1. lunch with parents.
2. memorised jap role play script.
3. studied for btt.
4. played psp.
5. dinner with ky and jm.
6. movie with ky.
7. pooling with ky, jm, peiren and jingwen.
8. arcade with peiren, jingwen and her younger bro.
9. pop corn with ky, jm, peiren, jingwen and her younger bro.
lol. nice eh.
been playing retro games like dragon warrior monsters on my psp thanks to soon xiang. now there's reason for me to play psp. can play gameboy colour, game boy advance, playstation 1 and psp games. power!
anyway, dragon warrior was like my childhood man. practically spent to whole of pri 5, 6 and sec 1 playing it.
box art for dragon warrior monsters.
watched money no enough 2 with ky. its pretty much ok bah. not what i expected it to be. watch it only when there's nth else to watch. thats my verdict.
movie poster for money no enough 2
as for projects. the current status is as follows.
organisational behaviour [x]
principals of marketing [x]
open technology and business systems [?]
introduction to japanese [?]
x - done.
? - not done.
from here onwards. it'll be camwhoring photos with nigel, samuel and anton. too bored while doing some projects.

group photo 1.
hahahahaha. weird face i have there.
samuel the fat ass.
hahahahaha. male boobs.
the two wise dogs and the lovable care bear.
brothers from another mother as quoted by nigel.
this is my ob and marketing leader acting like a retard.
retard act #2.
then my otbs leader decided to start acting like a retard also. looks kinda cute though.
hardcore gay.
thats all. sayonara.
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