behold! the sexiest pair of shoes in the world!

adidas pilrahna 3... adidas gil zero low...

equals gilrahna! just came in today leh. wahahahahahahaha!

chio right? edited the photo abit on the hue and saturation.

shall further my mastery of the game with this pair of shoes. its not like i'm gonna throw away my old one. i'm planning to use them both.

top view.

cost a freaking $180. but its all worth it.

back view.

side view.

can't wait for saturday to try this pair out.

oh yeah. my adidas team signature creator lo. nice shoes. too bad i burnt out the soles already. thats y i need to get a new pair.

the past and the present.

sad to say, i like this pair more. not because its new, but its damn cool. has been looking for pilrahna 3 ever since chengyu introduced it to me.

gil zero 3 was a substitute for pilrahna 3. but when i decided to buy a pair of bball shoes, gil zero was out of stock in singapore also. so settled to the creator lo. and now, a fusion of pilrahna and gil zero. way fucking cool man!

but anyway, i've improved and matured alot with this pair. so yeah. i'll worship it i guess. hahahahaha.

creator lo for shootaround on wednesdays and gilrahna for serious trainings on weekends. zai!

hahahahaha. last photo. up front, the pair of shoes that i improved a hell lot in. right in the middle, the pair of shoes that's gonna carry me further on in my mastery of the game. and at the back, my mum. the person who had spent 19 long freaking years nurturing a punk ass like me. well, its has been a long and fuck-ed up 19 years for her trying to bring me up. guess its now my turn to return the favour.
thinking of turning in early today. ciao!
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