bbq on saturday was great. although afew peeps failed to turn up in the end, the remaining ones made it super fun. yeah, as usual, there were entertainment provided by our entertainment specialist, lky. to make up for the previous bbq which i did not help out in bbq-ing, i decided to spend most of my time bbq-ing. hahahahaha. the chicken specialist which is me improved on my bbq-ing skills. annabelle the big boss woman rated my chicken wings 4/5 and chicken fillets 4.5/5. power! but of course, in order for me to put my bbq-ing skills to good use, there must be a good fire starter, in this case, the fire specialist is sir kwa! as for jj, he's the jiao wei specialist as usual.
during the bbq, we camwhored and took spastic photos, played dai dee and cheat, scared the shit out of jw 4 times, talk cock, suaned each other and laughed like crap. the reason why we laughed like crap is because of jw. how can someone be so dumb to get scared from the front. worse, she got scared by ky while she's bullying him. lol.
left at around 3 or 4 in the morning. before we leave, we had our own campfire like always. simply burnt away all the rubbish.
bbq aside. sch-ing was pretty slack for the past few days. after the projects were done, i'm starting to slack full time and don't have the mood to do tutorials or whatsoever. yeah. slacking to the max. first sign of ultimate slacking? i simplied studied 1 hour for my psycho test. and during that one hour, i was hugging my bolster and dozing off all the time. so if i can get good grades for my psycho test, it only means one thing, i'm a genius! hahahahahahaha!
up next, some photos taken while sch-ing.

that's all. gonna watch some movies now. will post photos taken during bbq when i got them from sir kwa.
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