i'm pretty sure the in my moment close to death before one piece is completed, i will be swearing something like, "fuck! i still haven finish one piece!" and i'm also pretty sure that if i survive death is partially due to me wanting to see one piece's ending. lol.
anyway, went to watch the hole 3d with ky. he won the tickets from dunno what competition and his gf cannot make it so he asked me out. nice one arh. lol.
from the title of the movie, i seriously thought it was a horror film. kao peh-ed him from the moment we met until almost halfway through the movie. hahahahaha. can't blame me arh. my balls don't like ghost.
he told me that the hole is g rated and the name is like not so scary, so its gonna be fine but i kept on saying, "fuck, cb. the ring and the eye also don't sound scary. in the end also horror film." lol.
that aside. first time watching 3d leh. quite song actually.

work until now has been both fun and tiring. spent the whole of last week in sim's new extension building installing the chairs and table for 1 of their 28 new lecture halls. cb. 1 lt takes around 1 week. 28 lt leh. go do the math urself.

oh yah, was working at sim ytd and the main comm of the project were organising the 中元普渡. so after everything's done, they distributed the fruits, drinks and food. cb fucking epic. those banglahs and indians chiong like they were hungrier than the hungry ghosts man. epic shit. i totally stunned when i saw the scene.
ok lah. at least logged one post for august. not bad also. ciao.