woke up at 9 plus today to go to sch just for one fucking ob lecture. pretty much ok for me bah, just that i wasted today, weekends are meant for slp-ing man.
while slacking around at home, espn was broadcasting the nba playoffs, i was all the more reluctant to go to sch. last 6 to 8 minutes of the playoff match up between the east number 1 seed boston celtics and number 8 atlanta hawks. hawks were leading and its in the clutch time! the most exciting period of a game.
but i still went to sch, this shows how much self control i have, lol. according to samuel, 40 plus out of the whole 106 of the cohort turned up. pretty nice attendance for a weekend lecture. seriously. the morning lectures for ebm used to have even suckier attendance, worse was dbis lectures. lol.
lunch at cs with wahid, chin wee, samuel, ruixin, audrina, deirdre and jenny. sat there planning for the bit orientation for the freshmen. ok lah, pretty nice activities i should say.
second part of this post. photos of our glorious ncc days again. this time, its lauzh's compilation once again.

national day, the day where most of us officially wore the ncc uniform for the last time.

group photo.

shamir dropped his beret and we witness it.

random shot.

pumping for us as we witness the incident.

all the way down.

nth special, we were used to it already. used to do pumpings all the time even when the roads were scorching hot.

part d 06.

ee hong and liang hao.

shamir pumping.

then after the cca award if i'm not wrong, its back to the new block to get ready for our final master parade and change of command ceremony. that's jun liang with his part a and zheng hong with his part b. they were discussing something.

while i starting the hentak kaki battle with my part c.

they were still discussing their stuff when the battle started.

our usm.

me inspecting them.
count buddy count buddy left foot count.

don't look elsewhere during hentak kaki!

ppl gathering around to see the battle that i started.

during master parade. my part c. standard ok!?

usm, asm and then part b ic.

in class.

the four musketeers of 4e 06. those havoc times.

during ncc dinner.

during graduation ceremony.
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