more gl-ing and suaning of ppl in his blog. i came up with 2 reasons. 1st, gl-ing ppl really spoils the friendship if they can't take it. 2nd, where do u find an usm who is so spontaneous and so nice to gl. lol. so remember to read josh's blog ppl. lol. talented ok?
anyway, like i mentioned, ytd was ky's and jm's bday. went to meet them after they both had solo lunch at fish and co. went to east point to play pool with them. its the first time i'm playing pool. so was a noob shit. anyway, while playing. we crapped with each other. then they were suppose to do something, that is to check their birth timing and see who is the older one among the 2 of them. but according to ky, he was born at 7 am in the morning, so there is only a 30% chance for jm to be older than ky. lol.
halfway through playing, kelly met up with us. followed by vanda. after 4 hours of pool and while we were playing arcade, annabelle met up with us. lol. after that, jm left and the rest went to eat long john for dinner.
kelly and vanda planned to study for the upcoming common test, so the rest decided to help them out. ky and i were of no help lah, we practically forgot every single shit but annabelle was pro. she taught kelly mole concept. lol. that freaking chapter is damn hard ok? ky and i always catch no bird and heck that kind of questions during exams. lol. jm met up with us again halfway through the study session. while the 3 girls were studying, the 3 boys were crapping full time. jm was our target ytd. ky and i laughed til we had cramps. lol. seriously, we were of no help other than disturbance to the girls.
studied til 10 plus i think then went home. as usual, sent kelly home first. and as for today. need to stay home and be guai kia. lol. think thats all liao bah. haix. new sch term must pia liao. whether i'm ready or not. must see how liao cause its a great jump for me. from a slacker to a chiongster.
lastly, before i go. i'm blasting punk rock with my com and had one hell of scolding from my bossy sis, but i kept quiet. cause quarrelling with an unreasonable human being like her will only waste my time and energy. but! damn u lah. u always blast ur music that only freaks appreciates. and now u are scolding me for doing it? where's ur brain man. 2 years older doesn't mean anything. cause in terms of strength, size and loudness. i'll win. i keep quiet all the time doesn't mean i'm afraid of u. when i reach my limit of tolerance for ppl with the likes of u, no mercy. but til then, peace. for mum and not for u.
khai yew
jun ming
jun jie
dong kai
zheng hong
liang hao
jun liang
wai kit
kang soon
brothers for life.
seriously haven't been hanging out with brothers for a long time liao. had some sort of gathering last friday. they went to eat sakura buffet, but i had no money so did not went for it. but after their buffet, they called me down to hang out with them. well. i rushed down but josh left. so missed out crapping with him. haix. don't know when we will meet again and have fun. thinking back on those good old days really makes me feel sad. but what can we do? time surely don't stop for human beings. we can only look forward, the past can only be memories. haix.
eventhough i said that but i just can't accept it yet. damn it. we all thought that after o's, we will have fun together. but our busy schedule kept us from meeting up. we were either busy with our work or busy with the new jc sch term. and after we met up, i realised how drifted apart we were. i can feel the gap in between us. we used to talk non stop to each other when we were in a group. but now, we need to think so darn hard to start a conversation.
ever since sec 3, our batch from dunman ncc land became so bonded. thanks to the challenges we constantly faced. eventhough we were in different classes, we always meet up during recess and after sch to slack together. sharing secrets, fooling around, talking about lame jokes, pranking and suaning the hell out of each other and most importantly, laughing and enduring the hard times together. damn it. i really miss the good old days man, but this is growing up. people walk in and out of our lifes and i really regretted for not treasuring the time we had together.
now, posting is coming out soon, new sch term is starting soon. new sch, new routine, new environment, new friends, new set of books, new targets in life, etc. but will i ever find brothers that were as crappy, as fun loving and as great as the brothers i knew in dunman sec? thinking about the new faces i am gonna see and the freaking lost feeling i will feel, i seriously miss my brothers man. damn it. i never liked dunman sec in anyway but its this god damn freaking sch that gave me this great group of brothers. they were the few ppl out of 300 plus students from my batch that had the same interests and talent with me. haix. somethings can nv be replaced no matter how hard u search. and brothers, if u all are reading this. don't ever forget me in ur lifetime cause i'll never forget u all. haix. need help, just find me. for my brothers, i will try my very best.
side track abit, josh finally got a new blog up again. it will be fun reading his post. like his post all the time. but too bad. this time round, no more gl-ing and suaning of ppl in his blog. i came up with 2 reasons. 1st, gl-ing ppl really spoils the friendship if they can't take it. 2nd, where do u find an usm who is so spontaneous and so nice to gl. lol. so remember to read josh's blog ppl. lol. talented ok?
anyway, like i mentioned, ytd was ky's and jm's bday. went to meet them after they both had solo lunch at fish and co. went to east point to play pool with them. its the first time i'm playing pool. so was a noob shit. anyway, while playing. we crapped with each other. then they were suppose to do something, that is to check their birth timing and see who is the older one among the 2 of them. but according to ky, he was born at 7 am in the morning, so there is only a 30% chance for jm to be older than ky. lol.
halfway through playing, kelly met up with us. followed by vanda. after 4 hours of pool and while we were playing arcade, annabelle met up with us. lol. after that, jm left and the rest went to eat long john for dinner.
kelly and vanda planned to study for the upcoming common test, so the rest decided to help them out. ky and i were of no help lah, we practically forgot every single shit but annabelle was pro. she taught kelly mole concept. lol. that freaking chapter is damn hard ok? ky and i always catch no bird and heck that kind of questions during exams. lol. jm met up with us again halfway through the study session. while the 3 girls were studying, the 3 boys were crapping full time. jm was our target ytd. ky and i laughed til we had cramps. lol. seriously, we were of no help other than disturbance to the girls.
studied til 10 plus i think then went home. as usual, sent kelly home first. and as for today. need to stay home and be guai kia. lol. think thats all liao bah. haix. new sch term must pia liao. whether i'm ready or not. must see how liao cause its a great jump for me. from a slacker to a chiongster.
lastly, before i go. i'm blasting punk rock with my com and had one hell of scolding from my bossy sis, but i kept quiet. cause quarrelling with an unreasonable human being like her will only waste my time and energy. but! damn u lah. u always blast ur music that only freaks appreciates. and now u are scolding me for doing it? where's ur brain man. 2 years older doesn't mean anything. cause in terms of strength, size and loudness. i'll win. i keep quiet all the time doesn't mean i'm afraid of u. when i reach my limit of tolerance for ppl with the likes of u, no mercy. but til then, peace. for mum and not for u.
khai yew
jun ming
jun jie
dong kai
zheng hong
liang hao
jun liang
wai kit
kang soon
brothers for life.
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