so, ytd was valentine's day and today is total defense day. nice right? happy total defense day to all! lol. lame sia.
had dinner at cartel with ky, jm, chung lim, vanda, winnie, maisie and kelly ytd. not bad. was enjoyable. jiao weis as usual. as for sch, well, gave debbie sis a sunflower together with wahid and gave wang zai a rose cause he kept on asking for it. lol. i'm not gay arh, i'm still straight. lol.
lazy to type. photos will do the talking.

the bouncers for the com lab. no one can enter when there's presentations going on.

see the shoe? its from macbeth clothing! omg. and chin wee didn't know its quite branded and expensive cause he got it for free while working.

had nth else to do.

come on, i'm sure u have way better things to do other than slp-ing during valentine's day. even i also nv slp during lecture.

chin wee the bouncer.

wahid the cia officer.

jeremy the emo kid.

they asked the both of us to take a photo after i gave wang zai his rose after bugging us for almost the whole day. lol.

i'm straight. he's not. lol!

edited the emo photo abit.
thats all dudes.
if i could find you now,
things would get better.
we could leave this town
and run forever.
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