Saturday, November 27, 2010

hey hey, finally booked out. lol. actually this is the second book out already. the first one was on hari raya eve. out for less than 24 hours and then booked in again.

what can i say up util now? hmmm, other than the scorching sun and tekaning sessions, army life is quite fun. can't sit down though, cause the moment my butt touch something solid, jit tao slp one. lol.

took ippt. got pass only. but potential gold. only station to work on now is my chin up. the previous one i think at least 8 chin ups but counted as 6 nia. so sadded.

2.4 improved alot over the few weeks. first time i ran was 10.12 and now it improved to 9.22. hope can break into the 8 minutes mark, but confirm need to train like one dog.

had imt ytd. marksman seh. 31/32. not bad hor. hope live range is somewhat exactly the same. lol.

gonna meet brothers soon. =)

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