Saturday, December 30, 2006
anyway, stayed home on christmas eve. that's sad. ppl were out there having fun. but can't help it. all my brothers are either working or unable to make it cause their parents don't allow them to stay out all night. went out to eat burger king with my mum at around 10pm. she said she feel like eating. so i blanjar her lor. got pay liao so got money. other than that, stayed home to play ps2 until 3 plus.
christmas day was abit more lively i guess. went to east coast with dong kai to look for ky. went to parkway to spend some quality time with these two brothers. seriously life is getting boring liao. lol. but can't do anything can we? in order to earn money, we must lose our quality time together. slacked from 2 plus to almost 6 then we accompany him back to his restaurant after that i went home. not bad. my younger bro bought pizza for everyone. hahahahaha. ate 6 slices. well. those are the leftovers cause i reached home slightly late.
worse of all, the game that i was playing - final fantasy xii spoilt. well there is something wrong with the disc. need to get it changed and fast. if not my life at home will be hell. i feel like working again. but the boss haven't called. hope he won't tuar me like tong le did.
at last, went out with brothers ytd. went to watch deathnote 2. its cool man. battle of the wits. but both the main character, l and light die in the end. lol. sad case. anyway. i missed watching night in the musuem with jun jie they all. can't make it. back to main topic again. before we went to waych deathnote at gv vivo city. we went to bugis to do some shopping. yeah. ky bought 2 jeans and 2 shirts i guess. i bought a skate shoe. a high cut converse will be my next target after i work again. lol. we had quite a fun time lah. i mean. try to imagine jun ming, dk, ky and me together. hell lor. we tried to suan the hell out of each other. but it turned out that dk, ky and me form an alliance against jm. lol. after that jm went home. cause he wasn't watching deathnote. met up with jun jie. wai kit and jun liang to watch deathnote. dk wasn't watching in the first place so we didn't boooked his ticket. but in the end he changed his mind and wanted to join in.
so he rushed to get the tickets first. but the queue was damn long. can't get the ticket on time. in the end, we decided to smuggle him in. but were caught. so damn suay lor. anyway, he waited for us until the movie ends. then we went to newton to have dinner. lol. talked alot of jiao wei there. anyway, i still can't accept the fact the jun liang gets $500 a month. haix. after that, we went home lor.
well. don't really know when we will meet up again liao. the future is that uncertain. but we planned to have a mass lan outing again next time. just to relive the jiao wei-ing moments. the moment where we guai lan and xia lan each other with lan gaming. it will be fun. i am looking forward to it.
lastly, bought quite alot of stuff lately, two famous stars and stripes t shirt, a green colour three quarter pants, a black jeans and a skate shoe. hahahaha. not bad. more stuffs on my next payday. wonder when it will be.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
anyway, through some very major incidents, i found out that character is the most important factor that bond brothers and couples together bah. what i am trying to mean is that, when ppl of almost the same characteristic and thinking communicate, it is easier for them to understand each other thoughts. whereas the ppl of very different characteristic will mistook one another and conflicts arrive. yah? i think ppl like khai yew, jun jie, jun ming kang soon and dong kai will understand what i mean with ease. being born in the same month and having the same horoscope, jj, jm, ky and me had this sort of special bonds that we understands each other almost instantly. thus this explains for the few conflicts among us. not say that there was nv conflicts among us, but it is very little. on the otherhand, ks was my brother since sec 1 and dk was my brother since sec 2. more or less, as we spend time together, we understand each other better and know what we mean.
but still, there are some ppl that we can be brothers with, but it is harder for them to understand our thoughts. yah? ppl like zheng hong. well. no matter how hard i tried to explain to him at times, he won't understand what i mean. and vice versa. i don't understand his words too. but why is this so? what causes these special bonds among ppl? why can't this person understand that person as well as another party does? why some ppl are able to understand a particular person's thoughts with ease whereas others struggle with it?
is all these incapability to communicate among some party that causes conflicts? is this why some ppl mistook another party's words and actions and thinks negatively when they sees things from only their point of view? is it the failure to communicate or failure to see things from each other point of views that ppl get into conflicts? or is it because of human being's selfishness that sometimes conflicts arouse? or is it due to our protective intuitions at work sometimes, that ppl shoot baseless facts from their mouth in our so called backstabbing in order to protect ourselves that conflicts happened? or is it because one thinks that he or she isn't at fault that they go against those that they was once closed with and find faults in them that ppl have conflicts?
and when conflicts arises, many ppl will take many different ways out. some with get to the bottom of it and talk things out nicely with one another. whereas others will shut themselves off from their usual hangouts and escape. not facing the matter. also, why is it that ppl having different way of solving things? is it because of the term characteristic? is it really this term that some take the blunt and straight forward confrontation to explain things out whereas others take the cowardly method of avoiding the matter or our so called escapism to solve things?
for all these, i can only say that i'm just a kid too. and ppl reading this post. i am not crapping. i meant something here. those ppl that has the so called special bond to me will understand which matter i am directing at. anyway. its pretty obvious.
i know who you are.
Monday, December 18, 2006
as i took the bus to the interchange, the disturbance gets only stronger, nv subsiding. it suffocates me. i felt an intense pressure inside my chest. i need to release this unknown feelings. as i alighted the bus and walked towards my usual meeting place with shamir, i saw it. the disturbance in the force. the source of it. the root to my sufferings.
the source was a big black piece of moving shit. yeah. air cadets adore him, they worship the very ground he walked. whereas to land cadets, the very sight of him irritates them and his presence instantly spoils their day. to air cadets, his voice is equilibrium to smoothing music but to land cadets, his voice can only wake the dead. this source tried to tear dunman ncc land down, but in vain. he pushed dunman ncc air to new heights. a good leader to teachers. a dog to land cadets. who he is, i do not need to mention. land cadets know it for themselves. =)
well, today was my payday. so i met up with jun jie and shamir. on my way to take the bus. i saw josh. he dyed his hair. seriously, he looked very shuai leh. not bad. if he continues like this, alot of girls will be crazy over him. hahahahaha. went to our office to get our pay cheques. they took the whole morning to calculate our pay and sign the cheques. to my surprise, my initial gauge of $440 was wrong. i earned around $500 instead. not bad. worked 8 days and i earned around $500. so after that, we went to ocbc bank to cash out our cheques. woohoo. the feeling was great. its my first payday. its great to have so much money in ur wallet. wahahahahaha. all my hardwork paid off.
ate lunch and returned home. upon returning, i returned my bro the $150 i owed him. so i am left with $350. its still enough for me to buy my bass. wahahahahaha. finally, after so long. i finally earned enough money to own a bass. its hard, but its worth the while. now, all i had to do is to find the time and learn. one step further. but before that, i need to earn more money. to buy clothes and prepared for a new year with new challenges ahead.
anyway, my mum brought me to the posb bank to open a new personal account. yah, i nv had a personal account. all i had was a joint account with my mum. its good to have an atm card, but i must not abuse this privillege. i must have some money management. anyway, its good to be like an adult.
after that, went home to slack awhile before meeting ky and dk. they went to orchard to slack in the morning but i can't tag along. so ended up meeting them in tampines. it's been long. yah, it's been a long time since i met up with them. had a chance to meet up with dk. his clt course pop. but i can't make it. i had to work the next day and on that day, i was too tired. so sorry my bro for missing out on your passing out parade.
talked with them, to keep ourselves updated on each other's life. then walked around to look for clothings. saw some damn cool ones. reasonable price too. well, but i don't think i have alot of money. what can $350 do? lol.
think that's all bah. bye peeps
i do things my own way,
so keep your comments to yourself.
i do everything for a reason,
if you don't know the reason,
i will appreciate it if you shut up
and stop talking like you know the right way.
because you are just a teenager like i am.
Friday, December 15, 2006
second reason is due to the fact that more and more ppl are working for my company to distribute the catalogues. at first there was only 5 of us plus a malay lady who was already a seasoned worker there. but these few days came another 5 applicants, 2 indians and 3 chinese. so this contributes more competition to the already low number of offices left available. somemore the probability of being able to walk pass the security guards without being stopped is 1/10 whereas the probability of clearing an offices building with a 100% success rate is 9/23. the overall probability to distribute catalogues to all the tenants in an office building is 1/10 x 9/23 which is 9/230. lol. these statistics were provided by jun jie and justin. lol.
third reason was, its time to move on. move on as in find another job to gain the experience and look at the world from another perspective. by distributing catalogues, i saw how ppl working in offices are like. now, i wanna distribute fliers, to see how the citizens of singapore is like. hahahahahaha. anyway, after distributing catalogues, i start to hate ppl working as receptionists and security guards. anyway, for security guards. i understand. they wanted to ensure the safety of the building. as for receptionists. some of them just pissed me off.
i will explain why here with an extract of my conversation with one of those receptionists. here's the scenario, i was distributing catalogues in this particular building and was down to my last catalogue. i was already damn tired as i had been walking non stop for the whole day already. finally, i found this office and press the door bell.
receptionist: "hello may i help you?"
me: "erm , sorry. i am distributing a free catalogue."
receptionist: "oh, what kind of catalogue?"
me: "it's about hampers and gifts."
receptionist: "what company are u from?"
me: "i am from hazel florist and gifts."
receptionist: "oh ok. where is your company?"
me: "it's at lhk3 building in new industrial road near paya lebar."
receptionist: "you can slip the catalogue through the hole beneath the door."
me: "but i need your company stamp for verification."
receptionist: "then i don't want it anymore."
at that time, i was so pissed. ask so much but ended up not wanting the catalogue. so this is what i did. i started the mp3 in my phone. set to max volume. and press the doorbell again.
receptionist: "may i help you?"
i placed the loudspeaker of my handphone at the aiphone and let the receptionist enjoyed 'dammit' sang by blink 182. then i ran way. lol.
so yah. ended my job. wanna thanks uncle bing hwa and uncle jeffrey for sending us to our location everyday.
next up, ppl its time again. its time for jeremy's poon jiao wei show! today's topic will be about the most hated ppl by teenagers working during holidays. lol. for this show, i took my source from me myself. ky, who is currently working as a waiter at tong le. and jun jie, my bro who worked with me to distribute catalogues.
according to these sources, ppl distributing catalogues hates receptionists the most and ppl working as waiters like ky hates his fellow waiters.
firstly, i will talked about receptionists. those receptionists that smile and gave me a nice day while i worked. i thank you all for being so kind. but, when there are good ppl, there will confirm be bad ppl. they are some receptionists that gave u a black face when u enter their company. there are also those that make stupid noises when u asked them for their company stamp. worse, there are those that don't open the door when it is so darn obvious that there are ppl in the office. even worse, there are those that asked alot shit and reject u in the end. worst, there are those idiots that asked alot, opened the door for u then asked u to get lost. wth, waste time only.
anyway, the fellow waiters i mentioned just now are those aunties who are already half way inside the coffin. but this does not matters. according to ky, looks can be deceiving, even though they are old, their mouths aren't. the older they are, the more pro they are at complaining. lol. the age of waitresses is directly proportional to their ability at complaining.
those waitress only know how to complain about how lousy and disorganised the restaurant was. and will compare the current restaurant they are working for to those they had worked in before. saying shits like how lousy this current restaurant is. wth. these aunties really are senile. their brains can't work. if u think the previous restaurant is better, then go work there. don't stay, complain and torture ppl's ear. their ear are used for more useful purpose than listening to u all these old chickens squabbling down there.
one last final thing. don't u guys think that there is something common about old waitresses and receptionists? lol. here's the answer. they are all female. yah, women and ladies. i am not guai lan-ing girls here. but ain't it an irony? when these so called old females are young, boys like us will be crazy over them. but when they are old and naggy and noisy, boys like us find them a pain in our asses. i am thinking what will happen when i got married and my wife starts to make the so called "music" for me to "enjoy'? will i silence them by divorcing? or go with the saying that goes if you can't beat them, then join them and join in their so called "music" making pastime?
hahahahahahaha. i don't know. will think about it in the weekends. and so, here i end my jeremy poon jiao wei show episode 2! bye ppl.
Monday, December 11, 2006
so today went back to work. will show u guys some photos of my so called transportation to work. and my work place. work place as in the place where i pack my catalogues. lol.

here is the a shot from the back view of my transportation which is a van. this van wil spoil soon if jun jie and me won't stop shaking it every morning. lol.

this. is the aftermath caused by justin, jun jie and me every morning after we had finished packing our catalogues. lol. and who will do the cleaning up? uncle bing hwa aka ah bing. he is our driver and supervisor.
due to the fact that i am super bored now. i will bring u all through my so called daily work routine. =)
every morning, my "dammit" hp alarm ring tone will go off at 7. i will perform my daily ammenities and slack awhile. at 8, i will leave home for the bus interchange. will roughly reach there by 8.20. will take bus or walk to the interchange depending on my mood and situation.
once i reached the interchange. i will meet up with ppl like shamir and maybe gwee. then we will take bus no.22 to work. while borading the bus. i will take note of the bus number plate and sms its plate number to jun jie and justin. so that they will know which bus to board. lol.
after we all met up. we will all talk crap. mostly about games or suaning ppl. hahahahahaha. gwee will be listening to her mp3 and shamir will just take a nap or laugh with us. he is very quiet. as always. hahahahaha.
after we reached the work place, we will wait and meet up with ah bing in our so called mission briefing room. hahahahaha. after that. we will go and update our accounts and return to briefing room for a swift briefing on that day's location. hahahahaha.
after mission briefing. we will go and collect the catalogues and move it to the company's van on our own while ah bing settles his stuff. hahahahaha. here comes the fun part. either jun jie on me will climb onto the trolley and one of us will push the other one around. jem and jun pro trolley. lol. tony hawk pro skater can scram. hahahahahaha. once we reached the basement and loaded the van with that day's catalogue. we will try our best to move the van. damn. the van is heavy man. spammerzord(justin), ultraman almost+10(me) and breadman(jun jie) combine forces still can't move the darn van. lol. so we will find other means to spoil it. and that is to shake it! lol.
hahahahahaha. after ah bing reached the basement. we will start to pack the catalogues while ah bing drives us to our destination.
once we reached. its time to get serious and distribute the catalogues door to door to earn our salary. lunch time is damn random. whenever u feel like eating or having a break. go ahead. lol.
we will work all the way until 4 plus. after that, we either go home ourselves or meet up again to go slack together or talk about that day's funny event. lol.
ytd, went to watch flags of our fathers with jun jie, justin and gwee. omg. here is my advice. to those who haven't watch that show. save ur money. to those who watched, wasted. hahahahahah. seriously, that movie is not really as good as all my brothers thought. the nicest part was the warring part. but it does not really shows alot. headshot scenes are nice though. hahahahahaha. as commented by jun jie, that movie is for emo buggers or punkrockers like lau zheng hong. only ppl with this talent will enjoy it. lol. nice one lah jun.
its 12.17am now. have to wake up at 7am. got to catch some slp. lol. hope tml we won't be distributing catalogues again. will do something easier first. like packing hampers as they said. hahahahahahaha. but still. i don't mind distributing catalogues.
just a man, i'm not a hero
Saturday, December 09, 2006
hahahahaha. 3 days and i earned around 160 bucks. not bad? i think so too. but the money come in exchange for my sweat, energy and back pain. hahahahahaha. its real hard earn money. now i know. how hard it is to earn money. hahahahaha.
shall elaborate more on second day yah? since i talked about the first day liao. second day, i went solo. distribute catalogues on my own. gwee went to help her mum out at her mum's childcare centre in bishan. i earned 6o bucks on that day. well. i did 3 rounds. first round, i took 30 catalogues, second round 50 and last round 40. second round was the toughest. try to imagine carrying 50 catalogues on ur back. and u need to descend the stairs and visit the offices one by one, door to door.
lol. its also the funniest day lah. i went to keypoint located at beachroad to distribute. that building was protected by security guards. i went in and out of the building several times. carrying the catalogues in my hands, and the guards did not notice. lol. maybe i am too good at sneaking around. hahahahaha. so i distributed all the catalogues to almost all the offices in that 26 storey high office building. hahahahaha. here comes the funny part. after i gave the catalogue to the last and final company of that day. the security guard approached me and told me that distributing catalogues is not allowed in the building and they escorted me out. hahahahahaha. lame ain't it. escorting me out after my final company and despite me walking past them for so many times. and even if i got escorted out. its nth to me because i earned more than enough for that day already. hahahahahaha. working is fun. and i am addicted to it. lol.
then 3rd day, which was ytd, i went to the jtc industrial park in kallang. haix. business was slightly poorer today. why? the offices in jtc was located far apart and only a few companies are in one block of office buildings. so gwee and me had to walk to another building to start distributing catalogues again. these caused us alot of precious time. earned 45 bucks ytd. not bad still huh? despite the obstructions. finally, the dreadful kallang area was cleared. hahahahahaha. thanks to jun jie and justin, cause they had been working there and suffering there for two days straight. lol.
starting from next week, i do not need to distribute catalogues anymore. lol. i was transferred to the hamper packaging department togther with jun jie and justin. the best part is that maybe we will be the supervisors for that department. because they will need students for the packaging of hampers and by then, the 3 of us will be considered the seasoned workers. so we will supervise them and maybe pack the hampers at the same time. hope that we will be paid more than the newcomers lol.
and also, next week, jun ming and his pri sch friend will be coming to join us. it depends lah. see what are they decisions. heard from jun ming that his pri sch friend is a rich guy. lol. not i am what, but i hope that he won't be like jinghan. the job a little bit tough then don't wanna work anymore. like i said before. if it ain't tiring, it ain't working. yah yah yah. i know i said it alot of times hahahahahaha. so lets hope he will have the passion to work.
hahahahaha. eunice lai will be joining us too. hahahahahaha. rc asked me so i tell him lor. hope that she will be employed too.
ok lah. that's all for today. yah i know. it's a boring post. but pardon me. i am damn tired now. plus my shoulders hurts from all the carrying of catalogues. =x
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
working is fun. its the first time in so many years that i do something with so much enthusiasm. lol. why? i find that through working. i can see how ugly this world is. to better improve my understanding of this term call reality. to meet all sorts of ppl. ppl from all walks of life. to broaden my knowledge about the ways of life, the street smart style. yah. to me, i always think that being streets smart is way better than being book smart. seriously think about it. what good does it have when u know everything under the sun but you are not flexible and can't utilise whatever shit that u had learnt? its equal to nothing yah? years of hardwork trying to absorb as much knowledge as you can going down the drain.
hmmm. ok. what did i work as? everyone of u must be dying to know yah? lol. i went to distribute catalogues. yah. putting books of catalogues in my backpack and carrying them around to distribute them to offices. door to door. lol. after distributing to the offices. i will need their company stamp to verify that i had distributed the catalogues. one company stamp will earn me 50 cents. lol. this job depends on ur speed and luck. hahahahaha. actually. luck is the deciding factor for how much you earn a day. hahahahaha.
while working. i get to walk around. run around. its the kind of work that i like. no need to be working in a room. so boring. and while running around to distribute the catalogues. i can get to see the different kind of ppl with my own eyes. ppl as in employees or employers working in the offices. lol.
hmmmm. not bad. i am enjoying my work. i earned slightly over $50 today. $53.50 to be exact. lol. we need a partner to work with. gwee was my partner. we distributed a total of 215 catalogues today. i distributed 107 while gwee had 108. hahahahaha.not bad. but tml, i will be working solo. hahahahaha. working on my own. not bad. have a chance to enjoy spending time on my own.
seriously. the work ain't very tiring at all. i wonder why jing han will complain that it is very tiring. hahahahaha. 30 catalogues in ur bag is not very tiring at all. maybe its due to all the ncc trainings i had at these years. seriously. i am not targeting anyone here. if you wanna work, don't complain. if work is not tiring, it ain't work anyone. furthermore, you are just an employee. its already very good that u are employed. many others will want the chance to work also. life is like this. to gain something, u must lose something in exchange. for the money, u lose your energy. this is the reality. that is how money is being earned. it is a trade. no pain, no gain. if all the time, u wanna get on with life smoothly without any challenges. what the hell are u living ur life for? u have only one life. live it to the fullest, learn all u can, do whatever u can. don't live with regrets. don't regret for not doing this or that when u are old and gray. if u wanna get on with life so easily. u might as well give it up. to those ppl lying in the hospital and being tormented by terminal diseases. they will seriously appreciate the chance u bestow upon them, and lead a more fulfilling life than u. =)
yah. i agree. i'm not in the position to talk all these crap. because i used to be one such person. happy go lucky. just wanna slack. don't wanna work. but now, i changed. i wanna do stuff and enjoy my life working and learning. learning not as in studying. to me, studying still sucks to the core. i wanna be moulded into a leader. who is able to lead ppl. lead ppl in the correct way and not negatively. i may make mistakes. but i will learn from them.
lol. ok lah. thats all. bb ppl. work tml.
say it ain't so, i will not go
turn the lights off, carry me home.
keep your head still, i'll be your thrill,
the night will go on, my little windmill.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
so now, i am going to talk about some nonsense. feel free to exit this blog if it bores you ppl out. the way out is the red cross you see at the top right hand corner of the window. yah? try searching for it. for some others who are lazy to move the mouse. here's another way. just find the alternate button and f4 button. and press them together. it will work i think.
today, i shall talk about talent and hardwork. yah. lame? i don't think so. for those who finds it lame. again. feel free to exit. the way out is stated in the previous paragraph. for those ppl who are intersted to enjoy my lil show. i have some advices to give first. go to ur kitchen, grab a packet of chips and a can drink. make sure u are are comfortable. sit back, relax and enjoy my show. so now, according to, talent means a special natural ability or aptitude, whereas hardwork means being zealous in the tasks you do? shows no result for hardwork. aiyah. just heck it. you ppl are not so dumb to that extend i assume.
ok. everyone are born with a special talents in which they are the master of that specific art. whereas others try very hard to attain that some specific art in which they had no talent in. an example for those who don't understand. i will take khai yew, my dear usm and lau zheng hong, my dear friend to make an example. ky was naturally born a slacker, so his special talent should be slacking. and ky had already mastered the art of being a slacker. whereas zh on the other hand. is born a hardworking down to earth naive little boy. yah? don't u guys agree? so zh will have a hard time trying to be a slacker. or in other words. he will never be one unless he tries very hard. as for being hardworking. it will be vice versa. ky will have a hard time trying to be a hardworking boy whereas zh will score full marks for being hardworking if there is such an exam testing one on their hardworkingness without breaking a sweat. so understand ppl?
i will state why i use ky and zh as an example here. hahahahahaha. ky and zh gives me a feeling that they both oppose each other in every means. be it the way they do things, their aspects of life, their thinking, the way the treat ppl blah blah blah. basically, they are just like yin and yang. totally opposite of each other which makes them the best choice for making an example. who to be yin and who's yang. its up to you ppl.
anyway. ky surely makes a perfect example for ppl being talented in slacking. days before o's. this slacker who had attained nirvana in slacking is still slacking around and playing games. coh, gba are just some examples. this kinda ppl are skilled man. hahahahaha. they have very short attention span. so they do not study much, but they absorb knowledge freaking fast. hahahahahaha. that's the way mother nature creative her being on this planet. in order to make up for ky's lack in attention span, he has super fast knowledge absorbing ability. and ky, my bro, if u are reading this, i am praising u and not suaning u ok? cause i am just like u.
ok. now lau zheng hong also totally fits my expectations for a hardworking down to earth naive little boy. hahahahaha. why? weeks and maybe months before o's, this hardworking boy was already going home practically everyday to study. yeah. hardworking yah? so i can say, he too attain nirvana. but! its nirvana for being hardworking and not slacking this time. and up next, i will state some facts in which u ppl will surely agree with me why ky and zh gives me the yin and yang effects. zh has long attention span but he absorbs knowledge slower. this talent is totally opposite to that of ky. hahahahaha. zh is the type that all the boss like. hardworking, down to earth and honest. lol. zheng hong, my fellow supernumerary and bro, i am not suaning u too ok? i'm praising u too. pardon me for all these nonsense. i am god damn sian.
oh yah. before i forget. i wanna rant here! hahahahaha. my own bro is a wasted talent man. y? he has this knack for basketball. yah, this talent for it. only 30 minutes of exposure and he shoots more accurately than me in the paint. xiao? pro? really? wtf? yah! he is this talented in basketball. but he just don't like it! me on the other hand. was nv talented in basketball. i started playing basketball since like primary 2? yah. i took me 3 years yah. until primary 5. to show nicely in the paint. see the difference? 3 years and 30 minutes? til now. sec 4 since primary 2. i had been playing basketball for around 9 years. and what am i now? in my attempt to acheive more. i injured myself. wrist, waist and knee. you ppl know it. why did i had to work so hard? its because i do not have talent in basketball. to bros, u all may think my basketball skills is quite good. but as compared to others, and the time they took to master it. u will see that i actually am nth. this game call basketball is still a mystery to me. why is it a mystery? it is because i have already reached my limit in my basketball skills whereas i still see some kiddo who have not reached their limits yet. why is this so? is it really because there is something call talent? why is michael jordon a god in basketball whereas some other nba players are still struggling to find their place?
hahahahaha. ok lah. will think about it with my ample amount of time. thanks ppl for your kind attention. lol. for those who are still eating your chips or still drinking your can drinks. save them for next time or finish them off now or throw them away. lol. its up to u! hahahahahaha. jeremy signing off.