Tuesday, February 27, 2007
was suppose to meet justin at mac by 1 pm then meet up with kelly and her friends to watch a 1.45 pm movie. norbit to be exact. i was late. met up with justin at 1.15 i think. lol.
on that day, i was being pranked by some bugger who lives in my block. and i think that bugger lives on the 12th floor. it went like this. i was about to take the lift down to the ground floor and the lift came. i stepped inside the freaking lift and saw that all the buttons were lighted except for no. 12 and 13. there are 15 floor in my block. even if i wanted to reset the freaking lift by pressing all the lighted buttons, i don't have enough fingers to do it. so i had no choice other than to walk down the stairs. damn it. since i moved in during 2003, i did not walked the stairs before. don't let me catch that bugger playing with the lift again, if not i will let him know the taste of free falling from the 12th floor.
that bugger aside, norbit was nice man. its freaking funny. eddie murphy really is pro shit. anyone who haven't watched the movie yet should do it straightaway. its nc16 i think, so too bad for ppl under 16. but u can have a fun time trying to sneak in though, century square's cinema is quite slack.
after the movie, justin and i accompany kelly and her friends to do some shopping before everyone went home. me on the other hand sent kelly home. then we sat somewhere around her estate and talked for like 2 to 3 hours. lol. its nice man, to have a gf who can talk so much with u, have so many common interest with u. lol. after that, sent her to her doorsteps then went home myself.
friday. went to play basketball during the afternoon with yande and justin. purpose is to remove the ball rust that accumulated during the holidays and to kill some time. wah. long time no play, really useless liao. but after 2 hours of trying, finally managed to remove some rust.
play team matches with some fellow bballers. played 3 sets. lost the first set. won the final 2. score was 6-11, 11-3 and 11-10. depended mostly on yande. sharpshooter mah. lol. as for the final set. we were losing initially, then tagged with yande to turn the table around. lol. nice one.
went home to bathe and think of a great excuse to sneak out during the night time. purpose? to send kelly home after her night study. reason being that i was worried about her safety and wanted to spend some time with her.
during the night lessons, mrs neo ordered mcdonald's for the whole sch. kelly didn't ate her mac chicken and so we delivered it down to justin. lol. justin. ur two disciple nice ok? send u burger at night. but the burger doesn't look like a burger when it reached justin. all thanks to kelly. lol. so funny. she forgot that there was a burger in her bag and sort of flattened it.
after delivering the burger to justin. walked all the way home with her. then sat somewhere and continued talking for awhile before i sent her to her doorsteps. lol. same routine, went home myself. but continued talking to her on the phone while i was on my way back home.
anyway. made quite a big mistake on that day. so sorry darling. won't do it anymore. lol.
saturday. met up with justin and jun jie. kelly and justin was right. i was late. lol. by 9 minutes only. meeting them by 12.30 pm at mac. turned up on 12.39 pm. but we still reached dunman by 1 pm ok. just in time for the dnt class gathering.
lol. y the gathering? mr lee huan leng said that if the whole class did greatly for dnt during o's, he will blanjar us pizza. so justin planned everything out. everyone turned up except for mei yi, debbie and sam. mei yi was sick, debbie didn't want to go and sam overslept. lol.
had fun talking crap with those slackers and mr lee. lol. after that, played bball in sch. navin, justin and meng kean against jun jie, hadi and me. we won. lol. i thought that it was impossible to win and we were losing at first. but jun jie scored some crucial points in the final moment to save our team. hahahahahaha.
after that, we went to mac and met up with ky. and we were on our way to bugis kuan yin temple to pray. its nice man. to have 4 brothers praying together. lol. i thanked the god for blessing me for the past year. asked the god to bless my families members, brothers, some close friends and kelly with good health and a smooth year. also asked for a long lasting relationship and 8 points for kelly for her o's. lol. y 8 points leh? let me explain. justin my master got 12 points for o's. me, as the first discpiple got 10 points. i outdone my master by 2 points and so kelly, being justin's second disciple, will outdo justin and me and get 8 points. lol.
after that, went to og and saw liang hao working there. lol. from there, we went parco. justin wanted to buy a pair item for kelly and me. but we don't know what to buy and so walked to the building with the famous parklane wanton mee and ate dinner. lol. after that, we walked to plaza sing and met up with kelly. walked around for awhile and then decided to go home. sent her home once again. hahahahahaha.
after that, rushed back to tampines to meet up with ky and slacked. went to coffee bean and saw xin yi working there. lol. was damn surprised. ky said since he dragged me to pei him and slack, he will blanjar me. lol. ordered 2 pure chocolate and decided to slack there until 12 plus before we went home.
sunday. met up with ky and went to gym to train. wah. after that, my chest muscle were aching like xiao. hahahahahaha. but its a good thing lah. trained for an hour or so before we went to mac and have lunch. after that, i went home to bathe and get a change of clothes before going down to bedok rservoir to meet up with justin and kelly. justin was teaching kelly a maths and i went down to learn too. for the sake of jc h2 maths. damn it. lol.
after we were done, kelly and justin added wine to my coke. lol. i refused to drink it because i need to send kelly home. we went to play bball for awhile. lol. suck to the core man. lost momentum. lost touch. lost 2 matches. lol. played bball with 2 prosters. lost 2 sets. 11-8 and 11-4. lol. after that, send kelly home then went to tampines mall. called and dragged ky out from his house and pei me go coffee bean to slack. wanna drink the pure chocolate again. this time, i blanjar ky. hahahahahahaha. went home at 11 plus.
monday. woke up at 10 plus to go for my knee appointment at changi general hospital. lol. found out that the cause behind my knee pain is that my leg is not strong enough. i don't quite understand the details. after that, they send me to do physiotherapy to strengthen my knee. lol.
then went to meet up with ky and jm for lunch. then i went to meet up with kelly to spend time with her. she was with annabelle and her friends. haix, after i get into jc, i will have no time for her. so need to spend some quality time now. then they need to get a bday cake for their friend. so went to look for one with them. hahahahaha. after that, sent kelly home once again. kept her company and talked to her before going off to meet ky and jm for movie.
watched just follow law. not really nice, its full of crap. and as usual, jack neo's film have sucky endings. lol. after that, jm left and i had dinner with ky.
reached home. thought about jc and poly. now, i'm stuck again. don't really know if jc is the best choice for me or not. haix. heck lah, see how the jae goes. if go jc, then go jc lor. poly then poly lor. but dk told me, i may not be able to go jc science stream cause i nv took a maths in secondary sch and h2 maths will be quite a chore for me.
today. woke up and ran an errand for kelly. went to take the cake they ordered for their friend and went to dunman to hand it to her. lol.
came down with a flu today. hahahahahaha. kelly said that its withdrawal symptoms cause i nv went out with her today. lol. went home to self study a maths and rest. talked to darling on the phone while she took the bus home. then went to slp again. be her alarm clock but she woke up one hour later. lol. piggy sia. hahahahaha.
think thats all bah, need to go to dk house tml. hope that it will be fun.
i'm on another planet with you.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
the grand stairway in the hotel. nice right?
random photo taken by annabelle.
hahahahahaha. fulltime bodyguard and part time maid.
centre: roses. left: kelly's shoes. top left: ky's shoes. top right: justin's shoes. right: my shoes.
sugar rush!
privilege of becoming annabelle's bodyguard. =)
dipped the fruits and tidbits into the choc fountain and this is what u get.
us. the clique that went to test out the buffet.
the head of the bodyguards and our employer.
twisty guard and twisty mate back with their twisty post.
ky and kelly. close friends since sec 2.
need i say more? =)
master and disciple. megazord and ultraman. spammer and crapper.
once again. 3 years brothers back to back.
the big boss woman and her sworn sis.
the roses that we gave the girls
this is the only photo is have on the sch's bazaar. lol. colour of the day. brown!
first off. woke up at 1 plus. my mum woke me up. cause my relatives coming over. need to serve them. just as i was bathing, they reached liao. they were my auntie, uncle, cousin, cousin in law, 2 nephews and one maid.
ok. they had lunch at my place. then these 2 nephews of mine, were quite cute lah. the older one is damn clever. i think he age 5 only, can read finish one book on dinosaurs liao. he like dinosaurs mah. wa, the dinosaurs' name so long and crappy, he also can pronouce. child prodigy. clever clever. then he had this special bond with my sis, and kept on bugging her to read with him. so good game, my sis had to read with him. hahahahahaha. while i enjoy the food and freedom.
the younger one was havoc. forgot his age. but one crappy devil i tell u all. he likes electronic stuffs, preferably with numbers. so can u imagine, he took one brick games hand console, my gameboy colour and house telephone to play with. omg ok? he play until sian liao, throw the stuff one hor. the brick games console was his first victim. good thing, i don't play it. my mum is the owner. she uses it to kill time at home and prevent herself from becoming senile. lol. next, he took my gameboy colour. saw it. no comments, he want spoil, go ahead. i don't play gameboy liao. wahahahahahaha. at least he spoil it, i know what to do with my gameboy. throw away lor. lol. then my house phone. i was watching tv and helping my mum out, then i turned around. saw him playing with the house phone. wah, good game. respect arh. ultra violent. he unplugged the phone ok? pro.
then suddenly, i realised something. he was sitting beside my computer table. and on my computer table, was my hp. still charging. in other words. my hp was beside him! hp is an electronic device. have numbers due to the keypad. and he was playing with my house phone. if he plans to upgrade. my hp is equals to gone case again. just repair only. so i sneaked up to the table. and took my hp. heng arh. he nv saw it. so after that, i continued watching tv. then i turned around again. my cousin was lying on the floor, playing with the brick games console. laughing to himself. lol. quite cute lah. hahahahahaha.
then. my mum decided to give him toys to play in order to save our electronic devices. she took out some cars. not attractive enough. u know what she thought of doing? she looked at my gundam model kits! then i stared at her.
me: "don't ever think of sacrificing them. they cost alot ok?"
mum: "i know lah, if they spoil. u confirm kill me one."
after that, she went on to take out my old lego toys. attractive enough to distract that little devil for awhile. he opened the box. took out one lego toy. and threw it on the floor. imagine if the lego toy was one of my model kit. my heart will stop pumping man. then that devil play until sian liao.
ran into our rooms. i was thinking to myself. "go ahead lor. i nth to huan loh about. my bro hp in the room. he should be the one worrying."
then i realised something again. i have my ps2 and my bass in my freaking room! omg. my ps2 not that important. but i forked out $300 plus to buy it ok? then my bass! omg. jia lat arh. pia to my room. good thing my cousin went along to stop him. if not i will cry until i die. hahahahaha.
then he went on to my sis' and parents' room. lol. went along to make sure that everything is fine. lol. havoc sia that guy. after he played finish with my lego. all scattered one. if they were my model kits. i go ki xiao arh i tell u. took so long to build nicely. then destroyed within 30 minutes by this devil. hahahahahahaha.
after that, my relatives left. then i prepare to go to ky house for gathering and steamboat liao. alot of ppl went. dong kai, jun ming, jun jie, justin, kelly, annabelle, wai kit, jun liang, elvis vanda and me. before i left. i took 2 mandarin oranges and stuffed them into my pants' pocket. lol. lazy to get a carrier. anyway sidetrack here abit. this is what ky smsed me the day before ytd.
chu san (3rd day of chinese new year) after steaming, we go watch movie ok?
i went stunned ok? lol. the word steaming is so crap lor. lol. then i reply him back.
watch movie is ok. but after steaming? we think we watching porn at ur house arh? steaming.
lol. so crap lor. but its time like this thats fun. lol. anyway. back to topic. took bus no. 27 to s11 to meet up with ky. went to shop and save to buy some stuff for the steamboat. so as i had planned with kelly. we will announce to our close friends that we are together ytd. kelly already told her close friends liao, including elvis and vanda liao. so i told ky this.
me: "eh brother. i got something to annouce. since u my closest bro. i tell u first before i announce to everyone."
ky: "what? u and kelly together arh?"
me: "wth. i haven't say u know liao arh?"
ky (stunned, with eyes almost popping out): "wth! i was just passing a comment and its real arh?"
me: "yah lah."
ky: "u die liao. today u are our target. no mercy. 3 years brotherhood aside for today. anyway if u want announce. i be mc, since i am the host."
me: " good lor. was thinking about it also."
not bad arh. brothers for 3 years. really know what's on my mind. after we got everything. met up with justin, jun liang and wai kit before going to ky house. damn it. really no mercy. kelly haven't come. they already suaning me like xiao liao. lol.
sry lah. i know i used to say kelly and me won't be an item one. but that is to stop u all from interfering mah. u all know i quite easy to get psycho. and i did get into a crappy and full of shit relationship because of this psycho-ing. so i said it in order for kelly and me to take everything regarding us in our own stride. lol.
so went to ky house. wanted to bai nian to his parents. but they not in. so we in turned bai nian to ky since he was the host. we starting playing. ps2 and psp. any game consoles we can find. burnout revenge is damn nice. won one round, lost one round. lol.
then elvis called and say they reaching. but don't know ky's unit. so i went down and fetched them. saw kelly. and strangely, i don't feel awkward and shy at all. so after we reached ky house and waited for annabelle to arrive before ky announced about kelly and me. wah, very formal ok? ky stood on a stool and announce. lol.
after everyone except dk arrived. we went ahead to start the steamboat. kelly and vanda was full so they nv join in. we ate, crap and suan each other before dk came and join us. after awhile, i decided to go out with elvis to pei the 2 girls. those buggers locked us outside the kitchen. lol. so slacked with kelly and vanda. after that, we need to buy movie tickets. so the 4 of us went to century square to buy the tickets.
11 tickets. $93.50. nice hor? jm nv watch. need to go to his grandma's place. lol. anyway. watched protege. 9.45 pm show. the time back then was 6 or 7 plus only. so halfway there, the girls were hungry. so we went to long john silver to enjoy some personal and quality time together. lol. kelly and i helped elvis and vanda to get together. lol. fun.
then went back to ky house at around 8. they were already gambling liao. at first i went in. saw wai kit, jun jie, jun liang and annabelle gambling with money. here is an extract of our conversation.
me: "wah steady, play with money arh?"
all: "no lah, all these money are jun liang's one. we acting only."
lol. they super lame, super crappy and most importantly, super high. lol. so the 4 of us sat down on the couch and watch them play. i went into ky's room and dk is playing com games. justin was playing his psp. then i went into the kitchen, ky was doing housework. then he was wearing this apron. so funny lor. then i called kelly to come and see. ky immediately went to hide. lol.
after ky was done with his housework, dk, ky and me played dai di. did bet lah. but not with money. loser drink the beer only. lol. 1st round. i heng heng win. ky lost. so he drank up. the mouthful of beer we drank will be decided by the amount of cards left by the loser. lol.
after that, vanda joined in. elvis watched her play while kelly watched me play. wah. kelly really is my lady luck. lol. played 6 rounds. won 4 rounds. hahahahaha. kelly and i combined forces to win 1 round. lol. worse part? ky finished 2 cans of beer in the 6 rounds. lol. then the final round, kelly said that she needs to keep some luck for o's then immediately after she said that, i lost that round. lol. cool sia.
9.45 pm liao. elvis not feeling great so decided to go home. so we asked joshua out to watch protege. joshua had something on in the evening so can't join us. lol. walked to century square again and started watching the show. and some ppl were sitting in our seats by mistake. so dk told them this.
dk: "eh, u all took the wrong seats. ur row is infront. here is ours. can't u see that 2 of our members no place?"
the some ppl: "ok sry"
dk: "thanks arh. dumb."
lol. so guai lan lor. hahahahahahaha. anyway, protege was nice. nc16. got a gore scene when a police had his hand hammered off with a hammer by a drug producer. lol. hugged kelly throughout the movie. happy. =)
hahahahahaha. after the show. its 11 plus. so we all went home. planning to send kelly home. wanted to take bus no. 28 to her house then take cab home. but vanda's last bus left. bus no. 3. so we took cab and sent vanda home first. then sent kelly home. after that, i went home. lol. crap. kelly slpt on the cab. she was very tired. somemore she has sch today. hope she won't slp in class. lol.
nv been so relaxed and happy in a long time. brothers and close friends meet up and slacked. spend quality time with my girl. better, she can mix around with my brothers nicely. no need huan loh liao. hahahahahaha. like that best arh. hahahaha. happy happy.
lol. got home and saw master's post. he said that he's in indestructable mode. lol. so i am using kelly's method of countering him. as taken from addidas' slogan. impossible is nothing. so? as for master. nothing is indestructable. indestructable is nothing. and i said that i wont guai lan u when u have a girlfriend yourself. u come and "tio" me right? so next time. no mercy also liao. don't blame me. i seriously don't want to gl u. u started my flames with the "tio" u said. so goodluck, have fun. =P
think that's all. meeting ky at 4 pm after his work today. go crap. anyone interested?
lets make our relationship last.
i will give in my very best.
Monday, February 19, 2007
i had a very boring day ok? omg. i nv liked chinese new year. go visit relatives. then sit down there and listen to adults chatting happily away. don't ask me what about my cousins and so on. i seldom talk to them. i am antisocial. wahahahahaha. no lah. we all no common topics. so seldom talk. even if i do talk to them, they also just give me one word reply. instantly sianned ok?. imagine lah. u open your mouth then hope to start a conversation, then they just reply u like u aren't there. fine lor. kena before liao. so now just heck them. don't talk better. act like got golden egg in my mouth. hahahahaha.
long time since my last jeremy poon jiao wei show liao. don't know when will i find the source of creativity to start another poon jiao wei show. haix. super sad lor. always thought of what to crap about when i'm on the bed. trying to slp. but forgot everything when i woke up. xiao liao lor, i suffering from serious memory lost liao. anyway to help arh? if not i cannot slack and study liao. if my brain now got prob. i good game. this brain of mine is the only organ thats performing to a decent standard ok? if it go haywire, then i really jia lat.
oh yah, as i was saying just now. my master. i was online. then saw master online also, decided to talk to him and asked him about he's luck ytd. not good. visit his blog to know everything in details. u will love his post. he's a pro crapper. anyway. master found out 4 answers to the question i asked in the previous blog post. question is more or less like this. "do i look like an ah beng?" his 1st reply. i'm imagining things. 2nd answer, those ah bengs and ah lians wanna recruit me. 3rd, the ah lian finds that i'm good looking. pui! and lastly, the ah beng is a gay and finds me attractive. double pui! lol. crap.
very god damn bored now lor. later going to relatives house again. cannot stand it. i prefer the steamboat party at ky house on tuesday. brothers and close friends all there. crap, eat, slack, jiao wei and more crap. lol. not bad. 3 years brothers with ky. first time go his house during new year time. steamboat somemore. am so looking forward to it. lol. hope everyone won't part and forget each other after we went to embark on our different journeys in life. haix. sad. just like ky said, we may see each other on the street someday. then stop for a quick chat to update each other. then bit farewell with us promising each other to meet up someday. which is bullshit, cause we know very well, we may not even see each other ever again after the chanced meeting on the street. haix. thinking too far. hahahahahaha.
evergreen! omg. hahahahaha. i remembered this finally. ok. evergreen is the name of one kind of hamper in noel that justin and i used to prepare for. guess what? justin father brought home an evergreen hamper on chinese new year eve lor. omg. fate man. hahahahaha. master, wanna go back noel work? production stops on 28th this month. =x
yah. before i forgot. wanna do something spastic by the end of today. gonna count how much money i got from my relatives. then divide it by two days. then by hours that i spent visiting my relatives. then count one hour i earn how much.
omg. so god damn guai lan. hahahahaha. but have nth to do at home mah. plus the idea didn't come from me. hear it somewhere, but forgot who said it liao. damn crappy lah. remember was so obsessed with our work that time. then came up with this crap. so decided to put it into use. hahahahahaha.
u all don't say i money face leh. cause at home seriously sian. so trying my best to occupy myself. if not go back to gaming. get hooked on by it. good game. no need study liao. its hard to stop gaming ok? takes alot of self discipline to do it. the ps2 controller was so sexy back then. feel like touching it all the time. hahahahaha. think thats all liao lah. master, should be honoured that i wrote this crap post for u just to put ur crap here. hahahahaha.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
shall update from the time i reached home from fullerton hotel. lol. i don't know if its sugar rush or its the coffee, but i had problem trying to slp. went to slp at 2 plus in the morning and was awake all the way until 7 plus. damn it ok? for the 5 hours plus. i was like rolling and turning in my bed. wanna practise bass but noisy. wanna play games, will disturb my bro. wanna call friends and talk crap, but i thought everyone was aslp. but actually, ky and jm was awake until 3 plus. they were talking on the phone. lol.
so at 6 plus, had nth to do. decided to be alarm clock. sms small girl and crapped with her for awhile. then went to slp. finally.
woke up at 12 plus. slacked all the way until night time. watched anime, played games, practise bass. anything i can find to keep myself occupied. then finally, ky smsed me at 8 plus. asked me out to accompany him to eat dinner. damn it ok? my mum thought ky and i were both gays. walao. true lah. guys going out on valentine's day together may sound abit suspicious. but we are both normal guys who definitely have interests in girls. so don't worry, my mum. hahahahahaha.
went to kfc. i practically sat there and stared at ky while he ate his dinner. lol. thought will be just meeting for dinner, but we ended up slacking all the way until 11.30. as usual, went to tm and cs to walked around. it has become a routine. go tampines interchange, die die must go that 2 malls liao. nvm lah. well, what can i say? we don't have the feeling the chinese new year is around the corner. don't know why too. weird. walked around then decided to find a nice place to talk, crap, discuss stuff and ultimately, slack.
went to buy otahs and drinks, went to the interchange's telephone booth just opposite mac to slack. talked for more than 2 hours, no breaks, no stoppages, just continous non stop talking. we talked about our lifes. our future. our ambitions. how to make it big in this world. how to be rich. what is love. what is life. what is this. what is that. everything and anything under the sun. or should i say moon? cause is night time when we were talking.
was planning to go home at 10 plus. but we got to know that annabelle is taking bus no .65 back from orchard. so decided to wait for her. then ky escort her home. anyway, we don't feel like going home too. lol.
while talking to ky. i told him i had this weird feeling. that something good is going to happen to me and fill up the emptiness that i'm feeling. and i told him i hope that it will be fast. cause i can't take it anymore. lol.
also. ky and me noticed something. do i look like an ah beng? tell me. if yes. i no comments. if no. then freaking hell tell me why ah bengs and ah lians are always staring at me!?! board bus they stare. alight bus also. don't stare at them, they also stare at me. stare at them, they too stare back at me. walk around, they stare. sit down, they also stare. damn u all lah. keep staring at me for what? i look like an alien is it? omg. haix.
crapped all the way until annabelle reached. then we parted and went home.
as for today. woke up at 12 plus. then need to wake my siblings up. need to go down to my grandma house and my parents were already there liao. wah. now then i realised that my sis is so hard to wake up lor. must call her alot of times.
today's trip to my grandma house was just like other typical visits to her house. the only thing that makes it quite different is that we went there to eat reunion dinner. halfway through, our cooker spoil. so bo bian. have to stop, can't continue. lol. damn the cooker. so from there, watched the best bet on tv. damn funny. full of crap. jack neo. power.
today something special and nice happened. i'm happy. think thats the end liao bah.
8, 9, 10, 14 and 17.
i won't forget today.
17th feb 2007.
Friday, February 16, 2007
as i mentioned, woke up to meet ky and justin to run an errand for kelly. justin joined us because he wanted to buy a psp, change his jeans and had nth to do at home. so met kelly to get her belt and we were on our way. went to far east first to change justin's jeans. too bad, he's was the last one. so he choose another design. after that, went to funsquare to buy justin's psp. he bought the japan console which is blue in colour and two games. gundam sd generation and initial d street stage. total up $508. ky, sad hor? urs china console. lol. no samsung screen. hahahahaha. from there, crossed the overhead bridge and went to pacific plaza to help kelly change her belt.
too bad, she wanted a large size but they only got small size. so we called kelly and asked her what we should do. she spastic lor. wanted us to see if there was an extra large size or not. lol. should see the face of the shopkeeper man. totally dumbfounded. so bo bian, had to change design. so we chose one for her. after that? brothers time. went to dhoby ghaut to eat the famous parklane wanton mee.
lol. after eating, we were walking to sim lim square to take bus no. 23 and we spotted something. here is an extract of our conversation.
we were walking by the road and saw alot of japanese tourist taking a tour in the trishaws. we walked past them and i saw this figure which walked like mr rudy.
me: "eh ky, that bugger look like rudy leh?"
ky: "its him lah, dumbass."
me: "impossible. what's rudy doing in a place like this."
justin: "really is rudy lor."
i took a closer look. really is mr rudy. was wondering what he was doing near sim lim square. look around. the building thats under construction beside us looks familiar. so we look at the sign board and it reads "lasalle sia".
me: "laselle? whats that?"
justin: "eh dumb. art school."
me: "no wonder! sound so familiar! new site. but what's rudy doing here? he's part of the project?"
all: "jia lat! confirm collapse."
lol. we were crapping arh. mr rudy won't be that lousy one lah. i was once his dnt student leh. if lasalle really collapse, then dunman dnt students all useless liao wor. hahahahahahaha. but lasalle beside sim lim square. abit weird. the environment not really nice lor. but! everyday got parklane wanton mee to eat! also not bad lah.
so we took bus no. 23 back to tampines. kelly called me the moment i board the bus.
kelly: "where are u all arh?"
me: "we on bus liao. very fast one."
yah right. it took us 45 minutes to reach tampines man. kelly and winnie waited til peng. hahahahahaha. anyway, justin alighted the bus halfway when it reached bedok reservoir. after we met kelly and gave her the belt. ky and i walked around tm. valentine's day really power. tm and cs were crowded with ppl man. we combed finished both buildings within one hour man. steady arh. and we did shop and look around for stuff. not just casual window shopping ok?
after that, went home. was 9 plus. ate dinner. talk crap online. watch anime. go slp. end of my valentine's day 2007. =P
ytd. woke up at 2 plus. could have slpt til a later time. but my mum woke me up when she was vacuuming the floor. vacuumed my butt. lol. slacked around for awhile then decided to practise my bass at around 2.45 pm. finally after so many days.
memorised the tabs for all the small things and the rock show. can play all the small things liao. but had problems with the rock show. its harder. so i need more time bah. played until quite pissed, but bo bian. i'm a noob.
practised all the way until 5.30 pm before i went to prepare for the buffet outing with justin, ky, kelly and annabelle. met up with justin first while ky met up with annabelle. bought two roses. one for each girl. then met up with ky and belle. took train to bedok and kelly boarded the train. lol. played initial d on justin's psp while on the train. kept mentioning that i am the "che shen". ki xiao. that's crap.
took the train to raffles place and walked to fullerton hotel. lol. we went there to try the chocolate buffet. wahahahahahaha. its nice lor. everything also choc. now i scared of it liao. its quite expensive. $40 per person. woohoo. but worth it.
so we went in. sat down. and decide who to give the girls flowers. in the end, justin gave kelly the rose and i gave annabelle. lol. i'm her twisty guard mah. so i should give her. wah. i ate one round. then peng liao. not in condition. so played initial d again to digest the food. annabelle and i shared her second round. after that, all cannot tahan liao. sugar rush at first. was damn high. after that, no strength liao. after effect of sugar rush. so we sat there and crapped.
after that, walked to esplanade. then went home from there. took train to bedok and alighted there with justin and kelly. we planned it this way. ky will send annabelle home. justin and i will send kelly home.
so as we planned. we sent kelly home. erm. walked her home to be exact. lol. crapped all the way. then i walked justin home, before taking cab home. my mum was damn pissed by that time. as it was 00.00 am. reached home, full blast jiao wei at her again. escaped scoldings once more.
thats all liao. photos next time after i got them from annabelle and kelly. go slp liao. =)
all i need is a simple life.
a nice home.
a happy family.
a good job.
a nice and loving wife.
and 2 children.
nth more than that.
crap. =x
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
and so, kelly. if u are seeing this. u should be pleased that me aka ultraman/ ur personal small boy and ky are helping u to run this errand. should cherish these two nice bodyguards of ur jie, annabelle. hor? twisty mate. we so nice. specially come out on valentine's day to run errand for u. =P
shall blog about ytd. woke up at 8 am. purpose? to look for nanyang and saint andrews jc together with joshua, ky, wai kit and justin. and know what? thanks for the great amount of fruits my father forced me to eat the day before. i had a serious stomache in the morning. i bombarded my toilet 3 times before going out. and bombarded mac's toilet when i reach. xiao lor. i ate mangos, kiwis, red apples and green apples. wah. all thanks to the fruit baskets my father received while he was in hospital. i told my brothers and justin told me that it was a good thing that there was no bananas and papayas. if not it will be worser. lol. totally agreed man. anyway, we wore dunman sch uniforms there. it feels quite weird man. to wear dunman sch uniform after such a long time.
so after we ate our breakfast, we took bus no. 22 to nanyang jc. its all the way in serangoon. the bus trip there took us around 45 minutes. wah. thinking about it. i need to wake up quite early in the morning everyday. but nvm lah. back to topic. alighted the bus and walked like another 30 minutes around the sch trying to find the main entrance. basically, the sch is not bad. the environment is damn nice. i like it alot. just that it's abit too cheena. but nvm lah, i'm a chinese. walked around the sch and examined its classroom. nice man. and it has 3 basketball courts! better than dunman man. lol.
after that, took mrt to potong pasir to visit saint andrews jc. well. what can i say? its quite far bah. lol. we walked past saint andrew sec then finally reached sajc's side gate. before reaching the side gate, the jc was playing some christian songs. i'm a free thinker, so i was freaked out by it at first. hey, don't be mistaken. i am not trying to be a racist here. anyway, the guard at the side gate asked us to go in by the main gate. so we walked one big round to the main gate. and u know what? the guard don't allow us to enter. so bo bian lor. go home. walked another big round to look for bus no. 23. josh led us to walk one big round. lol.
wah, seriously, just the thought of walking to and fro from the jc to the bus stop everday twice made me totally sianned. cause we need to cross 5 consecutive traffic lights. don't know how to explain, but its damn dangerous. if we walked that route for 2 years without being knocked down. we are truly blessed man. lol.
so from there, we took the bus back to tampines interchange. the trip lasted 25 minutes. not bad. so we planned to go to ky's house to register for our institutions. i made a trip back home to get changed before going to ky's house. so justin and i made our choices while ky made his by ytd night.
lol. justin, ky, wai kit and me put nanyang jc as our first choice. nice man. 4 of us going to sch together. wahahahahahaha. anyone wanna join in?
so after that, we went to meet jm at tampines mrt station. and went down to heeren. had our so call lunch plus tea break there. ate pontian wanton mee. lol. weird huh? these few days, ky, justin and me were like trying out wanton mee. after eating, i went to 77th street to get this black ring. $12. not bad. from there, we walked around heeren until we meet up with kelly and annabelle.
from there, we went to cineleisure to shop. did nth except crapped all the way with everyone. was damn high at that time. reason being, my hp was revived. i can sms ppl again. i got a ring. i'm in a good mood. lol. after that, the girls went off to buy their own stuff whereas we hang around orchard. went to wisma, ky tried out this red long sleeve tee at topman but didn't buy it. he said it's weird. so we went to far east. annabelle met up with us. kelly went home. ky bought a converse low cut there. i bought socks. then we continued. justin bought a jeans while i bought a black pants. hmmmm, u ppl must be thinking y i keep on buying black stuff right? first reason. i like black alot. i like the sense of mystery it emits. the silence of the dark. the sexiness it brings out of everyone. the calm and cool feeling it gives me. second reason. annabelle said that since i'm her bodyguard. i should look like one. so i inferred that i need black pants, black tees, black long sleeve shirt, black jeans, black shoes, black socks and black ring. lol. man in black. then we saw this black blazer. ky and annabelle ask me to try it on. wah. not bad leh. look like those mafias. lol. so annabelle ask me to buy it. then will look like a complete bodyguard. will consider it after chinese new year.
after i bought my black pants, we returned to tampines and ate dinner in century square. its already 9 plus 10 then. had nth to eat. so anyhow buy some beef noodle to eat. annabelle did some shopping there and we all went home.
reached home, saw my hp. was damn happy. lol. but got one hell of a scolding from my mum. she said i spent to much money. sianned. so i blast my jiao weis at her again and calm her down. power of my jiao weis! lol. anyway. said that will be having a special buffet with ky today. but we postpone it to tml. will be eating it with kelly, annabelle and justin. tml is total defence day. lol. so will let u all know what this special buffet is tml. lol. think thats all liao. talking to justin online now. going to entertain him for awhile before i go slp. errands later on.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
like we planned, we met up in mac by that time. so from there, we slacked full time. at first, i tried playing dota on justin's laptop. but there was no mouse thus making it damn hard to play. in the end, i became damn sian. so justin and i watched some anime while ky tried out his new psp game. initial d street stage. did that for almost 2 hours before we decided to change seats.
at that time, we ran out of anime to watch and ky was stuck at a stage for quite a long liao. so justin, ky and me tried to win the stage and help ky to proceed in the game. in the end, it took ky and us 3 hours to break the stage. lol. i was the one who won the stage. hey ppl, if u think we are noobs, try playing the game yourself man. ky just bought the game, so we needed time to get used to it. plus all of us were rusty after not playing games for such a long time. and lastly, we were using trueno ae86 against nissan silvia s14. damn ok. its like a scooter racing against a harley davidson motorbike. so after that, we proceeded to the next round and got ourselves stuck again. lol.
it was 3 am in the morning, and kjm met up with us. jm stored the movie borat in his mp3 so they watch it. although the movie was nice, ky and i didn't pay much attention to it. for whole span of the movie, the both of us tried our best to win the stage. this time we took much lesser time to win the stage because its the same racing map. just that this time, its in the night and its raining in the racing stage. i was the one who won the stage again. this time, its trueno ae86 against nissan silvia s15. lol. like what it is like in the movie, although ae86 is slower in speed, but i win during sharp turns. lol.
but the last stage we played for the day was ki xiao. cannot win at all. ae86 against mazda rx 7 i think. forgot the name. its like a bicycle racing against a moto gp bike man. nv catch up with it at all. so we decided to play the time trial to unlock some performance upgrade parts. played time trial all the way. was the record holder for most of the maps. so i named myself "che shen", god of racing. lol. crap.
drank some xo during the stayover and went to ky house at 9 plus in the morning to get some stuffs. returned and talk crap, played games all the way until 11. while slacking outside mac with jm, we saw josh and he joined us for awhile. after that, jm went to cut his hair whereas justin, ky and me went to some playground near century aquare to slack. ended up drinking the vodka that justin brought along.
we each drank a cup of it and went bonkers. reason being, we were all hungry and the stomach absorb the liquor faster. secondly, we were tired and thus were unable to resist ourselves from becoming drunk. and finally, we finished the cup of vodka in one gulp. we most probably won't go bonkers if we drank the vodka sip by sip. so jm had to take care of the 3 of us. and u know what he did? he tried to wake me up by slapping me. so we got high and played at the playground until 12 plus before going to the coffee shop near dunman to eat lunch and try to freshen ourselves up.
after that, met up with elvis and kelly they all and returned to their class to slack again. slacked til 2.30 pm before going off to the sch hall to receive our results. my heart was pumping like crazy all the time and the moment i got my results. i was totally stunned. i cannot believe i had done better than what i expected from myself. i mean, i was slacking throughout the span of the study break and o's examination and i did better than i expected. so i concluded, i had mastered the art of slacking and everyone too, should believe in the power of slacking just like what justin, ky and i did. its good to treat major exams seriously but don't overstress yourself. u won't perform to ur normal standards. lol. i'm quite satisfied with my results. anyway, here are my results.
my targeted result
english - b3
chinese - a2
e. maths - b3
combined humans - b4
combined science - a1
poa - a2
dnt - a1
l1r5 - 14
l1r4 - ???
my o's result
english - b3
chinese - a2
e. maths - a2
combined humans - a1
combined science - a1
poa - a2
dnt - a1
l1r5 - 10
l1r4 - 8
so after that, we decided to play lan. so khai yew, justin, jun ming, dong kai, jun jie, jun liang, joshua, wai kit and me went to cityhall to play lan. play cs, i was totally not in the form, kena tok like xiao. was the noobest among everyone. lol. nvm lah. after that went home and showed my mum my results. she was shocked too i think. lol. they too, nv expected a slacker like me to do so well. anyway, i was happy at first but now, the joy has faded. lol. weird. still feel empty inside. lastly, ky lost his cam. most probably lost it when we were drunk.
ytd. went to sch at 9 am for the sch's bazaar. so met up with ky, justin, liang hao and josh. the bazaar this year wasn't very nice. quite boring. no dunking machine. but there is a substitute for the dunking machine set up by elvis' class. so we went straight to elvis class' station right after we bought the coupons. ky had fun throwing sponges at elvis whereas justin and i enjoyed the show.
stayed there for awhile then went to mac to eat lunch. yanling is working there. anyway, the yanling here isn't the one from dunman 4a. so i asked ky if i should help him to get yanling's hp number or not. lol. but after much consideration, we dropped the idea. jun ming failed to get yanling's number so if i go and take her number again. she will suspects that there's something wrong with us. lol.
after that, i went to the toilet. nature's call. so i entrusted my hp to justin. but he and ky played with my phone and it spoilt. was damn shocked. but nvm lah, what's done is done. so i played with the phone by sliding it non stop. the number 5, 8 and 0 fall off. so ok, now my phone is beyond hope. was abit sianned, cause no phone. then at that time was sms-ing quite a number of ppl. then if i nv reply them, they will think that i have attitude problems. but good thing, none of them replied. lol.
went back to sch for the teachers' special. kelly told me it started before my hp died, so we pia-ed back for it. met up with jm. and went to elvis class' station again. mr bernerd was the victim this time. as usual, everyone was so eager to play the hell out of him. ky joined in the fun again, while i enjoyed it. after that, we bid to throw elvis non stop for 5 minutes with 20 bucks. deal on. so we all went down and watch ky and justin play the hell out of elvis. but once the timing stop. elvis wanted revenge and took the whole pail of water and tried to attack ky. but jm and i foiled his plan by snatching the pail from elvis and pouring the water on him instead. lol. fun boh, elvis? lol. next time watch ur back man.
after the bazaar ended. ky and us decided to slack with elvis, kelly and gang. we had nth to do before the concert starts, so went to tm and cs to slack. drank vodka while we were eating dinner. i was abit drunk at first. but after that, i was sober. its just that my world was spininng round and round. but i know where i'm going.
returned to sch by 6 plus. the concert started. again, it wasn't as nice as last year's concert. the highlights this time was having mr bernerd and some other male teachers wearing dunman skirt and acting as cheerleaders. mr bernerd also appeared in the crappy desperate idol event. he was so sexy ok? damn hot man. lol. also, mr daniel lim was damn hulky and cool when he was jamming on stage. lol. if i am a girl, i will melt the moment he kneel on the stage at the end of the song man.
concert ended but we don't feel like going home. so decided to finish the bottle of vodka. jm didn't went for the concert, so we went to his house void deck to finish the bottle. none of us were drunk. annabelle drank two sips. then elvis, ky, justin, jm, liang hao and i shared the remaining. kelly didn't drank anytime but was busy filming everthing down.
after that, we parted. justin, ky and me sent annabelle and kelly home. took bus to annabelle's house. then went to interchange to take bus to justin's house. then we walked kelly home. the route was almost the same as the route i took to work at noel last time. after that, we walked back to justin's house. ky's brother sent me home. thanks arh. if not confirm die.
after i reached home. i had a war with my parents. reason? my hp. in order to cover up for both ky and justin. i told them i spoilt the phone myself. full blast my jiao wei at my mum. was winning at first until my father tagged team with my mum. they scolded me until i was damn pissed.
so went to slp with an angry mood. and was damn lost. no hp. damn sian. cannot sms ppl.
woke up today at 12 plus. my dad woke me up. went out to meet justin and ky before going to bugis to meet up with annabelle, kelly, winnie and benjamin. accompanied the girls to buy their clothes. annabelle bought this shirt with the words saying "i'm not spoilt, just well taken care of". and kelly bought another one saying "don't interrupt me when i'm crapping". lol. today outing was fun. but i'm not in the mood. was down with flu. was damn tired due to the after effect of the vodka. my knee was hurting and i got another round of bombardment by my parent's before i leave my house.
walked with them until 6 plus before we went on to buy our own stuff. ate dinner at the famous parklane wanton mee stall. and shop around there with justin and ky. wah, the model kit shop there was powderful. justin told me that he don't want his 1/144 strike noir model kit as the master grade version of it is coming out on march. lol. so the strike noir model kit will be my bday present from justin. lol.
went home by taking bus no. 65. wah. waited like 30 minutes for it. somemore the bus was totally full. good thing, there was a second bus which was rather empty. anyway, saw something close to a revolution while on the bus. ky and justin should understand. reached tampines interchange and walked home. lol.
reached home, almost quarrelled with my dad over the hp again. then was pissed by my current situation. eventhough i scored 8 points for o's after deducting my cca points. i really have problems going to jc. i didn't took a. maths during secondary sch. so will be having a hard time during jc if i go into science stream. but justin told me not to worry as he will chiong maths with me. lol. yeah man. only he knows how to teach me maths and can take my craps while i'm learning maths. as for poly, i don't even know what course i wanna take. i have no interest in anything. too bad. i'm like that. haix. will finalise my decision by tuesday. lol.
before i go rest. there are some ppl i wanna thank here.
first up. mrs vijay. wah, thanks for tolerating 4e 2006's crap and nonsense man. if u guve up on us. everytime won't turn out so nicely. thanks for pushing us all the time eventhough our slacking attitude is a pain in the ass.
next, mr lee. lol. thanks arh. put up with my crap throughout the year. sry for being so slack during dnt and made u lose ur temper. but can't help it. dnt quite sian. especially practical. so need to fool around in the tech room to destress. lol. thanks for pushing and encouraging us too.
mr tan. lol. thanks for helping me to do my dnt artefact at times when i can't handle it. ur theory lessons rocks man. was fun. the look on ur face when u were confused by our craps is so funny man. lol. although u abit blur and nag alot, but we know that it's for our own good. hahahaha.
justin, my master aka megazord. wah brother. thanks to u i got an a2 for e. maths. if not my l1r5 won't be 10. will be something like 15 to 17. good thing u taught me maths during the last month of sch. only u can explain everything nicely to me. also only u can take my crap and weird logics all the time. hahahahaha. jc also wil be depending on u for maths liao. so be preapred arh. =x
rc and eunice. thanks for the talk you all gave me when i was facing alot of problems with my life during the stretch of period from september to november last year. if i ain't for u two, i would have broke down liao. good luck to the two of u.
brothers. thanks for being there when i wasn't in the mood to study. thanks for crapping and slacking with me when i was not in the mood to move on. if it weren't for u guys, i think i won't be able to destress and will go bonkers under all the pressure. lets hope that we won't forget each other eventhough we will be splitting up to carry on with our own lifes. good luck in all your future endeavours. may all your wishes come through. as usual, got prob find me. anything that's within my capability to achieve, i will help u all.
lastly, should thanks my family members although they didn't help much during the period of time. but still, thanks for the encouragements and support. i'm down with flu. so i'm going to slp now.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
good news now. i can play all the small things from blink 182 with my bass liao! omg. am damn happy now. lol. i found the tabs online, printed them out, isolated myself on tuesday afternoon for two hours. kept on practising. then played along with the actual song. wah. kept up with the tempo and everything. was so stunned by my achievement man. lol. kept on playing to see if i was dreaming. lol. happy happy.
ok. went to hospital again ytd morning to see my dad. he just had an operation. extracted his two tooth that broke during the fall and the remnants left in the gum. haix. see him in so much pain, i also speechless. want to rest, but the pain won't go away. slp liao, the wardmate and visitors talk so loud. i was so pissed lor. wanted to screw them, but my mum told me not to make a scene in the hospital.
so after that, went back to tampines alone to meet ky and justin at 3 plus. wah, justin rebond hair really not bad leh. lol. comments? he look like the evil aizen from bleach. lol. either way, still look like aizen. made our way down to vivo straightaway. wah, was damn fun. went to best denki to look at games, hang around there for awhile, then decided to eat something. on the way out, saw this bass. so ky asked me to play all the small things for him to listen. i took the bass, switch on the amp and realised i forgotten the tabs. so i told him. lol. we all were damn disappointed. so sry man. when i really master the song. i mean master as in, can memorise tabs, sing along with the song, then i perform for u all to see. ok?
went to long john to slack. then decided to go challengers to look around. lol. bo bian. ky is an it gig. while at challengers, had nth to do, so decided to hang the computers there. ok. explain in details now. the com need some password to access, but if u typed in the wrong password. it will hint u again. so justin and i just keep on pressing the enter button and the coms went haywire. all hanged. after that, ran around challengers to update ourselves abit. wah, windows vista everywhere arh. lol. then i noticed this projector and x box 360. when to play the games. chose burn out revenge. wah. jia lat. we all stayed there for like one hour or more. taking turns to play that game. lol. highest record? ky. had 19 takedowns. next, me with 12 and justin with 11.
after that, decided to go newton to eat dinner. but before we go, ky wants to go some computers accessories shop to look around. so accompanied him there. walked pass best denki again. so i went, "eh, i don't believe i forget the tabs man. after ky finished looking around. we go try again." so like i requested, we went into best denki to try the bass again. but some prosters were playing drums and guitars there. they told me don't go over throw face. i agree too. so decided to go newton liao. then i noticed the x box 360 again. walked over and tested. got burn out revenge. so we each occupied a console and started playing. played for almost 1 hour again. lol. result. ky had the top record again. 27 takedowns, justin 20 and me 16. wah. conclusion. long time nv play ps2, rusty liao. became gaming noob. its a good thing for me bah. don't wanna be a hardcore gamer anymore. just play the games occasionally lor. lol.
then while playing, ky's colleague at tung lok want to meet up with him. so we went east coast to meet up with her. lol. don't think slant. the her here is a 30 over years old auntie. lol. so took train to eunos then switch to bus no. 15. while walking to take the bus, we came up with this crap theory again. lol. love do not have age gap, but love making do. lol. crap right? we came up with it. anyway, wakao. almost got lost. i was correct ok ky? lol. should have alighted at marine cresent. but we took the bus to marine parade. so spent one hour or so finding the damn place lor.
while walking towards the damn place. we talked about ncc again. how ky was prank. how funny dunman land unit was. lol. with a powerless usm. a blur and childish asm. one slacker staff sergeant with all his slacker sergeants. and two staff who were sai gang warriors. then after that, we went high. shouting, running, laughing and even holding hands. lol. ki xiao arh.
also, came to hear this bad news from someone. won't say in details. haix. just bear with it lah. i seriously no comments. but be happy ok? happy or sad, ur choice. ok? its not the end of the world yet.
back on track. met up with ky's colleague then talked crap until 10 plus. realised that we haven't eat so went back to tampines. on the bus, we planned on today's and tml's schedule. today, we will rest well. meaning slp whole day. then tml. we meet up in mac at time 12 am. planning to have another movie maranthon at mac. in other words, we staying overnight at mac, all the way until the releasing of results. reason? u think we can slp during the night time? no way man, slackers like us will be awake the whole night regretting for not studying. lol.
but i predict that my mum won't allow me to stay overnight at mac. so i plan to go and have a nice rest now. morning that time, full blast her with my jiao weis until she agrees, then go back slp and recharge my energy again. so that's all. and good luck ppl. hope everyone pass o's with flying colours. lol.
before i go, edited my previous post. it is due to ky's strong rejection about something i typed.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
hmmmmm. today post will be damn random and crappy bah. cause i had nth to do. my mum's taking a nap so i can't practise bass.
shall blog about ytd bah. took a day off from practising bass and went to ky house to have some sort of movie marathon. watch one last dance and night in the musuem. erm. ate alot ytd. hahahahahaha. 12 plus before i went out, had 1 and a half packet of dried mee pok. then at 3 plus, ate the nasi lemak that i asked jun ming to buy for me. but it turned out to be his lunch. lol. and 4 plus. we ordered pelican pizza. buy one get one free. i ate 2 slices of double cheese pizza and 5 to 6 slices of hawaiian pizza. lol. someone tell me i'm a glutton man. lol. i think i'm getting heavier. it's a good thing.
back to the topic. one last dance is damn nice. the way they talk is damn funny. should learn more from the movie. lol. the movie is quite confusing. alot of flashback. but we still managed to understand the storyline. as for night in the musuem. its quite nice, suitable for children. its not as nice as i expected it to be. maybe because i was very slpy when we were watching it. ate too much. lol.
anyway, like what i told dk ytd. ppl, whatever u read in this blog. keep it to urself lah. thanks alot for ur co-operation. i was just ranting man. can't even let me rant in peace? lol. i didn't do anything thats over the limit. just scolded someone who happened to say the wrong shit at the wrong time to the wrong person with a wrong attitude, which in turn, pissed me off. so once again, i seek ur co-operation. next time. let me rant in peace. thanks.
ok. thats for ytd. today? went to hospital like i said earlier. took my height again. 179 cm. grew another 1 cm. wahahahahahahaha. result of eating too much junk food. lol. so conclusion? junk food is good ok. help ppl to grow taller. lol. gluttons out there should agree with me man. but my grandma told me that i shouldn't grow any taller. if not hard to find gf. come to think of it. quite true leh. look at charles, so tall. like giant like that. buy clothes also difficult, need to custom make. lol. somemore take double deck bus, go top deck, need to bend down. so mafan. lol.
o's result coming out this friday at 2 pm. i'm abit nervous. didn't study much. practically slacked everyday. and worse, had this dream about me getting my results. damn it. my l1r5 get 20 points. lol. got a shock until i woke up man. wah. cannot lah. pls arh. give me good results. i swear i will be a good boy. lol.
tml going vivo with brothers. not all of them, but with those ppl who had nth to do at home. ppl like justin, ky and jm. think it will be a nice outing bah. all of us are full time crappers and slackers.
haven't plan any outings for thursday. but will be having another movie marathon on friday before o's result is being released. then meet up with kelly they all for lunch. then maybe after that mass lan again. or go hang around with kelly they all again. justin and ky will be bringing vodka along, but they won't give jun ming and me to drink because they are afraid that we will go crazy again. walao. relax man. only 40% vodka will send us crazy. u all think the two of us so lan meh? lol.
think thats all liao. and lastly, i haven't state my definition on being a good boy yet. lol. but i think i'm a very good boy liao. so if i get good grades. i will be staying the way i am now. =x
Sunday, February 04, 2007
woke up at 4 plus in the afternoon today. didn't know why, but i wasn't really in the mood to talk. it think it's because i am still blaming myself bah. also partially because i slp too much liao. affected my mood. was abit blur for the whole day. anyway, went to visit my dad at changi general hospital again. he is much better now liao. can discharge soon. hmmmmm. that's good.
after visting my father, the rest of my family went back to tm for dinner. was with my mother, so confirm eat food court one. lol. tm 4th floor food court. bought chicken rice from this malay stall. then i was still abit blur. i talked to the vendor in chinese. then i stunned. total lost for words. but the auntie understood me lah. lol.
nth to do, so decided to take photos of my model kits. lol.

gat-x105 + aqm/e-x03. strike gundam with launcher pack.
gat-x102. duel gundam original version.
mbf-02 + p202qx. strike rouge with iwsp (integrated weapon system pack).
freedom gundam with wings deployed.
freedom gundam in himat (high mobility aerial tactics) mode.
zgmf-x09a. justice gundam.
justice gundam on its fatum-00 backpack/ subflight lifter.
both freedom and justice gundam in himat mode.
zgmf-x56s/B. sword impulse gundam.
think that's all for today liao. lastly, edited 3rd feb post.

jun ming. i asked him to act cute.
jun ming in the trolley. the rest are his escorts. lol.
twisty bodyguard and twistymate back with their twisty pose again.
lol. nice right this photo? jun ming was initially covering his face with the prata.
need i say more? master and disciple. justin wants me to add this. he was trying to act like a robot (megazord), but stupid waikit take so long to take the pic, then face look like cock.
i rush in, asked ky to smile and this is what i took.
i was tired, so decided to slack awhile.
annabelle's turn to be in the trolley. she said that she was cold. so i placed her near the flames.
jun ming didn't know about this. lol.
nice looking chicken wings. taste nice also.
justin, annabelle, kelly and winnie.