Sunday, August 31, 2008
mass lan with ky, jm, jj, waikit, zhong bao, peiren, jun liang and chung lim on friday. nice! cs and then team fortress 2.
ky, jm , chung lim and me won 2 out of 3 rounds against the npcc peeps plus jun liang. smoke grenade spamming in bloodstrike was hell fun. can't even tell where u are going and who u are shooting at.
the npcc spastic buggers team kill-ed each other with grenades while in the smokescreen.
i friendly fired at ky leaving him with only 12hp out of his full 100 after he came charging out of the smokescreen. he told me it was him but my hands couldn't react. chung lim headshot me with usp arctic when my head pop-ed out of the smokescreen to fire at waikit.
for the de dust 2 map. in the tunnel, there's this staircase leading to bomb side b. i ran into the tunnel planning to go to site b to plant the bomb but was assualted by one of the counter terror. there was this short cross fire but the guy went down the stairs. jm killed that guy, but i didn't know it. so i threw a he grenade down the stairs and even chionged down to friendly fire at jm. hahahahaha.
having ky cover ur back wasn't safe at all cause he won't help out during cross fire and will just stand there looking at u firing at the opponent.
dinner at plaza sing kfc. crapped there before leaving for tampines. supper at tampines mac with chung lim, ky and jm. played dai di while eating supper. home sweet home after that.
today, helped my uncle solved his computer connection prob, wait for my father's friend to help us check on our own coms. too noob, can't solved them myself. supper at tm with ky. walked and slacked around.
saw jordan selling moon cakes at cs. he was ky's primary sch classmate. nice arh? lol.
anyway. both ky and my heart stopped pumping for 1 second on 2 occassions separately. ky's was because of his lack of experience with some life situation whereas mine was a reaction to some crap that ky told me.
shall stop here. purpose was to waste time while waiting for one piece to load. lol.
so predictable.
Friday, August 29, 2008
¦ JJ ¦ says:
eh so tmr play how long lan?
¦ JJ ¦ says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
¦ JJ ¦ says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
expected... says:
play until says:
play until ur dick bruised
¦ JJ ¦ says:
hahahahaha. thats call planning for post exam events during pre exam period.
think i should go slp and wake up earlier tml to study abit. 1 chapter left. chi-sqaure.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 says:
peiren said sell him 120
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahaha... says:
market price 170-190
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
he boss leh... says:
i wan take 150 says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
just say 140...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
145 to be exact... says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
25 from his price...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
and 25 from market price... says:
haha says:
ok 140
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
145! says:
aiyah brother nvm la
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
$5 can eat one chicken rice... says:
WHA says:
THEN 150
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
u want 2 chicken rice? says:
but then pr FA leh says:
i also FA
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
fa arh
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
free lor...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
145 lah! says:
haha cb
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
best price... says:
aiyah 140 la says:
brother brother
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
then 140 lor...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
he damn sian lor...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
brother brother...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
$5 discount only? says:
5 discount? says:
market 170-190 says:
i 140!! haha says:
good brother
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
then 140 lor... says:
*copied from another conver*
26th aug_the class outing is fun yet painful due to sunburnt says:
but wif charger right?
26th aug_the class outing is fun yet painful due to sunburnt says:
don cui me says:
26th aug_the class outing is fun yet painful due to sunburnt says:
then pass me jus the console says:
f la
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahaha... says:
kao pei
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
tell him talk somemore...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
only really give console... says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
no mmr card...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
no charger... says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
then still network update...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
no pirated games! says:
wha 140 + mc + charger + all games says:
hahahahaha says:
he ask me got casing? says:
got cloth wipe screen?
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
tell him... says:
wha cb
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
summore bullet proof...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
shock proof...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
peiren proof... says:
hahaha says:
haha wha sell psp sell hp says:
save $ for psp 3000 says:
u know how much? says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
psp3000? says:
the 3rd one
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
wah fuck!
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
new psp!!!
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
cb! says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
still slim right? says:
400 + 8gb mc (100) = 500 says:
slim and lite + HIGHER resolution screen + built in mic for skype says:
is nth one lor
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
i feel so noob with my slim now... says:
slim now 280 says:
tat one 400 says:
wha i need work liao says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
but built in mic for skype abit dumb...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
ppl dunno think u ki xiao...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
talk to psp... says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahaha... says:
knn everything also spoil says:
com spoil says:
soon it will auto shut down
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
mine also no better... says:
today almost send my phone for repair
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
think graphic card failing...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
nv watch porn at all still got prob... says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
how come? says:
security code says:
cannot unlock phone
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahahaha... says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahahahahaha! says:
play with my friend then lock phone says:
call nokia...PHONE INSPECTION 30+++ says:
unlock s code another $$$++++
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
easy money arh?
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
unlock phone for someone with itchy hands like u... says:
yah la says:
no cox my friend play my phone says:
so i lock says:
then ccb lock already cannot unlock haha says:
then try 2 hours leh says:
until another 1 come tell me needa wait 5min then try correct code then can unlock if not how many times u try correct code also no use
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
act smart lah... says:
haha nokia f one says:
phone inspection
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
ended up phone smarter... says:
haha says:
i dunnoe got the 5min thing says:
no wonder keep trying cannot i thought i key in wrong code
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
i also dunno... says:
default for nokia is 12345 if no change
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
yah... says:
key in wrong 3 times
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
i know that... says:
then need wait 5min says:
i try 2 hours straight says:
many combinations
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
but the 5 minutes one i dunno... says:
i also dunnoe
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahahaha... says:
i almost went from 00000000 - 9999999
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! says:
until a saviour came
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
if u ever do that... says:
serious lor no joke says:
try tat also cannot cox no 5min break says:
imagine i try that still fail i sure throw on the floor
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
i think u for once...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
dumber than lauzh...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
hahahahahaha... says:
haha says:
cb i dunnoe got 5min thing rite says:
haha says:
anyway says:
fri npcc guys watch movie says:
i no $ says:
so maybe meet wait for them
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
i know...
:: Jay El Jay Edge :: slow, burn, let it all fade out. says:
saw waikit ytd... says:
fri go sell hp says:
can return u $ says:
er i go 1st bye
nice conver. that guy nv fails to come up with stupid things. hahahaha.
as for today? lazy to summarise also. so shall use jm's famous blogging style.
time: 0930.
where: bedroom (just woke up)
situation: was supposed to meet justin, kelvin and siva outside dunman to visit teachers and play bball.
objective/s: i'm damn late! get my ass out of the house asap.
time: 1015.
what: bus stop.
situation: munching on my bun.
objective/s: finish my bun and continue waiting for the god damn bus which take like eons to arrive.
time: 1045.
where: on the bus.
situation: justin sms-ed me to check on my location.
objective/s: ask for 10 to 15 minutes grace and hope my bus reach on time.
time: 1055.
where: outside dunman.
situation: can't get into dunman cause new rule required visitors to make appointments. what the fuck!
objective/s: sms and call teachers to ask for help.
time: 1200.
where: still outside dunman.
situation: tired of waiting.
objective/s: tried out my masterplan and hope it works as none of the teachers replied.
time: 1205.
where: at dunman's security post.
situation: planned fail partially.
objective/s: asked for help.
time: 1210.
where: dunman canteen.
situation: planned succeeded thanks to mr lee.
objective/s: talk to mr lee and then try out court.
time: 1300.
where: outside dunman.
situation: done with visiting, mrs vijay isn't in sch due to maternal leave.
objective/s: cannot use dmn court so when down to simei indoor court.
time: 1315.
where: simei indoor court.
situation: raining, wet floor, saw jm's classmates ekayusa and vincent.
objective/s: enjoy balling with justin, kelvin, siva, ekayusa and vincent.
time: 1600.
where: eastpoint, kobayashi.
situation: hungry like one fucker.
objective/s: fill my stomach.
time: 1700.
where: eastpoint, kobayashi.
situation: just finished lunch, crapping and resting.
objective/s: go back to balling.
time: 1710.
where: simei indoor court.
situation: more ppl.
objective/s: continue balling.
time: 1830.
where: simei indoor court.
situation: just finished playing a couple of matches.
objective/s: go home.
time: 1845.
where: east point.
situation: cleaning up and changing clothes.
objective/s: buy drinks and walk back to tampines interchange with justin.
time: 1930.
where: tampines interchange.
situation: just reached tampines interchange.
objective/s: accompany justin until he board his bus and then continue walking home.
current condition? my leg knee is aching. actually whole body is, but the ache in my knee is stronger. played 4 matches i think, won 3, loss 1. justin said my shooting had alot of improvement at a cost of a slight drop in my driving abilities. =)
ok lah. shall stop now. will post those photos that i converted into sketches when i have the time. total of 79 sketches. all are my fondest memories.
haix, need to study for bus stats tml. sad case.
cause nobody's there.
needless to say, i went into full time slacking mode already. what? there's business stats? fuck it for now, thursday then start worrying.
so this is what i did. slpt at 1am, woke up at 3pm, bballing with justin, played psp, walked around tm, freeloaded at times, watched movies on my com, watched one piece, etc.
will be balling with him again later on in dunman. yeah, my alma mater. going to try out their indoor bball court.
oh yah, was surfing the net few days ago and came across this sketching software.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
distractions aside. olympic is real nice to watch. freaking hell lots of new world record. nice!
anyway, due to the weather, i didn't go running and bballing for the past few days. well, olympic and studying played a part too i should say. but nvm, after tml, more or less back on track.
for olympic bball men's gold medal match. it was quite exciting eh. dwayne wade carried the team off the bench during the first half when kobe and lebron were in foul troubles and kobe sort up stepped up and sealed the deal when the game was on the line during the closing minutes. score? 118-107. a mere 11 points lead.
photos from the games against argentina and spain.

enough of olympic. lets plan for tml. first thing first. i can't slp at 12am eh. too used to slp-ing at 2 or 3am. and fuck, i have a paper at 9.30 in the morning. hahahahaha. nice one.
as for the 7 hours break. think i'll be going home bah. get some extra slp and then go back down. nice plan? maybe.
thats all bah.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
still on schedule, but i doubt half of what i studied went in. but then again, maybe more than half of what i studied went in. hahahaha. but nvm, i'm a fast absorber. that'll help i guess.
went bballing on monday on my own again. same old shooting routine. nth much.
usa is in the basketball men's semi finals. they smoked australia despite having some troubles in the first quarter, ending it with only a 2 point lead. kobe scored a game high 25 points. sweet dude!
some photos next.

ok. better study now slacker. get ur ass up and study, ass hole.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
well, highlight reel for the game was provided by kobe, lebron and wade. not at all surprising. but it was jason kidd who caught my attention for some plays. he wasn't as good in scoring as the other 2 point guards for usa, chris paul and deron williams. but i can say he's way better in passing and more knowledgeable than the 2 of them. his one hand bounce pass to kobe was woohoohoo. passed it more than half way up the court and directly infront of kobe for a perfect slam dunk in such a swift movement.
captain for team usa i think and hasn't lost in any international games in his life. thats a great achievement man. wonder why he hasn't won a nba championship ring. lousy teammates? maybe.

team usa aside. went to sch for like a record breaking 35 minutes of tutorial. was quite sianned when lesson ended. 67 cents gone for nth. hahahaha. slacked in sch, accompany kang jie and deirdre to photocopy their stuff, silicon lab and 10 minutes walk home.
went bballing. spent most of my time training up my shooting. was talking to peng jie the other day and asked him how to train on shooting. start from directly under the rim, shoot until u have 20 shots in, take one step back, continue this until u reached the spot u want. sounds reasonable. so i used that method and trained all the way until behind the 3 point line. time taken? 1 hour plus. atfer that, trained abit on my driving. its been deteriorating since i started to focus on my shooting.
played 2 on 2 with some guys for 3 sets. won 1 and lose 2. too bad. my teammate for the second and third set sucks to the core. defense sucks totally. don't want jump, don't want run and don't know how to defend. maybe its my fault too huh? but not bad, my stamina show signs of improvement since i lasted 3 straight games doing all the scoring, rebounding and defending. =)
game 2 was the most ai wan. practically carried my side on scoring and defending and lost 10-11. of the 10 points, i got 9. sad sad sia.
ok lah. this is getting boring. everyday talk about bball. i think everyone sianned of it already. hahahahaha.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
hmmmm. went running ytd. didn't run really fast. had trouble breathing and my knee wasn't reacting correctly. most prob due to the bball session on monday.
team usa had a 3-0 record for olympic currently. pretty nice result for the redeem team. as for kobe bryant. hmmmm, i think he was off for the first 2 games. if not, i think i'm absolutely capable of entering nba. lol! wanna know why? for the first two games, he had a total score of only 21 points, shooting 10/27 from the field and 1/15 from 3 point range. thats like pure jeremy lim style to shoot that lousy. hahahaha.
but for today, he showed us why he's the current nba regular season mvp by being one of the two top scorer for usa when they were in trouble against greece. lol. i think he only performs when usa is in deep shit. enough of typing. photos for now.

ok, enough of kobe bryant and the olympic. but thats all i have to say for today. lol.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
lazy to really elaborate on the events. so guess i'll just do a summary on them.
friday, 2pm up to 4pm - sch as usual. ob was bored as usual too.
friday, 4pm up to 6pm - slacking away.
friday, 6pm up to 11pm - got ready to go out. met up with ky, jm, justin, jj, jun liang, annabelle, kelly and winnie to go eat mix fried together for dinner. ehub for pool and arcade after that.
friday 11pm up to saturday 7am - met up with nigel and samuel. then went for course national day bbq. stayed overnight there. slacked, talked, played lame games, taught nigel and samuel how to play bridge, lastly, formed my own band with nigel, weixian, soon xiang and audrina. still couldn't come up with a band name though. but lets just say, slowly think of one bah. band name leh, important sia.
saturday 7am up to 4pm - got home, bathe and then get some beauty sleep.
saturday 4pm up to sunday 3am - got ready to go vivo after i received a call from chung lim. met up with ky and then went down to cityhall to get his board shorts. then down to vivo. chung lim, winnie and maisie were watching money no enough 2 when we reached so its down to adidas to get my kobe bryant jersey. =) after that, bought some food and drinks and went to 3rd level to slack. played dai di, talked cock, watched ky and winnie show down, camwhored and then took last 65 bus back to tampines. walked the girls home. covered like half of tampines man. power.
saturdat 3am up to now - bathe, sleep, slack and did last minute work for business stats.
took only 2 photos ytd. the rest are with maisie. will post them here when i get them from her.

Friday, August 08, 2008
alright, whats happen has already happened. lets just spend another 15 minutes after this lor.
anyway, ytd marked the end for all projects. jap role play was funny throughout. all the groups were pretty good. and now, 1 whole week of slacking before exams and then, end of 2.1. fast huh?
i passed my btt. not bad. pretty easy. finished it in like 10 to 15 minutes and was the first to leave the room. shiok eh.
went to tampines to meet up with ky. had dinner, walked around tm, freeloaded at times, planned for the gathering later on, spoke to kelly, planned on a trip to vivo and home sweet home.
thats all for now. gonna spend another 15 minutes on the reflection again. lesson learnt, better copy the whole chunk of reflections before i submit.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
hahahahahaha! ignore those bullshit. but hell, i really drank coke. shit. guess i'll have to really chiong running tml and stick to drinking plain water, ice milo, vitasoy and peach tea. lol.
anyway, my slippers god damn snapped during bus stats tutorial. and shit it, i had to walk around sch and even walked home with that stupid slippers. felt damn stupid, especially when u are walking down the stairs! can't tahan it anymore when i reach the bus stop before the market place and took 293 home.
bought a new scientific calculator already. my sis bluffed me that it'll be lesser than $20. tio, my ah gong selling arh. it cost $21.85 man. and a new pair of slippers cost another $21.90. good, big hole in the pocket now. but thats common.
oh yah, ge wei practically owned the class for bus stats by scoring full marks. respect eh. thats god like man. hahahahaha. i wasn't that bad also. half marks from getting 100%. monster kill! =)
ok, i know i should be slp-ing now. but erm, sch starting on 1pm tml so what do u think? hmmmmm. guess i better go slp bah, can slp more i guess. lol!
night peeps.
Monday, August 04, 2008
went running on my own ytd. wanted to run 2 rounds but ran 1 instead cause my throat was filled with phlegm thanks to the sore throat i had one to two weeks back.
whole day was spent at home being a good boy. ok, good boy isn't the correct term cause i didn't do anything good for my mum other than gl-ing her as usual.
psp for almost the whole day. dude, thats the shit! i can't get to slp man. been sleeping at 2 to 3 am for the last 2 days. well, lets hope counting of sheeps will help. how many meh meh jumped over the wall? sounds familiar. lol.
need to get myself a new scientific calculator soon. my sis is starting sch on tuesday and i've been using her calculator for bus stats all the time. well, can't blame. i have violent nature. hahahahahaha.
oh yah, i always forget to blog about this. my sis is working as a tutor. teaching those small nursery kids english and abacus. good money ok?
my mum asked me to join also. its not that i don't want eh. me teaching english is so wrong. imagine those kids speaking like an ah beng at their age. power! hahahahaha.
i wanted to teach accounting though. but who the fuck will learn accounting at that age? waste my talent. lol. so, who needs an accounting tutor? lol! i'm kind, patient, nice and lastly, i'm a genius. lol! ok, enough of bullshit.
its time to count meh meh. bye peeps.
i’ve got a way to work this out,
i’ve got a way and you know how.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
1. lunch with parents.
2. memorised jap role play script.
3. studied for btt.
4. played psp.
5. dinner with ky and jm.
6. movie with ky.
7. pooling with ky, jm, peiren and jingwen.
8. arcade with peiren, jingwen and her younger bro.
9. pop corn with ky, jm, peiren, jingwen and her younger bro.
lol. nice eh.
been playing retro games like dragon warrior monsters on my psp thanks to soon xiang. now there's reason for me to play psp. can play gameboy colour, game boy advance, playstation 1 and psp games. power!
anyway, dragon warrior was like my childhood man. practically spent to whole of pri 5, 6 and sec 1 playing it.
box art for dragon warrior monsters.
watched money no enough 2 with ky. its pretty much ok bah. not what i expected it to be. watch it only when there's nth else to watch. thats my verdict.
movie poster for money no enough 2
as for projects. the current status is as follows.
organisational behaviour [x]
principals of marketing [x]
open technology and business systems [?]
introduction to japanese [?]
x - done.
? - not done.
from here onwards. it'll be camwhoring photos with nigel, samuel and anton. too bored while doing some projects.

group photo 1.
hahahahaha. weird face i have there.
samuel the fat ass.
hahahahaha. male boobs.
the two wise dogs and the lovable care bear.
brothers from another mother as quoted by nigel.
this is my ob and marketing leader acting like a retard.
retard act #2.
then my otbs leader decided to start acting like a retard also. looks kinda cute though.
hardcore gay.
thats all. sayonara.