school started, been somewhat busy, quite a few project deadlines to hit at the end of this month. 2 words, "holy shit". lol.
am planning to get all of them done and over with by 20th nov. ky told us that that day will be he's unofficial closage to he's pretty much f-up jc life. and from then onwards, i expect more excitement in my life, pretty much something like how it was way back in year 1. lol.
oh wait. its november already!?! wah fuck. time really flies. seriously. its feels like january was just a few weeks back. lol.
hmmmm, lets see, ok, finally started taking my driving lessons with jj's dad. 1st lesson was real fun. his dad's a good instructor. nth much except doing left turns repeatedly before finally doing right turn once before ending the lesson. next lesson's next wednesday. pretty big gap between the lessons, hope i don't lose the touch.
been training intensively on bball lately as samuel's like finally on track. no need to supervise him so much and can move on to do my own training. hahahahaha. ever seen someone geting all exhausted just by picking up the ball? samuel was! prolly due to me rattling shots and having the ball flying in all directions. lol. noob shooter i admit ok?
been running with ky and jm on a weekly basis also. mostly fartleks. didn't really start training because of napfa which is next week. we just wanna run and keep fit. its their passion to run and i just go and run with them because i love hanging out with them. somemore its the only chance we get to see each other nowadays due to our hectic lifes?
so napfa's next week. am pretty cool with it except for chin ups. more than 10 chin ups for 5 points. my record one year ago was 16 and now? barely 6 i think. didn't focus on chin ups for the past year because of basketball. and come on, who will train on chin up for no good reason? lol. it was different during ncc days. its in our pt routine, cannot escape one. lol.
hmmmm. honestly speaking. this blog's really quite dead. its a real wonder that some ppl still visit this blog. i don't even come here on a daily basis anymore. its like more of a weekly thing unless i wanna visit mark hoppus's blog which i forgotten the link and was too lazy to favourite. lol.
so major project technical proposal presentation was last week? took a group photo because the lecturers said that they need a group photo for every group or something like that. ended up spamming quite a few.

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