went to the hospital just now. its not because of my knee, its because my great grandma is in hospital. wow? yeah wow. she's 93 years old and i'm impressed. living for close to a century is sure a feat.
eventhough i nv really talked to her before other than greeting her, i still respect her. afterall, she's my elder, without her, there wouldn't be me. ain't it?
was on the way home when jm called me to join ky and him for dinner at changi village. rejected the idea initially as i got dinner waiting for me at home. reached home, ate the dishes and poured away the rice before meeting up with them for my so called "other half of my dinner".
after that, went to 7-11 and bought 3 blackcurrant vodka and were on our way home. went to meridian hotel as usual to use its toilet. then took bus until the library before going into sunplaza park to waste time. talked about our current plans to get psp slim and go diving.
i received $100 from my bro to buy the psp. well, its not that i am extorting money from him u know? i'm not from a rich family, so we shared most of our consoles. so if he's gonna play, he's gonna pay. afterall, i will be paying for most of it as usual. ps1, ps2 and psp, i'm the biggest shareholder for all of them. wahahahahahaha. but since i'm so short on cash, i may take another $50 from him depending on the situation. i don't wanna take alot of cash from him since he's not working and i am. he's still a secondary student afterall.
next. diving! we are gonna dive! $399 to dive in singapore and $499 to dive in malaysia. now i'm stuck. go diving or buy psp? in terms of spending logical money, psp is the better option. but diving is a thrilling activity! i've always wanted to dive. i wanna know the freedom of swimming in the vast ocean, the thrill of seeing the underwater world and of course the danger of getting close to a stingray. lol. that reminds us of steve irwin yah? u all get what i mean? i'm a free soul afterall.
last by not least. brothers chalet. its the third plan we have. but its close to unachieveable since the usual 4 are so god damn short of cash. but of course, the other brothers can share and pay the full sum also lah. but i think its impossible also. so see how lor. plus the "worse comes to worse" plan is that if i can't get enough money to go diving with them, i'll pay for most of the chalet expenses. since jm, justin and ky have more probability of getting the sum of money before the end of this month. i still need to buy the psp, how can i do it? unless i chiong hazel until i peng.
was feeding the mosquitoes so much that i asked if we could walk around the park. ended up playing at the playground there. well, its hell lots of fun returning to our childhood and doing spastic stuff. took photos of the time when we were playing and will upload them after i get them from jm. lol. was questioning jm why he brought along his d80, well, now i see it. its to take down these unforeseen circumstances as memories.
well, as for now, i will talk abit about freedom? it won't be very long since i'm damn tired now. what exactly is freedom? how does freedom feels like? is it being able to wake up at 2 in the afternoon and eat whatever u like? play games all day? slack all day and slp as and when u deem fit? to me, its also freedom. but this is not the freedom i want! nor will i like living a dull daily routine. this kind of freedom is too dull for me.
i don't really know what kind of freedom i want. but i really enjoy the times when i'm working at hazel since i'm able to run around and feel the thrill of finding my way home from a place that i totally nv went before.
i may adore freedom too much to settle down. i agree with that, but who knows we can still have freedom after we settle down? settling down in here means finding a gf and committing in that relationship. erm. but to me, i may find it hard because committing in relationship means breaking free from my band of brothers who i enjoyed being with so much. u can't blame us, we just spent too much time together until my mum thinks that we are gays! i always wonder that will i ever have as much fun with my gf as compared to my brothers? afterall, i'm a fun seeker and the stuff we do at times, girls don't like them. plus i'll nv show the crazy side of me in front of my gf. i think i'll scare her away. =x well, we will nv know until we try. but until i can find myself one gf, be it she likes me first or i like her first, all i can say is huan loh!
lastly, haix, its a utterly sad news for me. i'm selling off my beloved bass. its not that i'm not playing it lah, its because my mum asked me to sell it off. its not that i have no brain of my own and i'm a stupid damn ass who listens to his mum. but think about it, i'm playing bass by myself and i cannot do much with it until i have a band. but where's my band? i've been talking about it for close to one whole year man, but i nv even progress from it! well, wen jie went to new zealand and i lost one potential band mate from it. somemore, except for jm, the rest of my brothers are not interested in music.
u may say that i can find my band mates from other places. but the prob is, i just hang out too much with my gang and having bandmates from outside the gang means breaking off from them at times. sry, i can't do that. its my dead knot. blame it on my personality. i've always stuck with this small network of friends, i don't wanna lose it. the only way out is finding ppl from the gang to start, but its not enough with just jm and me. so in the end, i'm giving up music. i'm nv inclined in it anyway. plus i need the cash. but one thing is for sure, i'm not shedding my punk look.
think thats all. gonna rest now. i'm damn tired. tml meeting brothers again to make them study. lol. and also to confiscate justin's psp from him! he's playing too much and studying too little! promos man! since i'm his psp's guardian, i should confiscate it for his own good. lol.
why does it feel like it's raining in my head?
i don't understand.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
i realised that my brothers have blogged about life, success and studies. so now i'm gonna do my own piece now. well, i'm the latest so far, slow as usual.
the post may be a long one. it may also be a short one. depending on me. i'm not in my usual "thinking" mode nowadays. maybe its brain lag due to the prolong study break. justin made a very nice post on singapore's close to perfect yet fucked up education system. it made ky and me laughed our butts off like some kukus.
seriously, singapore is pushing its students to their limit which in my point of view is good. human beings need to be pushed. but then again, all these pushing made them less prepared to face adult life as compared to students from other countries. irony ain't it? one of the best education system in the world produces top quality certs but idiots in life.
take a good look at asher goh and me. he was in 4b and i'm in 4e. he's was second from the front and mine was second from the back in terms of express stream. he tok-ed me fair and square in studies. he can do maths with his eyes close and his brain only running at 50%. i do maths with my eyes close also and my brain running at 0% and 100% at the same time. y? cause during exams, i simply felt hopeless. not actually feeling hopeless throughout.
it goes like this. days before exam, i will go like this. "ha! maths? no kick. all i need to know is the concept and formula. the rest no need huan loh. i'm tensai. tensai no need to study" and continue to slack. day before exam. "tml's maths, ok lor, take out textbook look at formulas lor".
before exam, how hard can it get? i got the concepts and formula so no prob. normally exercises also can do, scared for what? exams started. was full of confidence and do the first few questions with my brain running at its max. was so contented with it as i simply can do them! comments at that time? i'm a tensai! but as i proceed with the paper, i got more and more hopeless. not desperate. i wanna find the answer and my brain is running at 100%, but the output reflects 0% of effort being put it. comments? even tensai fails at times.
so in the end, i ended up calculating not how much i've scored but how much i've lost. ppl around me are also bending their heads down calculating, but they are doing the questions. as for me? i'm calculating to kill time.
after the exam. the scene is chaotic. ppl are screaming, kao pei-ing, whining and cheering. as for me? i don't whine like some fuckers who lost just 1 or 2 marks. i don't celebrate like some other fuckers as they are having a's once again or finally. i just kept quiet and was amazingly calm. deprived of feelings and lost for what expression am i supposed to make. i'm disappointed yet relieved. disappointed that i won't pass and relieved because the exam is over. comments? the tensai will be back.
ppl are discussing on the answers but i don't even bother to join in the conversations. ppl asked me how i faired and i just simply answered "fail" without a single sign of emotion. moments later, ppl are still huan loh-ing about the god damn paper but my mind is already cleared of it and was probably already talking crap with my brothers and enjoying my lunch.
see it? i suck at maths and my studies as compared to asher but that doesn't mean my iq is lower than his. true, his results are way better than mine but give him a real life situation, he may cock up. ok. here's the scenario.
near asher's house are 2 supermarkets. ntuc and cold storage. asher's mother asked him to go and buy apples for her from ntuc but ntuc is out of stock. asher went home to tell his mum that ntuc is out of stock and ended up being scolded like some kuku.
for ppl like me and my brothers, ntuc is out of stock, then go cold storage to check it out. in the end, bought apples home for my mum. result? mum's happy and u won't kena scolding.
see the diff? irony of the best education system. and now, what in the world is success? click on this link and u will know. go on, click on it, know it then continue reading this post.
now. u already know the definition of success. but so what if u know the definition? are u successful? do u know how to make success come true?
success comes to those who nv gives up. its true. so what if u failed? just keeping on trying. but don't keep on trying the same strategy for the same problem.
look at me, i want to go to university and i thought jc will be the fastest route. i went in, i can't take it, i came out, i failed. but so what? i tackled the problem from another angle, i went to poly, hope i can do well and go to university! although it takes one more year as compared to jc, but i still reach my target. i will still succeed if i make it through poly. hastes leads to waste.
everyone knows that i want to be a real good shooting guard and i'm nv good from the start. even until now, i don't consider myself a good shooting guard, but i'm still trying. as long as i don't give up, i can still do it.
to me, in order to succeed and win others, we need to first overcome our greatest enemy and that's ourselves.
in order to be a good sportsman and beat others, u need to overcome ur own limits and beat ur best performance in order to improve and beat others. for me, i want to dunk, i'm pushing myself to the limit and am jumping higher as i push myself. see that?
in order to get good grades, u need to overcome ur own worldly desires and get ur ass down to study. its not that i support studying, but in singapore, this is the only way. its not like we can hang around and hope that guan yin ma will bless us. cause if this is the way out, everyone won't be studying but praying now.
so as long as u are able to beat ur ownself, ur chances of succeeding will greatly increase.
then again. why do we want to succeed? for what purpose? why do we live? is it real we live just to find our purpose in life? our purpose to succeed? well, these are some stuff for me to ponder over.
ok. i've said my piece. meeting brothers early tml to hang out and check out on some stuff. again, its challenging myself to wake up early.
the post may be a long one. it may also be a short one. depending on me. i'm not in my usual "thinking" mode nowadays. maybe its brain lag due to the prolong study break. justin made a very nice post on singapore's close to perfect yet fucked up education system. it made ky and me laughed our butts off like some kukus.
seriously, singapore is pushing its students to their limit which in my point of view is good. human beings need to be pushed. but then again, all these pushing made them less prepared to face adult life as compared to students from other countries. irony ain't it? one of the best education system in the world produces top quality certs but idiots in life.
take a good look at asher goh and me. he was in 4b and i'm in 4e. he's was second from the front and mine was second from the back in terms of express stream. he tok-ed me fair and square in studies. he can do maths with his eyes close and his brain only running at 50%. i do maths with my eyes close also and my brain running at 0% and 100% at the same time. y? cause during exams, i simply felt hopeless. not actually feeling hopeless throughout.
it goes like this. days before exam, i will go like this. "ha! maths? no kick. all i need to know is the concept and formula. the rest no need huan loh. i'm tensai. tensai no need to study" and continue to slack. day before exam. "tml's maths, ok lor, take out textbook look at formulas lor".
before exam, how hard can it get? i got the concepts and formula so no prob. normally exercises also can do, scared for what? exams started. was full of confidence and do the first few questions with my brain running at its max. was so contented with it as i simply can do them! comments at that time? i'm a tensai! but as i proceed with the paper, i got more and more hopeless. not desperate. i wanna find the answer and my brain is running at 100%, but the output reflects 0% of effort being put it. comments? even tensai fails at times.
so in the end, i ended up calculating not how much i've scored but how much i've lost. ppl around me are also bending their heads down calculating, but they are doing the questions. as for me? i'm calculating to kill time.
after the exam. the scene is chaotic. ppl are screaming, kao pei-ing, whining and cheering. as for me? i don't whine like some fuckers who lost just 1 or 2 marks. i don't celebrate like some other fuckers as they are having a's once again or finally. i just kept quiet and was amazingly calm. deprived of feelings and lost for what expression am i supposed to make. i'm disappointed yet relieved. disappointed that i won't pass and relieved because the exam is over. comments? the tensai will be back.
ppl are discussing on the answers but i don't even bother to join in the conversations. ppl asked me how i faired and i just simply answered "fail" without a single sign of emotion. moments later, ppl are still huan loh-ing about the god damn paper but my mind is already cleared of it and was probably already talking crap with my brothers and enjoying my lunch.
see it? i suck at maths and my studies as compared to asher but that doesn't mean my iq is lower than his. true, his results are way better than mine but give him a real life situation, he may cock up. ok. here's the scenario.
near asher's house are 2 supermarkets. ntuc and cold storage. asher's mother asked him to go and buy apples for her from ntuc but ntuc is out of stock. asher went home to tell his mum that ntuc is out of stock and ended up being scolded like some kuku.
for ppl like me and my brothers, ntuc is out of stock, then go cold storage to check it out. in the end, bought apples home for my mum. result? mum's happy and u won't kena scolding.
see the diff? irony of the best education system. and now, what in the world is success? click on this link and u will know. go on, click on it, know it then continue reading this post.
now. u already know the definition of success. but so what if u know the definition? are u successful? do u know how to make success come true?
success comes to those who nv gives up. its true. so what if u failed? just keeping on trying. but don't keep on trying the same strategy for the same problem.
look at me, i want to go to university and i thought jc will be the fastest route. i went in, i can't take it, i came out, i failed. but so what? i tackled the problem from another angle, i went to poly, hope i can do well and go to university! although it takes one more year as compared to jc, but i still reach my target. i will still succeed if i make it through poly. hastes leads to waste.
everyone knows that i want to be a real good shooting guard and i'm nv good from the start. even until now, i don't consider myself a good shooting guard, but i'm still trying. as long as i don't give up, i can still do it.
to me, in order to succeed and win others, we need to first overcome our greatest enemy and that's ourselves.
in order to be a good sportsman and beat others, u need to overcome ur own limits and beat ur best performance in order to improve and beat others. for me, i want to dunk, i'm pushing myself to the limit and am jumping higher as i push myself. see that?
in order to get good grades, u need to overcome ur own worldly desires and get ur ass down to study. its not that i support studying, but in singapore, this is the only way. its not like we can hang around and hope that guan yin ma will bless us. cause if this is the way out, everyone won't be studying but praying now.
so as long as u are able to beat ur ownself, ur chances of succeeding will greatly increase.
then again. why do we want to succeed? for what purpose? why do we live? is it real we live just to find our purpose in life? our purpose to succeed? well, these are some stuff for me to ponder over.
ok. i've said my piece. meeting brothers early tml to hang out and check out on some stuff. again, its challenging myself to wake up early.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
brothers, remember the days before o's? that day where we had nth to do and went all the way down to si ma lu guan yin temple and pray? for luck during o's. well. i was back there again ytd. accompanied my mum there. prayed for my family members as well as all my brothers taking promos. whether it worked or not i'm not so sure but it did protect us during o's didn't it?
now now now. for all those ppl who thinks that i'm superstitious, u are wrong. so god damn wrong. i'm still a free thinker. its just that i was doing everything i can to make sure my brothers pass their promos. from accompanying them to study to praying. any method that i can come up with, i'll do it. afterall, i'm there to accompany my mum, so on the way pray for them.
did not forget to pray for my sis and bro who are taking their a's and o's soon. hope they do well too. as for myself? hahahahaha. hope jm and i can earn some money easily so that we can buy psp. hitting don't know how many birds with one stone.
thanked guan yin ma on everyone's behalf for the protection during o's. master reminded me that we didn't went back to thanked her, but i thought we did? anyway, thanking the god twice won't hurts.
that aside. went for 1e05 chalet ytd. it was fun. it took us 2 hours to start the fire for bbq. good job to the girls team. lol.
watch movie, play poker and uno, play true or dare and some other drinking games lah. not bad. quite fun. got vodka to drink anything also nice. lol. then went to play around at the playground at pasir ris beach. found out that my knee and leg trainings at gym paid off. tried pulling the rim in the basketball court there. could jump higher now as compared to the last time i went there. swam there and home sweet home.
shall stop here. my bed is calling out to me now.
to be a good guard...good guard...guard...
now now now. for all those ppl who thinks that i'm superstitious, u are wrong. so god damn wrong. i'm still a free thinker. its just that i was doing everything i can to make sure my brothers pass their promos. from accompanying them to study to praying. any method that i can come up with, i'll do it. afterall, i'm there to accompany my mum, so on the way pray for them.
did not forget to pray for my sis and bro who are taking their a's and o's soon. hope they do well too. as for myself? hahahahaha. hope jm and i can earn some money easily so that we can buy psp. hitting don't know how many birds with one stone.
thanked guan yin ma on everyone's behalf for the protection during o's. master reminded me that we didn't went back to thanked her, but i thought we did? anyway, thanking the god twice won't hurts.
that aside. went for 1e05 chalet ytd. it was fun. it took us 2 hours to start the fire for bbq. good job to the girls team. lol.
watch movie, play poker and uno, play true or dare and some other drinking games lah. not bad. quite fun. got vodka to drink anything also nice. lol. then went to play around at the playground at pasir ris beach. found out that my knee and leg trainings at gym paid off. tried pulling the rim in the basketball court there. could jump higher now as compared to the last time i went there. swam there and home sweet home.
shall stop here. my bed is calling out to me now.
to be a good guard...good guard...guard...
Monday, September 24, 2007
well. its monday. but no work. cause i was sack. well. after the backstabbing by aunties and cock ups in communication with the boss, it ended up like this. so well, its back to hazel now.
i don't mind losing this job, cause to me, its all about experiencing different kinds of things during this phase of life. back to hazel to taste the freedom. don't know how long i will be staying there though. i'm a free soul, i move around. don't like it? too bad.
tonned with jm, justin, ky and josh again ytd. they went to study there, i went to accompany them. went there to play also. looks like its becoming a routine already. i'm trying my best to hang out with brothers now. next terms looks like a hectic one to me. 6 modules. but huan loh. take liao then see.
was the second to reach there and the second to go home. didn't slpt well the day before so was struggling to keep myself awake throughout. was the first time. got home at 7 plus i think and slp like a pig until 4 plus.
going to polyclinic with my mum later on. her legs are hurting. don't know y. well, using the spare time i have now to accompany her more lah cause i don't usually have time for her during sch days. family man? u bet it. lol. up until now, my top priority is family, then brothers, then everything else. gf? i don't know. wait til i have one then say but most prob after bros. anyway, to me, my brothers are considered part of my family liao.
my master is planning to leave his psp in my care until 9th oct or something like that. he said that he's retaining at his current rate of slacking. lol. so now, both ky and justin have found themselves a guardian for their psp each. and that's jm and me respectively.
the two photos up next are examples of what happens when my mum and dad starts to play in the living room right in front of us like childrens. lol.
i don't mind losing this job, cause to me, its all about experiencing different kinds of things during this phase of life. back to hazel to taste the freedom. don't know how long i will be staying there though. i'm a free soul, i move around. don't like it? too bad.
tonned with jm, justin, ky and josh again ytd. they went to study there, i went to accompany them. went there to play also. looks like its becoming a routine already. i'm trying my best to hang out with brothers now. next terms looks like a hectic one to me. 6 modules. but huan loh. take liao then see.
was the second to reach there and the second to go home. didn't slpt well the day before so was struggling to keep myself awake throughout. was the first time. got home at 7 plus i think and slp like a pig until 4 plus.
going to polyclinic with my mum later on. her legs are hurting. don't know y. well, using the spare time i have now to accompany her more lah cause i don't usually have time for her during sch days. family man? u bet it. lol. up until now, my top priority is family, then brothers, then everything else. gf? i don't know. wait til i have one then say but most prob after bros. anyway, to me, my brothers are considered part of my family liao.
my master is planning to leave his psp in my care until 9th oct or something like that. he said that he's retaining at his current rate of slacking. lol. so now, both ky and justin have found themselves a guardian for their psp each. and that's jm and me respectively.
the two photos up next are examples of what happens when my mum and dad starts to play in the living room right in front of us like childrens. lol.
saw my dad? being treated like sun wu kong. kena press under buddha's 五指山.
stuggling to get up.
hahahaha. think that's all. gonna find something to do now.
i miss the time when i was so easily contented with life.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
oh crap. i can forget about playing my ps2 liao. i just damaged the video output cable myself! accidentally clamped it in between the doors of my tv drawer. wakao lah! sianned. looks like com and a psp is the best way to play games when i'm bored. u can't expect me to play bass at night right? lol.
anyway. the ps2 spoil at a good timing. i was considering if i should buy a psp or not. then this happened. destinied man. lol. psp leh? or psp slim? most prob going for slim. hahahahahaha. then can play ps1 games! ff7,8 and 9! then during stupid long 3 hours break next term, also can play. wahahahahaha. not bad not bad. only problem now is money.
started working. comments on job? sian lor. its a routine. but for money, its all ok. worse is working when u are having a flu and the whole production process is slowed down because of u. that damn place is filled with aunties. not bad lah. can talk nicely to them but they are pro backstabbers sia. backstab each other one. lol. one fine day, it will be the showdown of backstabbers against crappers. aunties team vs jm and me. lol.
$63 per day if i worked ot. not bad lor. but jm and i are tempted to go back to hazel. one main factor that makes hazel so appealing. the freedom of running around. for ppl like jm and me, its best that we run around during work with no ppl wtaching over us. we hate those, keep quiet sit down chiong production kind of job. but now is job choose us, so bo bian. hope by 3rd oct can earn $500 plus liao. most of it will got to psp i think. the rest keep in bank make sure i got at least $500 in it.
anyway. my father bought me n76. hahahahaha. don't ask me why. i was stunned also. he came home one day saying that he's planning to change phone for my siblings and me. obviously, he got a $500 vouncher from m1. its an annual event liao. lol. thought that chances of me changing phone will be slim but he asked me what phone i want. lol. nice!
now? time to rant. this time target isn't anyone close to me but the god damn government.
singapore is already very well known as a "fine" country liao. now, its being called a "rising" country by me.
fuck one leh. expenses all keep rising. first its the electircity charges, then its gst, now its transport fees! the government really no comments. all rise but not the wages leh. no wonder singaporeans all migrating. with this kind of inflation, how they expect singaporeans to have alot of children? drop ur idea of singaporean giving birth to more children and concentrate on attracting foreign talents lah. best is ask megan fox over. =x
haix. no wonder singaporeans are rated some of the most unhappy ppl in the world due to life stress. i forgot where i saw it. its from a survey.
gonna zhao liao. meeting ky they all later to ton again. lotsa things to discuss, talk and watch. nice!
anyway. the ps2 spoil at a good timing. i was considering if i should buy a psp or not. then this happened. destinied man. lol. psp leh? or psp slim? most prob going for slim. hahahahahaha. then can play ps1 games! ff7,8 and 9! then during stupid long 3 hours break next term, also can play. wahahahahaha. not bad not bad. only problem now is money.
started working. comments on job? sian lor. its a routine. but for money, its all ok. worse is working when u are having a flu and the whole production process is slowed down because of u. that damn place is filled with aunties. not bad lah. can talk nicely to them but they are pro backstabbers sia. backstab each other one. lol. one fine day, it will be the showdown of backstabbers against crappers. aunties team vs jm and me. lol.
$63 per day if i worked ot. not bad lor. but jm and i are tempted to go back to hazel. one main factor that makes hazel so appealing. the freedom of running around. for ppl like jm and me, its best that we run around during work with no ppl wtaching over us. we hate those, keep quiet sit down chiong production kind of job. but now is job choose us, so bo bian. hope by 3rd oct can earn $500 plus liao. most of it will got to psp i think. the rest keep in bank make sure i got at least $500 in it.
anyway. my father bought me n76. hahahahaha. don't ask me why. i was stunned also. he came home one day saying that he's planning to change phone for my siblings and me. obviously, he got a $500 vouncher from m1. its an annual event liao. lol. thought that chances of me changing phone will be slim but he asked me what phone i want. lol. nice!
now? time to rant. this time target isn't anyone close to me but the god damn government.
singapore is already very well known as a "fine" country liao. now, its being called a "rising" country by me.
fuck one leh. expenses all keep rising. first its the electircity charges, then its gst, now its transport fees! the government really no comments. all rise but not the wages leh. no wonder singaporeans all migrating. with this kind of inflation, how they expect singaporeans to have alot of children? drop ur idea of singaporean giving birth to more children and concentrate on attracting foreign talents lah. best is ask megan fox over. =x
haix. no wonder singaporeans are rated some of the most unhappy ppl in the world due to life stress. i forgot where i saw it. its from a survey.
gonna zhao liao. meeting ky they all later to ton again. lotsa things to discuss, talk and watch. nice!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
5 days since i last blogged.
these past 5 days were quite unlucky, sianned and filled with boredom. had problems slp-ing and its a big problem. was practically playing games to kill time. replayed a rpg game once more. haix. sianned until totally lost the mood to have fun. sucks.
work was delayed. postponed from monday to tuesday then to tml. nice? sucks. lost $120 due to the delay. how nice. who's gonna give me the $120? lol.
ky and jm caught me off guard today. well. afterall, we are the top prankster in the group. but i lost to them today. work was postponed to tml. boss called jm but didn't called me. so, jm tricked me to meet him at 7.20 am in mac cafe today. reached first. the moment i saw ky walking in. "holy fuck, shit, i'm pranked" that's what i told myself. had breakfast with them. they actually went all the way out to make me have breakfast with them at delifrance as they anticipated that i won't turn up because i simply love slp-ing. ended eating at burger king anyway. lol. but nvm. nice plan anyway. just wait for my turn to strike back.
went to times to free load again. was stunned when ky flipped through new man. anyone remembered the dunman senior from the dance club call belinda soon? well. u may say what's the big deal? being a model for the magazine is! hot arh. lol. too bad. i don't know her.
lol. just got back home and am going out again. purpose? to meet ky and jm again. ky skipped sch just to stay home and study. bad news. he didn't that the power supply to his house will be cut off due to the renovation work in progress around his estate. meeting him in subway soon.
seriously, holidays are getting on nerves.
for the sake of brotherhood,
thou shall carry out the masterplan.
these past 5 days were quite unlucky, sianned and filled with boredom. had problems slp-ing and its a big problem. was practically playing games to kill time. replayed a rpg game once more. haix. sianned until totally lost the mood to have fun. sucks.
work was delayed. postponed from monday to tuesday then to tml. nice? sucks. lost $120 due to the delay. how nice. who's gonna give me the $120? lol.
ky and jm caught me off guard today. well. afterall, we are the top prankster in the group. but i lost to them today. work was postponed to tml. boss called jm but didn't called me. so, jm tricked me to meet him at 7.20 am in mac cafe today. reached first. the moment i saw ky walking in. "holy fuck, shit, i'm pranked" that's what i told myself. had breakfast with them. they actually went all the way out to make me have breakfast with them at delifrance as they anticipated that i won't turn up because i simply love slp-ing. ended eating at burger king anyway. lol. but nvm. nice plan anyway. just wait for my turn to strike back.
went to times to free load again. was stunned when ky flipped through new man. anyone remembered the dunman senior from the dance club call belinda soon? well. u may say what's the big deal? being a model for the magazine is! hot arh. lol. too bad. i don't know her.
lol. just got back home and am going out again. purpose? to meet ky and jm again. ky skipped sch just to stay home and study. bad news. he didn't that the power supply to his house will be cut off due to the renovation work in progress around his estate. meeting him in subway soon.
seriously, holidays are getting on nerves.
for the sake of brotherhood,
thou shall carry out the masterplan.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
i'm back. and with an answer to arvind. =)
ok. woke up and met jm to go down to chai chee to sort of look at our new job. same place as noel. but pay is much sweeter. work is much more relaxed. nice job. i like.
starting work on monday. thought that tml will go and be some game tester for some company. but as we replied late, the job was gone. getting paid for playing games, how nice is that? lol.
ky they all are pooling tml. i can't go though. need to celebrate my grandma's bday with her. then the day after will be my mum's bday. great. jeremy now is in some sort of motivation and money saving mode. great.
up next? arvind's answers as i gl-ed him on friendster and he asked me to bring it on.
first up, ur answer with a much bigger knife than yours.
your life, money or manhood?
who say guys can't cook?
random photo taken by my sis when she was playing with my phone.
time to strike arvind in friendster. ambush. lol.
sometimes i sit at home and
wonder if she's sitting at home
thinking of me and
wondering if i'm sitting at home,
thinking about her
or am I just wasting my time?
ok. woke up and met jm to go down to chai chee to sort of look at our new job. same place as noel. but pay is much sweeter. work is much more relaxed. nice job. i like.
starting work on monday. thought that tml will go and be some game tester for some company. but as we replied late, the job was gone. getting paid for playing games, how nice is that? lol.
ky they all are pooling tml. i can't go though. need to celebrate my grandma's bday with her. then the day after will be my mum's bday. great. jeremy now is in some sort of motivation and money saving mode. great.
up next? arvind's answers as i gl-ed him on friendster and he asked me to bring it on.

time to strike arvind in friendster. ambush. lol.
sometimes i sit at home and
wonder if she's sitting at home
thinking of me and
wondering if i'm sitting at home,
thinking about her
or am I just wasting my time?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
started working at last. was at my wits end and called hazel up. good thing i had a record there. plus bing hwa remembered me still. so went down with jm today and created a record. each of us earned $70 each with a bit of thinking and planning. what we did is top secret and will only be revealed to brothers. lol.
but we won't be going there anymore. jm got a better job for us. a job that's more stable and less reliable on luck. pay is in 2 weeks time. nice!
working with jm is fun. look at chio office girls, talking jiao weis, doing spastic thing, slacking during work and we got prove. lastly, we played a game. we found some plastic bags that was tightly sealed with air. so each of us took one with our feet, drag it to some secluded place, then started playing. objectives? burst the so called "two sided balloon" on the opponent's feet. whoever does it first wins.
i thought i was losing at first. i accidentally stepped on one of the side of the balloon and burst it. friendly fire. lol. then jm just pounced over and left his unguarded. i pushed jm away and burst his. so winner was me with some cheating. lol.
earned $70 in just 5 hours i think. started work at 10.30 am in bishan. went for 1h 30 mins break at 12.30. then worked until 4 before going to junction 8 to walk around. after which when down to hazel to settle everything.
today released our results liao. i don't know how to look at it at first. gpa was 3.19. then samuel asked me how much i got and told me his. he's was 2.93. i was stunned. i thought he did better than me as i thought lower gpa means better grades. lol. noobshit sia me. anyway, photos next.
rooftop access. nice view.
but we won't be going there anymore. jm got a better job for us. a job that's more stable and less reliable on luck. pay is in 2 weeks time. nice!
working with jm is fun. look at chio office girls, talking jiao weis, doing spastic thing, slacking during work and we got prove. lastly, we played a game. we found some plastic bags that was tightly sealed with air. so each of us took one with our feet, drag it to some secluded place, then started playing. objectives? burst the so called "two sided balloon" on the opponent's feet. whoever does it first wins.
i thought i was losing at first. i accidentally stepped on one of the side of the balloon and burst it. friendly fire. lol. then jm just pounced over and left his unguarded. i pushed jm away and burst his. so winner was me with some cheating. lol.
earned $70 in just 5 hours i think. started work at 10.30 am in bishan. went for 1h 30 mins break at 12.30. then worked until 4 before going to junction 8 to walk around. after which when down to hazel to settle everything.
today released our results liao. i don't know how to look at it at first. gpa was 3.19. then samuel asked me how much i got and told me his. he's was 2.93. i was stunned. i thought he did better than me as i thought lower gpa means better grades. lol. noobshit sia me. anyway, photos next.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
life's really sianned nowadays.
had nth to do so come here to talk cock lor. went for my knee appointment today. good news. no need to go for follow ups. but still need to do physio on my own as my knees had not totally heal yet.
after that, met up with jm to go gym and played bball after that. won 3 games. 7-6, 7-3 and 7-5. wasn't really playing great. told jm that i will only use 50% of my skills to play today and ended up with a 1-6 start. and the 1 point that i scored at first was my 7th try. when we were at the brink of losing, jm and i started playing properly and won. thanks to jm's effort in the 1st set. the hook shot that i taught him really worked well.
set number 2. i wasn't in scoring mode today, so assisted jm on some occasions. i scored only 3 points here. jm got the rebounds of my misses and hook them in. one particular play that i liked, jm passed the ball to me with my back facing the rim. i'm in the paint then. jm then ran in, i faked right sending my defender off balance for a loop hole and skip pass it to jm for a lay in. on the opponent's turn in offense, they tried pick and roll several times. tried to blocked off jm and me with one guy. they were successful the first time round but i broke their formation to trap both of them between us.
third set. was abit out of placed at first and they went to a 0-4 start. jm started us rolling again with a lay in and long range shot. then he assisted me while i made my way to the paint for a hook shot. hahahaha. in all 3 sets, i gave 5 blocks, 2 steals. jm had 4 steals.
overall, its a good performance on jm's part. as for me? i'm off offensively today but defensively shut down whoever i'm marking. jm was sharp to make 4 steals, but need more training on his defensive moves and posture to cover up his loop holes.
anyway. tried to gl jm just now by talking some shit to him about bball. it wasn't this long, just the feeling the game part. so this shall be my topic for the long awaited jeremy's poon jiao wei show episode 4. in this episode, i will try talking like some sort of philosopher. try imagining me talking seriously like some idiotic philosopher who talk with alot of emotion and feelings.
what exactly is bball? many think that its just a game where 5 ppl chase the ball around the court trying to shoot it into a hoop. whoever score more wins.
to me. its far more than just a game. it involves both physical and mental toughness, passion, wisdom and experience. first, u need to have the skills to play a good game. next, u need to train to have the skills to have a good game. u must have the mentality that allows u to train which in turn allow u to have the skills to have a good game. training leads to improvements. practicing doesn't make things perfect but at least practicing makes thing closer to perfection.
u must have the ability to feel various entities. u must feel the intensity, the flow of the game, the chemistry among teammates, the emotion on the court and try to predict various things. u must predict what the opponent is going to do next, not just offensively, but defensively too.
u must predict whether the opponent will pass on a possesion or will the opponent choose to shoot the ball. will they shoot it directly in ur face or with a fade away jumper? they may try faking u off ur feet before going for a lay in. they may run various formation. pick and roll or box 1 or something else.
on their defense, u must predict whether the opponent will catch up to u or not. will they be in time to just smack the ball off ur hand or will they be in time to give u a pure block shot? will they be thinking too much on ur next move? are they pondering whether u will shoot, pass or drive in? if they are pondering on ur next move, what will u do? if they aren't, how are u gonna counter it? worse. how are u going to confirm that they are trying to figure out ur next move just like how u are trying to figure out what's in their mind?
nv give up when u are losing. failure doesn't comes to those who fails but those who gives up. the game isn't over until the final moment, so play ur best until everything is final, who knows u may change the outcome. don't start playing the game with a losing mentality. half the game is lost when u conceit defeat, just go in, give in ur best and put on a real good fight. remember, losing isn't failing, giving up is.
also, how do u go about predicting the opponent's next move? psychic powers? hell no! wisdom and experience gained after playing the game for a long time! u will nv start a sport filled with knowledge. u learn as u go, u grow as u go and u glow as u grow. professionals like nba players are learning the flow of the game all the way until they retire, maybe even after their retirement.
lastly, bball is about teammates and chemistry among teammates. something like knowing ur teammates' strong points and weaknesses and utilising them to their fullest. if its about individualistic ideals, what is a team for? what are teammates for? to make up numbers or for decorations? if its about solo-ing, bball will be like boxing, one on one, man to man.
ok. i'm tired of being an idiot trying to act as a philosopher and sorry for making you all read so much. well, those left reading my blog posts regularly are used to it i assume. tons and tons of craps, words, shit, nonsense, blah blah blah. reason for being so idiotic? the boredom thats sending me crazy. i'm going back to hazel, i think. i've talked too much and am out of shit to say.
hope u all don't mind my stupidity in imitating a philosopher and the philosophies i came up with which are chunks and piles of craps.
sayonara. dumbass signing off.
had nth to do so come here to talk cock lor. went for my knee appointment today. good news. no need to go for follow ups. but still need to do physio on my own as my knees had not totally heal yet.
after that, met up with jm to go gym and played bball after that. won 3 games. 7-6, 7-3 and 7-5. wasn't really playing great. told jm that i will only use 50% of my skills to play today and ended up with a 1-6 start. and the 1 point that i scored at first was my 7th try. when we were at the brink of losing, jm and i started playing properly and won. thanks to jm's effort in the 1st set. the hook shot that i taught him really worked well.
set number 2. i wasn't in scoring mode today, so assisted jm on some occasions. i scored only 3 points here. jm got the rebounds of my misses and hook them in. one particular play that i liked, jm passed the ball to me with my back facing the rim. i'm in the paint then. jm then ran in, i faked right sending my defender off balance for a loop hole and skip pass it to jm for a lay in. on the opponent's turn in offense, they tried pick and roll several times. tried to blocked off jm and me with one guy. they were successful the first time round but i broke their formation to trap both of them between us.
third set. was abit out of placed at first and they went to a 0-4 start. jm started us rolling again with a lay in and long range shot. then he assisted me while i made my way to the paint for a hook shot. hahahaha. in all 3 sets, i gave 5 blocks, 2 steals. jm had 4 steals.
overall, its a good performance on jm's part. as for me? i'm off offensively today but defensively shut down whoever i'm marking. jm was sharp to make 4 steals, but need more training on his defensive moves and posture to cover up his loop holes.
anyway. tried to gl jm just now by talking some shit to him about bball. it wasn't this long, just the feeling the game part. so this shall be my topic for the long awaited jeremy's poon jiao wei show episode 4. in this episode, i will try talking like some sort of philosopher. try imagining me talking seriously like some idiotic philosopher who talk with alot of emotion and feelings.
what exactly is bball? many think that its just a game where 5 ppl chase the ball around the court trying to shoot it into a hoop. whoever score more wins.
to me. its far more than just a game. it involves both physical and mental toughness, passion, wisdom and experience. first, u need to have the skills to play a good game. next, u need to train to have the skills to have a good game. u must have the mentality that allows u to train which in turn allow u to have the skills to have a good game. training leads to improvements. practicing doesn't make things perfect but at least practicing makes thing closer to perfection.
u must have the ability to feel various entities. u must feel the intensity, the flow of the game, the chemistry among teammates, the emotion on the court and try to predict various things. u must predict what the opponent is going to do next, not just offensively, but defensively too.
u must predict whether the opponent will pass on a possesion or will the opponent choose to shoot the ball. will they shoot it directly in ur face or with a fade away jumper? they may try faking u off ur feet before going for a lay in. they may run various formation. pick and roll or box 1 or something else.
on their defense, u must predict whether the opponent will catch up to u or not. will they be in time to just smack the ball off ur hand or will they be in time to give u a pure block shot? will they be thinking too much on ur next move? are they pondering whether u will shoot, pass or drive in? if they are pondering on ur next move, what will u do? if they aren't, how are u gonna counter it? worse. how are u going to confirm that they are trying to figure out ur next move just like how u are trying to figure out what's in their mind?
nv give up when u are losing. failure doesn't comes to those who fails but those who gives up. the game isn't over until the final moment, so play ur best until everything is final, who knows u may change the outcome. don't start playing the game with a losing mentality. half the game is lost when u conceit defeat, just go in, give in ur best and put on a real good fight. remember, losing isn't failing, giving up is.
also, how do u go about predicting the opponent's next move? psychic powers? hell no! wisdom and experience gained after playing the game for a long time! u will nv start a sport filled with knowledge. u learn as u go, u grow as u go and u glow as u grow. professionals like nba players are learning the flow of the game all the way until they retire, maybe even after their retirement.
lastly, bball is about teammates and chemistry among teammates. something like knowing ur teammates' strong points and weaknesses and utilising them to their fullest. if its about individualistic ideals, what is a team for? what are teammates for? to make up numbers or for decorations? if its about solo-ing, bball will be like boxing, one on one, man to man.
ok. i'm tired of being an idiot trying to act as a philosopher and sorry for making you all read so much. well, those left reading my blog posts regularly are used to it i assume. tons and tons of craps, words, shit, nonsense, blah blah blah. reason for being so idiotic? the boredom thats sending me crazy. i'm going back to hazel, i think. i've talked too much and am out of shit to say.
hope u all don't mind my stupidity in imitating a philosopher and the philosophies i came up with which are chunks and piles of craps.
sayonara. dumbass signing off.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
ok. i'm tired. didn't slp until 5am today. can't get to slp. was practically rolling in my bed. woke up at 8 to meet up with ky and justin who were tonning at mac studying.
went down to suntec for the games convention asia. comments? double holy shit. nice games and chio bus there. its an evil place i tell u guys out there. make u go wild with crazy thoughts. good thing i was tired if not i will be more hyper.
played some games. not bad. need for speed pro street is quite difficult to play on xbox 360. afterall, i'm not a experienced xbox user. as for nba live 2008, graphics was damn real, game play was abit imbalance. lost to ky in nba live 2008. he was using houston. and houston has yao ming that big white and fair gentle giant. ky used yao ming to tok me. at half time, i lost by 10 points. after that went off. ky was running late for his movie trip with his family.
the wii sector is a must go. every game station has 2 chio bus there. lol. thinking about it. chio bu, so what? nv get number i huan loh. afterall, i still don't have any confidence in myself being successful in getting a girl's number.
anyway. on the way back. ky, justin and i came up with a chio bu damage rating. tampines mall received a rating of 3 stars for damage, thats average. temasek poly received rating of 4 stars. vivo, cityhall and bugis recived 5 stars and gca received a damage rating of 5 stars plus musou. chunks of crap i presume.
i'm damn tired. gonna make it snappy. i've made the impossible of impossible possibleX2. i got $200 for allowance. how did i made it happened? i have my own ways. a combination of wit and crapping skills. put aside $50 as savings and planning to use up the rest. for the next two weeks, will not be meeting brothers. giving them time to study and try not to distract them. promos are important afterall.
so if any kind souls have a job lobang, pls tell me! i need 2 vacancies. 1 for me and 1 for jm. photos next.
hahahaha, see that? $200.
i forgot if this is nintendo entertainment system or super nintendo entertainment system liao. but one think is for sure, its older than me, i think.
if the one above is super nintendo entertainment system then this is nintendo entertainment system or vice versa.
nintendo 64.
game cube. looks like all spark.
argh. finally done. gonna rest.
went down to suntec for the games convention asia. comments? double holy shit. nice games and chio bus there. its an evil place i tell u guys out there. make u go wild with crazy thoughts. good thing i was tired if not i will be more hyper.
played some games. not bad. need for speed pro street is quite difficult to play on xbox 360. afterall, i'm not a experienced xbox user. as for nba live 2008, graphics was damn real, game play was abit imbalance. lost to ky in nba live 2008. he was using houston. and houston has yao ming that big white and fair gentle giant. ky used yao ming to tok me. at half time, i lost by 10 points. after that went off. ky was running late for his movie trip with his family.
the wii sector is a must go. every game station has 2 chio bus there. lol. thinking about it. chio bu, so what? nv get number i huan loh. afterall, i still don't have any confidence in myself being successful in getting a girl's number.
anyway. on the way back. ky, justin and i came up with a chio bu damage rating. tampines mall received a rating of 3 stars for damage, thats average. temasek poly received rating of 4 stars. vivo, cityhall and bugis recived 5 stars and gca received a damage rating of 5 stars plus musou. chunks of crap i presume.
i'm damn tired. gonna make it snappy. i've made the impossible of impossible possibleX2. i got $200 for allowance. how did i made it happened? i have my own ways. a combination of wit and crapping skills. put aside $50 as savings and planning to use up the rest. for the next two weeks, will not be meeting brothers. giving them time to study and try not to distract them. promos are important afterall.
so if any kind souls have a job lobang, pls tell me! i need 2 vacancies. 1 for me and 1 for jm. photos next.

argh. finally done. gonna rest.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
haix! sian arh. nth to do at home. was either watching movie or playing games. missed the chance to go out with brothers ytd. they went to study and sms-ed me. but i was playing games until i forgot about my hp. replied late and they were going home by the time i replied. going out with brothers later on to study. justin and ky will be studying, as for jm and i? pure gaming and slacking.
nth to do. so took screen shots of the games while i'm playing dota. lol. this will prove how sian i am at home. anyway, i'm a dota noob and goes no where near to a pro. lol. i'm an easy ai to pros.
the normal setting that i use when i'm playing dota with the ai.
best way to use the dwarven sniper. camp outside enemies' firebush.
nth to do. so took screen shots of the games while i'm playing dota. lol. this will prove how sian i am at home. anyway, i'm a dota noob and goes no where near to a pro. lol. i'm an easy ai to pros.

Thursday, September 06, 2007
woah. i'm a happy kid now. lol. justin gave me secret ost and son of dork's album liao. nice! my mp3 is running out of space though. so i'm planning to buy an external hdd for myself. that is if i have the money.
woke up at 4pm in the afternoon. so god damn late? well, i went to bed at 10am leh. ton-ed at mac again. with kwoky, justin and junming. ky didn't turn up. don't know why. we showed kwoky how pro we are at ton-ing. we have everything we need to occupy ourselves. mp3, psp, laptop, games, movies, bball and also extension to the circuits! hahahahaha. professional tonners.
hector was there too. lol. jc students sure are chiongsters. kwok and justin was studying, jm and i were just wasting our time and youth there. kinda distracted them. hahahahaha. but will still force them to study at times. justin went there to do homework nia lor. saying that doing homework is also studying as an excuse. lol. not bad. getting more and more pro in jiao wei-ing liao.
played monster hunter freedom 2 with justin. jm was astonished by those weird sounds i produced when monsters were chasing me around. after that, went to play bball. just normal shootaround.
told kwoky that the team are waiting for his return. lol. then we will be complete liao. until now, jm is the best shooter while i'm the weakest. hahahahahaha. well, shooting wasn't my specialty. driving the lane was. talked and tested out some formations to capitalise on jm's shooting skills. passing and assisting ppl is fun too. after that went home liao. didn't want to slp at first but the temptation was just too great. lol.
anyway, i'm gonna be a poor guy soon. my allowance was cut by 2/3 for the holidays. meaning that i will be only receiving $100. wah! can die lor. gimme 10 outings and poof! there goes the money. it may deplete faster than expected. $100 is mission impossible sia. don't tell me impossible is nth. this is the impossible of impossible. so impossible is nth is impossible to counter this as it is rated impossible of impossible. so we need something more than impossible is nth to make this impossible of impossible nth! hahahahaha! crap.
anyway, after all those shits. i think u all sort of understand how impossible it is? lol. gonna crap my way through and reduce the allowance cut to only 1/3. good luck and have fun trying to make the impossible of impossible possible. but after making it possible, its still impossible!
hahahahahaha! bb.
woke up at 4pm in the afternoon. so god damn late? well, i went to bed at 10am leh. ton-ed at mac again. with kwoky, justin and junming. ky didn't turn up. don't know why. we showed kwoky how pro we are at ton-ing. we have everything we need to occupy ourselves. mp3, psp, laptop, games, movies, bball and also extension to the circuits! hahahahaha. professional tonners.
hector was there too. lol. jc students sure are chiongsters. kwok and justin was studying, jm and i were just wasting our time and youth there. kinda distracted them. hahahahaha. but will still force them to study at times. justin went there to do homework nia lor. saying that doing homework is also studying as an excuse. lol. not bad. getting more and more pro in jiao wei-ing liao.
played monster hunter freedom 2 with justin. jm was astonished by those weird sounds i produced when monsters were chasing me around. after that, went to play bball. just normal shootaround.
told kwoky that the team are waiting for his return. lol. then we will be complete liao. until now, jm is the best shooter while i'm the weakest. hahahahahaha. well, shooting wasn't my specialty. driving the lane was. talked and tested out some formations to capitalise on jm's shooting skills. passing and assisting ppl is fun too. after that went home liao. didn't want to slp at first but the temptation was just too great. lol.
anyway, i'm gonna be a poor guy soon. my allowance was cut by 2/3 for the holidays. meaning that i will be only receiving $100. wah! can die lor. gimme 10 outings and poof! there goes the money. it may deplete faster than expected. $100 is mission impossible sia. don't tell me impossible is nth. this is the impossible of impossible. so impossible is nth is impossible to counter this as it is rated impossible of impossible. so we need something more than impossible is nth to make this impossible of impossible nth! hahahahaha! crap.
anyway, after all those shits. i think u all sort of understand how impossible it is? lol. gonna crap my way through and reduce the allowance cut to only 1/3. good luck and have fun trying to make the impossible of impossible possible. but after making it possible, its still impossible!
hahahahahaha! bb.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
shit. i'm like blogging almost everyday lah! how come i got so much things to say one? really long winded. bad. but its useful too, in terms of gl-ing ppl that is.
found out that i forgot to blog about my trip to cgh. well. its not on the 3rd of sep. its on 10th. my mother got the date wrong. so its 5 more days to go.
played bball just now. as usual, played with jm and justin. played in our so called zone b which is near kwoky's house. zone b is the toughest area. zone a, my house was second in difficulty and zone c, the cc was the easiest. kept a perfect winning record. 5 games in a row. played against some sec sch students, so the win came easy. they told us to hold back. but not all the games were easy actually.
played 3 on 3 with them for the first 3 sets. 11-8, 11-9 and 11-3. didn't do much. assisted them most of the time. so jm and justin did most of the scoring, i did the passing.
game 4 was the worst. y? the kids were tired of playing against us and request for a mix of players. jia lat, i ended up with 2 of them. my team had more potential of losing. was losing 0-6 first as i let them do the scoring. outcome was 11-10 after i took on the scoring burden.
last match was against the kids again. 7-1. pure ownage as jm, justin and i all played seriously. after that, went to kwok house to transfer all my songs to him. took about 3o minutes or so then rush down to gv to watch the last legion. movie ok nia.
played bball again after that then home sweet home. jm and justin played one on one. both won 1 round. nice right? jm won 1-0. justin won 7-0. lol! both side also won by clean sheet. jm won the game as the rules goes like this - whoever scores first, wins.
going out later again. maybe going woodland library for an ambush mission then tonning at mac for fun while those jc students mug there. lol.
anyway, justin and i really fated to be master and disciple. we are using the same phone now. hahahaha. nokia 6288. our group's spammer division. =)
before i go, anyone got job lobang! i do anything one except for being a gigolo. call me if got lobang. thanks in advance. bb.
there's something about the way you look,
it's taking me over.
found out that i forgot to blog about my trip to cgh. well. its not on the 3rd of sep. its on 10th. my mother got the date wrong. so its 5 more days to go.
played bball just now. as usual, played with jm and justin. played in our so called zone b which is near kwoky's house. zone b is the toughest area. zone a, my house was second in difficulty and zone c, the cc was the easiest. kept a perfect winning record. 5 games in a row. played against some sec sch students, so the win came easy. they told us to hold back. but not all the games were easy actually.
played 3 on 3 with them for the first 3 sets. 11-8, 11-9 and 11-3. didn't do much. assisted them most of the time. so jm and justin did most of the scoring, i did the passing.
game 4 was the worst. y? the kids were tired of playing against us and request for a mix of players. jia lat, i ended up with 2 of them. my team had more potential of losing. was losing 0-6 first as i let them do the scoring. outcome was 11-10 after i took on the scoring burden.
last match was against the kids again. 7-1. pure ownage as jm, justin and i all played seriously. after that, went to kwok house to transfer all my songs to him. took about 3o minutes or so then rush down to gv to watch the last legion. movie ok nia.
played bball again after that then home sweet home. jm and justin played one on one. both won 1 round. nice right? jm won 1-0. justin won 7-0. lol! both side also won by clean sheet. jm won the game as the rules goes like this - whoever scores first, wins.
going out later again. maybe going woodland library for an ambush mission then tonning at mac for fun while those jc students mug there. lol.
anyway, justin and i really fated to be master and disciple. we are using the same phone now. hahahaha. nokia 6288. our group's spammer division. =)
before i go, anyone got job lobang! i do anything one except for being a gigolo. call me if got lobang. thanks in advance. bb.
there's something about the way you look,
it's taking me over.
Monday, September 03, 2007
ok! back once again. have solid evidence that we ate from 12 plus in the afternoon till night time. hahahahaha. photos!
everyone was late as usual. nth special. only 4 of us made it. no need think also know whcih 4 liao lah. justin, jm, ky and me. it will really help if the others are more steady. anyway, paid close to $15 to eat and i think we ate more than the amount we paid.
was fun down there. broke one of my previous record. i ate 14 scoops of ice cream the previous time i went to seoul garden, this time, its doubled until 28. hahahahahaha. thinking that i'm a monster? u are wrong. justin had 30 over scoops. pure ki xiao. i challenged him in an ice cream eating competition and i lost. fair and square. lol. changed the hot plate 4 to 5 times i think. cleared don't know how many mountains of meat.
erm. one of the moutains we ate.
slacking while eating. nice!
another round. this is just 1/4 of a mountain.
our table.
essentials for making good soup.
call me the smoothie king.
new hot plate!
hahahaha. did i mention that justin actually brought gloves along to prevent the oil from splattering onto his hands? smart ass.
hahahahaha. gloves in action.
enjoying the time together.
me sucking the spoon.
changing of hot plate in progress.
proven that its night time.
the scene outside the window.
just ppl and cars. nth much.
the 冠军大胃王.
2 of the challengers.
another one of the challenger. disciple of the 大胃王.
everyone was late as usual. nth special. only 4 of us made it. no need think also know whcih 4 liao lah. justin, jm, ky and me. it will really help if the others are more steady. anyway, paid close to $15 to eat and i think we ate more than the amount we paid.
was fun down there. broke one of my previous record. i ate 14 scoops of ice cream the previous time i went to seoul garden, this time, its doubled until 28. hahahahahaha. thinking that i'm a monster? u are wrong. justin had 30 over scoops. pure ki xiao. i challenged him in an ice cream eating competition and i lost. fair and square. lol. changed the hot plate 4 to 5 times i think. cleared don't know how many mountains of meat.

lol. after all those eating. slimming down and building up of muscles is a must. so tml, we will go to kwoky house to transfer all my rock songs to him then play bball together. long time nv play. itching all over. after that, meeting ky for movie. the last legion.
as for now? gonna slack and talk cock with the 冠军大胃王.
had nth to do. so back to blog. will blog alot these few days, i think. maybe not these few days, this month or so. lol.
before i start. i had this dream ytd. looking left, i saw kobe bryant. tracy mcgrady was on my right. in front of me on the opposite side of the court was shaquille o'neal. so i assume that i'm in nba's all star weekend. i'm in the western all star team. given my height, i inferred that i'm playing the point guad pos. we advanced up the court and kobe passed me the ball and said,"go." so i drived in and attempted a dunk on o'neal. outcome? no good. a block was what i got. come on, driving against o'neal is like running towards a wall for a guy like me.
the next scene. it was the eastern all star's turn to attack and o'neal simply dunked on me so easily. then poof! i woke up. was so shocked and stunned. y? o'neal jumping on u is like a bear or something pouncing on a harmless rabbit. get the image? lol. crap.
back the topic. went out ytd afternoon to meet up with ky and jm. meet just to eat. lol. ky had his first flight today. happy for him. he seems to enjoy it alot. well. its great to see a brother enjoying something so much. hahahahaha. accompany jm to buy his contact lens then off we go to eat.
they were the ones eating, i just tagged along. nv meet them for a couple of days like quite weird. lol. ky was going to meet his family to go comex together. but we found time to go his house to slack for awhile.
after that, left his house and was planning to go home. jm left first while ky and i walked back to the mrt station. we were talking so much that ky decided to pang seh his family and have our own talks. long time nv had a real good chat liao. its nice.
then decided to call the others out also. so call jm and justin out to watch blood brothers. 9.40 show. the time was only like 7.20. so ky went to my house void deck and i went up to take my dinner down to eat and we chatted there.
talked so much. both of us really treasure the gang of brothers now. no one know us so well, inside out and can predict each other's next move. was surprised that ky still remember this incident. it goes like this.
*both of us were out with gwee back then*
*was outside punggol mrt station*
*ky wanted to use the toilet so gwee and i sat there and wait for him*
me: u know what? ky will come out from the other side. then he will run across the road towards the railing. look left then look right. put both his hands on the railing then climb it before joining us back.
gwee: woah. u so sure?
me: wait a few minutes and we'll know if i'm correct or not.
in the end. i was correct. hahahahaha. found anyone who can predict ur next move? try searching. i'm glad that i've found a group of brothers that others may try their whole life searching. so is ky. and we two agreed that this kind of brotherhood can last. others may say it won't because they nv found it.
ppl find us deep and hard to understand. its because we don't click, we can't relate, we don't hit it off and so on. like i said, its near impossible to find someone with the same thinking and temperament as u.
we may appear calm and happy go lucky most of the time. but in our minds, alot of thoughts are running through it. who are we thinking of, what are we planning to do in 2 years time and so on. we may appear like some immature kids to people. but don't ever judge a book by its cover. we may appear nonchalant to stuff around us, but actually we had the perfect plan to settle everything and just won't voice it out as we deem it as unnecessary. we may look like some slackers without goals, but deep down inside, we know we had something big to accomplish and are just waiting for the perfect timing.
finally, we had a very interesting project in our mind. to write our the life stories of all our brothers. we need their help to make it possible. hahahahaha. we both wanna learn how to cook too. ky had his own reason which i won't state here. as for me, i want my future wife to know how to cook also. y? its not because i want my wife to serve me. something like reaching home and expecting dinner to be ready. nope. thats not the reason. its that i want to prepare meals with my wife together. i find it meaningful and loving. lol. something like raising our children together. get it?
anyway. blood brother is a very nice movie. some may find that its not. well different ppl have different perception. do watch it. =)
eating seoul garden and watching the last legion with them later on. planing to eat from 11.30am to night time. lol. impossible? hell no. impossible is nothing. bb peeps.
before i start. i had this dream ytd. looking left, i saw kobe bryant. tracy mcgrady was on my right. in front of me on the opposite side of the court was shaquille o'neal. so i assume that i'm in nba's all star weekend. i'm in the western all star team. given my height, i inferred that i'm playing the point guad pos. we advanced up the court and kobe passed me the ball and said,"go." so i drived in and attempted a dunk on o'neal. outcome? no good. a block was what i got. come on, driving against o'neal is like running towards a wall for a guy like me.
the next scene. it was the eastern all star's turn to attack and o'neal simply dunked on me so easily. then poof! i woke up. was so shocked and stunned. y? o'neal jumping on u is like a bear or something pouncing on a harmless rabbit. get the image? lol. crap.
back the topic. went out ytd afternoon to meet up with ky and jm. meet just to eat. lol. ky had his first flight today. happy for him. he seems to enjoy it alot. well. its great to see a brother enjoying something so much. hahahahaha. accompany jm to buy his contact lens then off we go to eat.
they were the ones eating, i just tagged along. nv meet them for a couple of days like quite weird. lol. ky was going to meet his family to go comex together. but we found time to go his house to slack for awhile.
after that, left his house and was planning to go home. jm left first while ky and i walked back to the mrt station. we were talking so much that ky decided to pang seh his family and have our own talks. long time nv had a real good chat liao. its nice.
then decided to call the others out also. so call jm and justin out to watch blood brothers. 9.40 show. the time was only like 7.20. so ky went to my house void deck and i went up to take my dinner down to eat and we chatted there.
talked so much. both of us really treasure the gang of brothers now. no one know us so well, inside out and can predict each other's next move. was surprised that ky still remember this incident. it goes like this.
*both of us were out with gwee back then*
*was outside punggol mrt station*
*ky wanted to use the toilet so gwee and i sat there and wait for him*
me: u know what? ky will come out from the other side. then he will run across the road towards the railing. look left then look right. put both his hands on the railing then climb it before joining us back.
gwee: woah. u so sure?
me: wait a few minutes and we'll know if i'm correct or not.
in the end. i was correct. hahahahaha. found anyone who can predict ur next move? try searching. i'm glad that i've found a group of brothers that others may try their whole life searching. so is ky. and we two agreed that this kind of brotherhood can last. others may say it won't because they nv found it.
ppl find us deep and hard to understand. its because we don't click, we can't relate, we don't hit it off and so on. like i said, its near impossible to find someone with the same thinking and temperament as u.
we may appear calm and happy go lucky most of the time. but in our minds, alot of thoughts are running through it. who are we thinking of, what are we planning to do in 2 years time and so on. we may appear like some immature kids to people. but don't ever judge a book by its cover. we may appear nonchalant to stuff around us, but actually we had the perfect plan to settle everything and just won't voice it out as we deem it as unnecessary. we may look like some slackers without goals, but deep down inside, we know we had something big to accomplish and are just waiting for the perfect timing.
finally, we had a very interesting project in our mind. to write our the life stories of all our brothers. we need their help to make it possible. hahahahaha. we both wanna learn how to cook too. ky had his own reason which i won't state here. as for me, i want my future wife to know how to cook also. y? its not because i want my wife to serve me. something like reaching home and expecting dinner to be ready. nope. thats not the reason. its that i want to prepare meals with my wife together. i find it meaningful and loving. lol. something like raising our children together. get it?
anyway. blood brother is a very nice movie. some may find that its not. well different ppl have different perception. do watch it. =)
eating seoul garden and watching the last legion with them later on. planing to eat from 11.30am to night time. lol. impossible? hell no. impossible is nothing. bb peeps.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
back with hell lots of photos. they are from the firework fest outings on the 17th and 18th, trip back to dmn and army open house.
first up. 18th august's trip. the fireworks for that day was heard to be from china. lol. first 3 pics are abit blur as there is no auto focus. lol.
waiting for jm to set up the timer.
posing for photo.
second shot.
waiting for fireworks.
took me by surprise.
the merlion.
playing on the escalator.
still playing.
look at the horns, not the girl.
hahahahaha. fooling around again.
ky getting high.
the race up the escalator.
inside the fullerton hotel.
i asked ky to act emo.
emo shot no. 2.
ky: argh! where's post express deli!?!
on the flip side.
justin's turn to act emo.
idiot no. 1. i don't know this guy. he just posed for the pic.
idiot no. 2.
mickey mouse, winnie the pooh and spongebob.
the third law for motion.
fooling around once again.
17th august's photos up next. fireworks are from spain as according to what we heard.
not bad.
ok lor.
nice ride uncle.
he just wanna jump!
the gang.
nice lights.
kung fu fighting.
woo. who's that?
spider man is nth. spider lee is something.
playing again.
hold it there.
still holding.
woah. the big three.
defying gravity.
gaying once again.
the sexiest among them.
with some ang mohs who are permanent residents here. its ky idea to take photo with them. reason we gave? for projects. lol.
drinking the holy saliva of the merlion again.
the ferris wheel.
ky with the small merlion.
may bank and fullerton hotel.
the night scene.
justin's and ky's shoes
jun ming's and my shoes.
ky playing with t100.
merlion during the night.
up next. photos from ytd. only one photo taken in dmn. the rest are at the open house.
some friends from 4e'06 and our maths teacher, mrs koh.
3 or 4?
the bionix bridge don't know what.
air bourne troopers in action.
ky and jm.
sir kwa and staff lim.
the 3 of us.
ky: fire at will!
us again.
and again.
forgot what's that liao.
both of them figuring the stuff on the vehicle.
first up. 18th august's trip. the fireworks for that day was heard to be from china. lol. first 3 pics are abit blur as there is no auto focus. lol.
17th august's photos up next. fireworks are from spain as according to what we heard.
up next. photos from ytd. only one photo taken in dmn. the rest are at the open house.
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