somewhat chiongster week yo. lol. ok lah. only for 2 days. met up with jj, jm and joy for dinner at geylang. lol. strictly a "j" outing. lol. dim sum. nice! went to the 7-11 nearby the shop to get some change. spent like eons inside. that damn outlet only has like three 50 bucks. lol.
iron man 2 with brothers on sat morning. midnight show. the movie was nice but ending was abit fast.
samuel bday celebration that night. tonned over until the next morning. shagged as hell.
ok. now. long overdue photos of our ubin trip.

subway for breakfast. nice start eh.

the guys.

people who have been to ubin lots of times.

lol. she looked like she has nv been to ubin.

lol. another one.

lol. pros come prepared. red bull ftw.

the jetty.

nice bargain for bike rental right? lol. before u even reach the first quarry, u see mr yap liao.

waiting for the rest.

group photo.

and it is on!

encountered a lycantrope on our journey.

the quarry.

so, we are here...

and vanda's here too.

laughing at winnie taking out the lycantrope.

the guys again.


the girls.

go go power ranger!

doing those classic power rangers pose.

and off we go again.


downslope. see winnie so fast.

stopped because we saw a swimming lizard.

then winnie's bike broke down.

fixed in seconds by jm.

off we go again.

random shot.

stopped at the resort to lepak.

relax yo.

enjoying the moment.



mai xiao xiao. this guy's a legend.

talk cock session.


went there so many times, now then know its name.

our rides.

power rangers again.

nice scenery.

jm getting ready for his time attack.

winnie while waiting for jj and i to finish our time attack.

jm looking at his time attack cloverfield alike video.



brown belt.

slacking by the beach.

the girls.
peace yo.
ok done. gotta rush off for driving lesson.
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