Sunday, December 26, 2010
the past few weeks were pretty hectic. had field camp, sit test and hand grenade throwing. field camp made me cherish all the little things in life more. overall, it was fun but damn tiring due to the major lack of slp. shell scrape was shit. my area was filled with bricks all the way, took me 5 damn hours to finish it. held a slacking party at my shell scrape the next day because my shell scrape was the biggest. hahaha. i made it wider and longer so i have more space to slp inside. smart eh? was mind fucked on the day we get our letters, cried for the first time since dunno when.
sit test was fun, but the weather really dampened the mood. rained both days when we were about to slp. but the instant noodle session on the second day was real fun. don't really know why but slacking around in the forest with a bunch of friends is really fun. its time like this where ppl bond man.
hand grenade was fun too. the dummy practice the day before was quite tiring. everything went smoothly for my wave on the actual day itself, no blind so quite happy. everything was done on time, went back to coy line and ended up doing shit jobs like area cleaning and plucking of weeds off the sides of the kerbs. really wonder why i get a diploma for. hahahaha.
xmas eve was quite well spent. did what i need to do and count down with team18holdings at harry's. split up at around 1am but went back to burnt mac to talk cock with ky until 2 plus 3.
ok lah. gonna get ready to meet up with my dear team18 brothers for dinner before booking in. book in timing 2110. song right? confirm lights out at 2330 or 0000. honggan. lesser slp-ing time.
Saturday, December 04, 2010
what a hectic week. ifc for the monday and tuesday, leopard crawled in mud but confirm its nth as compared to the field camp for the coming week.
wednesday was spent resting and cleaning up my wife, tracy. hahahaha.
had live range on thursday. was in line for best shot. had 16/16 for day shoot but tracy's lad zeroing was off so had problems during the night shoot. so in the end zhun zhun 26/32, just nice for marksman.
woke up at like 0445 for the live range and went to slp at 0645 the following morning. swee not? shag ttm. could have been faster if not for the 1 hour plus rain and 4 hours plus black out. hahahaha.
field camp next week. kinda looking forward to it and kinda not. am looking forward to the talking cock sessions, the night views, the ghost walk and so on. not so looking forward to the mind fuck and tekaning sessions.
and oh yah. tekong had some good sceneries man. the night sky is awesome. filled with stars, unlike singapore. and there's this place behind rocky hill camp that overlooks the whole forested area in tekong and had a sea view, very nice place. one of my section mates wanna request our sec com to take us up there one more time after all the high key events are over just to slack. good good idea.
till next time yo and good luck for tml's stand chart arh, jm and ky.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
what can i say up util now? hmmm, other than the scorching sun and tekaning sessions, army life is quite fun. can't sit down though, cause the moment my butt touch something solid, jit tao slp one. lol.
took ippt. got pass only. but potential gold. only station to work on now is my chin up. the previous one i think at least 8 chin ups but counted as 6 nia. so sadded.
2.4 improved alot over the few weeks. first time i ran was 10.12 and now it improved to 9.22. hope can break into the 8 minutes mark, but confirm need to train like one dog.
had imt ytd. marksman seh. 31/32. not bad hor. hope live range is somewhat exactly the same. lol.
gonna meet brothers soon. =)
Sunday, November 07, 2010
gonna side track abit from all my slackings for the time being and protect the nation. lol. lets just buy into that for now eh. kinda makes me feel a lil bit important eventhough it really is a "no choice have to serve" situation. haven't really decided if i'm gonna full throttle or half ass through ns yet, but it does serve as a good medium to test my abilities.
went out with bros on friday. watched due date. very good comedy. and then out with ky and jw ytd. drank abit to commemorate the end of an era. no joke, these close to 4 years of post sec sch life were some of my best years. a great era indeed.
so anyway, here's to the next step. first contact in almost 3 weeks time. till then, members of team18holdings and close friends, do take good care of urselfs. u do know who u are so i don't need to list ur names out.
and finally, team18holdings ftw!!!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
i am feeling uber shock at my sudden mortality. this is shit.
its funny and frightening at the same time. and the things i did? epic.
well, at least that after so long, i know i am still human, vulnerable and can still bleed.
peace out.
Monday, November 01, 2010
this happened once during sec sch period. but i did touch bball quite often then. just didn't trained. well, lets see how things go eh. found some other stuff that i'm interested in. might actually move away from bball.
haha, glad to say that i still got it. as in still can blast past/beat 3 defenders and score. can draw double team defense from the other teams also. =)
played with some ballers today. the opponent team seems to be training for some biz shield/league series kind of tournament. well, they didn't know there's a 09 biz shield champion there. hahaha. me! wahahahahaha!
well, the team i was with were just some dudes having fun. not even equipped properly. normal clothing, berms and slippers. skills level not on par with the other team also.
another lop-sided match up. me likey. we lost though. 11-7. but still quite song. locked down their best player to only 1 point, he scored the game winner though. damn. so u know where the other points came from eh. hahahaha. i did my best covering for them. 1 man can only do so much. tried assisting them but really didn't work out fine so took matters into my own hands once again. there's where the beating 3 defenders and drawing double team defense shiokness came in. had muscle ache from ytd's work out. so wasn't really as effective as always. 120 pumpings at one shot. what to do? imagine if i'm really at my best. maybe, just maybe, we might actually win.
anyway. lost. talked awhile then resumed my own "beating the basics in" training. nah beh. trained until really shagged. but subway for dinner. so at least i'm happy now.
good charlotte's new album leaked online. bunch of nice songs. a pretty nice present before bmt. the best would be blink 182's new album though.
good charlotte - counting the days
wake up, go to work, come home, it's not working
we've been living our whole lives
on a system that is broken
your words, i hear them
they're sharp, can't get near them
we got one last chance,
one more time to make this happen
we got one time, time to get this right
two times and you know it's not my style
three's company, just you and me,
we need to figure this one out
four letter words are all you said
five minutes later we're in bed
can't count on you to love me,
but i can count the days since you've been gone
break up, i come home, i realized that its not working
you're gone and it echoes
i miss the noise of all our fighting
and you know that i don't mean a word i say
and i know that you don't wanna stay away
how long am i gonna be counting the days you're gone
we got one time, time to get this right
two times and you know it's not my style
three's company, just you and me,
we need to figure this one out
four letter words are all you said
five minutes later we're in bed
can't count on you to love me,
but i can count the days since you've been gone
ever since i saw you,
there was no-one else, just you and me
(you're all that i could see)
but i got this problem
i don't know how to say what i mean, what i mean
we got one time, time to get this right
two times and you know it's not my style
three's company, just you and me,
we need to figure this one out
we got one time, time to get this right
two times and you know it's not my style
three's company, just you and me,
we need to figure this one out
four letter words are all you said
five minutes later we're in bed
can't count on you to love me,
but i can count the days since you've been gone
can count the days since you've been gone
wake up, go to work, come home, it's not working
we've been living our whole lives
on a system that is broken
the madden brothers really are talented.
ok lah. slack now.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
2 years of training. personally, i hope that after these 2 years, we may actually come out being crazier than how we used to be. we took fun to the max level we knew and maybe after 2 years of oppression under the government, we may actually crack and bring fun to a whole new level. if 10 is the max, then we shall go to 11! lol. lets see how things go eh.
nth much for the week. bball on monday, and then i practically cui-ed for the next few days. still helped my mum out with alot of things though. but then, doing shopping with her sometimes sucks me dry of my life force, pissed to the max. its like taking a bullet to ur nuts. hahaha.
home alone for the bulk of friday. some important stuff in the morning, home, applied for smu, bed, cycled to buy lunch, home, cycled to tp to print my result slip again, cycled in the rain, rear wheel slipped abit and drifted, home, cycled out for dinner, saw joy, had dinner with jm and her, went to develop their photos with them, bought mac to eat eventhough it was just after dinner, home, ate mac, slacked and slp.
was out the whole day with my mum and sis ytd. great day out and then rotted at home today. blogging's my last resort.
oh yah. important shit. i may actually be moving back to bedok depending on the situation and my parents' decision. my grandma wants us to go back and live with her. i can tell u, seriously, if we move back, fuck me and shoot me with a gun right after that. hahaha.
first up, that apartment is small and sharing the bedroom with my grandpa and bro is unthinkable. already had some disputes sharing room with my bro and now this, taking operation "fuck jem" to a whole new level?
ok, even if we get a different apartment in the same building. it'll still suck. of course, jj's gonna be living near me like how we used to. like a stone throw away if i throw really hard.
but here's the thing. jj might be moving to tampines in the near future. here's the deal, bedok's not bad a place, i used to live there, that place is my root but the headquarters of team18holdings is in tampines. hell no am i leaving tampines. my life's here. everything i need is here.
dont really know what to do other than my usual approach. 走一步,看一步。
Friday, October 29, 2010
somewhere around tp, there's an entrance into bedok town park, from there continue until u see the first overhead bridge and there's where my primary school used to be.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
pool with brothers ytd. the attendance was good. the outing was epic. peiren did some stunt again. last ball, mistook the black ball for the cue ball and shot it. epic foul which resulted in my win. hahaha.
slacked around after that and then its home sweet home for everyone. the whiskey brothers booked out only in the morning so better let them go home early to rest up arh.
so now, what should i do to keep myself occupied?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
today's a great day too. plenty of reasons to be happy.
1) went bballing. what can i say, my passion. trained on a new move, showed good results too.
2) pulled 12 chin ups. hahaha. results of doing training at the back of the truck where the grip is like shit.
3) just dl-ed one piece 13th opening. epic nice song.
4) just read one piece 601. romance dawn for the new world. f-ing awesome.
well. hope tml will be better.
counting the days. 2 weeks plus. omg!
ok. short and sweet post.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
know what's inside not? all my sitcoms, movies and animes. actually, movies and other animes can forget it. can always dl them when i wanna watch. but my collection of one piece and sitcoms, epic ttm ok?
good thing, i'm a natural genius. kept double copies of the really important files. these files are like an old navy seals' war medals to me. f-ing precious. they are the photos and video clips that team18holdings took over the years. really precious stuff. those memories: priceless.
anyway, went running. u know there are times when u are in ur absolute best and u broke ur own record and u are especially proud of urself? well. there one more occassion where u might actually be even more proud of urself. i think that time is when u are at ur absolute worse and u still manage to push urself to cover the same distance when u are at ur absolute best albeit a slower timing. i did just that today. determination ftw yo.
actually, i realised one's determination might actually have a direct correlation to his/her gl-ness. like u know? gl ppl nv give in? so the more gl-ness u have, the more determination u have in a sense.
hahaha. finally, my external hdd nv spoil. the adapter spoil nia. thats y balls nv dropped. lol! actually wont drop also. at most re-download those stuff nia. plus i have lots of time nowadays.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
gets me thinking. so far, i've survived the millenium, the millenium bug, sars, secondary school, 6-6-6, 9-9-9, h1n1, etc. whats next? 2012! and i am coming straight for u yo!
malaysia on monday with my mum. nice trip. the only purpose of going to malaysia is to eat. could have stayed longer but my mum wasn't feeling well so reached home by 3 plus. went running though. something got into me and i simply went all out.
not a really smart decision because i cant really walk properly for the next 2 days. hahaha. but come on, its not training if u don't go all out right?
so for the next 2 days that i can't walk properly, i pretty much still accompanied my mum to do her daily shoppings. lets just say i'm doing what i can when i'm still free.
met up with my insurance agent along with jj then its full time hanging out in town.
cycled from pasir ris to the tip of east coast and back on friday. super shagged. plus a lapse in concentration resulted in me buang-ing. hahahaha. my mind drifted off somewhere eh and when i came to, the front wheels already at the edge of the pavement.
the injuries are not really painful but more of a nuisance. cant slp properly and no bballing for at least a week. holy shit.
queenstown with ky ytd. i have nth to do and he needs someone to accompany him to shop. so why not? i'm like freaking free everyday.
regretted quitting my job so early. was thinking that maybe 1 month is enough to rest. but seriously, i have too much time right now and nth to do.
ok lah, there's something to do but it is not looking that great.
and crap. jj's block leave ends today. =(
Friday, October 01, 2010
with lines drawn in the sand
on each side there’s an ocean
staring out to see the lights as they pull me in
it’s brings me close to home
i start to swim alone
the stillness of the sea
comes crashing at my feet
i try to watch the sky for signs of a new life
i try to stay with what i know
i don’t wanna follow sorrow down
i don’t wanna live a life without
the past is over now
i don’t wanna ever let you down
i don’t wanna die, i don’t know how
i hope you’ll stick around
we’re lost until we’re found
i had that dream
where i just can’t wake up
i’m standing on the edge of my little world
i’m filled with silent sounds and bliss
with little to believe
i think i found the words
a story to be heard
with every whisper
i try to watch the skies for signs of a new life
there’s so much that we don’t know
i don’t wanna follow sorrow down
i don’t wanna live a life without
the past is over now
i don’t wanna ever let you down
i don’t wanna die, i don’t know how
i hope you’ll stick around
you never know, you’re high or low
there is a lot i’ve got to learn
you start so fast, you never last
thinking the time was mine to burn
you never know, you’re high or low
there is a lot i’ve got to learn
you start so fast, you never last
i don’t wanna follow sorrow down
i don’t wanna
the past is over now
i don’t wanna ever let you down
i don’t wanna die, i don’t know how
i hope you’ll stick around
you’re lost until you’re found
oh, you’re lost until you’re found
oh, you’re lost until you’re found
oh, you’re lost until you’re found
tonnes of thoughts running in my head now. guess this one month will be my last month focusing on bball. learnt that we dont always get what we want after a heart to heart talk session with a couple of friends. time to stop, i'm missing out on so much opportunities along the way. 13 years. its not that easy to put down. sometimes, it feels like i'm at a crossroad. i wanna take a step forward and move on but when i think about the years spent on it, i'm afraid i might regret that decision. seriously, i know my skill level is pretty high if i get real serious, but despite that, i still feel quite useless at times because bball is the only thing i'm good at. wonder how i will feel like after putting it down? wonder what life will be without it?
i feel like renting a bike and just cycle around for one day on my own. just explore. disappear. maybe i'll do that next week.
hmmmm. i might have gotten my hands on something that i can't handle right now. i guess i shouldn't approach this situation with the thought of failure in mind at all. i might not be the best for it right now but as long as i give it my best, everything will be fine.
had too much time on my hands and went back to friendster to read up on all the old testimonials. remembered how i used to be. great life back then, great outlook on life back then also.
hitting 21 soon. time to take on the obstacles in life head on. dig deep jem, dig deep. it'll be a long fight till the end.
we don't live our life just to find our purpose for living. its what we do in our short lifetime that matters.
guess i should learn from my old self and dont be so hard on myself at times, have a simple outlook on life, just do the best i can in everything and enjoy every single processes as they unfold.
be optimistic, asshole. =)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
been a very long time since i went there to play bball. hahaha. training on bball really feels great. the swishing sound is really sweet.
6 months hiatus and the skill level is still there. of course, i do need to do some rust removal and my senses all not that sharp yet. but overall, quite satisfied with what i am now. expected myself to be alot weaker.
strength training accomplised via carrying of goods at harvestlink really paid off eh. lesser strength needed to shoot. get tired less easily also.
went running on sunday and worked for 2 days. training and playing of bball with jm ytd and i still got the strength to wake up at 6 plus today to go running. hoseh boh?
ok lah. got really bored at home thats why decided to blog abit. excited eh! after one month of waiting, new one piece chapter coming out either later on or tml. hahahaha.
planning to wake up at 6 plus again tml to go train on bball. =)
Monday, September 27, 2010
hahahaha. how true is that? epic. came across this while crapping with my colleague during work.
really like my work because of the ppl there. makes the work which is tiring as hell not so tiring. sad case, i'm gonna leave soon to rest and train up for ns.
pretty much one of the reason why at times, i prefer work that allows me to run around rather than sitting in the office. get a chance to run around and experience a whole different world with very interesting ppl. the kind of experiences and skills that you learnt from these ppl are really useful for life. no joke.
anyway, check this out.
bathe and slp. sounds like a nice plan. =)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
man b: i don't think so.
man a: i'm mindfucking you right now.
man b: you are?
man a: can you feel my dick fucking your mind?
man b: i don't think i can really feel anything.
man a: see, that's it. that's the art of it. i'm mindfucking the shit out of you.
man b: hope you're wearing a condom cause i got a dirty mind.
*awkward pause.
man b: that's a joke.
man a: it's no time to joke. mindfucking is not no joke.
lol. epic shit. go download get him to the greek. nice movie yo.
anyway. my freaking htc snap snapped 2 weeks ago. only went down to htc service center today. demanded for a one to one exchange. hope everything went well.
shopping with my mum and bro after that. broke as fuck right now. but thats ok. mum and bro are happy. thats enough yo.
went out with a workmate just now. wanted to play pool at ehub. waited for one hour still no table available. in the end went for supper and drove around in our company van. i was the one driving yo. did nth much but driving was fun. brushed up my skills a lil bit. =)
till next time then.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
lol. what an interesting concept. from my point of view, its pretty true. hahaha.
here's another nice fact. according to studies, with every relationship a person gets into, he or she will lose an average of 2 buddies per relationship. hahaha. cb, who so bo liao go do this kind of study?
anyway! had a very nice holiday outing with a few members of team18holdings. to me, brothers' gf aka brothers by extension are considered members of this great organisation.
went to jb. ate until we drop. the climax of the trip was my daytona duel with ky. lol. according to jw, we 2 are competing internationally in daytona.
2 rounds. sexciting to the max. its been a long time since i got so excited playing a game. was so excited that my hands were trembling and i felt abit giddy after that.
lost the first round by a car's length. lol. lost focus and drifting abit longer at the last turn. won the second one though. this time, its ky's turn to lose focus.
score check. location - singapore. jeremy 6, ky 1.
- malaysia. jeremy 1, ky 1.
anyway, we returned to singapore at around 7 plus. after which, i went to kallang/geylang to hang out with my workmates. dinner with them and then walked around geylang for awhile. they decided to go ktv but i skipped it. was too tired to hang out until so late.
photos as usual yo.
ok bye peeps.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
the coolest, funniest, most retarded, most guai lan, most fun loving ppl i know. my kind of ppl, my favourite ppl around.
i always believed that i could have been borned elsewhere, like in america or bangladesh and have a totally different group of ppl as my brothers.
but be it destiny, a twist in fate, a cruel joke by superior beings or anything else, i've become brothers with these shit heads.
ppl are looking for miracles all the time, but actually, miracles have already happened around them. seriously, with these many ppl in the world and u crossing path u those destinied few u cherish, its truly a miracle. go do the math. its hard finding just one, its fucking way harder finding so many.
seriously, there's alot of things i've regretted doing, but i've nv regretted the choices i've made which led me to anyone of them. and seriously, there's alot of things i would trade for something else like money, but not my bonds with anyone of them.
this is my lifestyle, this is my brotherhood.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
i'm pretty sure the in my moment close to death before one piece is completed, i will be swearing something like, "fuck! i still haven finish one piece!" and i'm also pretty sure that if i survive death is partially due to me wanting to see one piece's ending. lol.
anyway, went to watch the hole 3d with ky. he won the tickets from dunno what competition and his gf cannot make it so he asked me out. nice one arh. lol.
from the title of the movie, i seriously thought it was a horror film. kao peh-ed him from the moment we met until almost halfway through the movie. hahahahaha. can't blame me arh. my balls don't like ghost.
he told me that the hole is g rated and the name is like not so scary, so its gonna be fine but i kept on saying, "fuck, cb. the ring and the eye also don't sound scary. in the end also horror film." lol.
that aside. first time watching 3d leh. quite song actually.

work until now has been both fun and tiring. spent the whole of last week in sim's new extension building installing the chairs and table for 1 of their 28 new lecture halls. cb. 1 lt takes around 1 week. 28 lt leh. go do the math urself.

oh yah, was working at sim ytd and the main comm of the project were organising the 中元普渡. so after everything's done, they distributed the fruits, drinks and food. cb fucking epic. those banglahs and indians chiong like they were hungrier than the hungry ghosts man. epic shit. i totally stunned when i saw the scene.
ok lah. at least logged one post for august. not bad also. ciao.