haix. nth to do so post the 93 sketches i converted. good idea to waste time. playing online poker with ky now. damn addictive. hahahaha.
fondest memories. photos aren't in order.

slp-ing during lecture. my expertise.

kobe bryant. watching him dunk is an out of this world experience.

that crazy night at justin old house. study? not quite that.

working out while the brothers in jc are studying.

stylish shot of justin in sentosa.

carefree times with brothers at sentosa.

ncc days. spastic times with spastic ppl.

chocolate buffet with ky, annabelle and kelly.

sunset in ubin. pioneer trip there with wenjie, ky and samuel.

hahahaha. me, ky and wenjie. remember the fucked up stayover there? heavy rain, no proper shelter and no blankets.

1st presentation with this bunch of jokers for sem 1.2.

in the toilet doing stupid things like saying, "i saw!".

cny 2008 at jun liang's house.

doing what he does best, getting high and spastic.

last day of sch in dunman. knew this brother since day 1 of sec 1. shui boh?

the previous 4.

after the trip from marina. climbing a tree outside tampines mrt station.

went to esplanade for the firework fest.

gravity defying.


acting emo.

itchy legs.

fooling around on travellator.

hahahaha. like this also can get high.

current 4.

our favourite hand sign.

ky, jm and justin's interest.

during army open house.

like i said before, don't use these to quench thirst. and they are good for curing sore throats.

during chalet.

with the divers during singapore air show.

bit ig on ccn day.

temasek poly clique.

way back in sec 4 i guess. ncc dinner.

during one of the 4 ubin trip. most likely the third one. jj vs ky in the tent.

hahahaha. like i said. favourite hand sign.

ae86 to travel around ubin.

slacking during study break for o levels.


celebrating my bday when we were in sec 4. we may be poor back then but who cares?

during ncc dinner.

part c 2005 and part d 2006 that i trained.

my usm trying to act like a insane nerd.

gaying each other.

hahahahaha. smart ass. no wonder kena sack by student council.

group photo on my bday.

lau zheng hong the hongster.

ncc veterans.

slacking in vivo during o level study break.

waiting for ky to finish up his o level bio prac.

sec 2 orienteering competition team.

hahahaha. spastic act by me.

usm showcasing his brothers.

trying to act macho.

nice one lah. taking off his pants in the water. should have ambushed him.

showing off.

brothers and close friends who went to sentosa.

thats me.

double burial for ky and jun liang.

on the tram to siloso beach.

sir kwa trying out a sniper rifle.

master sergeant lee using a machine gun.

staff lim trying to act like an ah beng soldier.

with the pilots during singapore air show.

master lee during singapore air show.

caught slacking.

optimus kwadon. walking home from tp together.

current 4.

mirror mirror on the way. lol. thats gay shit.


the elite team that i trained for orienteering competition.

elvis sizing up my part c.

way back during sec 1 or 2 under the leadership of shamir.

valentine's day 08. all alone. lol.

after filming for pom project.

slacking after work with sir.

ky getting high during career guidance.

my grandpa's bday.

after jm's clt poc.

the warrior, the ah beng and the samurai.

joshua too indulged in faking to be a samurai.


execution style 1.

execution method 2.
"you where not happy?"
he should be studying.

but we ended up fooling around.

sir kwa watching us doing our shit.

brothers back to back during prom night.

with our discipline master.

with kelvin tay. maths genius in dunman.

ncc brothers who went for prom.

with mr tan aka ah gua tan. lol. he was too soft spoken but a pro for dnt woodwork. he, same as mr lee, vomited alot of blood when teaching my class of slackers and crappers for dnt.
thats all.
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