photos from the first day of 1e05 chalet. gonna make this a fast one. jj's waiting for me to play dai di online.

starting the fire.

shifting the charcoal.

after that, we shifted the pit.


chin wee and arvind acting gay.

girls' power.

look like a couple right?

3 of my teammates.

hahahaha. all acting gay.

preparing the food.

jenny and audrina.

our project group without debbie sis. it would be way more fun if she's there.

acting cute.

nice effect.


wahid with another 2 girls.

these 4 can cause havoc man.


the chef.

see. the girls are eating while the boys are cooking.

team leader and printing aunty.

chef in action.

still eating.

year 1.1 group leader and 1.2 group leader.

class bonding during class chalet.


want some otah?

wahid and farah.

it pro and my team leader.

full time fire starter and part time cook.

raisin pie and nuraini.

raisin pie and farah.

group photo.

setting up for the clip.

nuraini and farah.

wahid with the princess from china.

head cook and assistant cook.

playing games.


presenting our cook.
ok done. dai di now.
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