shall start from thursday. sch at 1pm, 2 hours break and project discussion with anton until 6. was about to meet up with ky, jm, jw and gwee but went home. they said that they were going down to ehub, so might as well go home first and wait for them.
plans to go to ehub was cancelled but they were planning to meet up and drink. yeah. they plan to finish jm's vodka which was left with 200ml. met up with ky at tampines interchange. took bus 81, sir boarded half way and went to look for boss at the pasar malam. went to buy drinks, kope cups and ice and went to look for the girls.
they drank and some got slightly drunk. played dai di, talked cock, made noise and kena booked by police before going home at around 1 plus. walked home with jm and ky. ky said that he was alright but i wasn't convinced so decided to walk him to somewhere near his house.
why wasn't i convinced that he's alright? well, he was holding a cup filled with vodka mixed with f&n cherry when we left for home. by right, he finshed the whole cup of vodka. however, by left, he only drank half of it and the rest was spilled onto the floor unintentionally on the way back. if u were me, you'll send him home too. lol. cabbed home after that.
4 hours of slp before heading back down to sch.
after close to 2 years in tp, i finally found locker 182. lol! so gonna rent it. blink 182 all the way.
hang around free access lab while waiting for boss and jm. lunch with them and then walked around tp for ccn day. lesson learnt, don't sit down in the canteen during ccn day, its like being sitting ducks. open for attacks by those "promoters". oh yah, was walking around when some of the promoters called us brothers.
jm: i hate those ppl keep calling ppl "brothers" when selling stuff.
me: how come?
jm: tell them, know us 4 years or go ncc with us for 4 years before calling us that.
lol, nice one man.
anyway, boss left for class and jm came to my house to play assassin's creed. waited for boss's lesson to end and ended up playing bball near my house.
won 2 match quite easily. 11-3 and 11-5. for both games, i had a total of 10 points and 7 blocks. lol. well, the 2 teams we played with weren't exactly weak, remembered having troubles playing with them in the past. its just that on friday, everyone was doing the right things.
justin wasn't with us, so everyone was trying their best to rebound to limit our opponent's to only one shot and increase our chance of getting another shot when we missed.
before we played those matches, i was teaching both of them how to do proper layups. told them not to attack whenever they had the ball, instead, survey the situation and only attack if they see a chance to.
for the first match, was leading all the way so wasn't feeling much pressure. peiren and jm did a good job in defending their guys.
second match was abit more exciting. we were trailing initially. i missed all my first 3 shots. missed 2 jumpers and blew one lay up. was down like 0-2 before jm and pr sank one shot each to help us even the score. my turnaround jumper off jm's screen gave us the lead and we nv looked back. was leading 8-2 before they closed the gap to 8-5. jm hit 2 shots, one off my assist before i sealed the deal. lol.
nice one lah. jm and pr make good tag team man. hahahaha. the way pr asked for assist is damn funny.
went back to my house to wash up before going out to meet ky, jw and gwee.
on the way to meet them. we were talking about our big win. i told them, in this transition phase where everyone is learning and picking up knowledge together, we'll tend to lose alot of matches. but nvm, lets try out as many things as possible so we can improve. as most when things go wrong and we are losing, we know there's still me. i'm not very good but i'll try my best to keep us in the game for as long as i can.
dinner with them and then we parted ways. jm, ky and gwee went to meet up with vanda for pool. i met up with samuel and went to suntec with him.
he wanted to see his priscillia who was at dunman's prom. so drag me to go down with him. bo bian. he asked me out on wed but i couldn't make it so i promised him that i'll accompany him on friday. nice one. nv tell me he was going to clash a prom and i wore like i was going sch. lol!
on the way there, we ended up talking about sec sch life.
me: seriously arh, i tell u, the best days of my life was during sec 3 and 4.
sam: same.
me: no worries, go sch just for fun, tired jiu slp.
sam: yah lor.
me: dnt, brothers, jiao weis, pranks and huan lohs. that's the life man.
sam: best of all, isolated behind the class by mrs vijay.
me: yeah man. hopeless till that extend.
sam: yah lor. wen jie, u and me, 3 musketeers. actually it was 4.
me: including jj.
sam: yah lor! but vijay want to save him so put him infront. but jj is the one who don't want to be saved and everytime we kena blame when tio tai ji one.
me: hahahahaha. we are like, since vijay want save jj, then let her save lor. at least jj still got hope.
sam: yah lah! then he everytime come find us play. so not we drag him. lol. he come find death with us one.
me: yeah. haix. sometimes when i'm free. i sit back and think back about the past. great life with great bunch of brothers. too bad. things can't stay that way all the time.
sam: how come?
me: first is dk, then its wen jie and u, then liang hao and some others. its good that everything was alright with dk, but its not the same anymore u know?
sam: oh.
me: when u look back. u kinda blame urself for letting all these happen. kinda blame urself for the inability to prevent all these.
sam: that's life, you got to accept this and move on. at least u tried when things went wrong.
me: well, thats true. so what's left is the make to most out of the rest of us i guess.
back to main topic. had alot of cock ups actually. prom was on the third floor and we went until 2nd floor only. lol. forgot there was another 2 convention halls at the corners of the 3rd floor. sms-ed and called priscillia. its either slow reply or nv reply at all. called mrs vijay for help but she was having maternal leave. called mr lee and he was in india. that explained why the operator was speaking with an indian accent.
i was giving that uber sianned look and samuel asked me to lighten up.
me: i'm having muscle-ache. i'm tired. i'm bored. i'm hungry. i'm dressed like an ah beng and i'm clashing a prom looking like an ah beng. you think i can still lighten up?
hahahahaha. so after like 1 hour of hanging around. we finally found the place. sam saw his girl and we chionged to ehub to meet up with the rest. wanted to talk to mr lee, but he's in india. so too bad lor.
was telling samuel that wasting time around suntec was worth it as long as he's happy. hahahahaha. next time i need help like this, better come accompany me also.
reached ehub. they already stopped playing and was about to go home. gwee missed her last bus. so ky asked his bro to send her home while jm and i took bus no. 3 back to tampines. reached home at around 1 plus 2.
slpt until 2 ytd. and 10 minutes after i woke up, ky called. gonna meet gwee soon again. hanged around compass point until 6 plus and went home. was going to meet up again, but ky had dunman anniversary dinner. don't know what time he's gonna be free and gwee didn't tell me that she was alone. so ended up telling her to go home. lol.
enough of typing. visuals now.
jm reading newspaper while waiting for me to wash up after bball.

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