been a pretty busy week. my boss wasn't around for the week so supposedly, we should be more free than usual, seems like thats not the case eh. software testing on monday and tuesday. pretty fun to be testing out a video editing software. i should say its one hell of a software.
for wed and thursday, been rushing out paperwork like a mad dog. non stop man. when you thought u were almost done, in came another set. hahahahahaha.
as for ytd. went down to camford business sch to do training for the video editing software i tested out. quite a nice "out of office" experience, but was kinda pissed. the freaking sch requested for training for their lecturers and they themselves weren't paying attention. felt like throwing my shoes at them.
they confirm can't dodge it. i'm the legendary v4 rocket pro. the last shot that i fired was way back in sec 4 at sim jing han. that guy is so big and i hit he's dick of all places. hahahahahaha. the sound freaking solid somemore.
anyway back to topic. those freaking lecturers. them not paying attention are unforgivable. they asked for the training session and we gave them one. their situation wasn't like mine. i don't pay attention during lectures because i have no choice but to attend, its not like i asked for those lectures. get what i'm trying to say?
good luck in asking us to do free trainings again. no way man. i'll ask my boss to charge u all. lol.
met up with roy on wednesday. meet up for dinner and then he came to my house to settle some psp stuff. nice meet up i should say.
but! nth beats meeting up with my brothers. ky and jm. met up today just to hang around. weekly practice i should say. went to survey the area that ky kena summon, times to freeload again and then burger king to crap. their marathon experiences are interesting. wanna predict my marathon timing if i ever run in one? i predict dnf. lol!
oh yah. lakers won ytd's nba finals game 1. 100-75. kobe had 40 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists. hahahahaha. as expected from him. showing up whenever it mattered the most. keep this momentum man. let's go lakers!
thursday night! almost forgot about that incident. lol. was about to go to slp then saw this cockroach on my bro's bed. so went out to tell my mum i need her help in killing that pest.
strategy one. double team defense. my mum told me to spam pesticide at it when she used something to push it to the floor. sounds nice? plan backfired big time. the moment my mum attempted to push it, that cb cockroach took flight. yah, it fucking fly. its one hell of a kar zhuar.
next move? retreat lah. knn. normal cockroach already scare the shit out of me and now a flying one? eh, cannot call my pussy leh. everyone's got their fear. its just a sad case that i'm scared of cockroach. ky's scared of frog leh.
last move. my mum tried isolation play. and the best thing for me to do? get the hell out of her way. cannot possibly we 2 go in and blocked each other's way when that fucker is flying mah. so she went in and played one on one with that flying fuck. her weapon of choice? pesticide. she spammed that pesticide machiam its like para sia. i think she used up half a bottle leh.
best moment was the non stop spamming of the pesticide when the cockroach was already dying. then maybe its to vent her anger, my mum rolled up a newspaper and whacked the living shit out of the small amount of life force that's left of the damn kar zhuar. fucking funny. from thriller to comedy.
finally peace again. time to kun. so yah, i think it would definitely be a plus point if my future wife is not afraid of kar chuar. cannot be we 2 are afraid of the cockroach mah. what if one day one of it appears in our bed room? we 2 let it dominate and slp in living room meh? hahahahaha. but if she's scared. then bo bian lor. a man's gonna do what a man's gonna do at times. aiyah! future thing. who the hell knows what will happen? maybe i'll be a bachelor for life and have to face kar zhuars by myself? sad shit man.
noticed that greenday's new album is gaining some significant playtime on the radio. not bad. its an epic album i should say. really like it alot. anyway, i personally always thought that blink 182 has an unexplainable edge over greenday, so i'm expecting alot from blink's new album. but then again, i don't dare to set it too high in case of drastic disappointment. so take ur time lah huh blink 182. if u need one year to come up with that album then i'll wait one year. already waited for so long. one more year should be nth. i just hope that the new album will blow my mind off.
talking about blowing ppl's mind off.

ok lah. slp!
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