Thursday, September 30, 2010
been a very long time since i went there to play bball. hahaha. training on bball really feels great. the swishing sound is really sweet.
6 months hiatus and the skill level is still there. of course, i do need to do some rust removal and my senses all not that sharp yet. but overall, quite satisfied with what i am now. expected myself to be alot weaker.
strength training accomplised via carrying of goods at harvestlink really paid off eh. lesser strength needed to shoot. get tired less easily also.
went running on sunday and worked for 2 days. training and playing of bball with jm ytd and i still got the strength to wake up at 6 plus today to go running. hoseh boh?
ok lah. got really bored at home thats why decided to blog abit. excited eh! after one month of waiting, new one piece chapter coming out either later on or tml. hahahaha.
planning to wake up at 6 plus again tml to go train on bball. =)
Monday, September 27, 2010
hahahaha. how true is that? epic. came across this while crapping with my colleague during work.
really like my work because of the ppl there. makes the work which is tiring as hell not so tiring. sad case, i'm gonna leave soon to rest and train up for ns.
pretty much one of the reason why at times, i prefer work that allows me to run around rather than sitting in the office. get a chance to run around and experience a whole different world with very interesting ppl. the kind of experiences and skills that you learnt from these ppl are really useful for life. no joke.
anyway, check this out.
bathe and slp. sounds like a nice plan. =)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
man b: i don't think so.
man a: i'm mindfucking you right now.
man b: you are?
man a: can you feel my dick fucking your mind?
man b: i don't think i can really feel anything.
man a: see, that's it. that's the art of it. i'm mindfucking the shit out of you.
man b: hope you're wearing a condom cause i got a dirty mind.
*awkward pause.
man b: that's a joke.
man a: it's no time to joke. mindfucking is not no joke.
lol. epic shit. go download get him to the greek. nice movie yo.
anyway. my freaking htc snap snapped 2 weeks ago. only went down to htc service center today. demanded for a one to one exchange. hope everything went well.
shopping with my mum and bro after that. broke as fuck right now. but thats ok. mum and bro are happy. thats enough yo.
went out with a workmate just now. wanted to play pool at ehub. waited for one hour still no table available. in the end went for supper and drove around in our company van. i was the one driving yo. did nth much but driving was fun. brushed up my skills a lil bit. =)
till next time then.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
lol. what an interesting concept. from my point of view, its pretty true. hahaha.
here's another nice fact. according to studies, with every relationship a person gets into, he or she will lose an average of 2 buddies per relationship. hahaha. cb, who so bo liao go do this kind of study?
anyway! had a very nice holiday outing with a few members of team18holdings. to me, brothers' gf aka brothers by extension are considered members of this great organisation.
went to jb. ate until we drop. the climax of the trip was my daytona duel with ky. lol. according to jw, we 2 are competing internationally in daytona.
2 rounds. sexciting to the max. its been a long time since i got so excited playing a game. was so excited that my hands were trembling and i felt abit giddy after that.
lost the first round by a car's length. lol. lost focus and drifting abit longer at the last turn. won the second one though. this time, its ky's turn to lose focus.
score check. location - singapore. jeremy 6, ky 1.
- malaysia. jeremy 1, ky 1.
anyway, we returned to singapore at around 7 plus. after which, i went to kallang/geylang to hang out with my workmates. dinner with them and then walked around geylang for awhile. they decided to go ktv but i skipped it. was too tired to hang out until so late.
photos as usual yo.
ok bye peeps.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
the coolest, funniest, most retarded, most guai lan, most fun loving ppl i know. my kind of ppl, my favourite ppl around.
i always believed that i could have been borned elsewhere, like in america or bangladesh and have a totally different group of ppl as my brothers.
but be it destiny, a twist in fate, a cruel joke by superior beings or anything else, i've become brothers with these shit heads.
ppl are looking for miracles all the time, but actually, miracles have already happened around them. seriously, with these many ppl in the world and u crossing path u those destinied few u cherish, its truly a miracle. go do the math. its hard finding just one, its fucking way harder finding so many.
seriously, there's alot of things i've regretted doing, but i've nv regretted the choices i've made which led me to anyone of them. and seriously, there's alot of things i would trade for something else like money, but not my bonds with anyone of them.
this is my lifestyle, this is my brotherhood.